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7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam

Fecha de entrega 9 de oct en 23:59 Puntos 99.97 Preguntas 13
Disponible 6 de oct en 0:00 - 9 de oct en 23:59 Límite de tiempo Ninguno

Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam
Demonstrate command of vocabulary, grammar
structures and phonetics corresponding to units
1, 2, 3 and 4.

Activity type:
Automatic evaluation written test.

Working method: individual

Percentage: 25 %

Click next to see the bibliographic references.

Haz clic para ver

en español

Historial de intentos 1/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

Intento Hora Puntaje

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 16 minutos 98.43 de 99.97

 Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles el 10 de oct en 0:00.

Puntaje para este examen: 98.43 de 99.97

Entregado el 6 de oct en 16:05
Este intento tuvo una duración de 16 minutos.

Pregunta 1 7.69 / 7.69 pts

The following are five images representing five different emotions. You
must associate each image with the appropriate emotion. To do this, in
front of each image, you need to select the corresponding emotion from
the drop-down list.

image emotion



anxiety 2/18
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Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5: 3/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081


Pregunta 2 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Next, you will find the photographs and characteristics of three (3) people.
You will also find five (5) superlative sentences containing adjectives in
parentheses and blank spaces. You must fill in the blanks with the
appropriate superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.

Please Do NOT repeat the word THE

Sandy Thomas Helen

Age: 28 Age: 25 Age: 22

Height: 1.75 Height: 1.82 Height: 1.60

Weight: 78 Weight: 67 Weight: 54

Intelligent: + Intelligent: +++ Intelligent: ++

Happy: + Happy: ++ Happy: +++

Good: ++ Good: + Good: +++

1. Sandy is the (old) oldest .

2. Sandy is the (fat) fattest .

3. Thomas is the (tall) tallest . 4/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

4. Helen is the (happy) happiest .

5. Thomas is the (intelligent) most intelligent .

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:

most intelligent

Pregunta 3 7.69 / 7.69 pts

The following are a series of questions. You need to associate each one
with its correct answer. For each question, you need to select the
appropriate answer from the drop-down list.

question answer
How old are you? 19 years old.
Where are you from? From Jamaica.
What is your name? Thomas Shelby
When is your birthday? On February 18.
Why are you crying? Because I am sad. 5/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

Respuesta 1:

19 years old.

Respuesta 2:

From Jamaica.

Respuesta 3:

Thomas Shelby

Respuesta 4:

On February 18.

Respuesta 5:

Because I am sad.

Pregunta 4 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Next, you find five affirmative sentences in the present simple. You have
to transform them into negative sentences in the present simple. To do
this, you must complete the negative version in the space in front of each
sentence. Be careful with spelling and punctuation.

affirmative sentence negative sentence

I ___do not / don’t __eat eggs

I eat eggs every day.
every day.
My father _does not/ doesn’t
My father plays tennis.
__play tennis.
They _do not / don’t __ write a
They write a letter.
You _do not / don’t __speak
You speak French.
Eliza runs 5 kilometers every Eliza _does not/ doesn’t ___run 5 6/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

morning. kilometers every morning.

Respuesta 1:

do not / don’t

Respuesta 2:

does not/ doesn’t

Respuesta 3:

do not / don’t

Respuesta 4:

do not / don’t

Respuesta 5:

does not/ doesn’t

Parcial Pregunta 5 6.15 / 7.69 pts

Next, you will find some clues to build sentences. You need to organize
them in order to build correct sentences in present continuous and
present simple. Pay attention to the correct spelling and punctuation.

1. are/ going to/ the park/ you. _____are you going to the park ______
2. doesn’t/she/ speak / French _____she doesn’t speak french _______
3. He/ going to/ is/ cinema/ the ____he is going to the cinema ________
4. live/ they / Colombia/ in ____they live in Colombia _______
5. ?/play/ video games/ do/ you ____Do you play video games?

Respuesta 1:

are you going to the park 7/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

Respuesta 2:

she doesn’t speak french

Respuesta 3:

he is going to the cinema

Respuesta 4:

they live in Colombia

Respuesta 5:

Do you play video games?

Pregunta 6 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Taking into account the correct use of comparatives and superlatives,

select the option that correctly completes the following statement:

My name is Ray, I’m from Juradó island, but I currently live in Medellín
with the nic__ family I have ever seen. In this family there are two
beautiful girls. They are twins. One of them is called Yenifer, the other is
Camila; both are tall, Yenifer is tall__ than Camila, but I am the tall__ in
this family.

er – est – est

est – est – er

est – er – est

est – more – est 8/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

Pregunta 7 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Choose the correct option according to the next paragraph.

I will say something to you, my dear friend, take a breath and realize how
much strength is inside of you, your abilities, skills, and dreams. You are
not bad at what you do, it's only a moment in your life, a little failure, but I
know you will learn what you need to get up once more and become
stronger. In life, all of us can do everything we propose and much more
Believe in yourself! Strive yourself! and keep working. Your goal is

The advice in the paragraph pretends to increase:

Fears and doubts

Good emotions

Decision making


Pregunta 8 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Here is a list of sentences about habits that can be good or bad for your
health. Indicate in each sentence if it is a good or a bad habit for your
health. In each case, select the correct option from the drop-down list.

sentence image

Eating vegetables is good for your

health. 9/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

Watching TV a lot is bad for your


Visiting the dentist is good for your


Making exercise is good for your


Sleeping only 4 hours per day is

bad for your health. 10/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Pregunta 9 7.69 / 7.69 pts

The following is a series of sentences in the present simple. These

sentences contain blank spaces that you must fill in with the correct form
of the verb "to be". In each case, you have to select the appropriate
answer from the drop-down list.

1. Stella _is _ my best friend.

2. Charles and Walter _are _ at home.
3. Your brother and you _are _ always angry.
4. I _am _ very sad today.
5. _are _ Claudia and I in the same group?

Respuesta 1:

is 11/18
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Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Pregunta 10 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Next, you will find the photographs and characteristics of three (3) people.
You will also find five (5) comparative sentences containing adjectives in
parentheses and blank spaces. You must fill in the blanks with the
appropriate comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.

Sandy Thomas Helen

Age: 28 Age: 25 Age: 22

Height: 1.75 Height: 1.82 Height: 1.60

Weight: 78 Weight: 67 Weight: 54

Intelligent: + Intelligent: +++ Intelligent: ++

Happy: + Happy: ++ Happy: +++ 12/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

Good: ++ Good: + Good: +++

1. Sandy is (old) older than Helen.

2. Sandy is (fat) fatter than Helen.

3. Thomas is (heavy) heavier than Helen.

4. Helen is (good) better than Thomas.

5. Helen is (intelligent) more intelligent than Sandy.

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:

more intelligent

Pregunta 11 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Now, you can see several sentences that contain blank spaces and, in
front of them, some images. You must fill in the blanks with the correct 13/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

present progressive form of the verb corresponding to the image in front

of each sentence.


play walk read write eat

sentence image

My sister _ is _

__ playing ___

basketball with her friends.

_ is _ Emily __

writing __ an email to

her mother?

I _ am _ not _

eating _ breakfast. 14/18
7/10/22, 11:50 F25- Learning Evidence 5 – Final Exam: Inglés I (DAFNE MONCADA) - PREBASI2202PC-TDS0081

_ are __ they _

walking _ in the park?

We _ are _ _

reading _ a part of the

book every afternoon.

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:

Are 15/18
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Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Pregunta 12 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Next, you will find some subjects. You need to match each subject to its
corresponding personal pronoun. To do this, in front of each subject, you
have to select the corresponding personal pronoun from the drop-down

subject pronoun
Daniel he
Silvia she
Daniel and I we
Silvia and you you
Silvia and Daniel they

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:

we 16/18
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Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Pregunta 13 7.69 / 7.69 pts

Next, you will find a video and a list of actions from a baby’s daily routine.
You need to order the actions according to what you see on the video.
Select the correct number in front of each action.

3 He drinks his milk.

4 He goes for a walk.

1 He takes a shower.

5 He sleeps for a while.

2 He gets dressed.

Youtube video

Author: ivRose



Respuesta 1:

Respuesta 2: 17/18
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Respuesta 3:

Respuesta 4:

Respuesta 5:

Puntaje del examen: 98.43 de 99.97 18/18

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