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Infrared vs Radio vs Hybrid Flash • Landscape Photography
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If you have a DSLR, you have three ways to trigger flash units wirelessly: via
infrared, radio or a hybrid method that involves both infrared and radio signals.

While all three options can be used for triggering off-camera flashes, they all
have advantages and disadvantages for indoors and outdoors use. The infrared
system works very similarly to your TV remote at home – if you are not in direct
line of sight or there is an object in between, the signal will not reach the
destination. On the other hand, manufacturers are able to use infrared to its
limits, pushing the most amount of features through it and supporting a variety of
shooting applications. Unlike infrared, the radio signal has no line of sight
limitations, but comes at a rather high cost, with its own set of problems. The
hybrid system simply takes the infrared signal from the commander, converts it
over to radio and then converts it back to infrared on slave units. Let’s analyze
these advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

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Table of Contents
1. Infrared System Advantages PHOTOGRAPHY LANDSCAPE
2. Infrared System Disadvantages BASICS PHOTOGRAPHY

3. Radio System Advantages

4. Radio System Disadvantages
5. Hybrid System Advantages
6. Hybrid System Disadvantages
7. Infrared vs Radio vs Hybrid Chart

1.1) Infrared System Advantages

1. Low cost – all Nikon/Canon flashes that support wireless communication

communicate over the infrared signal, so there is no additional cost. COMPOSITION & BLACK & WHITE
2. Features – because flashes are built with infrared, this method of CREATIVITY PHOTOGRAPHY

communication supports the most amount of wireless features such as pre-

flash and various sync modes.
3. Easy to use – infrared is easy to learn and use.
4. Quick to set up – setting up flashes to communicate with each other NIGHT SKY PORTRAIT
wirelessly over infrared is very quick. PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY

5. TTL does not require metering – you do not need metering tools to know
how much flash power you need. The camera will meter the light for you and
pick the right amount of flash to fire in TTL mode.
6. No cables needed – wireless operation is cable-free. STREET PHOTOGRAPHY
1.2) Infrared System Disadvantages
1. Short range – infrared only works reliably in short distances.
2. Requires line of sight – if you cannot see the flash, chances are the flash
won’t get triggered.
3. Not reliable under sunlight – shooting infrared outdoors on a bright sunny
day is often problematic, since sunlight can interfere with the infrared signal.


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1.3) Radio System Advantages

1. Very long range – radio works over very long ranges of 1500 feet and more.
2. Does not require line of sight – whether you mount radio triggers inside a
softbox or in a different room, they are very reliable.
3. Works under all conditions – as long as there is no interference to radio
signal, it simply works everywhere under all conditions – whether you are
shooting under bright sunlight and overpowering the sun, or shooting behind
thick walls.
4. Extremely reliable – if you are using industry-standard radio triggers from
PocketWizard or Elinchrom, you can fully rely on flash triggering every time
you press the shutter button.
5. Does not require a flash on camera – the nice thing about radio triggers, is
that you do not need a master flash on your camera. If you are just shooting
with one light, you only need one flash unit.

1.4) Radio System Disadvantages

1. Mostly manual – while there are some brand new products from
PocketWizard like MiniTT1 and FlexTT5 that fully support TTL operations,
most radio systems require setting flash power manually.
2. High learning curve – with TTL, you do not need to know much about flash
– the camera and flash work together to give you the best exposure.
However, if TTL is not available, learning how to use flash in manual mode
can be an overwhelming experience for beginners.
3. High cost – good radio transmitters are not cheap. For each remote flash,
you will have to get a separate radio receiver. Many of the radio products
require a sync port on the flash unit, which means that you have to get an
expensive flash to start with, which also adds to the total cost. On the plus
side, if you are only using one flash for off-camera set up, then you can save
by not having to purchase two flashes – the radio transmitters will trigger the
flash for you, so you do not need a commanding unit.
4. Slow/longer to set up – compared to infrared units, radio transmitters take
up longer to set up and configure (see below)
5. Wired transmitters – with the exception of the new products from
PocketWizard, most radio transmitters connect with flashes via sync cords.
More wires means more mess and potential points of failure.
6. They take up space – additional transmitters and all those wires take up
plenty of space and can look rather bulky.

1.5) Hybrid System Advantages

1. Features – hybrid still uses the infrared signal from your flashes, which
means that you get the most amount of wireless features such as pre-flash
and various sync modes. Example of a hybrid trigger: Radio Poppers.
2. Easy to use – similar to infrared, hybrid system is easy to use, as long as it is
set up correctly.
3. Quick to set up – initial set up is time-consuming, but once done, setting up
master/remote flashes is very quick.
4. TTL does not require metering – you do not need metering tools to know
how much flash power you need. The camera will meter the light for you and
pick the right amount of flash to fire in TTL mode.
5. No cables needed – hybrid system glues on top of your flash, so no cables
are necessary.
6. They take up very little space – compared to radio transmitters, hybrid
systems generally take up less space and sit “glued” to your flashes.

1.6) Hybrid System Disadvantages

1. Requires a master flash – because the primary communication still

happens over infrared, you will need at least two flashes (one as a
commander) for an off-camera setup.
2. High cost – the above, plus a separate trigger for each flash is going to cost
more than a set of PocketWizards with a single flash.

1.7) Infrared vs Radio vs Hybrid Chart

I got a lot of good feedback for using a chart in my previous article on Nikon
Flash Comparison, so here is a summary chart for the above information:

Description Infrared Flash Radio Flash Hybrid Flash

Cost Low High High

Wireless Features All Some * All

Supports TTL Yes No * Yes

Requires Line of Sight Yes No No

Works reliably under sunlight No Yes Yes

Easy to Use Yes No Yes

Quick Set Up Yes No No

Requires cables No Yes * No

Range Very Short Long Long

Learning Curve Low High Low

Requires PC/Sync Port No Yes * No

Bulky No Yes Yes

* Except PocketWizard MiniTT1/FlexTT5 and other similar products


Indoors Flash Photography Infrared Flash Photos on the Nikon Commander Mode
with Nikon Speedlights New York High Line

Indoors Flash Photography - Infrared Lens Rating on When to Use Flash

Off-Camera Flash Reviews




About Nasim Mansurov

Nasim Mansurov is the author and founder of Photography Life,
based out of Denver, Colorado. He is recognized as one of the
leading educators in the photography industry, conducting workshops,
producing educational videos and frequently writing content for Photography
Life. You can follow him on Instagram and Facebook. Read more about Nasim

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19 COMMENTS Newest

Mike Taylor
March 26, 2013 11:23 pm

I’m still torn between a radio system and an infared system.

0 Reply

Reply to Mike Taylor July 19, 2013 2:27 am

Hello Mike,

I don’t think you need to be in dilemma any more. Here is a wireless flash trigger YT21
which combines wireless and infrared function. It makes the decision much easier,
doesn’t it?

0 Reply

Steve M
July 12, 2011 8:38 pm

The Minolta/Sony IR wireless flash system predates both Canon and Sony.

0 Reply

May 4, 2011 9:10 am

Do MiniTT1″ and “FlexTT5 compatible or it will work with SB700

0 Reply

March 20, 2011 10:48 am

hey Nasim
I was planning on getting a flash for myself..i was planning to get an sb 600 when i read
about sb700..which one do u think i should go for…do u think getting an sb700 is a better
option than getting an older sb600..i am using a nikon d90 cam..i presently use Tokina
100mm f 2.8 macro,18-105mm.i am plnning on getting 50mm 1.4g and a Tokina wide angle
Pls advise on the flash.
warm regards

0 Reply

February 10, 2011 6:26 am

А что же вы не внесли в обзор Pixel TR-331 Wireless Flash Trigger Set for NIKON i-TTL,
ĸоторый ĸаĸ раз и является убийцей ПоĸетВизарда

0 Reply

Nasim Mansurov Author

Reply to Yan February 25, 2011 6:03 pm

Ян, я бы не стал сравнивать Китайсĸую продуĸцию (ĸоторая по фичам сидит между

PocketWizard minitt1/flextt5 и Plus II) с PocketWizard :)

0 Reply

Cenk Oğurtanı
January 4, 2011 2:22 pm

Really excellent and very informative article. Thanks Nasim…

0 Reply

Nasim Mansurov Author

Reply to Cenk Oğurtanı January 6, 2011 4:58 pm

You are most welcome Cenk!

0 Reply

December 20, 2010 6:34 pm

I really enjoy your articles on flash. I was thinking of picking up a couple of SB 600’s to use
with my SB 800 for a 3 light set up. Can you tell me if two 600’s together would equal the
light output of a SB 800 or 900 if used together to boost the flash output. The cost of two
600’s is still less than one 900. Especially if the 600’s are not the main light just fill. Any

0 Reply

Nasim Mansurov Author

Reply to Gerry January 6, 2011 4:58 pm


Two SB-600 would be better than a single SB-900, since you could use one as main and
another as fill/rim light. As far as flash power, I believe two SB-600 would give you more
power than a single SB-900 when triggered from the same location.

0 Reply

Reply to Nasim Mansurov January 6, 2011 10:23 pm

Thanks Nasim. I appreciate your reply. I was thinking that two SB 600’s would be a
better set up and more adaptable than one SB900. Especially from a flash power
situation. Thanks again and continue to write your insightful articles. Regards,

0 Reply

Anvar Khodzhaev
December 19, 2010 11:08 am

Great source of info!

Seriuosly considering Nikon version of PW FlexTT5.
Keep up with your great work Nasim!
Счастья и удачи в Новом Году!

0 Reply

Nasim Mansurov Author

Reply to Anvar Khodzhaev January 6, 2011 4:56 pm

С Новым Годом Анвар Аĸа!!!

I’m hoping to get some sample units to test soon. So far, the FlexTT5 system seems to
work great!

0 Reply

December 19, 2010 3:15 am

Boy oh boy I really want the PW, but just cannot justify the cost over a new camera body or a
must have lens. Shame it has to be this expensive and I don’t really like the cheep
alternatives at all. So I guess I will continue with the build in IR and is disadvantages…. Yet
another great article!

0 Reply

Nasim Mansurov Author

Reply to Morten January 6, 2011 4:44 pm

Morten, using infrared should work in most cases, except in broad daylight. I used
infrared for several years before investing in the PW system :)

0 Reply

December 18, 2010 11:49 pm

I really should have a 2nd coffee before posting…. just saw the details in your table!
They will be great tools though!

0 Reply

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