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Aphrodite is a Greek goddess associated with love, lust

beauty, pleasure, passion, desire and fertility. She is
one of the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses and
holds a significant place in Greek mythology.
Aphrodite's domain encompasses both physical
and spiritual aspects of love, including romantic
love, attraction, sensuality, and the bonds
between people.
As the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite is often
depicted as the epitome of physical attractiveness
and allure. She is associated with charm, grace,
and elegance, inspiring desire and admiration.
Aphrodite's presence brings harmony and joy to The word "aphrodisiac"
is derived from
relationships, and she is often invoked to help
cultivate love and passion.
Beyond romantic love, Aphrodite also embodies the concept of divine love and
represents the power of attraction and connection in the universe. Her
influence extends to matters of creativity and inspiration, as artistic expression
often stems from the heart's desires and emotional connections.

Modern followers
Devotion to Aphrodite often
and practitioners of
involves rituals, offerings, and
Hellenic polytheism,
prayers to seek her blessings
or those who
in matters of love,
relationships, beauty, and self-
Aphrodite into their
acceptance. Many individuals
spiritual practices,
turn to Aphrodite for guidance
celebrate and honor
and assistance in matters of
her in various ways,
the heart, seeking her wisdom
often tailored to
to foster healthy and fulfilling
individual beliefs
and traditions.
Aphrodite's Correspondences

Doves: Doves are perhaps the most well-known animal

associated with Aphrodite. They symbolize love, purity, and
peace. Doves were believed to be sacred to Aphrodite and
were often depicted alongside her in art and mythology.

Swans: Swans are graceful and elegant creatures often

associated with beauty and romance. In Greek mythology,
swans were closely connected to Aphrodite and were
believed to pull her chariot.

Sparrows: Sparrows were associated with Aphrodite due to their

gentle, passionate and affectionate nature. These small beautiful
birds symbolize love, devotion, and fertility.

Dolphins: Dolphins are intelligent and playful marine

creatures associated with Aphrodite's connection to the sea.
They represent joy, sensuality, and the deep emotions
associated with love.

Butterflies: Butterflies are symbolic of transformation and the

beauty that emerges from it. They are associated with
Aphrodite's transformative power in matters of love and
personal growth.

Bees: Bees are industrious creatures symbolizing fertility,

abundance, and community. They represent the sweet and
productive aspects of love and are associated with Aphrodite's
ability to bring people together in harmonious relationships.
Aphrodite's Correspondences
Astrological Associations:
Zodiac Sign: Aphrodite is associated with Taurus and Libra. Taurus represents
beauty, sensuality, and pleasure, whilst Libra represents harmony, balance, and

Planetary Ruler: Venus is the planetary ruler of Aphrodite.

Venus is associated with love, beauty, attraction, and pleasure.

Venusian Hours: In astrological magic, specific hours of the day are attributed
to different planetary influences. The Venusian hours, ruled by Aphrodite's
planetary energy, are considered favorable for love spells, attracting beauty, and
enhancing relationships.
Venus Transits: When the planet Venus forms significant aspects or transits in
the sky, it can have an influence on matters of love, beauty, and relationships.
Astrologers often consider these transits when working with Aphrodite's energy.
Seashells: Aphrodite is associated with seashells due to her birth
from the sea foam. As she emerged from the waves, seashells adorned
her; they are symbols of her birth and connection to the ocean.
Seashells represent beauty, femininity, and the mysteries of the sea,
mirroring Aphrodite's own qualities.
Mirrors: Aphrodite is associated with mirrors because they
symbolize self-reflection, and beauty. In ancient times, mirrors
were often made of polished metal, and the reflective surface
was believed to hold magical properties. Mirrors also represent
the ability to see our inner desires, reflecting the transformative
power of Aphrodite's influence on relationships and personal
Colours: Tarot Cards:
Pink: Symbolizing love, romance, and
The Empress represents
tenderness the beauty and creativity
Red: Signifying passion, desire, and that Aphrodite embodies.
attraction The Lovers card is also
White: Representing purity, innocence, associated with her.
and divine love
Aphrodite's Correspondences
Plants and Herbs:
Myrtle: associated with love, fertility, and purity. It symbolizes
eternal love and devotion, making it sacred to Aphrodite.
Rose: a timeless symbol of love and beauty. It embodies romance,
passion, and sensuality, making it a fitting association for the goddess
of love.
Jasmine: known for its alluring fragrance and aphrodisiac properties.
Its sweet scent evokes feelings of desire, aligning it with Aphrodite's
enchanting energy.

Yarrow: associated with Venus, the planetary ruler of Aphrodite, it

enhances love, protects relationships and is known for its healing
Apple: connected to Aphrodite due to its associations with love,
desire, and temptation. In Greek mythology, the golden apple played a
significant role in the story of 'the judgment of Paris', which involved
Aphrodite's allure.
Crystals and Gemstones:
Rose Quartz: promotes love, self-love, compassion, and deep
connections with others. Its gentle and nurturing energy resonates
with Aphrodite's.
Pearl: associated with femininity, beauty, and purity. Pearls are
connected to Aphrodite as they embody the essence of femininity
and her nurturing and soothing qualities.

Emerald: symbolizes love and abundance. Emerald is associated with

the heart chakra, aligning with Aphrodite's influence over matters of
the heart.

Rhodochrosite: represents self-love and emotional healing.

Rhodochrosite's gentle pink hues align with Aphrodite's energy of love
and compassion.

Garnet: enhances love, passion, and sensuality, aligning with

Aphrodite's role as the goddess of love, lust and desire.
Aphrodite's Mythology
Aphrodite's mythology includes her birth from the sea foam, her marriage
to Hephaestus, and her numerous love affairs with both gods and mortals.
It's far too vast to cover here, however here are some of her key stories...

Aphrodite's mythology 'The Judgment of Paris' - Aphrodite is most

reflects the power and famous for her role in the story of the Trojan
complexity of love and War. She played a pivotal part in the events that
desire. Her stories led to the war by causing a dispute among the
highlight the joys and gods over the golden apple, known as the Apple
challenges that come with of Discord. This apple was inscribed with the
passionate relationships words "For the Fairest," and Aphrodite, Hera,
and the transformative and Athena claimed it as their own. The dispute
nature of love. She was eventually settled by Zeus, who appointed
embodies both the beauty Paris of Troy to judge the contest. Aphrodite
and the intensity of promised Paris the love of the most beautiful
human emotions, making woman in the world, Helen of Sparta, in return
her a compelling and for choosing her as the fairest goddess. This
influential figure in Greek sparked the chain of events that ultimately led
mythology. to the Trojan War.

'The Foam-Born Birth of Aphrodite' - this

Aphrodite is often
is one of the most well-known and widely
depicted as an
accepted versions of Aphrodite's origin story.
incredibly beautiful
Aphrodite was born from the sea foam that
and seductive
emerged when the Titan Cronus severed the
goddess. She
genitals of his father, Uranus, and cast them into
possesses irresistible
the sea. As she emerged from the foam, she was
charm and enchanting
carried by the waves and eventually arrived at the
allure that can
island of Cyprus. This story highlights her
captivate both gods
connection to the sea and her birth as a result of
and mortals. Her
divine forces.
beauty is said to have
The myth is primarily associated with Hesiod, a
caused conflicts and
Greek poet from the 8th century BCE, who
wars among gods and
described Aphrodite's birth in his work
humans alike.
Working with Aphrodite
Some areas you may seek Aphrodite's guidance and assistance include:

Sensuality and Sexuality: Explore the realm of sensuality

and sexuality with Aphrodite's guidance. Seek her assistance in
awakening your own desires, embracing your sexuality, or
building intimacy and connection with a partner.

Love Spells and Rituals: Call upon Aphrodite to enhance

romantic connections, attract a new love, or strengthen an existing
relationship. Work with her energy to bring love and passion into
your life.

Self-Love and Self-Care: Connect with Aphrodite to

cultivate self-love and enhance your self-confidence. Seek
her guidance in practicing self-care rituals, self-acceptance,
and body positivity.

Beauty and Glamour Magic: Invoke Aphrodite to enhance and

appreciate your natural beauty and radiance. Work with her energy
to boost your confidence, practice beauty rituals, or create spells
and charms for personal glamour and attraction.

Healing Emotional Wounds: Turn to Aphrodite for healing

emotional wounds related to love and relationships. Work with her
energy to release past traumas, cultivate forgiveness, and open your
heart to new experiences.

Enhancing Charisma and Magnetism: Work with Aphrodite to

develop charisma and magnetism. Call upon her to enhance your
personal magnetism, charm, and allure, both in romantic relationships
and social interactions.

Creative Inspiration: Seek Aphrodite's inspiration for artistic and

creative endeavors. Connect with her to ignite your creativity and
channel her energy for artistic expression, particularly if you are
writing love poetry, or creating art for other people to show your love
and affection for them.
Devotion & Offerings
Devotion to any deity is personal and you should do what feels right for your
relationship with Aphrodite. These are just suggestions for ways to show your
Prayers and Invocations: Regularly communicate with Aphrodite through
meditation, prayers, rituals, or written messages expressing your gratitude, love,
and intentions.
Creative Expression: Engage in creative activities that celebrate beauty,
sensuality, and love. This can include writing poetry, creating artwork, or crafting
items for Aphrodite.
Acts of Love and Kindness: Practice acts of compassion and kindness
towards yourself and others. Embody Aphrodite's qualities by spreading love and
helping those in need.
Learning: Deepen your understanding of Aphrodite through research and
reading stories associated with her.
Offerings for Aphrodite:

Roses: Offer a rose or rose petals. Roses are deeply associated

with love and passion, and they represent beauty and romance.

Seashells: Place seashells on your altar as offerings; they symbolize

Aphrodite's connection to the sea and her birth from the foam.

Sweet Scents: Burn incense or offer scented oils or perfumes

with fragrances like rose, jasmine, or vanilla. These scents are
often associated with love, sensuality, and pleasure.

Jewelry: Offer a piece of jewelry like a necklace, bracelet, or ring

that symbolizes beauty and adornment. It can be a meaningful piece
that you feel represents Aphrodite's energy and qualities.

Beauty Products: Offer cosmetics, bath salts, or luxurious self-

care items associated with beauty and pampering. These offerings
honor Aphrodite's role as the goddess of beauty and self-love.

Food and Drink: Prepare offerings of sweets, fruits, or libations such

as wine or honey. These offerings symbolize the indulgence and pleasure
associated with Aphrodite.
Invoking Aphrodite
Before invoking (or calling on) Aphrodite, it's important to
approach her with respect, sincerity, and a genuine desire to
connect with her. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Study and Learn: Take the time to learn about Aphrodite's mythology,
symbols, and correspondences aspects. This will deepen your understanding of
her and help you to establish a stronger connection.
Intent and Authenticity: Be clear about your intentions for invoking
Aphrodite. Are you seeking guidance in matters of love, self-love, beauty, or
relationships? Ensure that your intentions come from a place of authenticity
and genuine desire for connection.
Purify and Prepare: Before invoking Aphrodite, it can be beneficial to
cleanse and purify yourself and your space. You may also wish to set up an altar
dedicated to Aphrodite, or to add a couple of items representing her to your
existing altar.
Invocation Ritual

Preparation and Invocation: Center your energy and light a pink or red
candle to represent Aphrodite's love and passion. Then call out to her using
your own words requesting her presence in a respectful manner, alternatively
use a pre-written invocation (there is a suggestion on the next page).

Speak then Listen: Once you have called on Aphrodite spend a moment to
sense any energy changes. Then state your intentions openly, sharing
your desires, or questions related to matters of love, relationships, beauty,
or self-love. Be sure to sit quietly and be receptive to any insights you may
receive or feelings that arise. Be aware that sometimes insights arrive straight
away, but other times they may take days and they may be in the form of
synchronicities, patterns or symbols. Trust in your intuition and your
connection with Aphrodite.

Offerings and Gratitude: Offer your chosen offerings to Aphrodite,

expressing your gratitude for her presence and blessings. Following this,
extinguish the candle to signal the end of the ritual. You may wish to journal
your experiences.
Invocations are a personal practice and you may wish to use your
own words. However, if you're not sure what to say, you might
want to try something like this:

Goddess Aphrodite, radiant and fair,

I humbly call upon your presence with the utmost care.
Goddess of love, lust, beauty, and desire,
Ignite within me your passionate fire.

Aphrodite, born of the sea,

I respectfully invite you to join me.
Teach me the power of love and its grace,
With your gentle touch and your loving embrace.

Goddess Aphrodite, I seek your aid,

To find love and joy, my heart unafraid.
Grant me confidence and magnetism rare,
To attract love's blessings beyond compare.

Bless my relationships with harmony and bliss,

And fill my life with love's eternal kiss.
Aphrodite, please hear my plea,
I now invoke your sacred presence, Blessed be.
Aphrodite's Love Ritual
This love ritual calls upon Aphrodite to enhance romantic connections. You will need:

A pink or red candle Rose petals or rose oil

Pen and small piece of paper Rose quartz crystal (or other love-crystal)
Optional: photograph of the person you love

Preparation: Cleanse your altar or sacred space using your preferred method.
Light the pink or red candle, representing the energy of love and passion. Place the
rose quartz crystal in front of the candle. Center your energy then close your eyes
and visualize Aphrodite's loving and graceful presence surrounding you.

Invocation: Recite the following invocation or create your own heartfelt words:
"Goddess Aphrodite, I call upon your divine presence. Fill this space with your love
and grace. Guide me in enhancing my romantic connections and attracting the love
I desire. I seek your blessings and assistance in matters of the heart. Hail and
welcome Aphrodite."

Intention Setting: Take the small piece of paper and write down your intention
regarding your romantic connections and goals. Be specific and clear about what
you wish to attract or enhance. Fold the paper and hold it in your hands, infusing it
with your energy and your intention. (If the ritual is aimed at increasing the love or
lust between you and a specific person, hold a photo of them as well, or write their
name on the paper.)

Candle Affirmation: Hold the folded paper close to the candle flame, without
touching it, and say: "By the flame of this candle, I ignite the passion within me. I
attract the passion I seek, and trust that love flows easily to me."

Crystal Charging: Take the love-attracting crystal and hold it in your hands.
Close your eyes and visualize the crystal absorbing the energy of Aphrodite's love
and attraction. Repeat the following affirmation: "These crystals are charged with
Aphrodite's love and attraction. They radiate a magnetic energy that draws love
and romance into my life."

Closing and Gratitude: Express your gratitude to Aphrodite for her presence
and assistance in your love journey. Place the folded paper under the crystal ,
allowing its energy to infuse it. Leave the candle burning if it's safe to do so, or
extinguish it with the intention of returning to its flame whenever you want to
reconnect with Aphrodite's energy.
Aphrodite Meditation
Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to deeply relax.
Visualize yourself standing at the entrance of a beautiful Greek
The air is filled with the delicate scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of
gentle birdsong fills your ears. As you step forward, you notice a path lined
with vibrant flowers in various shades of pink, red, and white.
As you walk along the path, you feel a gentle breeze caressing your skin. Take a
moment to immerse yourself in the peaceful ambiance of the garden. Notice
the intricate details of the flowers, their delicate petals and vibrant hues. Feel the
softness of the grass beneath your feet as you continue your journey.

As you explore further, you come across a small clear-watered pond in the
center of the garden. The water glistens under the sunlight. Sit down by the
water's edge and observe the gentle ripples as they dance across the surface.

As you sit in this tranquil space, a woman of infinite beauty begins

walking towards you, moving softly and gracefully. She is holding a pure
white dove and is radiating loving light. As her energy envelopes you, you are
filled with a sense of joy, serenity and grace. You stand to greet her,
knowing in your heart that this is Aphrodite and that she is here to guide
and inspire you.

Something about her presence allows you to communicate openly and

freely. Picture your desires, share your fears and ask her the questions you want
answering. Listen for any messages or insights that come to you during this
sacred moment of connection.

Aphrodite may speak, or show you symbols, or give you a feeling. She may say
nothing, knowing you have the answers within you and will find them in time.
Trust her to give you as much or as little as you need. Sit for a few
minutes being open to receive her guidance, then when you feel ready, thank
Aphrodite for her presence and walk back through the garden. Notice you
are moving with the same beauty and grace Aphrodite carried herself

Slowly begin to bring your awareness back to your surroundings,

carrying with you the energy and inspiration you received from this meeting with
Aphrodite. Take a moment to reflect on your experience and be aware of any
symbols, patterns or messages you receive over the coming days and weeks.
Aphrodite's Love Tarot Spread
This spread is designed to help you connect with Aphrodite and receive her
guidance in the areas of love, beauty and relationships. To use this spread, take a
moment to center yourself and call on Aphrodite in a way that feels meaningful to
you. Shuffle the tarot deck while focusing on your connection with Aphrodite and
your intention to receive her guidance. Draw the cards for each position and reflect
on their meanings, messages and patterns.

"8 Card Love Spread Card Positions:

Card 1: Self-Love and Acceptance - What aspect
of self-love and self-acceptance should you focus on to
enhance your overall well-being and personal growth? 1 2
Card 2: Relationship Harmony - What guidance
does Aphrodite offer to improve or cultivate harmony
5 4 3 6
in your relationships, whether romantic or platonic?

Card 3: Beauty and Inner Radiance - What can

7 8
you do to enhance your inner beauty and radiance,
allowing your authentic self to shine through?

Card 4: Overcoming blockages - What is holding you back in your romantic

relationships, or in your journey to fully love yourself?

Card 5: Emotional Healing - What guidance does Aphrodite offer to heal

emotional wounds and find inner peace in matters of the heart?

Card 6: Attracting Love - What steps can you take ,or qualities can you
embody, to attract love and positive relationships into your life? (When asking this
question you can focus on attracting romantic love, attracting platonic love, or
attracting increased love and positivity in an existing relationship depending on
your circumstances.)

Card 7: Passion and Sensuality - How can you embrace your sensual nature
and ignite the passion within you? (Note that this card may also reveal
subconcious desires!)

Card 8: Sharing Love - How can you better show your love to those close to you
and encourage more love and passion in the people around you?

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