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Kobold Ruined

Jeremias Caotic Evil

3 Champion


16 0 9m
When you engage in two-weapon fighting,
you can add your ability modifier to the
damage of the second attack.



● +5 28


+1 ●
0 3
Beginning when you choose this
Longsword +6 1d8(1d10)+4 Sla
archetype at 3rd level, your weapon

attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19
Handaxe +6
1d6+4 Sla 20/60
or 20.



0 0 0

7 -2




+4 +4


12 +1

DRACONIC CRY. As a bonus action, you let out a cry at your
enemies within 10 feet of you. Until the start of your next turn,
you and your allies have advantage on attack rolls against any
of those enemies who could hear you. You can use this trait a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
KOBOLD LEGACY: DEFIANCE. advantage on saving throws to
avoid or end the frightened condition

Comum, Draconico,
● ●
● ●

● ●
9 anos 1,35m 30kg Sem o olho direito

Jeremias Amarelos Vermelha Nenhum No olho direito

Enfrentei o pior que um dragão pode Everything was going so well! You had a life of luxury, love, and
comfort when you suddenly lost it all. Perhaps you were
oferecer e sobrevivi. Sou destemido e framed for crimes you didn't commit and lost your reputation,
fortune, and career. Maybe a rampaging dragon or another
minha determinação é inabalável. monster wiped out everything you had in a single calamitous
afternoon. Or you might have sought out a Deck of Many
Things, hoping to make your successful life even more
glorious—only to draw a destructive card that changed your
destiny forever.
Se eu disser que consigo fazer Your desperation has driven you to the career of adventurer.
algo, então eu consigo fazer isso. You don't seek out dark dungeons and their monstrous
inhabitants for excitement and glory; you do it because every
other path is closed to you. But you have risen high on
fortune's wheel once before, and with luck and fortitude, you
could do so again.

Feat: Alert
Um companheiro me disse "Eu duvido" para mim
quando era mais jovem, agora eu vou mostrar o
que acontece quando se dúvida de mim.

Fala duvido pra você ver o que


Longsword ×2
Handaxe ×2
dungeoneer's pack
Chain Mail

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