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List View (Column + SingleChildScroll)

In Flutter, the ListView widget is a fundamental building block for displaying scrollable lists of items. It efficiently hand les
large datasets and provides a smooth user experience for scrolling through content. Here's a detailed breakdown of its
functionality and different use cases:
• Displays a list of widgets vertically by default, but you can configure it for horizontal scrolling as well.
• Efficiently renders only the visible items and reuses them as the user scrolls, optimizing memory usage and
Key Concepts:
1. Children: You define the list items using a list of widgets that ListView will render and manage.
2. Infinite List: ListView can handle an infinite number of items by providing mechanisms for on -demand creation
(e.g., using ListView.builder).
3. Scrolling: Users can scroll through the list to view all items, even if they don't fit on the screen at once.
Types of ListViews:
• ListView: The basic constructor, requiring a fixed list of child widgets. Suitable for small to medium -sized lists.
• ListView.builder: Ideal for large datasets. It creates child widgets on-demand as the user scrolls, improving
• ListView.separated: Similar to ListView.builder but allows you to add a separator widget between each item.
Example (ListView.builder):

itemCount: items.length, // Length of your data list
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(items[index].title),
subtitle: Text(items[index].subtitle),
• Efficient Scrolling: Optimized for smooth scrolling performance even with large datasets.
• Flexibility: Supports various list item types and layouts using custom widgets within the itemBuilder function.
• Scalability: Handles large datasets effectively without compromising performance.
Additional Features:
• Scrolling Direction: Control scrolling direction with the scrollDirection property (horizontal or vertical).
• Item Reordering: Enable reordering of list items using the ReorderableListView widget.
• Custom Scroll Physics: Define custom scrolling behavior using the physics property.

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