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HSS Questions

1. What are the behavioural patterns of people in Coastal areas?

2. What are the behavioural patterns of people in Hilly areas?
3. What are the steps in the Scientific Inquiry Method?
4. Name some things to do for taking interviews.
5. What are the methods of data collection?
6. What are the aspects that shape our self-identity?
7. What are the behavioural patterns of Arab Bedouins?
8. When and where was the Literary and Cultural Conference held?
9. Who was the convener of the conference?
10. Name some other Cultural Conferences along with when and where they were held.
11. Who formed the ‘Sanskriti Sangsad’ and when?
12. What is the full form of DUCSU?
13. What is termed as the Movement for Cultural Autonomy?
14. What are the contributions of Chayanot in the Movement of Cultural Autonomy?
15. Why is the region of Bengal known as a delta?
16. Which states of India were included in the identity of Bangla before 1947?
17. What is Historical Lag?
18. What were some titles of Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah?
19. During which period did the name ‘Bengala’ transformed into ‘Bengal’?
20. Name 3 books authored by Bangabandhu.
21. Where was Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy posted during 1938?
22. Whose ideals was Bangabandhu influenced by during the Swadeshi Movement?
23. Name some organizations established by Bangabandhu along with their
establishment dates.
24. What were Bangabandhu’s positions in ‘East Pakistan Awami Muslim League’?
25. When was the word ‘Muslim’ removed from ‘East Pakistan Awami Muslim League’?
26. How many times and when did Bangabandhu travel to China during the Pakistani
27. When was February 21 declared as ‘Shaheed Dibosh’?
28. When did Bangabandhu present the 6-Point Demand?
29. When and where was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman formally conferred the title of
30. What was the Agartala Conspiracy Case also known as?
31. When was Bangladesh’s independence declared on 26 March 1971?
32. When was Bangabandhu arrested on 26 March 1971?
33. Who was appointed UN Secretary General on May 23, 1973?
34. When and where was the Non-Aligned Summit held?
35. Who proposed to Bangabandhu that Bangladesh be made an Islamic Republic?
36. What was Fidel Castro’s opinion on Bangabandhu?
37. When was League of Nations formed?
38. How many people lost their lives during WWI and WWII respectively?
39. How many lives were lost due to the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan
40. Who were the allies in WWI?
41. When and where was Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated?
42. What was the cause of WWII?
43. Which countries were invaded by Germany during WWII?
44. What is the Cold War?
45. What is the ‘Moscow Declaration’?
46. How many signatories were there in the original UN document?
47. When is UN Day celebrated?
48. What are the names of the observer states of the UN?
49. Where are the branch offices of the UN located?
50. When was Bangladesh a temporary member of UN Security Council?
51. What is the full form of ECOSOC?
52. What are the branches of the UN?
53. In which year was the 42nd session of UN General Assembly held?
54. Who were the UN Secretary Generals in 1971?
55. Name some relief programs initiated after the independence of Bangladesh.
56. What is the first specialized agency of the UN?
57. When did UNDP first start its operations?
58. Which UN organization received the Nobel Peace Prize twice?
59. Where is UNESCO located?
60. When was UNICEF established?
61. Where is the headquarter of FAO?
62. When and which organization was formed during the London Conference?
63. In which year was Bangladesh declared polio-free?
64. Write the full form of UNIFEM.
65. What is the function of UNFPA?
66. When was ILO founded?
67. Which Treaty states the function of ILO?
68. What comprises a local government in a special region?
69. Write the structure of Ministry of Chattogram Hill Tracts Affairs.
70. When was the Choudhury Panchayet Act enacted?
71. What was the structure of the committee formed by the Choudhury Panchayet Act?
72. What is the Bengal Local Self-Government Act and when was it passed?
73. In which year was the Choudhury Panchayet Act abolished and what was its
74. When was the 3-tier local government system implemented?
75. When was the last time the Local Government (Union Parishad) Act was amended?
76. How many Union Parishads are there currently?
77. What is the structure of Union Parishad?
78. How many kinds of primary tasks are there for Union Parishad and what are they?
79. When was Upazila introduced?
80. When was the most recent Upazila Parishad Act enacted?
81. What is the structure of an Upazila Parishad?
82. When was the District Council Act enacted?
83. What is the structure of District Council?
84. How many Districts operate under the Local Government?
85. Which Districts are under the Ministry of Chattogram Hill tracts Affairs?
86. What is the term for a District Council?
87. How many Municipalities are there?
88. How many City Corporations are there and what are they?
89. What are the heads of City Corporations and Municipalities called?
90. Explain the necessity of having a local government.

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