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Linguistics 1

Introduction to Linguistics
Dr. Georgia Zellou

Language Diversity
Concepts to know
• Language Diversity
• Language Families
• Endangered Languages
Language Diversity
• How many languages exist in the world?

a) ~70
b) ~700
c) ~7,000
d) ~70,000
• How many languages exist in the world?

a) ~70
b) ~700
c) ~7,000
d) ~70,000
Resource on world’s languages
What languages are spoken by the most number
of native speakers?
Number of speakers Language
• 1 billion
• 442 million
• 378 million
• 315 million
• 260 million
• 243 million
• 223 million
• 154 million
• 128 million
What languages are spoken by the most number
of native speakers?
Number of speakers Language
• 1 billion Mandarin Chinese
• 442 million Spanish
• 378 million English
• 315 million Arabic
• 260 million Hindi
• 243 million Bengali
• 223 million Portuguese
• 154 million Russian
• 128 million Japanese
• What percentage of the world’s languages have more than 1
million speakers?
• 5.5% of languages
• What percentage of the world’s languages have less than 10,000
• 55% of languages
• 94% of the world’s population speaks only 6% of its languages
Language Families
Language vs. Language Family
• Language family is a group of languages related through decent
from a common parent, or proto-, language

• What is the largest language family (in terms of number of living

What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224
• 479
• 453
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224
• 479
• 453
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479
• 453
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479
• 453
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453 Sino-Tibetan
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453 Sino-Tibetan
• 444
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453 Sino-Tibetan
• 444 Indo-European
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453 Sino-Tibetan
• 444 Indo-European
• 366
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453 Sino-Tibetan
• 444 Indo-European
• 366 Afro-Asiatic
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453 Sino-Tibetan
• 444 Indo-European
• 366 Afro-Asiatic
What language families are spoken have most
native speakers?
Number of languages Language Family
• 1,527 Niger-Congo
• 1,224 Austronesian
• 479 Trans-New Guinea
• 453 Sino-Tibetan
• 444 Indo-European
• 366 Afro-Asiatic

• Together, these account for 2/3 of all

languages and 5/6th of the population of
speakers in the world
• There are hundreds of other language
families, though
Language Diversity in the US
Top 10 non-English languages spoken in the US
• Spanish
• Italian
• German
• French
• Polish
• Chinese
• Tagalog
• Greek
• Portuguese
• Japanese
Language Diversity in the US
• 320 Million people live in the US
• About 300,000 speak a Native American language
Endangered languages
Language Diversity in the US
Endangered languages
• Language at risk of not being used because it is not being acquired
by new speakers or the speakers shift to speaking another language

Endangered languages
About 3,400 languages in the world are classified as endangered

• A language starts to become endangered when intergenerational

transmission begins to decrease (i.e. the language ceases to be
passed on to children as a first language).
• As older generations of speakers pass away, fewer and fewer people
are left who speak the language.
Endangered languages
• Rise of Colonialism
Climate change & language loss
Language Revitalization
• Identify and stabilize languages under threat so they can be
transmitted to the next generation
• Schools and immersion programs

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