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20_MH_IE TB1_(3P)_Wordlist.

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This wordlist shows the core language items in bold and other language items (e.g. from songs and stories) in non-
bold, and gives the unit where the word or phrase is first used. ‘C’ indicates the ‘Children around the world’ sections
and ‘F’ indicates the Festivals sections.

angel F cloudy 8 hand 5

apple 3 clown 8 hat 8
arm 5 cold 8 he 9
aunt 2 colour 1 head 5
Australia C computer 4 Hello 1
cousin 2 Help! 6
baby 4 cow 6 hen 6
ball 4 curry C here 1
banana 3 high 5
bat C Dad 2 hop 7
bathroom 9 dirty 3 horse 6
bedroom 9 dog 6 hot 8
bell F doll 4 house 9
big 1 donkey 6 How old are you? 2
big (sister) C down 7
bike 4 draw 7 I can / can’t … 7
birthday 8 dress 8 I like / don’t like … 6
biscuit 3 duck 6 I’m … 1
black 1 I’m from … C
blonde 5 ear 5 I’m wearing … 8
blouse C eight (8) 1 I’ve got a … 3
blue 1 eleven (11) 1 indigo F
body 5 eye 5 It’s got … 5
book 4 It’s made of … 4
box 5 fabric 4
boy 2 face 5 jacket 8
bread roll 3 favourite 1 juggle 7
brother 2 family C juice 3
brown 1 feed 6 jump 7
brush (v) 6 feet 5 jumper 8
burger C finger 5
bus stop five (5) 1 kick (a ball) 7
fizzy drink 3 kit 1
cake 3 fly (v) 7 kitchen 9
Can I have …? 3 foal 6 kitten 6
Canada C four (4) 1
candle F lamb 6
car 4 game 4 leg 5
card F garage 9 Let’s … 6
carrot 3 garden 9 line up 1
cat 6 girl 2 listen 1
cereal bar 3 goat 6 little (sister) C
chick 6 Good luck! 2 living room 9
children 1 Goodbye 1 look 1
chocolate bar 3 Grandma 2 love 6
cinema 9 Grandpa 2
circle 1 green 1 Malaysia C
clap 5 grey 1 man 2
clean (adj) 3 mask C
climb a tree 7 hair 5 metal 4
clothes 8 hall 9 Mexico C

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milk 3 sandals C toe 5

missing 9 sandwich 3 too 3
mouth 5 school 9 tortoise C
Mum 2 seven (7) 1 touch your toes 7
share 4 toy 4
new 8 she 9 train 4
nine (9) 1 sheep 6 trampoline 7
nose 5 shirt C tree F
shoes 8 triangle 1
Oh dear! 2 shop 9 trousers 8
one (1) 1 shorts 8 T-shirt 8
orange (adj) 1 Show me … 3 turn around 7
orange (n) 3 sing 4 twelve (12) 1
sister 2 two (2) 1
park 9 sit down 1
parrot C six (6) 1 uncle 2
peace F skateboard C up 7
picnic 3 skirt 8
picture F sky 5 violet F
pineapple C slap your legs 8
pink 1 small 1 walk 7
plane 4 snorkel C walk (the dog) 6
plant F sock 8 wash up 9
plastic 4 song 4 Wash your hands. 3
play 4 spider 6 Well done! 2
puppet 4 square 1 What have you got? 8
puppy 6 stamp your feet 8 What’s …? 1
purple 1 stand up 1 What’s your name? 1
star F Where are you from? C
quick 9 stroke 6 Where’s …? 4
sugar 3 white 1
rabbit 6 swap 3 windy 8
raining 8 swim 7 woman 2
read 4 wood 4
rectangle 1 tacos C write 7
red 1 talk 7
red (hair) 5 tap your nose 8 yellow 1
rice C teddy 4 yoghurt 3
ride a bike 7 ten (10) 1
robin F this 1
robot 4 three (3) 1
row 1 throw a frisbee 7
run 7 tidy up 9

© Oxford University Press

Wordlist 191

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