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Petroleum Reservoir Engineering SOEE2500/SOEE5735M Past Exam Paper

Sample 1


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Mathematical Formulae and Conversion Factors provided

School of Earth and Environment


Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Time allowed: 2 hours

Answer all questions

Percentages in brackets [%] indicate the weight of each question for the paper.

Question 1 [Total 25%]

a) Define the following terms used in reservoir engineering:

i) Dew point [3%]

ii) Solution gas oil ratio [3%]
iii) Gas-Oil Contact [3%]
iv) Total formation volume factor [3%]
v) Petroleum [3%]

b) Explain the ‘single rate drawdown test’ used in well testing (no equations
needed). In your answer sketch a typical graph used in this technique.

Question 2 [Total 25%]

a) Consider a single phase linear flow through 3 horizontal layers, stacked on top of
each other, with the properties for each layer illustrated in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Linear flow through 3 horizontal layers.

Using Darcy’s law, show that the average permeability for the linear flow through
these horizontal layers is given by:
k1h1 + k 2 h2 + k 3 h3
k aver =
h1 + h2 + h3

b) Calculate the total flow rate in m3/day for an oil flow through 3 horizontal layers
as illustrated in Figure 1, if the following data are given:
h1= 8ft; h2= 6ft; h3= 10ft ; k 1=240mD; k2=460mD; k3=120mD;
width of layers is 200ft; length of layers is 400ft; oil viscosity µo = 0.4cp;
pin = 880psia; pout = 780psia.

Question 3 [Total 25%]

a) Explain the surface recombination sampling, as used in sampling reservoir

fluids. In your answer include a schematic diagram to illustrate this technique.

b) The following data is given for an oil reservoir which contains one producing well:

oil formation volume factor 1.42rm3/stm3

net thickness of formation 60m
viscosity of reservoir oil 1.3x10-3Pa s
permeability 100mD
wellbore radius 0.15m
external radius 530m
average reservoir pressure 270bar
well flowrate (constant) 220stm3/day
skin factor 0

Calculate the bottomhole flowing pressure of this well (in bar), in each of the
following cases:

(i) steady state conditions [8%]

(ii) semi-steady state conditions [7%]

Question 4 [Total 25%]

a) The Material Balance Equation for a reservoir with gas cap and water drive is
given by:

Explain what each of the terms in this equation represents, explaining also the
physics of material balance in such a reservoir. In your answer sketch the
corresponding diagrams used to schematically represent the material balance in
such a reservoir.

b) The initial gas compressibility factor in a gas condensate reservoir is 0.89. The
reservoir pressure is 3100psig and the temperature of the reservoir is 110 oF. The
reservoir has an area of 32 acres, a net thickness of 28ft, an average porosity of
22% and average water saturation of 19%. The reservoir contains a fraction of gas
of 0.84. Calculate for this reservoir:
(i) the initial Gas Formation Volume Factor Bg (in cu ft/scf); [4%]
(ii) the original gas condensate in place (in MMscf); [5%]
(iii) the original gas in place (in MMscf). [4%]

Conversion factors: 1 acre foot = 43,560 ft3

1acre = 43,560 ft2
1bar = 105 Pa
1Pa = 10 -5 bar
1ft = 0.3048 m
1cp = 10-3 Pa s
1psi= 6894.75 Pa
1mD= 10-15 m2
1day = 86400 s




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