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Bioresource Technology 221 (2016) 534–540

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Kinetics of coffee industrial residue pyrolysis using distributed

activation energy model and components separation of bio-oil by
sequencing temperature-raising pyrolysis
Nanwei Chen a,b, Jie Ren a, Ziwei Ye a, Qizhi Xu a, Jingyong Liu a, Shuiyu Sun a,b,⇑
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, PR China
Guangdong Polytechnic of Environmental Protection Engineering, Foshan 528216, PR China

h i g h l i g h t s

 DAEM is used to study the kinetics of coffee industrial residue.

 Sequencing temperature-raising pyrolysis (new method) is used.
 A solution of components separation of bio-oil was put forward.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study was carried out to investigate the kinetics of coffee industrial residue (CIR) pyrolysis, the effect
Received 11 August 2016 of pyrolysis factors on yield of bio-oil component and components separation of bio-oil. The kinetics of
Received in revised form 10 September CIR pyrolysis was analyzed using distributed activation energy model (DAEM), based on the experiments
in thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), and it indicated that the average of activation energy (E) is
Accepted 13 September 2016
Available online 15 September 2016
187.86 kJmol1. The bio-oils were prepared from CIR pyrolysis in vacuum tube furnace, and its compo-
nents were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Among pyrolysis factors,
pyrolysis temperature is the most influential factor on components yield of bio-oil, directly concerned
Coffee industrial residue
with the volatilization and yield of components (palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, octadecanoic acid
Pyrolysis and caffeine). Furthermore, a new method (sequencing temperature-raising pyrolysis) was put forward
Kinetics and applied to the components separation of bio-oil. Based on experiments, a solution of components
Bio-oil separation of bio-oil was come out.
Components separation Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction average annual production of 8 million tons in the world (ICO,

2014). Coffee industrial residue (CIR) is the by-product from
Biomass is a clean and renewable energy source leading to envi- instant coffee manufacturing process, left behind at the factory.
ronmental, technical and economical benefits. With the concern of By the statistics, instant coffee production consumes around 20%
environmental protection, the energetic recovery of biomass via of the global production of green coffee beans (Gonzalez et al.,
pyrolysis, gasification or combustion has attracted increasing 2013) and for each kilogram of instant coffee produced 0.91 kg of
worldwide interest. The pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition pro- CIR (Silva et al., 1998). In addition, the CIR contains great amounts
cess producing char with ash content, volatiles and low molecular of organic compounds (i.e. fatty acids, lignin, cellulose, hemi-
weight gases. Without char and volatiles oxidation or less, it’s the cellulose and other polysaccharides) (Pujol et al., 2013), while its
better way to recycle energy from biomass (e.g. microalgae, wood, comprehensive utilization has become a new study in recent years.
straw and coffee waste) (White et al., 2011; Bridgwater, 2012; For example, CIR has been investigated for biodiesel production
Collard and Blin, 2014). (Gonzalez et al., 2013; Kwon et al., 2013), as production of acti-
Coffee is considered as the second largest traded commodity in vated carbon (Tsai et al., 2012; Ma and Ouyang, 2013; Tehrani
the world. Coffee plants are cultivated in over 70 countries with an et al., 2015), as source of sugars (Passos et al., 2014) or raw mate-
rial of fatty acids (Cruz et al., 2014).
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Thermogravimetric analysis is one of the most common tech-
Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, PR China. niques used to investigate the thermal behavior of small samples
E-mail address: (S. Sun).
0960-8524/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Chen et al. / Bioresource Technology 221 (2016) 534–540 535

(Zhao et al., 2012). Thermogravimetry of CIR pyrolysis has been determined according to DD CEN/TS 14775: 2004, which heats
studied by several researchers (Skreiberg et al., 2011; Bok et al., solid samples to 550 ± 10 °C in muffle furnace with temperature
2012; Li et al., 2014), but the kinetics of CIR pyrolysis has not been programming for determination of ash content. The volatile con-
investigated. Kinetics is a theoretical analysis to obtain reaction tent was analyzed according to DD CEN/TS 15148: 2005, which
laws (e.g. activation energy and frequency factor), based on ther- heats solid samples at 900 ± 10 °C for 7 min in muffle furnace for
mogravimetric analysis. Numerous kinetic models have been determination of volatile content. The fixed carbon was calculated
developed, such as single-step global reaction model, multiple- using Eq. (1).
step model, semi-global model, and distributed activation energy
FC ¼ 100%  V  A  M ð1Þ
model (DAEM) (Soria-Verdugo et al., 2013). Among these models,
DAEM is considered as an accurate and versatile approach to model where FC, V, A and M are the content (wt.%) of fixed carbon, volatile,
the pyrolysis process (Cai et al., 2014). Therefore, DAEM was used ash and moisture, respectively.
to study the kinetics of CIR pyrolysis.
Bio-oil is one of products from biomass pyrolysis, and its yield 2.2.2. Ultimate analysis
and components are influenced by pyrolysis condition The C, H, N and S contents in the sample were measured using
(Bridgwater, 2012). The conventional separation technology of an elemental analyzer (Perkin Elmer Series II 2400, USA). The O
bio-oil components includes solvent extraction, column chro- content was calculated using Eq. (2).
matography and distillation. Solvent extraction is a method which
uses specific solvent to dissolve target components of a mixture of O ¼ 100%  C  H  N  S  A  M ð2Þ
components. Column chromatography commonly utilizes silica gel
where O, C, H, N, S, A and M are the content (wt.%) of O, C, H, N, S, ash
and aluminum oxide as the stationary phase, where the mobile
and moisture, respectively.
phase is selected according to the polarity of bio-oil components.
Distillation separates bio-oil components according to their differ-
ent volatilities (Kim, 2015). In this study, a new method of bio-oil 2.2.3. Heating value
components separation (sequencing temperature-raising pyroly- The higher heating value (HHV) was determined by an
sis) is put forward and used. isothermal-jacket bomb calorimeter (SHR-15, China).
This paper presents a study about kinetics of CIR pyrolysis and
components separation of bio-oil. First of all, the pyrolysis of 2.3. Thermogravimetric analysis
grounded CIR was carried out in thermogravimetric analyzer at
nitrogen atmosphere, with different heating rates. The thermo- The experiments were carried out in a thermalgravimetric ana-
gravimetric analysis and kinetic analysis using DAEM of CIR pyrol- lyzer (Henven HCT-3, China). Pyrolysis was performed under a car-
ysis were studied. Moreover, the bio-oils were prepared from CIR rier gas flow (nitrogen) of 30 mL min1, with a sample mass of
pyrolysis in vacuum tube furnace on different pyrolysis conditions. approximately 10 mg, which was heated up to 800 °C at heating
The effects of pyrolysis factor (pyrolysis temperature, time, pres- rates of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °Cmin1.
sure and heating rate) on yield of bio-oil component were
researched by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC–MS). 2.4. Kinetic analysis using DAEM
Finally, the bio-oil components were separated by sequencing
temperature-raising pyrolysis, and the absolute yield of compo- The distributed activation energy model (DAEM) is originally
nents in separation liquid were estimated. Those results would developed by Vand (1943). It has been widely applied to analyze
make a contribution on the understanding of CIR pyrolysis, espe- the complex reactions in the pyrolysis of biomass (Wang et al.,
cially the utilization of bio-oil. 2008; Shen et al., 2011), which assumes that a number of parallel,
irreversible and first-order reactions with different energies occur
2. Materials and methods
When the model is used to analyze biomass, the DAEM is
expressed as (Sonobe and Worasuwannarak, 2008):
2.1. Materials
Z 1  Z t 
1 ¼ exp k0 eRT dt f ðEÞdE ð3Þ
The coffee industrial residue (CIR) used for this study was col- V 0 0
lected from a coffee processing plant in Dongguan, Guangdong pro-
vince, China. The original sample was oven-dried at 105 °C for 24 h where V is the total volatile content at temperature T, V⁄ is the effec-
and then became the sample of experiments in vacuum tube fur- tive volatile content of the biomass, t is against time, E is the activa-
nace. Dried CIR was grounded with a micromill (Yili QE-300, China) tion energy, f (E) is the normalized distribution curve of the
to pass through a 150 lm sieve, taken as the sample for character- activation energy of many reactions, and k0 is the frequency factor
ization and thermalgravimetric analyzer. According to proximate corresponding to the E value, R is gas constant (8.314 J mol1 K1).
analysis, CIR (dry basis) includes 6.98 wt.% of moisture, 64.94 wt. Eq. (3) was simplified to Eq. (4) (Miura, 1995; Miura and Maki,
% of volatile, 21.03 wt.% of fixed carbon and 7.05 wt.% of ash. The 1998).
result of ultimate analysis showed that CIR (dry basis) includes Z 1 Z ES
46.62 wt.% of C, 8.87 wt.% of H, 23.90 wt.% of O, 5.64 wt.% of N ¼1 f ðEÞdE ¼ f ðEÞdE ð4Þ
V ES 0
and 0.94 wt.% of S. And the higher heating value of CIR (dry basis)
is 21.3 MJ kg1. In this simplified model, the Arrhenius equation can be
described as follows (Andon et al., 2002; Munir et al., 2009):
2.2. Characterization of materials a k0 R E 1
ln ¼ ln þ 0:6075   ð5Þ
T2 E R T
2.2.1. Proximate analysis
The moisture analysis was conducted according to DD CEN/TS where a is the heating rate of pyrolysis, k0 is the frequency factor.
14774-3: 2004, which heats solid samples at 150 ± 2 °C in air dry Using Eq. (5), we can estimate both E and k0 from the Arrhenius plot
oven for determination of moisture content. The ash content was of ln(a/T2) vs. 1/T at the selected V/V⁄ values for different a values.
536 N. Chen et al. / Bioresource Technology 221 (2016) 534–540

We can determine the activation energies from the Arrhenius plots 2.6. Characterization of bio-oil
at different levels of V/V⁄.
Moisture of bio-oil was measured using infrared moisture
2.5. Preparation of bio-oil from CIR pyrolysis in vacuum tube furnace meter (Guanya SFY-20A, China). Components in the bio-oil were
analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS:
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The tube furnace (SK- Agilent 7890A/5975C, USA). A HP-5MS capillary column
G06123K, China) consists of a 1 m long quartz tube (diameter (30 m  250 lm  0.25 lm) was employed to separate the
60 mm), heated by well-insulated, controllable heating elements. components. Bio-oil without moisture was diluted in acetone and
The quartz tube is connected to condensation pipes, bottles and a passed through the organic filter membrane (aperture size
circulating water vacuum pump. The circulating water vacuum 0.22 lm) using an injector, then 0.2 lL sample solution was
pump removed the organic vapors and other gas products from injected into column at 250 °C, with a split ratio of 10:1. Helium
the reactor through the condensation pipes. The condensable was used as carrier gas at flow rate of 20 mL min1. Oven temper-
vapors were then condensed in the vacuum traps and recovered ature was programmed from 100 to 240 °C at 10 °Cmin1, held at
as liquid (bio-oil), but non-condensable gas was absorbed by alka- initial and final temperatures for 2 min. The detector and ion
line (NaOH) liquor in the third bottle or escaped. A control program source temperature were 150 °C and 230 °C, respectively. Absolute
was used to control the heating rate, final pyrolysis temperature yield of component in bio-oil was estimated using Eq. (9).
and pyrolysis time, and the valve before circulating water vacuum
Y A ¼ 100  Y R  ðY B  M B Þ ð9Þ
pump was used to control pyrolysis pressure.
The experiments were conducted in batch runs with variable where YA is the absolute yield (g/100 g CIR) of component from CIR
temperatures (300–500 °C), heating rates (5–15 °Cmin1), pyroly- pyrolysis, YR is the relative yield (wt.%) of component in bio-oil
sis times (20–60 min) and pressures (30–50 kPaabs). Once the without moisture, YB is the relative yield (wt.%) of bio-oil and MB
quartz tube was loaded (quartz boats with 40 g of dried CIR), heat- is the moisture (wt.%) of bio-oil.
ing started after the quartz tube was sealed and evacuated to the
desired operating pressure. The quartz tube was natural cooling
after control program finished. The setup was stopped cooling 3. Results and discussion
when the control program was over, but under vacuum until the
sample temperature reached low temperature (approximately 3.1. Thermogravimetric analysis
100 °C). Then the bottle with bio-oil were removed and weighed.
As the empty quartz boats and bottle had been weighed, the Fig. 2 shows the thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermo-
weights of char and bio-oil were obtained. At last, the yields of gravimetry (DTG) curves of CIR pyrolysis at different heating rates.
char, bio-oil and non-condensable gas were estimated using Eqs. With heating rate increasing, TG curve shifted to higher tempera-
(6)–(8). ture and peak of DTG curve became bigger. Below 150 °C, there
was a small weight loss that represents the evaporation of mois-
YS ¼  100% ð6Þ ture, corresponding to a peak in DTG curves. The devolatilization
of CIR starts at above 150 °C and it is completed by 600 °C. For
mL example, at the volatile content conversion rate (V/V⁄) of 0.5, the
YL ¼  100% ð7Þ pyrolysis temperatures of CIR at the heating rate of 5, 10, 15, 20,
25 and 30 °Cmin1 were 329, 342, 349, 353, 358 and 362 °C,
mG m0  mS  mL respectively. When V/V⁄ changed from 0.8 to 0.2, the temperature
YG ¼  100% ¼  100% ð8Þ of CIR pyrolysis at heating rate of 5–30 °Cmin1 increased from
m0 m0
288 to 420 °C. It was characterized by a major mass loss (approx-
where YS, YL and YG are the yield (wt.%) of char, bio-oil and non- imately 65 wt.% of total weight) and only one syncretic peak was
condensable gas, respectively; m0, mS, mL and mG are the weight observed in DTG curves. After 600 °C, the loss of weight was very
(g) of sample, char, bio-oil and non-condensable gas, respectively. slow, while the carbonization of pyrolysis residues was underway.

Fig. 1. Experimental setup.

N. Chen et al. / Bioresource Technology 221 (2016) 534–540 537

Fig. 3. Arrhenius plot of ln(a/T2) vs. 1/T at selected V/V⁄ values for CIR.

3.3. Effect of pyrolysis factors on yield of bio-oil component

3.3.1. Effect of pyrolysis temperature on yield of bio-oil component

The experiments in vacuum tube furnace were carried out at
different pyrolysis temperatures (300, 400 and 500 °C), with the
pyrolysis pressure at 10 kPaabs. The sample (40 g) was heated at
10 °Cmin1. Once the desired temperature was reached, the sam-
ple was kept at this pyrolysis temperature for 60 min.
Table 2 presents the absolute yield of component of bio-oils from
CIR pyrolysis at different temperatures. All those bio-oils contained
palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, octadecanamide, hexadeca-
nenitrile, methyl palmitate and caffeine. As temperature increased,
octadecanoic acid, pentadecane, tetradecane and heptadecane grad-
ually came out, the number of palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid
and octadecanoic acid increased. However, the bio-oil at 300 °C did
not have octadecanoic acid, because the temperature was not high
enough for making it volatilized. The kind and yield of alkane (pen-
tadecane, tetradecane and heptadecane) in bio-oil turned more with
temperature increasing, while pyrolysis reaction was enhanced. Caf-
feine is the most special component in bio-oil, as it turned less with
temperature increasing. This might be because the temperature was
Fig. 2. TG and DTG curves of CIR pyrolysis under 30 mLmin1 nitrogen flow: (a)
TG; (b) DTG. not low enough for its condensing. In short, pyrolysis temperature is
greatly concerned with the volatilization and yields of bio-oil com-
ponent, and can be used to the separation of components.

3.2. Kinetic analysis 3.3.2. Effect of pyrolysis time on yield of bio-oil component
In experiments using vacuum tube furnace, the pyrolysis pres-
The kinetic analysis using DAEM was to study the main stage sure was hold at 10 kPaabs, and the heating rate was 10 °Cmin1.
(150–600 °C) of CIR pyrolysis. Because DAEM gives an excellent Samples (40 g) were kept at 400 °C for 20, 40 and 60 min,
fit to the pyrolytic mass loss curves, it is plausible that the thermal respectively.
decomposition of CIR under inert atmosphere probably undergoes Table 2 shows the absolute yield of component of bio-oils from
a set of single (first-order) reactions. It also needs to be noted that CIR pyrolysis for different pyrolysis times. The kind of component
DAEM reflects the E distribution of the whole pyrolysis process in of bio-oils from CIR pyrolysis for different pyrolysis times were the
terms of consecutive mass conversion in spite of heating rate (Li same. With pyrolysis time extended, the number of palmitic acid,
et al., 2013). The necessary parameters in Eq. (5) were calculated, linoleic acid, oleic acid and octadecanoic acid increased. For exam-
based on the data of TG curve at different heating rates (5, 10, ple, the number of palmitic acid increased from 15.61 to
15, 20, 25 and 30 °Cmin1). The Arrhenius plot of ln(a/T2) vs. 1/T 17.69 g/100 g CIR, when pyrolysis time extended from 20 to
was performed in Fig. 3, which was to obtain E at different levels 60 min. The longer pyrolysis time is, the more heat and mass trans-
of V/V⁄ (0.2–0.8), and the results are shown in Table 1. fers happen, such as evaporation of water and escape of volatiles,
As Table 1 showed, all plots had fairly high linear correlation then water and volatiles became bio-oil after cooling. As a result,
coefficients (R2) greater than 0.97, which meant that the linear fit- pyrolysis time has less influence on the yield of bio-oil compo-
ting equation more accorded with rule of weight losing during CIR nents, but should be long enough.
pyrolysis. The values of k0 changed greatly (from 2.93  1025 to
2.39  1029 min1) with E values at different mass conversion. 3.3.3. Effect of heating rate on yield of bio-oil component
And, E values changed from 163.42 to 239.49 kJmol1, which The experiments were carried out by a vacuum tube furnace.
average was 187.86 kJmol1. Sonobe and Worasuwannarak Dried CIR (40 g) were heated from normal temperature to 400 °C
(2008) have used DAEM to study several agricultural residues for 60 min, with various heating rates (5, 10 and 15 °Cmin1),
(rice straw, rice husk, corncob and cellulose) pyrolysis, and found under a pressure of 10 kPaabs.
E spread from 120 to 250 kJmol1. That is to say, the energy As shown in Table 2, the kind of component of bio-oils from CIR
requirement for CIR pyrolysis is closed to other agricultural resi- pyrolysis with different heating rates were the same, but the bio-
due pyrolysis. oil with heating rate of 5 °Cmin1 was quite different on yield of
538 N. Chen et al. / Bioresource Technology 221 (2016) 534–540

Table 1
Activation energies of CIR pyrolysis at different V/V⁄ values based on different heating rates (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 Kmin1).

V/V⁄ Linear fitting equation R2 k0 (min1) E (kJmol1)

0.2 Y = 28806X + 57.985 0.9816 2.39  10 239.49
0.3 Y = 22603X + 50.267 0.9933 8.34  1025 187.92
0.4 Y = 22053X + 50.374 0.9961 9.05  1025 183.35
0.5 Y = 22213X + 51.291 0.9965 2.28  1026 184.68
0.6 Y = 21806X + 51.264 0.9956 2.18  1026 181.30
0.7 Y = 21029X + 50.714 0.9889 1.21  1026 174.84
0.8 Y = 19656X + 49.360 0.9762 2.93  1025 163.42

In the linear fitting equation, Y represents ln(a/T2), X represents 1/T.

Table 2
Absolute yield of component of bio-oils on different pyrolysis conditions.

No. Chemical compound Absolute yield (g/100 g CIR)

300 °C 400 °C 500 °C 50 kPaabs 40 kPaabs 30 kPaabs 5 °Cmin1 10 °Cmin1 15 °Cmin1 20 min 40 min 60 min
1 1,2-Benzenediol 0.95 0.97 0.88 1.05 1.09 0.94
2 Tetradecane 0.72
3 Pentadecane 1.22 1.58 0.66 0.84 0.43 1.30 0.86 0.89 0.89 1.18 0.79
4 Heptadecane 0.55
5 Caffeine 2.85 1.84 1.65 0.55 1.60 1.29 1.50 1.74 1.73 1.25 1.60 1.45
6 Hexadecanenitrile 0.19 0.98 1.27 0.95 0.74 0.70 1.42 0.91 0.99 0.93 1.15 0.82
7 Methyl palmitate 0.87 0.90 0.89 0.67 0.66 0.55 1.39 0.83 0.91 0.89 1.03 0.75
8 Palmitic acid 4.83 16.91 16.26 12.51 15.46 17.18 15.90 16.58 16.56 15.61 15.84 17.69
9 Linoleic acid 0.65 4.04 3.91 3.08 3.48 4.03 3.80 3.96 3.95 3.73 3.78 4.23
10 Oleic acid 1.39 6.21 6.30 4.80 6.43 8.03 5.84 6.09 6.08 5.74 5.82 6.50
11 Octadecanoic acid 2.71 2.76 2.13 2.28 3.10 2.55 2.66 2.66 2.51 2.54 2.84
12 Octadecanamide 0.45 0.79 0.92 0.55 1.60 1.29

The other pyrolysis factors of 300 °C, 400 °C and 500 °C: ‘‘pressure = 10 kPaabs, pyrolysis time = 60 min and heating rate = 10 °Cmin1”; the other pyrolysis factors of 50 kPaabs,
40 kPaabs and 30 kPaabs: ‘‘pyrolysis temperature = 400 °C, pyrolysis time = 60 min and heating rate = 10 °Cmin1”; the other pyrolysis factors of 5 °Cmin1, 10 °Cmin1 and
15 °Cmin1: ‘‘pyrolysis temperature = 400 °C, pressure = 10 kPaabs and pyrolysis time = 60 min”; the other pyrolysis factors of 20 min, 40 min and 60 min: ‘‘pyrolysis tem-
perature = 400 °C, pressure = 10 kPaabs and heating rate = 10 °Cmin1”.

components. The reason might be that the temperature-rising per- (40 g CIR) was heated up to 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 °C, suc-
iod of 5 °Cmin1 was quite long, slowing down volatilization cessively and respectively. The heating rate was 10 °Cmin1, the
speed of components and intensifying secondary reactions during pressure was 30 kPaabs and each temperature was held 30 min.
pyrolysis, then increased the amount of pentadecane, hexadeca- After each pyrolysis, the separation liquid was transferred and a
nenitrile and methyl palmitate. Therefore, if the secondary reac- new bottle was to be loaded. After the sequencing temperature-
tions were to be decreased, heating rate should be controlled raising pyrolysis, the bio-oil was divided into six parts of liquids
more than 10 °Cmin1. in different temperature ranges, including 0–150, 150–200,
200–250, 250–300,300–350 and 350–400 °C. The separation
3.3.4. Effect of pyrolysis pressure on yield of bio-oil component liquids were weighted using electronic balance and determined
The experiments were carried out in the vacuum tube furnace. by GC–MS.
Dried CIR (40 g) was heated, with 10 °Cmin1 heating rate, from Table 3 shows the absolute yield of component of separation
normal temperature to 400 °C for 60 min, under various pyrolysis liquids in different temperature ranges. The absolute yield of sep-
pressure (30, 40 and 50 kPaabs). aration liquids were ordered: 250–300 °C separation liquid
Table 2 illustrates the absolute yield of component of bio-oils (15.05 g/100 g CIR) > 300–350 °C separation liquid (9.63 g/100 g
from CIR pyrolysis as a function of pressure. As pyrolysis pressure CIR) > 200–250 °C separation liquid (6.35 g/100 g CIR) > 0–150 °C
reduced from 50 kPaabs to 30 kPaabs, the absolute yield of palmitic separation liquid (4.23 g/100 g CIR) > 350–400 °C separation liquid
acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid and octadecanoic acid increased, hex- (4.10 g/100 g CIR) > 150–200 °C separation liquid (0.68 g/100 g
adecanenitrile and methyl palmitate decreased. This is an intuitive CIR). There are several features of CIR sequencing temperature-
result, since it is commonly accepted that at higher pressures, raising pyrolysis as follows:
there will be more recondensation reactions which would lead to
more of the vapors becoming trapped on the char. At the lower (a) Each component has a devolatilization temperature range.
pressure, volatiles extract from tube faster, and there are fewer For instance, palmitic acid is devolatilized at 200–400 °C,
reactions of volatiles bringing about more bio-oils (de Jongh octadecanoic acid is devolatilized at 300–350 °C, linoleic
et al., 2011). For this reason, pyrolysis pressure should be lower acid and oleic acid are devolatilized at 200–350 °C.
in order to increase the yield of main components and reduce (b) Caffeine is the most special component in separation liquid.
the yield of minor components caused by the reaction of volatiles. The separation process of caffeine can be divided into two
parts: one is separated out with moisture below 200 °C,
the other is separated out with fatty acid (eg. palmitic acid)
3.4. Components separation of bio-oil by sequencing temperature-
at 200–250 °C.
raising pyrolysis
(c) Four main components (palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic
acid, octadecanoic acid) have similar properties. The
Illuminated by the results of Section 3.3.1, a new separation
devolatilization temperature ranges of main components
method (sequencing temperature-raising pyrolysis) was put for-
are superposed so that it seems impossible to separate them
ward and applied to components separation of bio-oil. This experi-
one by one.
ment was also carried out in the vacuum tube furnace. A sample
N. Chen et al. / Bioresource Technology 221 (2016) 534–540 539

Table 3
Absolute yield of component of separation liquids in different temperature ranges.

No. Chemical compound Absolute yield (g/100 g CIR)

0–150 150–200 200–250 250–300 300–350 350–400
°C °C °C °C °C °C
1 Caffeine 0.34 0.68 0.58 2.07
2 Palmitic acid 3.97 7.42 6.85 1.02
3 Linoleic acid 1.35 0.36
4 Octadecanoic acid 0.52
5 Oleic acid 0.37 4.55 0.89
6 Methyl palmitate 0.04 0.39 0.50 0.23
7 1,2-Benzenediol 0.04 0.62
8 Hexadecanenitrile 0.51 1.58
9 Pentadecane 1.27
10 Water 3.89
Subtotal 4.23 0.68 6.35 15.05 9.63 4.10

Fig. 4. Flow diagram of separation solution.

(d) Minor components (1,2-Benzenediol, methyl palmitate, hex- is accomplished at 200 °C for 30 min, 5 g aqueous solution of caf-
adecanenitrile, pentadecane) are gradually separated out as feine (1.0 g caffeine + 4.0 g water) and 3 g non-condensable gas
temperature increased from 200 to 400 °C. can be separated out. And then with vacuum pyrolysis of the front
pyrolysis char is accomplished at 400 °C for 30 min, 35 g mixed
3.5. A solution of components separation of bio-oil solution of fatty acid (2.7 g caffeine + 18.3 g palmitic acid + 2.7 g
linoleic acid + 2.6 g octadecanoic acid + 6.8 g oleic acid + 0.7 g
According to the results of Section 3.4, a solution of components methyl palmitate + 0.2 g 1,2-Benzenediol + 0.7 g hexadecaneni-
separation of bio-oil was put forward and implemented. The solu- trile + 0.3 g pentadecane) and 22 g non-condensable gas will be
tion is shown in Fig. 4. The experiment was also carried out in the separated out. At last, there are 35 g pyrolysis char left.
vacuum tube furnace. A sample (40 g CIR) was heated up to 200
and 400 °C, successively and respectively. The heating rate was
4. Conclusions
10 °Cmin1, the pressure was 30 kPaabs and each temperature
was held 30 min. The separation liquids were analyzed by GC/
In this study, pyrolysis of CIR was carried out in thermogravi-
MS, and the absolute yield of each component were obtained
metric analyzer and vacuum tube furnace, respectively. The kinet-
(Table 4). The results show that as vacuum pyrolysis of 100 g CIR
ics of CIR pyrolysis was analyzed using DAEM, and it indicated that
E values changed from 163.42 to 239.49 kJmol1 (average
Table 4 187.86 kJmol1). It tends to promote pyrolysis as temperature
Absolute yield of component of separation liquids in separation solution. increased, pyrolysis pressure decreased or pyrolysis time extended,
No. Chemical Absolute yield (g/100 g CIR)
while main components (palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid and
compound octadecanoic acid) increased. The sequencing temperature-raising
Aqueous solution of Mixed solution of fatty
pyrolysis is one of the effective ways to separate components of
caffeine (0–200 °C) acid (200–400 °C)
bio-oil, and a fraction of caffeine in CIR can be separated out.
1 Caffeine 1.01 2.65
2 Palmitic acid 18.26
3 Linoleic acid 2.71 Acknowledgements
4 Octadecanoic acid 2.52
5 Oleic acid 6.81
6 Methyl palmitate 0.66 This study was financially supported by the Science and Tech-
7 1,2-Benzenediol 0.16 nology Planning Project of Guangdong Province (No.
8 Hexadecanenitrile 0.63 2014B020216009), the Special Fund of Department of Environ-
9 Pentadecane 0.27 mental Protection of Guangdong Province (2016), the Special Fund
10 Water 3.99
of University Discipline Construction of Department of Education
Subtotal 5.00 34.67
of Guangdong Province (No. 2014KTSP022), the Major Achieve-
540 N. Chen et al. / Bioresource Technology 221 (2016) 534–540

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