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Read the paragraph below about Vicky’s daily routine.

Choose ONE word from the box to complete

the missing words. Look at the example.

after at evening finishes go goes has a shower

leaves sometimes then wakes up watches

What does Vicky do every day? Well, she (example) wakes up

at half past seven. After she gets up, she 1.___________ and
gets dressed. She usually has a toast and tea for breakfast.
After breakfast she 2. _____________ home for work. When
she gets to the office, she doesn’t start work immediately.

First, she drinks coffee and 3. ________________ starts work.

For lunch, her friend and Vicky don’t stay at the office. They
often 4. _________________ out to a restaurant and then she
5. _______________ goes shopping after lunch. When she
6. ______________ work, she doesn’t go home. She goes to
her Italian class. Then she goes to the gym and gets some
exercise. She comes home in the 7._______________ and
makes the dinner.

8. ________________ she eats dinner, she takes her dog out for a walk. Before she goes to bed,
she 9. __________________TV and studies Italian. She sleeps 10. ________________ half past
twelve. This is Vicky’s day. And you? What do you do every day?

Now, look at the paragraph again and answer the questions below:

1- The paragraph talks about what Vicky ….

a. does every day
b. is doing now
c. did yesterday

2- The paragraph uses the …

a. present simple tense
b. present continous tense

3- This tense is used to talk about …

a. activities people do regularly
b. things that are always true
c. things happening now
d. a and b
e. a and b and c
4- In this tense, we add –s to the verb1 if the subject2 is
a. I/you/we/they
b. He/she/it

5- Sometimes we add –es to the verb. How many examples of –es can you find in the
paragraph? What are they?
6- Look at the examples you wrote for Q5. When do you think verbs take –es in this tense?

7- And sometimes we add –ies. There is one example in the paragraph. Can you find it? What
other examples can you give to verbs that take –ies in this tense?

8- There are two examples of negative sentences in the paragraph. Can you find and underline

9- To make a negative sentence, we use _________ or _____________. We use

______________ after he/she/it and ________________ after I/you/we/they.

10- When we make a negative sentence, we ______ –s/-es/-ies to the verb:

a. add
b. don’t add

11- In the paragraph there are three words showing how often Vicky does something. Can you
find them?

12- What other words can we use to say how often we do something?

13- Where in the sentence do we use these words?

14- How many questions can you find in the paragraph?

15- We use __________ or _____________ before the subject to make a question in this tense.


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