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Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.961925
R Square 0.925299
Adjusted R 0.895419
Standard E 64747.61
Observatio 8

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 2.6E+11 1.3E+11 30.96694 0.001525
Residual 5 2.1E+10 4.19E+09
Total 7 2.81E+11

CoefficientStandard Et Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95. Upper 95.0%

Intercept -3307465 539973.9 -6.125231 0.001683 -4695512 -1919418 -4695512 -1919418
PCI 2303.93 14672.41 0.157025 0.881369 -35412.69 40020.55 -35412.69 40020.55
Population 509.7384 143.4473 3.553489 0.016327 140.9954 878.4815 140.9954 878.4815
City Year GRDP PCI Entry Costs
2015 672949 59 7.56
2016 599178 60.74 7.51
2017 843508 64.71 6.72
2018 883102 65.4 8.2
2019 973363 68.8 7.98
2020 1020000 66.93 6.74
2021 1067540 68.6 6.57
2022 1196000 66.74 6.47
2015 131314 58.65 7.76
2016 149583.9 60.1 8.33
2017 174181.6 65.15 7.94
2018 210294.9 64.48 7.43
2019 248955 68.73 7.14
2020 276407.3 69.27 7.34
2021 315709.6 70.61 6.52
2022 366000 70.76 6.45
2015 73791 68.34 9.19
2016 80457 70 9.22
2017 89989 70.11 8.55
2018 101405 67.65 7.94
2019 111187 70.15 7.89
2020 103907 70.12 8.75
2021 107308 70.42 6.94
2022 125219 68.52 6.73
2015 919025 61.63 7.57
2016 1005537 61.72 7.99
2017 1114600 65.19 7.44
2018 1227061 65.34 7.31
2019 1343673 67.16 7.24
2020 1371510 65.7 6.81
2021 1323474 65.5 6.16
2022 1479227 65.86 6.82
2015 104498 65.75 9.18
2016 116574 65.6 9.28
2017 143068.3 70.69 8.93
2018 166270.9 70.36 7.96
2019 194132.4 73.4 7.16
2020 216744.8 75.09 7.72
2021 238168.3 73.02 7.98
2022 269000 72.95 7.16
Hà Nội
R Square = 0.99 indicates that 99% of the vo
. The remaining 1% is explained by out-of-m
àBecause of R1>R2, the multi variable num

Hải Phòng
R Square = 0.96 indicates that 96% of the vo
. The remaining 4% is explained by out-of-m
àBecause of R1>R2, the multi variable num

Đà Nẵng
R Square = 0.98 indicates that 98% of the vo
. The remaining 2% is explained by out-of-m
àBecause of R1>R2, the multi variable num
Hồ Chí Minh
R Square = 0.91 indicates that 91% of the vo
. The remaining 9% is explained by out-of-m
àBecause of R1>R2, the multi variable num

Quảng Ninh
R Square = 0.83 indicates that 83% of the vo
. The remaining 17% is explained by out-of-m
àBecause of R1>R2, the multi variable num

Quảng Ninh
R Square = 0.83 indicates that 83% of the vo
This shows that the regression model is very
The significant F from (ANOVA) is greater the
Absolute value of t Statistic is malller than 1

hà nội
R Square = 0.99 indicates that 99% of the vo
Land Access Business Support Services SUMMARY OUTPUT
4.12 6.47
4.16 6.79 Regression Statistics
5.32 7.68 Multiple R 0.993792829
5.87 7.21 R Square 0.9876241869
6.63 7.06 Adjusted R Square 0.9711231029
6.07 6.68 Standard Error 34023.027772
6.6 7.74 Observations 8
6.21 6.24
4.87 5.55 ANOVA
4.99 6.06 df
5.86 6.74 Regression 4
6.5 6.75 Residual 3
6.9 6.85 Total 7
6.18 6.68
6.77 7.49 Coefficients
7.22 6.39 Intercept 3719555.9407
6.35 6.06 PCI -55103.27219
6.29 5.99 Entry Costs -107708.5715
7.11 6.93 Land Access 366069.58718
7.23 6.3 Business Support Services -72347.43163
7.44 6.76
7.35 6.32
7.51 7.57
6.61 6.26 HAI PHONG
5.45 6.82
6.11 7.82 Regression Statistics
5.43 7.64 Multiple R 0.9777443255
6.35 7.39 R Square 0.955983966
6.66 6.55 Adjusted R Square 0.8972959207
6.98 8.54 Standard Error 26519.340669
6.45 7.04 Observations 8
6.62 5.92
6.07 6.26 ANOVA
6.43 7.52 df
7.77 6.55 Regression 4
7 6.68 Residual 3
7.12 7.58 Total 7
7.39 7.39
7.57 6.24 Coefficients
Intercept -44231.75087
X Variable 1 13958.23494
X Variable 2 -53779.72158
X Variable 3 -4137.587621
X Variable 4 -33670.78824

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.98992977
R Square 0.9799609496
Adjusted R Square 0.9532422158
Standard Error 3650.6395326
Observations 8

Regression 4
Residual 3
Total 7

Intercept -98722.76443
PCI 6060.1001232
Entry Costs -20312.31662
Land Access 17856.049395
Business Support Services -27890.3529


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9548702745
R Square 0.9117772412
Adjusted R Square 0.7941468961
Standard Error 88081.68337
Observations 8

Regression 4
Residual 3
Total 7

Intercept -1105975.345
PCI 65322.438214
Entry Costs -163540.058
Land Access 6629.5146175
Business Support Services -104702.7085

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9093677662
R Square 0.8269497341
Adjusted R Square 0.5962160463
Standard Error 37301.512924
Observations 8

Regression 4
Residual 3
Total 7

Intercept -1719240.196
PCI 26027.483463
Entry Costs 35656.779651
Land Access 20503.349479
Business Support Services -55966.331


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.7219634896
R Square 0.5212312803
Adjusted R Square 0.4665148552
Standard Error 346105.44136
Observations 40

Regression 4
Residual 35
Total 39

Intercept 3397201.8136
PCI -49873.55297
Entry Costs -205148.5041
Land Access 3035.8962526
Business Support Services 296455.70231

quare = 0.99 indicates that 99% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.
e remaining 1% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
ecause of R1>R2, the multi variable number regression model is a good regression model and is capable of predicting dependent varia

quare = 0.96 indicates that 96% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.
e remaining 4% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
ecause of R1>R2, the multi variable number regression model is a good regression model and is capable of predicting dependent varia

quare = 0.98 indicates that 98% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.
e remaining 2% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
ecause of R1>R2, the multi variable number regression model is a good regression model and is capable of predicting dependent varia

quare = 0.91 indicates that 91% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.
e remaining 9% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
ecause of R1>R2, the multi variable number regression model is a good regression model and is capable of predicting dependent varia

quare = 0.83 indicates that 83% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.
e remaining 17% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
ecause of R1>R2, the multi variable number regression model is a good regression model and is capable of predicting dependent varia

ONCLUSION The multi variable regression function can provide greater accuracy in predicting the value of the depend
quare = 0.83 indicates that 83% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.
shows that the regression model is very good and is capable of accurately predicting the value of the dependent variable
significant F from (ANOVA) is greater then 0.05
olute value of t Statistic is malller than 1.96

quare = 0.99 indicates that 99% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model. The
SS MS F Significance F
277131026666 69282756666 59.852078932 0.003416360868
3472699256.376 1157566419

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
1185691.744929 3.1370345257 0.0517823285 -53844.37218244 7492956.25353 -53844.372182437
26239.16192825 -2.100039336 0.126560463 -138607.9961229 28401.4517417 -138607.99612294
20540.53897421 -5.243707168 0.0135029379 -173077.73383 -42339.409096 -173077.73383002
89538.70766686 4.0883948039 0.0264470084 81117.45778155 651021.71657 81117.457781554
28229.37693604 -2.562841957 0.0830084378 -162185.9079577 17491.0447035 -162185.90795768

SS MS F Significance F
45823303943.79 11455825986 16.289245302 0.022476704957
2109826288.476 703275429.49

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
467121.1812401 -0.094690099 0.9305311362 -1530819.828225 1442356.32649 -1530819.8282248
6248.877649666 2.2337187127 0.1116103272 -5928.482648793 33844.9525279 -5928.4826487933
32787.97944709 -1.640226769 0.1994920617 -158125.7056269 50566.2624713 -158125.7056269
31888.40866543 -0.129752088 0.9049736185 -105620.7359598 97345.5607175 -105620.7359598
28813.14329565 -1.168591288 0.326983406 -125367.0696636 58025.4931861 -125367.06966361
SS MS F Significance F
1955198215.884 488799554 36.676923215 0.007006519898
39981506.99068 13327169

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
103051.8411835 -0.957991272 0.4087400151 -426679.7156579 229234.186797 -426679.71565788
1809.42816687 3.3491797211 0.0440856957 301.6921388475 11818.5081075 301.69213884749
2013.646283866 -10.08733102 0.0020748487 -26720.63779764 -13903.9954452 -26720.637797638
4072.569374926 4.3844678263 0.0219700092 4895.31603433 30816.7827548 4895.3160343302
5102.923063815 -5.46556406 0.012038034 -44130.13154843 -11650.5742473 -44130.131548429

SS MS F Significance F
240547351682 60136837920 7.751207738 0.062042796395
23275148836 7758382945

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
1974311.084421 -0.560182918 0.6144638918 -7389114.360749 5177163.67145 -7389114.3607486
24500.70690691 2.6661450407 0.0759394929 -12649.74595854 143294.622387 -12649.745958543
124431.397955 -1.314298969 0.280200638 -559536.3007122 232456.184654 -559536.30071224
114491.0015674 0.0579042416 0.9574659746 -357731.9503089 370990.979544 -357731.95030892
60963.48026892 -1.717466064 0.1843931409 -298715.7110377 89310.2940404 -298715.71103772
SS MS F Significance F
19947156242.35 4986789061 3.5840008534 0.161283054251
4174208599.181 1391402866

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
2655257.939957 -0.647485192 0.5634499053 -10169456.01708 6730975.6241 -10169456.017078
33452.6070511 0.7780405104 0.493269906 -80433.64224853 132488.609175 -80433.642248526
109238.8117403 0.3264112735 0.7655588278 -311989.8731661 383303.432467 -311989.87316607
37713.26176821 0.5436641785 0.6244713386 -99517.08109533 140523.780054 -99517.081095327
98109.59615879 -0.570447063 0.6083015291 -368194.8528068 256262.19081 -368194.85280677

SS MS F Significance F
4564462059918 1.141116E+12 9.526047788 2.555335064E-05
4192614178826 119788976538

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
1453721.40304 2.3369001835 0.0252937844 445990.4677736 6348413.15933 445990.46777358
27578.84664799 -1.808398792 0.079143125 -105861.5881995 6114.48226469 -105861.58819946
72541.8181776 -2.82800334 0.0076977344 -352416.2243001 -57880.783876 -352416.22430008
120221.5687862 0.025252509 0.9799969859 -241026.863687 247098.656192 -241026.86368697
98009.00532123 3.0247802366 0.0046391917 97486.84356377 495424.561049 97486.84356377

Hà Nội
ables in the model. R Square = 0.74 indicates that 74% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained
. The remaining 26% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
dicting dependent variables more accurately than the univariate regression model.

Hải Phòng
ables in the model. R Square = 0.86 indicates that 86% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained
. The remaining 14% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
dicting dependent variables more accurately than the univariate regression model.

Đà Nẵng
ables in the model. R Square = 0.0005 indicates that 0.05% of the volatility of the dependent variable is expla
. The remaining 99.95% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
dicting dependent variables more accurately than the univariate regression model.
Hồ Chí Minh
ables in the model. R Square = 0.75 indicates that 75% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained
. The remaining 25% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
dicting dependent variables more accurately than the univariate regression model.

Quảng Ninh
ables in the model. R Square = 0.72 indicates that 72% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained
. The remaining 28% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
dicting dependent variables more accurately than the univariate regression model.

the value of the dependent variable

Quảng Ninh
ables in the model. R Square = 0.72 indicates that 72% of the volatility of the dependent variable is explained by the indepen
This shows that the regression model is very good and is capable of accurately predicting the value of the
The significant F from (ANOVA) is smaller then 0.05
Absolute value of t Statistic is greater than 1.96

ables in the model. The remaining 3% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
The estimated sample regression line:
𝑌 ̂ = 3719556 - 55103X1 - 107709X2 + 366070X3 - 72347X4

X1 : PCI
X2: Entry Costs
X3: Land Access
X4: Business Support Services

- About 98.76% of the variability in PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Business Support Serv
- With the confidence level of 99.66%, PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Businesss Support
Upper 95.0% - With 87.4%, the variable PCI has no relationship with the dependent variable GRDP.
7492956.25352662 - With 98.65%, the variable Entry Costs has a negative correlation with the dependent varia
28401.4517416503 - With 97.4%, the variable Land Access has a positive correlation with the dependent GRDP
-42339.409096004 - With 91.7%, the variable Business Support Services has no relationship with the depentde

The estimated sample regression line:

𝑌 ̂ = -44232 + 13958X1 - 53780X2 - 4138X3 - 33671X4

X1 : PCI
X2: Entry Costs
X3: Land Access
X4: Business Support Services

- About 95.59% of the variability in PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Business Support Serv
- With the confidence level of 97.75%, PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Businesss Support
- With 88.84%, the variable PCI has no relationship with the dependent variable GRDP.
- With 80.05%, the variable Entry Costs has no relationship with the dependent variable GR
Upper 95.0% - With 9.51%, the variable Land Access has no relationship with the dependent GRDP.
1442356.32648975 - With 67.31%, the variable Business Support Services has no relationship with the depentd
The estimated sample regression line:
𝑌 ̂ = -98723 + 6060X1 - 20312X2 + 17856X3 - 27890X4

X1 : PCI
X2: Entry Costs
X3: Land Access
X4: Business Support Services

- About 97.99% of the variability in PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Business Support Serv
- With the confidence level of 99.29%, PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Businesss Support
Upper 95.0% - With 95.59%, the variable PCI has a positive correlation with the dependent variable GRD
229234.186796578 - With 99.79%, the variable Entry Costs has a negative correlation with the dependent varia
11818.5081075094 - With 97.81%, the variable Land Access has a positive correlation with the dependent GRD
-13903.99544516 - With 98.79%, the variable Business Support Services has a negative correlation with the d

The estimated sample regression line:

𝑌 ̂ = -1105975 + 65322X1 - 163540X2 + 6629X3 - 104703X4

X1 : PCI
X2: Entry Costs
X3: Land Access
X4: Business Support Services

- About 91.17% of the variability in PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Business Support Serv
- With the confidence level of 93.79%, PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Businesss Support
- With 92.41%, the variable PCI has no relationship with the dependent variable GRDP.
- With 71.98%, the variable Entry Costs has no relationship with the dependent variable GR
Upper 95.0% - With 4.25%, the variable Land Access has no relationship with the dependent GRDP.
5177163.67144536 - With 81.56%, the variable Business Support Services has no relationship with the depentd
The estimated sample regression line:
𝑌 ̂ = -1719240 + 26027X1 + 35656X2 + 20503X3 - 55966X4

X1 : PCI
X2: Entry Costs
X3: Land Access
X4: Business Support Services

- About 82.69% of the variability in PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Business Support Serv
- With the confidence level of 83.88%, PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Businesss Support
- With 50.67%, the variable PCI has no relationship with the dependent variable GRDP.
Upper 95.0% - With 23.45%, the variable Entry Costs has no relationship with the dependent variable GR
6730975.62410423 - With 37.56%, the variable Land Access has no relationship with the dependent GRDP.
132488.609175265 - With 39.17%, the variable Business Support Services has no relationship with the depentd

The estimated sample regression line:

𝑌 ̂ = 3397202 - 49874X1 - 205148X2 + 3036X3 + 296456X4

X1 : PCI
X2: Entry Costs
X3: Land Access
X4: Business Support Services

- About 52.12% of the variability in PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Business Support Serv
- With the confidence level of 99.99%, PCI, Entry Costs, Land Access and Businesss Support
Upper 95.0% - With 92.09%, the variable PCI has no relationship with the dependent variable GRDP.
6348413.15932935 - With 99.24%, the variable Entry Costs has a negative correlation with the dependent varia
6114.4822646879 - With 2.01%, the variable Land Access has no relationship with the dependent GRDP.
-57880.783875995 - With 99.54%, the variable Business Support Services has a positive correlation with the de
ependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.
s and random error.

ependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.

s and random error.

he dependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.

bles and random error.

ependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.

s and random error.

ependent variable is explained by the independent variables in the model.

s and random error.
ble is explained by the independent variables in the model.
ately predicting the value of the dependent variable
s and Business Support Services explain the variable of GDRP, the remaining 1.24% the other variables explain it.
cess and Businesss Support Services impact on GRDP.
ndent variable GRDP.
on with the dependent variable GRDP.
n with the dependent GRDP.
tionship with the depentdent variable GRDP.

s and Business Support Services explain the variable of GDRP, the remaining 4.41% the other variables explain it.
cess and Businesss Support Services impact on GRDP.
endent variable GRDP.
the dependent variable GRDP.
the dependent GRDP.
lationship with the depentdent variable GRDP.
s and Business Support Services explain the variable of GDRP, the remaining 2.01% the other variables explain it.
cess and Businesss Support Services impact on GRDP.
he dependent variable GRDP.
on with the dependent variable GRDP.
on with the dependent GRDP.
ative correlation with the depentdent variable GRDP.

s and Business Support Services explain the variable of GDRP, the remaining 8.83% the other variables explain it.
cess and Businesss Support Services impact on GRDP.
endent variable GRDP.
the dependent variable GRDP.
the dependent GRDP.
lationship with the depentdent variable GRDP.
s and Business Support Services explain the variable of GDRP, the remaining 17.31% the other variables explain it.
cess and Businesss Support Services impact on GRDP.
endent variable GRDP.
the dependent variable GRDP.
h the dependent GRDP.
lationship with the depentdent variable GRDP.

s and Business Support Services explain the variable of GRDP, the remaining 47.88% the other variables explain it.
cess and Businesss Support Services impact on GRDP.
endent variable GRDP.
on with the dependent variable GRDP.
the dependent GRDP.
itive correlation with the depentdent variable GRDP.
Using Software for regression ( EXCEL )
- Go to the Data tab and select Data Analysis
when the Data analysis window opens, find Regression and click OK
- Determine the X and Y Ranges :
Let GRDP be the Y ranges by selecting all data form GRDP column
then data from the remaining columns will be the X ranges ( PCI, Ent
access, Business support services)
- Check the Labels box because the cells with the variable name wer
row of the X and Y ranges. Let the Confidence Levels equals to 95%
- Select Output Range and give a cell address for the start of the out
d Regression and click OK

data form GRDP column

l be the X ranges ( PCI, Entry cost, Land

with the variable name were included in the first

nce Levels equals to 95%
ess for the start of the output then click OK

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.858281016672
R Square 0.736646303579
Adjusted R Square 0.692754020842
Standard Error 110978.9983518
Observations 8

df SS MS F
Regression 1 206705697471 206705697471 16.78304835
Residual 6 73898028451 12316338075.17
Total 7 280603725922

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept -2241060.26871 769425.9608305 -2.91263926978 0.026887798
PCI 48345.46984115 11801.04217092 4.096711895521 0.00638091


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.024198374757
R Square 0.000585561341
Adjusted R Square -0.16598351177
Standard Error 18230.06410101
Observations 8

df SS MS F
Regression 1 1168300.113843 1168300.113843 0.003515427
Residual 6 1994011422.761 332335237.1269
Total 7 1995179722.875

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 72538.82775104 449001.9663264 0.161555701737 0.876958619
PCI 383.4837802159 6467.82090973 0.05929103257 0.954645756

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.86659646411
R Square 0.750989431607
Adjusted R Square 0.709487670209
Standard Error 104637.9399077
Observations 8

df SS MS F
Regression 1 198127909709 198127909709 18.09536285
Residual 6 65694590808.72 10949098468.12
Total 7 263822500518

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept -4228542.56265 1282087.611142 -3.29816973965 0.016445357
PCI 84177.66358082 19788.51567752 4.253864461216 0.005357294


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.850791347373
R Square 0.723845916765
Adjusted R Square 0.677820236226
Standard Error 33319.69736303
Observations 8

df SS MS F
Regression 1 17460151447.34 17460151447.34 15.72700085
Residual 6 6661213394.184 1110202232.364
Total 7 24121364841.53

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept -820239.705849 252762.1598142 -3.24510483077 0.017573925
PCI 14131.13351937 3563.313595121 3.965728286929 0.007403051


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.929321850488
R Square 0.863639101794
Adjusted R Square 0.840912285427
Standard Error 33005.5669352
Observations 8
df SS MS F
Regression 1 41396925540 41396925540 38.00088353
Residual 6 6536204692.282 1089367448.714
Total 7 47933130232.27

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept -847837.743423 175891.7799287 -4.82022379765 0.002939403
PCI 16400.09142091 2660.415208776 6.164485666302 0.000836537


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.333939854377
R Square 0.111515826341
Adjusted R Square 0.088134663876
Standard Error 452493.7814533
Observations 40

df SS MS F
Regression 1 976552593096 976552593096 4.769473139
Residual 38 7780523645649 204750622254
Total 39 8757076238744

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 3226671.635892 1237386.999679 2.607649536265 0.012957789
PCI -40132.1533525 18376.26560789 -2.18391234698 0.035210916
The estimated sample regression line:
𝑌 ̂ = -2241060 + 48345X1

X1 : PCI

Significance F - About 73.66% of the variability in PCI explains the va
0.0063809097 - With the confidence level of 99.93%, PCI impacts on

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-4123777.771 -358342.7666 -4123777.771 -358342.76657
19469.359897 77221.579785 19469.359897 77221.579785

The estimated sample regression line:

𝑌 ̂ = 72539 + 383X1

X1 : PCI

Significance F Conclusion:
0.9546457563 - About 0.058% of the variability in PCI explains the va
- With the confidence level of 4.5%, PCI impacts on GR

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-1026129.405 1171207.0603 -1026129.405 1171207.0603
-15442.70385 16209.671415 -15442.70385 16209.671415
The estimated sample regression line:
𝑌 ̂ = -4228543 + 84178X1

X1 : PCI
Significance F
0.0053572937 Conclusion:
- About 75.09% of the variability in PCI explains the va
- With the confidence level of 99.46%, PCI impacts on

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-7365697.933 -1091387.193 -7365697.933 -1091387.1927
35756.910053 132598.41711 35756.910053 132598.41711

The estimated sample regression line:

𝑌 ̂ = -820240 + 14131X1

X1 : PCI
Significance F
0.007403051 Conclusion:
- About 72.38% of the variability in PCI explains the va
- With the confidence level of 99.26%, PCI impacts on

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-1438726.43 -201752.9815 -1438726.43 -201752.98148
5412.0192541 22850.247785 5412.0192541 22850.247785

The estimated sample regression line:

𝑌 ̂ = -847838 + 16400X1

X1 : PCI

- About 86.36% of the variability in PCI explains the va
- With the confidence level of 99.92%, PCI impacts on
Significance F

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-1278229.424 -417446.0626 -1278229.424 -417446.0626
9890.2899176 22909.892924 9890.2899176 22909.892924

The estimated sample regression line:

𝑌 ̂ = 3226672 - 40132X1

X1 : PCI

- About 11.15% of the variability in PCI explains the va
Significance F - With the confidence level of 96.48%, PCI impacts on

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

721712.61524 5731630.6565 721712.61524 5731630.6565
-77332.9582 -2931.348501 -77332.9582 -2931.3485014
le regression line:

e variability in PCI explains the variable of GRDP, the remaining 26.34% the other variables explain it.
e level of 99.93%, PCI impacts on GRDP.

le regression line:

e variability in PCI explains the variable of GRDP, the remaining 99.942% the other variables explain it.
e level of 4.5%, PCI impacts on GRDP.
le regression line:

e variability in PCI explains the variable of GRDP, the remaining 24.91% the other variables explain it.
e level of 99.46%, PCI impacts on GRDP.

le regression line:

e variability in PCI explains the variable of GRDP, the remaining 27.62% the other variables explain it.
e level of 99.26%, PCI impacts on GRDP.

le regression line:
e variability in PCI explains the variable of GRDP, the remaining 13.64% the other variables explain it.
e level of 99.92%, PCI impacts on GRDP.

le regression line:

e variability in PCI explains the variable of GRDP, the remaining 13.64% the other variables explain it.
e level of 96.48%, PCI impacts on GRDP.

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