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Project: MOBILE MASS MONEY sales letter/video script.

Jay - I’m going to write this out in sales letter format (sub heads and shit), but it should
be pretty obvious how you should break it down for the script. I left some holes in here
on numbers and the like for you to ll in. Look this over and we’ll hop on the phone to
get the revision done.

Also, I’m using “Autoclick Pro ts” as the main structural swipe on this. Also took a look
at Iser’s thing and some of the others.

Overall stoyline:

1. You’re took fucking late - AGAIN. Trying to make money on “the internet” now is like
trying to make millions shoeing horses or selling cable TV subscriptions. Total fucking
waste of time.

You were too late for Google

You were too late for CPA
You were too late for “Automatic Online Software”
You’re already too late for Facebook (because the big gurus and the big corporations
are already screwing you out of what you deserve.)

But if you get moving RIGHT FUCKING NOW you can nally be EARLY - you can nally
be the one to jump in there and make some fucking money with mobile.

Stats - (X%) of American’s actually SLEEP WITH THEIR CELL PHONES

X # of Mobile phones WORLDWIDE.

Massive amounts of free traf c without even having to use a fucking computer.

Blind offer is $47 for the software.

2. Moblie is the “New Gold Rush” - M


PROOF . . .
Here’s stone cold solid proof of how I earned (BIG NUMBERS) on clickbank from 100%
FREE MOBILE Traf c . . .

Turn 5.2 BILLION Cell

Phones World Wide Into
Your Own Personal Piggy
Banks . . . No Cost Mobile
Traf c At The Push Of A


From: Frank Lucas

To: The Next Mobile Millionaire

You ever feel like you showed up to the party 15 minutes too late?

After all the cool people and the smart people and the rich people have already left?

Because, I hate to tell you this, you did.

Right now as you’re watching this, you’re too late.

You missed your chance.

You’re too late for the “Google Party” . . . that was back in 2005 when you could buy
traf c for pennies a click.

But now? Now Google hates you and won’t let you buy traf c if you bring a dump truck
full of money up to their door.

You’re too late for SEO.

Try to get good ranking for keywords that are actually worth anything now and you’ll
need an advanced degree in mathematics and an army of expensive outsourcers . . .

And then Google will just change the whole algorithm anyway to mess with you anyway.

And even though the big scammy “Gurus” are telling you it’s the 2nd coming now, you’re
too late for Facebook too.

The good money’s already been made, the back room deals are already being done
and pretty soon you’re going to get slammed out of there too.

And I’m not even going to mention CPA, Banner Exchanges, “Blogging,” Article
Marketing, Twitter, Clickbank all that stuff.

You probably already know this deep in your heart but the gurus have been lying
to you.

They’ve been stringing you along, making all the good money themselves and then
making you pay for carcass.

They’ve been giving you the scraps.

Except now there aren’t even any scraps left at all.

You ever wonder why everybody else seems to be making money online when you’re

It’s not because they’re smarter.

Or they work harder (they don’t.)

It’s because they got to the party early.

They got there ahead of time when there was money to be made . . . when it was still
easy to get rich.

While you listened to some scammy guru and kept doing what used to work thing over
and over again.

But here’s the weird thing.

Even though you’ve been late again and again and again.

Right now there’s actually one party you’re EARLY for.

And this is a really good party.

This is a party that makes the “Good old days” of Google look like some fat kid’s 3rd
grade birthday party.

A party that’s going to make billionaires in the next few years (and whole lot of
millionaires besides.)

And you know what?

You can be one of them.

Heck, don’t even think about the millions you’re going to make (or the thousands you’ll
make pretty much by accident if you’re lazy.)

Think about this.

Even though you don’t know it yet, you’ve got $37,412 dollars in your pocket right

Just sitting there.

Just waiting for you to take it out.

That’s money you could make TONIGHT just by taking a few really simple steps.

Actually, that’s nothing.

If you actually watch this video and do what I say you’re going to get access to a market
bigger than Google, bigger than Facebook, bigger than Bing . . .

A market bigger than “the internet.”

Where anyone can make hundreds . . . thousands . . . even hundreds of thousands of
dollars PER DAY just by being in the right place in the right time.

Without any actual “effort” at all.

How do I know?

Let me just show you

(JAY - proof stuff. Receipts. Hot planes. Whatever.)

My name is Frank Lucas, and even though I’ve got everything I ever wanted now.

Just two years ago I was a desperate man.


Because even though I should have known better, I fell hook line and sinker for the
“Guru” trap.

See, just like you I wanted a better life for me and my family.

I was sick and tired of cramming myself into my beat up car every morning, ghting my
way through traf c, being treated like a kindergartner at a job I despised.

And putting on this fake smile for my asshole boss who kept asking me if it would be
“OK” if he asked me to “stay a couple hours late tonight” every freaking night of the

More than once I laid awake at night thinking about how great it would feel to walk into
his of ce and tell him how I really felt.

To commit “career suicide.”

To be free.

But I had a mortgage. And a wife and two kids. And an expensive “internet habit.”

So I kept my head down and did what I was told.

And every night when I got home I sat down at my computer, logged into my Clickbank
account and felt this awful tightness in my chest.

I’d spent over $4,523 dollars on ebooks, courses and “coaching” from the scammy
“Gurus” and just look at the “results” all that time and all that money got for me . . .

So I spent almost 5 grand to make a (LOW AMOUNT.)

I felt like an idiot. I felt like a victim. I felt like a fool.

I’m no “math genius” or anything, but I know that when you spend (X) times what you
make something’s wrong.

Then one night it got really bad with my wife and I.

I love my wife.

But when credit card bill came. She saw all these charges for $77 ebooks, domain
names, “trainings” . . .

And we went to war.

It wasn’t being screamed at that bothered me.

It’s that I knew my kids could hear every word.

And I knew she was right.

I Was Pissed Off And Fed

Up. I Felt Used And
Abused By The “Gurus”
And Decided Something
Had To Change.
When she ran out of anger and ran out of tears my wife went to bed.

I could still feel the adrenaline and the shame thrumming through my veins.

I could still see the rage and the hurt in my wife’s eyes.
So I went downstairs to my “of ce.”

I looked at all the “af liate marketing” books on my hard drive. All the video “Training
courses.” All the THOUSANDS of dollars of CRAP I’d bought over the years.

And I got rid of it all.

I deleted all the “ebooks.”

I threw away the $2,000 “training course.”

I gave up on “following” these scammy “gurus” who I only knew how to make money by
convincing me they could teach me how to make money.

As soon as I hit the “delete” key I felt this incredible relief.

Like I’d just been set free.

I didn’t give up on my dream.

I didn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to nally have the money and the
freedom I’d wanted for so long.

But right then and right there, I decided to stop being a victim and a follower.

Right there . .

I Got My Head Out Of My

Ass And Decided For Once
I Was Going To Win
See, sitting there that night in my little basement of ce I gured something out.

I gured out the reason none of the crap the gurus were shoveling ever worked for me.

It’s because they were selling me stuff that USED to work.

Regurgitating the same old crap they’d been selling for years.
All these big “Gurus” (who don’t actually make anywhere near what they say they do)
were living in the PAST.

But the only way to get rich is to live in the future.

It’s like Wayne Gretsky’s coach used to say.

“Don’t follow the puck. Go where the puck is going to be.”

I stayed up all night that night, my eyes all red from crying.

I was like a man possessed. I dug around every corner of the internet trying to gure out
what was coming NEXT.

And Then I Realized, The

Next “Gold Rush” Wasn’t
Going To Be “Online” At
It was 2:17 AM when I had the big realization that changed everything.

First I found a stat telling me there were over 5.2 BILLION Cell Phones Around
The World

Think about that . . .

There’s only 7 billion people in the world TOTAL.

And there’s over 5.2 BILLION cell phones?


Next I found an article talking about how 2/3rds of Americans actually SLEPT with
their cell phones.

That they kept their mobile phones in bed with them or on the nightstand right next to
the bed.
And that the FIRST THING most people do in the morning is ick on their phone and
see if they got any messages.

Sound kind of weird?

Well, think about this for a second.

How would you feel if you actually left the house without your cell phone?

How would you feel if you LOST your phone . . . dropped it in a puddle or just left it

I asked myself that question and I felt this surge of PANIC followed this total ecstatic joy
that I “cracked the code” and was nally going to get the wealth and the lifestyle I


Because I gured out there was . . .

A WORLD Of Mobile
Addicts Just Begging To
Give You Their Money . . .
Check out this graph for just a second so you can really let the size of this opportunity
sink into your mind.

GRAPH _ facebook, google, MOBILE . . .

All I had to do was gure out a way to turn a TINY percentage of the mobile phone
users in the world into TRAFFIC and I knew I’d be rich.
I’d have access to fresh “Virgin” leads the scammy “gurus” couldn’t touch.

And I’d be FIRST to the party . . . getting out ahead for once in my life and getting the
lion’s share of the cash instead of nibbling at the bones (and going broke in the process)
like I had been for years.

For the next couple weeks I spent every hour I could trying crack this “mobile” thing.
Trying to gure out exactly how to get into the “money position” for this massive ood of
traf c.

I knew if I could just get my message in front of a TINY percentage of the world’s mobile
users I’d have more than enough traf c to solve all my nancial problems forever.

I mean, all I needed was a 1% of 1% of the 5.2 BILLION mobile users and I’d be RICH.

I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. But I’m not a “Tech
guy” and had no idea how to create the software I was going to need.

So I Hired The “Darth

Vader” Of Programmers
I needed somebody who understood the “Backbone” of the mobile internet.

Somebody who was a MASTER hacker who could crawl into the underpinnings of the
mobile phone networks and give me the “magic key” to this traf c and change my life

It took me weeks to nd him.

I had to scour the internet, talk to shady characters on le sharing sites and hang out in
mobile forums where I had no idea what I was talking about.

But then I found the guy. I convinced my wife to give me ONE MORE SHOT and let me
charge the downpayment on her credit card.

And a few weeks later he the “Golden Goose.”

I felt like I was going to have a heart attack when I opened up the zip le.

This was it.

I clicked on the executable.

My screen ashed.

I took a deep breathe.

I hit “GO” at the bottom of the screen.

And immediately the CRUSH of traf c started to come in.

A few hundred visits in the rst few minutes.

An hour later I was in the thousands.

It’s like I’d turned on the re hose and there was nothing I could do to turn it off.

I kept refreshing my browser, watching hit after hit after hit from all around the world.

This wasn’t Facebook.

This wasn’t Google.

This wasn’t CPA.

This wasn’t af liate traf c (where I’d have to pay 75% of anything I made).

This was pure, unadulterated traf c from mobile phones around the world.

I’d hit the mother load.

And I Was Shocked When

The Money Started Coming
(PROOF - pics of money)


But Then I Got This
Uneasy Feeling In My Gut.
I Thought I Was Going To
Vomit When I Opened My
Credit Card Bill . . .
With SO much traf c and SO much coming in in sales there must be some catch, right?
The weeks went by.

I checked my stats every chance I got at work and couldn’t believe how fast the
numbers were rising.

Then one night I got home to nd my credit card bill.

It was time to pay the piper.

I knew it was going to cost me a fortune for all this traf c.

Nothing in life is FREE right?

I could only hope that the FORTUNE I’d been making off my secret traf c source was
going to be enough to cover the nut.

I opened the bill and almost feinted.

(PIC OF BILL for some ridiculously low number)

I got (AMOUNT) of traf c for (REALLY LOW AMOUNT OF MONEY?)

I made (AMOUNT) by spending (ALMOST NOTHING?)

I’d found the holy grail.

Unlimited Mobile Traf c
For Almost NOTHING??
I thought there had to be some kind of mistake, so I called my programmer. After yelling
at me for waking him up at 2 in the afternoon he looked at my stats and at the code.

It took him hours to gure it out, but he discovered he’d accidentally coded a “back
door” into the software that exists in every cell phone in the world . . .

Even though I SHOULD have been paying a TON for the traf c I was getting, this “back
door” meant I was getting a MASSIVE discount . . . paying less than 1 cent on the dollar
for the traf c.

And here’s the “weird thing” about this loophole.

The Cell Phone Companies

Can’t Stop It . . . Or Even
Admit It Exists!!!
If the cell phone companies actually ADMITTED that this “loophole” existed suddenly
EVERYBODY would be taking advantage of it.

I mean, think about it. They spent BILLIONS of dollars creating the network and the
software that handles all the data transfer and phone calls for the entire world.

If they actually admitted there was a HUGE FLAW in their software that some punk
hacker could exploit they’d get sued into oblivion.

So they’re actually doing everything that can to cover their butts and keep anyone from
nding out about this.
Which means for ONCE you can get to the party early . . . get a massive head start in
the war for mobile traf c and make a TON of money literally at the push of a button.

Introducing Mobile Mass

100% Free Mobile Traf c Anyone Can Use


Click Here To Download 100% Risk Free Now

How easy is it?

If You Can Dial The Phone

Or Send A Text Message
You Can Get A Flood Of
100% Free Traf c
(GRAPHIC SHOWING Install - Get Traf c from 5.2 BILLION Mobile Phones Around
The World - Watch the Money Come ROLLING IN)

The Mobile Mass Money software takes advantage of a subtle “ aw” in the software
code of every mobile phone in the world to send you a FLOOD of free “Virgin” leads that
the “Gurus” have never been able to get their hands on.
The best part is nobody has a clue on how this incredible software works. So the gurus
won’t be able to gure this out.

Think about it for a second: Everybody knows that mobile is where online marketing
is going. Using this software you can nally get ahead of the pack and get the lion’s
share of the money before it’s too late.

EVERYTHING I say on this page is backed up by undeniable proof. Mobile is THE

source of free online traf c that actually converts. NOBODY ELSE is doing this yet and
you have NEVER seen this before, guaranteed.

Even better you can grab and MAKE MONEY on this traf c even if you don’t have a

Simply hit “GO” on the Mobile Mass Money software and you’ll get a ood of free traf c
you can use to build MASSIVE email or texting lists.

(Ever hear of a list getting a 100% open rate? Once you get your new texting list set up
you’ll be amazed at the crushing response rates because NOBODY IGNORES A TEXT

Or you can use your mobile traf c “ re hose” to sell digital products and make a TON of

Let me just show you what happens when you start using the MMM software.

(Account using “Regular” Online Traf c)

(Account Using Mobile Mass Money 100% Free Mobile Traf c)

Listen . . .


And you’re going to have to be mentally prepared for how things are going to change for

You need to let go of the idea of “struggling” for money and get ready to deal with what
it’s like to be a RICH PERSON overnight.

I know for me it took me a little while to get used to ying rst class everywhere.

Or letting somebody else carry my bags when I got to the hotel.

Or learning to live without an alarm clock . . .

Just getting up whenever I felt like it . . .

And going over to the computer to found out I’d made more while I was sleeping than I
used to make in a year.

And here’s the cool part . . .

Just Push One Button And

You’ll Be Up, Running And
Making Money TONIGHT
No “training” to go through. No endless webinars. No Guru bull.

All you have to do is install the software (it takes SECONDS), ll out a few forms and hit
the “Go” button and you’ll be in business . . .

After you get it set up, do yourself a favor and go for a walk around the block.

Go down to the bar and get a quick beer or something.

Or hang out with your kids.

Find something to do with yourself for maybe an hour or two.

And then come back and see what happened.

See how much MONEY you can make without really having to do anything at all.


So How Much Is It Worth
To You To Get A Flood Of
Traf c?
Let me ask you a question . . .

If you just made 1/10 of a PENNY from every cell phone in the world, how much would
that worth?

With over 5.2 BILLION phones in the world just being able to get 1/10th of ONE CENT
from every phone in the world would give you over FIVE MILLION BUCKS.

Heck, what if you could only make 1/10 of that?

Or one 1/100th?

What if if you only made 1/1000th of 1 cent from every cell phone in the world?

Could you nd a way to use $52,000 dollars right now?

Would $52,000 literally at the push of a button have a positive impact on your life?

Because if you can’t make at least $52,000 FAST using this software there’s something
wrong with you.

The possibilities are endless because there’s literally NOBODY else out there who’s
gured out this mobile “loophole” out . . .

To tap into the 5.2 BILLION and GROWING mobile phones around the world . . .

Listen: Most of the people who call themselves mobile “gurus” out there are scammers
who have no idea what they’re doing and haven’t made a single dime in the mobile
space . . .

But want try to rip every hard earned dollar they can out of your wallet before you catch
on and realize they’re full of it . . .

And I know at out that unethical scumbags are going to try to get their hands on this
software, and reverse engineer it . . .

That’s why, in order to protect your income streams and keep you out in front . . .

I’m Strictly Limiting Who

Gets The Opportunity To
Crush It With Mobile Mass
Money . . .
That’s why I’m strictly limiting access to the Mobile Mass Money software to just (X)
people . . . no more. No less.
As soon as I hit (X), I’m turning this page into a ghost town to give you time to get in
“pole position” in the mobile space and start dragging massive pro ts to your front door .

That’s the good news, the bad news is . . .

I Won’t Even Let You

Download Mobile Mass
Money Unless You
Promise Me Two
Things . . .
1. You have to promise you’ll USE IT . . . Seriously. Since I’m limiting this software to
just (X) people I need to be REALLY selective about who I let get their hands on it.

If you’re just going to be a “Tire Kicker” who never DOES anything, this isn’t for you.

There are fty ACTION TAKERS lined up right behind you who can recognize a “sure
thing” when they see it . . .

And if you’re the kind of person who can’t even “ ip the switch” on some software to
make a ton of money, you’re not the kind of person I want to work with . . .

2. You have to PROMISE ME you won’t use this software for unethical purposes. (It’s
that powerful.)

Honestly? With the amount of guaranteed cash you’re going to make with Mobile Mass
Money, it’d be a steal for me to offer you this software for THOUSANDS of dollars . . .
But You Know What? I now
EXACTLY What It’s Like To
Be Where You Are Right
Now, So Here’s What I’m
Going To Do . . .
I had to personally pay ($HUGE AMOUNT) to get the Mobile Mass Money software
developed . . .

If I was some “Big Guru” I’d package this software up with a bunch of useless “info
product” training, do a big hypey “launch” and charge you $1,997.00 for it . . .

And I know full well that I could sell out all 299 copies in a heartbeat at $1,997.00
because there are enough people out there who recognize a golden goose when they
see it.

But you know what?

Thanks to Mobile Mass Money it doesn’t matter one iota to ME what I ask you to pay

Whether you pay thousands of dollars or nothing at all it won’t move the needle for me
and my family at all.

I’ve got so much cold hard cash pressing down on me from using this software myself I
feel like I could go swimming like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit.

But I know EXACTLY what it’s like to be scraping for cash, wondering how the heck
you’re going to make rent and staring down the barrel of a gun wondering where
the heck the money is going to come from.

So I’m not going to ask you for $1,997.00 like the big gurus who just want to rip you off.

My friends all tell me I’d should charge at least $797 for this just to make sure the only
serious people take me up on this.
But I know even $797.00 can seem like a lot of money to you right now (though it’s not
going to when you see what Mobile Mass Money can do).

So to make this a real “no brainer” for you, I decided I’m going to drop the price to just

And in order to just get this whole thing over with so I can get back to making
millionaires I’m going to cut it again to just . . .

$47 for the next 35 people who hit the “Download Now” button below.

Does that sound like a total STEAL to you?

Software that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE and get you out in front of the Mobile Gold
Rush for less than the cost of an Xbox game?

Is it just me or does that sound almost STUPID?

There’s this voice in the back of my head that tells me letting you grab Mobile Mass
Money for just $47 is a BAD IDEA.

That’s it’s just TOO CHEAP.

And you know what? I think that voice is probably right.

So you need to grab your spot NOW before I change my mind and jack the price up to
something reasonable.

In fact, don’t be surprised if you leave this page and come back just to see I’m selling
this for a couple hundred bucks at least.

And don’t write me an email complaining because you weren’t fast enough to take
action right now.

Oh, and just to make this REALLY easy for you . . .

You’re 100% Protected By

My Bulletproof Guarantee
Here’s the deal . . .
I don’t need your money.

The only reason i’m even giving you the chance to grab this software is because I
actually enjoy helping people.

I’m charging you $47 today to motivate you to actually get off your butt and take action,
get ahead of the “Mobile Money Train” and nally change your life and get the money
and the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

So here’s all you have to do . . .

Just say “Maybe” to Mobile Mass Money today.

Download the software, watch the videos I put together for you showing you EXACTLY
how to use it.

Click the button and watch in amazement (like I did) as ood of free Mobile traf c starts
rushing towards your door.

Start grabbing your cut of the 5.2 BILLION (and growing) Mobile Marketing Pie before
anybody else online even starts to catch on.

“Play around” for TWO FULL MONTHS and if for ANY REASON AT ALL you decide this
isn’t for you, just let me know and I’ll give your tiny $47 bucks back.

That’s the deal.

No ne print. No BS. No wiggle room.

Just let me know any time in the next 8 weeks and you’ll get your money back, you’ll
lose your software license and I’ll open up a spot for somebody else . . .

OK, now that that’s out of the way . . .

Just Imagine Watching
Your Bank Balance Rise
Like The World Population

Seriously, how would that feel?

How would it feel to wake up every morning, log into your bank account and see six
gures just SITTING there?

How would it feel to have so much money in your bank account that you literally had no
idea what to do with it?

How would it feel to stop giving a shit about the prices of food at restaurants?

Or to walk into a dealership and pay CASH for the car of your dreams?

How would it feel to just “Decide” to take a vacation ANYWHERE in the world, spring for
rst class tickets “just because” and not even bother packing because you know
you can just buy everything you want when you get there?

Can you even imagine what it’s going to be like to have this “money thing” handled in
your life?

To stop worrying?

What if you and your wife could stop arguing about MONEY and actually just ENJOY
each other?

What if you could just get your kids anything they wanted?

What if you could just RELAX for once in your adult life and sleep like a baby every
night because you know you’re going to have more (A LOT MORE) money in your
account when you wake up than you do when you go to sleep?

All because you made one little choice that changed everything?
Flat Out, No Excuses It’s
Time For You To Make The
Most Important Choice Of
Your Life . . .
Listen, I don’t want to put a bunch of pressure on you or anything, but it’s do or die time.

You need to make a choice RIGHT now because this window of opportunity to become
a “Mobile Giant” isn’t going to last for long.

I’m going to take this page down as soon as I hit 299 people and it will NOT be going
back up.

And that tiny little group is going to be the new mobile giants. The men and women who
rule the mobile internet for years to come.

So right now you’ve got two options.

Option one is leave this page, forget everything I just told you, stick your head back in
the sand and pretend what you’re doing now is going to work.

Go back to setting up your spammy clickbank af liate sites.

Pretend the “Google Gods” don’t hate your guts.

And ignore that sinking feeling in your gut that tells you you’re living in the past and
letting MASSIVE money slip through your ngers.

Ignore that nausea right in your stomach that tells you you’re going to be too late

Let me ask you a question:

How’s it going to feel a year or two from now when EVERYBODY is making money with
mobile and you aren’t?
How’s it going to feel when the big gurus come out with some high priced BS mobile
courses (just like they did for Facebook and Twitter and Google) and try to take away
your mortgage money?

Especially when you had the chance to get on the rocket to mobile pro ts . . . and you
let it slip through your ngers?

You can wait and nd out how awful that’s going to feel.

Or You Could Go With Option 2 . . .

You can be one of the smart and the fast who understand that right now is the time to
get out in front of the “Mobile Money Rocket.”

And get in on something that’s been PROVEN to make MILLIONS.

Plain and simple: A very small group of people are going to get in on the ground oor of
this “Mobile Thing” right now.

And they’re going to become fat, happy and RICH marketing gods.

While everybody else keeps scratching their ass, doing stuff that just doesn’t work
anymore and wondering what the hell happened.

Do you wanna be a winner?

Or do you wanna be a sheep?

Do you wanna get out ahead of the pack and get the BIG MONEY right now . . .

Or do you wanna pick up the crumbs later when the big dogs are done?
If You Want To Grab Your
Piece Of The Mobile Gold
Rush And Get A Flood Of
Easy, Automated Cash You
Must Click The Button Now
Before It’s Too Late
The Download Button Is Below
(X Copies Still Remaining)

Enter Your Best Email (This is where we’re going to send your download link.)



Tested And Proven Massively Pro table On Windows And Macintosh. Works on
iPhone and iPad too.

To You Finally Getting Success,

Frank Lucas

P.S. This is your chance to be at the forefront of the mobile gold rush and gobble
up as much cold hard cash as possible before the gurus and the big corporations come
in and ruin everything . . .
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