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10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Examen Final
Fecha de entrega 11 de dic en 23:59 Puntos 100 Preguntas 16
Disponible 5 de dic en 0:00 - 11 de dic en 23:59 Límite de tiempo 60 minutos Intentos permitidos 2


Below, you will find a final exam with the topics you
learned in this course. Read the instructions and do the
following exercises.

Volver a realizar el examen

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje
MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 54 minutos 85 de 100

Puntaje para este intento: 85 de 100

Entregado el 10 de dic en 18:32
Este intento tuvo una duración de 54 minutos. 1/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Pregunta 1 1.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate a problematic situation and its solutions with the
conflict management approaches applied. For each solution, you need to select the conflict
management approach applied from the right column.

Situation: SituationFrank is 78 years old. He is with his son Andrew and his daughter Emily, and their
families. They are visiting a town in Colombia’s coffee zone. Due to a chronic illness, he finds it
difficult to care for himself. He needs to be assisted all the time. The families want to go out for a walk
around the town. Frank cannot come, so someone needs to stay with him accompanying him.

Respondido Emily says she is going to stay taking Commitment

care of her father.

Respuesta correcta Cession

Respondido Emily says she is going to stay taking Competition

care of her father. And her son says
he will stay too to help her.

Respuesta correcta Collaboration 2/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Respondido Emily and Andrew have a Collaboration

conversation and they decide one is
going to stay with their parent today
and the other tomorrow.

Respuesta correcta Commitment

Respondido Emily and Andrew don’t say a word. Cession

One expects the other to offer help.

Respuesta correcta Competition

¡Correcto! Emily goes out with her children and Evasion

doesn’t offer any help.

Pregunta 2 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate each communication difficulty with its description.
For each communication difficulty, you need to select the letter corresponding to the correct audio
description. 3/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Audio Description Correct choice


0:00 / 0:12
Message clarity c

Information [ Seleccionar ]
0:00 / 0:11 omission

Contradictions [ Seleccionar ]
0:00 / 0:11

0:00 / 0:14

e. Communication
channel a
0:00 / 0:12

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! c

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! d 4/31
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Respuesta 3:

¡Correcto! b

Respuesta 4:

¡Correcto! e

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! a

Pregunta 3 5 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise you are going to match each term related to self-knowledge with its
definition. For each term, you need to select the correct answer.

Introspection: The examination of your own feelings and thoughts.

Self-esteem: [ Seleccionar ]

Beliefs: A person’s perception or awareness of something.

Self-knowledge: [ Seleccionar ]

Self-confidence: [ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1: 5/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

¡Correcto! The examination of your own feelings and thoughts.

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! It’s a synonym for self-respect.

Respuesta 3:

Respuesta correcta When you accept that something exists, is true, or is good, even without proofs.

Respondido A person’s perception or awareness of something.

Respuesta 4:

¡Correcto! Understanding of yourself.

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! When you trust in your own abilities, qualities, and judgement.

Pregunta 4 0 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate some difficult communication situations with
assertive communications techniques to avoid conflict. You will listen to the situation. Then, you need
to select the corresponding assertive communication technique to be applied. 6/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Situations Correct choice

0:00 / 0:03 [ Seleccionar ]

0:00 / 0:06 [ Seleccionar ]

0:00 / 0:04 [ Seleccionar ]

0:00 / 0:05 [ Seleccionar ]

0:00 / 0:05 [ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

Respuesta correcta Timing.

Respondido Talk about the facts and their impact.

Respuesta 2:

Respondido Talk in the first person.

Respuesta correcta Talk about the facts and their impact.

Respuesta 3: 7/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Respuesta correcta Describe the consequences from your perspective.

Respondido Talk in the first person.

Respuesta 4:

Respondido Describe the consequences from your perspective.

Respuesta correcta Remove the generalizations.

Respuesta 5:

Respondido Remove the generalizations.

Respuesta correcta Talk in the first person.

Pregunta 5 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will use the past tense to describe some actions completed in the
past. You need to complete each sentence with the correct past tense form of the verb in

1. David worked (work) as a manager in that restaurant for three years.

2. The company started (start) a new business in Africa.

3. The last book I read (read) was about two lovers in Amsterdam. 8/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

4. You came (come) back home very late yesterday.

5. She was (be) a dancer before becoming a musician.

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! worked

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! started

Respuesta 3:

¡Correcto! read

Respuesta 4:

¡Correcto! came

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! was

Pregunta 6 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will match personality traits with their descriptions. For each
personality trait, you need to select the letter of its corresponding description. 9/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

¡Correcto! Openness This kind of person enjoys ad

¡Correcto! Neuroticism This kind of person worries fr

¡Correcto! Conscientiousness This kind of person is organiz

¡Correcto! Agreeableness This kind of person is warm, k

¡Correcto! Extraversion This kind of person is chatty,

Pregunta 7 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you need to associate common job interview questions with their
corresponding answers. Match each question with its corresponding answer by selecting the correct

¡Correcto! What do you do? I am a university student and 10/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

¡Correcto! Where are you from? I am from Australia.

¡Correcto! Are you good at English? Yes, I am.

¡Correcto! Can you describe yourself? I am responsible, punctual, an

¡Correcto! What do you study? A master degree in Communi

Pregunta 8 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will identify the scope to which some elements belong. For each
element, you need to select the scope to which the element belong.

¡Correcto! The religion I profess Personal scope

¡Correcto! The policies against drug trafficking Scope of the world

¡Correcto! The rainy season Scope of the universe 11/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

¡Correcto! My learning style Personal scope

¡Correcto! My brother’s business Scope of the other

Pregunta 9 3.75 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate some given situations with the type of decisions they
represent. You need to read each situation carefully. Then, you need to select the corresponding type
of decision.

¡Correcto! My boss decides that we should work operational decision

only five days per week.

Respondido We should start an alliance with this tactical decision


Respuesta correcta strategic decision

Respondido The company decides to start a strategic decision

training program. 12/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Respuesta correcta tactical decision

¡Correcto! I decide to eat Chinese food instead of quick decision


¡Correcto! My sister decides to rent an apartment reasonable decision

instead of a single house.

Pregunta 10 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate

non-verbal language with personal preferences.
Based on each picture, select the personal
preference of each person by selecting the
correct answer. 13/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Image Subject Personal preference Action/Item

[ Seleccionar ]
meeting their

[ Seleccionar ] drinking coffee

in the morning

My [ Seleccionar ] rock music.

grandfather 14/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Image Subject Personal preference Action/Item

[ Seleccionar ]
spending time
with my family.

You [ Seleccionar ] romantic

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! like

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! likes

Respuesta 3:

¡Correcto! doesn’t like 15/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Respuesta 4:

¡Correcto! like

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! like

Pregunta 11 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate clothing with seasons and occasions. For each
audio describing what a person is wearing, you need to select the corresponding season or occasion.

Audio Description Correct choice

0:00 / 0:07 [ Seleccionar ]

0:00 / 0:08 spring

0:00 / 0:05 [ Seleccionar ]

0:00 / 0:08 winter 16/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Audio Description Correct choice

0:00 / 0:08 [ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! summer

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! spring

Respuesta 3:

¡Correcto! casual

Respuesta 4:

¡Correcto! winter

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! formal

Pregunta 12 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: Based on each text, indicate the kind of personal characteristic the person is
revealing. Match each text with the corresponding personal characteristic by selecting the correct 17/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401


¡Correcto! All tasks for today are completed and I Diligent

already started tomorrow’s tasks.

¡Correcto! Let’s try again. We will repeat the Patient

exercise until you understand the

¡Correcto! Who is that man with you in the Jealous

picture? Why is he so close to you?

¡Correcto! Where are you? Who is with you? Inquisitive

What time are you coming back
home? Please, tell me.

¡Correcto! I know how you feel now. Don’t worry. Understanding

You don’t have to come to work
tomorrow. Take your time.

Pregunta 13 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will identify the uses of the modal verbs ‘can’ and ‘could’. For each
sentence, you need to select the corresponding use of the verb. 18/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

¡Correcto! You can’t access the natural park on no permission


¡Correcto! Can I use your hiking boots? asking for permission

¡Correcto! I could go hiking for 6 hours when I ability: past

was 20.

¡Correcto! Can you please tell my sister that I am requesting


¡Correcto! I can help you with your task if you offering


Pregunta 14 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will

associate vacation destinations with the
activities that people usually do at those
places. For each vacation destination image,
you need to select two activities 19/31
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Image Activities

[ Seleccionar ] 20/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Image Activities

[ Seleccionar ] 21/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Image Activities

[ Seleccionar ] 22/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Image Activities

[ Seleccionar ] 23/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Image Activities

[ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! sunbathe / swim

Respuesta 2: 24/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

¡Correcto! enjoy the landscape / camping

Respuesta 3:

¡Correcto! eat cotton candy / ride on the roller coaster

Respuesta 4:

¡Correcto! buy souvenirs / visit museums

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! go camping / go hiking

Pregunta 15 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate the steps of a decision-making model with their
descriptions. For each audio description, you need to select the corresponding step of the decision-
making process from the right column.

Audio description Steps of the process

[ Seleccionar ]

Reflection 25/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Audio description Steps of the process

[ Seleccionar ]

[ Seleccionar ]

[ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! Decision

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! Reflection

Respuesta 3:

¡Correcto! Alternatives 26/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Respuesta 4:

¡Correcto! Consequences

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! Resources

Pregunta 16 6.25 / 6.25 pts

Instructions: In this exercise, you will associate non-verbal expressions with the feelings they
express. Based on each image, select the corresponding feeling out from the three (3) options. 27/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

Image Feelings

[ Seleccionar ]

[ Seleccionar ] 28/31
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Image Feelings

[ Seleccionar ]

irritable 29/31
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Image Feelings

[ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! attentive

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! depressed

Respuesta 3:

¡Correcto! surprised

Respuesta 4: 30/31
10/12/22, 18:33 Examen Final: Inglés II (Yenny Paola Lopez) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0401

¡Correcto! irritable

Respuesta 5:

¡Correcto! empathic

Puntaje del examen: 85 de 100 31/31

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