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The lion and the mouse

One day, a big lion lived in the deep spot of the jungle and
loved to eat. When he finished eating more meat, he was
full and fell asleep. When he was napping, a little mouse
scampered out to find a house to live in. Then he saw the
big lion taking a nap. He thought that the lion’s back was a
mountain so he crawled up and scampered down. This
thing happened again and again until the lion woke up
and grasped the mouse with his fierce paw. “How dare you
climb on my back when I’m sleeping,” roared the lion. “go
away and leave me alone.” The mouse pretended to be
afraid and said, “Please free me. Next time, I’d be very
happy to help you when you’re in trouble.” The lion
laughed when he heard about this joke and said, “You’re
just a small fellow. How do you help? You don’t have big
hands and paws like me.” He laughed so hard that he
freed the little mouse.
The next day, while the lion was sleeping, a hunter came
and dropped a big net onto the lion. When he woke up
again, he realised he was caught. He let out three mighty
growls until the hunter turned to go. The mouse heard the
lion’s growl and ran as fast as he could. When he saw the
lion was trapped in the net, he said, “Be patient. Be calm,
and be brave. Just wait, and I’ll help you.” Then the mouse
pulled the net with his hands and bared his sharp white
teeth. As the lion was calm, brave and took his patience, the
mouse began to chew the net with his teeth and freed the
lion. The lion gasped with joy when he realised the net was
chewed by his friend. Then he said, “Thank you, mouse,
thank you. I’m sorry I grasped you with my hand.” The
mouse replied, “I’m also sorry I didn’t bear my ears to
hear your growl. I forgive you.” The lion replied, “I forgive
you too. Let’s be friends.” Then they both lived happily ever
after. The foolish hunter saw the net was broken and got
angry. He picked up the pieces and ran away and he was
never seen again.

Moral: Always bear your ears to hear the calling of


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