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Calle Santa Elena Mz K lote 3. Urb. Santa Ana - Los Olivos.

II BIMESTRE - SIMULACRO N° 01 (20 al 24 de mayo)

INGLÉS PREGUNTA 4 :What does “frightened” mean in


PREGUNTA 1 : ¿Cómo se escribe “atajo” en A) atemorizado

inglés? B) audaz
C) generoso
A) reached D) cansado
B) hike E) asustado
C) lost
D) tent
E) shortcut

PREGUNTA 2 : How do you say “carpa” in PREGUNTA 5 :What does “reached” mean in
English? Spanish?

A) screams A) perdido
B) join B) medianoche
C) tent C) caminata
D) search D) alcanzó
E) trail E) terminó

PREGUNTA 3 :Look at the picture and choose

the correct answer.

A) barbed-wire
B) beach
C) trail
D) town
E) waterfall

SIMULACRO N° 02 (27 al 31 de mayo)

PREGUNTA 4 :How do you say “seguir” in

PREGUNTA 1 : What is the definition of the English?
following expression?
To live out of a suitcase
A) over
A) to be ready to travel B) I am willing
B) to be an inexperienced driver C) through
C) to go fast when driving a vehicle D) follow
D) to begin a trip or travel E) unrelated
E) to enjoy traveling

PREGUNTA 2 :What is the definition of the

following expression? PREGUNTA 5 :¿Cuántas partes tiene una
To be a Sunday driver “narrativa personal”?

A) to begin a trip or travel A) seven parts

B) to go fast when driving a vehicle B) two parts
C) to do many things C) three parts
D) to be an inexperienced driver D) five parts
E) to enjoy the trip E) four parts

PREGUNTA 3 :How do you say “desgracias” in


A) misfortunes
B) over
C) be able
D) ready
E) think

SIMULACRO N° 03 (03 al 07 de junio) PREGUNTA 5 :What does “screamed” mean in
PREGUNTA 1 :How do you say “piso” in
English? A) salvó
B) gritar
A) in pain C) gritó
B) sheets D) caminó
C) pillow E) manejó
D) floor
E) snake

PREGUNTA 2 :How do you say “muchos” in


A) around
B) many
C) showering
D) slid
E) elbow

PREGUNTA 3 :What does “crawling” mean in


A) sabanas
B) gritar
C) duchando
D) navegando
E) arrastrando

PREGUNTA 4 :Look at the picture and choose

the correct of that object.

A) pillow
B) sheets
C) bed
D) came out
E) bike

SIMULACRO N° 04 (10 al 14 de junio)

PREGUNTA 4 :Marca la alternativa que tenga
una oración positiva con el imperativo.
PREGUNTA 1 :How do you say “joyas” in (IMPERATIVES)
A) She is cooking.
A) candle B) Don’t eat in class.
B) plane C) Ask your teacher about your exam.
C) breakdance D) Draw to paint the room.
D) jewelry E) Don’t to put anything there.
E) coin

PREGUNTA 2 :How do you say “modelado en

arcilla” in English? PREGUNTA 5 :What does “crowd” mean in
A) stamp collection
B) craft making
C) coin modeling A) crudo
D) plasticine modeling B) multitud
E) clay modeling C) pasos
D) disfraces
E) cinturones

PREGUNTA 3 :Look at the picture and choose

the correct answer.

A) caps
B) bills
C) earrings
D) rings
E) coins

SIMULACRO N° 05 (17 al 21 de abril)


PREGUNTA 1 :El verbo “dar” en inglés se PREGUNTA 4 : What does “sheets” mean in
escribe:_____________ Spanish?

A) stay
B) dress up
C) keep A) cachetes
D) wear B) sábanas
E) bring C) manejar
D) hacia abajo
PREGUNTA 2 :La palabra “escenario” en inglés E) serpiente
se escribe:______________

A) place
B) stage
C) run PREGUNTA 5 :What does “bills” mean in
D) trouble Spanish?
E) belts

A) artesanía
B) cartas
C) monedas
PREGUNTA 3 :How do you say “configuración” D) billetes
in English? E) dinero

A) lose
B) lost
C) ended up
D) set up
E) hike

SIMULACRO N° 06 (24 al 28 de junio)


PREGUNTA 1 :How do you say “amistad” in PREGUNTA 4 : The modal verb HAVE TO.
English? We use it to express __________ and

A) disagree
B) wrong A) prohibition - emphatic point of view
C) friendship B) advice - prohibition
D) uncles C) ask about rules -advice
E) aunts D) obligation - absence of rules
E) advice - obligation
PREGUNTA 2 :How do you say “con un poco de
suerte” in English?

A) network PREGUNTA 5 :Translate the sentence.

B) find Tu deberías hacer nuevos amigos.
C) anyway
D) age A) You should make new friends.
E) hopefully B) You must to play with friends.
C) You can make new friends.
D) You must make new friends.
E) You have to make new friends.

PREGUNTA 3 :¿Cuál de las siguientes

alternativas es una expresión clave?

A) social connections
B) social network
C) Don’t get me wrong.
D) I disagree with you.
E) Don’t eat that.

SIMULACRO N° 07 (1 al 5 de julio)


PREGUNTA 1 :How do you say “lucha” in PREGUNTA 4 :What is the definition of

English? “seniors”?

A) people beyond their middle age

A) among B) a word game
B) matter C) in a sincere manner
C) however D) Young people from 20 to 30
D) fighting E) people from old continents
E) kicks

PREGUNTA 2 :How do you say “patadas” in

English? PREGUNTA 5 :To support your ideas you can
use some words.They are connectors.Choose
the alternative the gives an example of it.
A) increase
B) self defense A) belts
C) kicks B) moreover
D) purposes C) increase
E) young D) fewest
E) matter

PREGUNTA 3 :What does “skills” mean in


A) compromiso
B) madera
C) conocimientos
D) desafíos
E) habilidades

SIMULACRO N° 08 (8 al 12 de julio)


PREGUNTA 4 :What does “tricky” mean in

PREGUNTA 1 :What is the definition of the Spanish?
following expression?
To blow away the cobwebs A) realidad
B) terrible
A) to do something very well and enjoy doing it C) calle
B) to have a funny day D) complicado
C) to behave as if something more important E) abiertamente
than were it actually is
D) to make changes in one’s life to feel better
E) to be at the busiest, liveliest or most
successful moment
PREGUNTA 5 :What does “bones” mean in

PREGUNTA 2 :What is the definition of the A) agua

following expression? B) huesos
To be the life and soul of the party C) exitoso
D) fortalecer
A) to do something very well and enjoy doing it E) cambios
B) to make changes in one’s life to feel better
C) to live in a big city
D) A fun person
E) to be the most amusing and interesting person
in an event

PREGUNTA 3 :How do you say “tocino” in


A) behave
B) again
C) bacon
D) dishes
E) meet

SIMULACRO N° 09 (15 al 19 de julio)


PREGUNTA 1 :¿Cuál de las siguientes

alternativas es un ejemplo de “Mountain”? PREGUNTA 4 :Comparative adjectives
La forma comparativa del adjetivo “good” es
A) United States ____________.
B) Aconcagua
C) Earth
D) Brazil A) gooder
E) Mars B) better
C) more better
D) betters
PREGUNTA 2 :¿Cuál de las siguientes E) more good
alternativas no es un “planet”?

A) Mars
B) Venus
C) Mercury PREGUNTA 5 :Comparative adjectives
D) Saturn La forma comparativa del adjetivo “dangerous”
E) Nile es ____________.

A) dangerouser
B) dangerst
PREGUNTA 3 :What does “landmark” mean in C) dangerous more
Spanish? D) more dangerous
E) danger
A) interesante
B) más alto
C) punto de referencia
D) realidad
E) hecho

SIMULACRO N° 10 (22 al 26 de julio)


PREGUNTA 1 :What does “bricks” mean in


PREGUNTA 4 :Traduce la oración

A) golpes Tú tienes que que estudiar para sacar buenas
B) cinturón notas.
C) plástico
D) madera
E) ladrillos A) You must study to get good grades.
B) I don’t like to study.
PREGUNTA 2 :What does “commitment” mean C) Must you study to get good grades?
in Spanish? D) You should study to get good grades.
E) You have to study to get good grades.

A) desafiante
B) compromiso
C) autodefensa
D) horario PREGUNTA 5 :What does “blow away” mean in
E) desafío Spanish?

A) senderismo
B) impresionar
PREGUNTA 3 :How do you say “vivo” in C) divertido
English? D) sangre
E) telarañas

A) behave
B) amusing
C) water
D) alive
E) soul


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