1680703523858_PROBLEM SHEET # 2

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1. Distinguish between:
i. discrete and continuous variables
ii. qualitative and quantitative data
2. Classify each set of data as discrete or continuous and in each case give reason
i. The number of suitcases lost by an airline
ii. The height of corn plants
iii. Time it takes for a car battery to die
iv. The production of tomatoes by weight

3. The following data on types of cars by make were collected and recorded as
Subaru Toyota Suzuki Subaru Suzuki Nissan Nissan Toyota Toyota Suzuki
Benz Toyota Nissan Nissan Suzuki Benz Benz Nissan Suzuki Toyota
Benz Nissan Nissan Nissan Subaru Subaru Toyota Nissan Suzuki Subaru
Nissan Toyota Suzuki Subaru Suzuki Subaru Suzuki Subaru Toyota Suzuki

i. Tabulate the data

ii. Use a graphical approach to present the data and interpret

4. The following are the monthly salaries of 10 employees in organization Y (figures

are in 000’ Tshs):
3000 6000 4500 2300 1800 5000 2300 4500 3500 2500
i. Find average monthly salary
ii. Calculate the median monthly salary and comment on the value obtained

5. The time in seconds that a sample of 79 callers trying to contact an insurance company had to wait
was recorded. After introducing new procedures, the waiting time for a sample of 61 callers was
recorded. The results are presented in the following grouped frequency distribution:

Waiting Time (Seconds) Frequency (before change) Frequency (after change)

0 and under 10 2 7
10 and under 20 15 19
20 and under 30 23 31
30 and under 40 24 3
40 and under 50 11 1
50 and under 60 4 0

a. Determine values for the mean and median of the distributions
b. Find an approximate value for the standard deviation of each distribution
c. Use the figures you obtained for (a) and (b) to compare the two distribution
6. The cost of work done at a garage on 33 vehicles to enable them to pass the roadworthiness test
482 471 277 230 357 491 213 386 357 141 282
184 324 426 408 213 155 287 415 499 470 461
233 314 240 107 113 314 242 112 289 283 389
Identify the median and quartiles of this data set and use them to compile a box plot to
represent the data
7. The credit balances in the current accounts of customers of a bank are summarized in the following
grouped relative frequency distribution:
Balance (USD) Relative frequency
0 and under 500 0.12
500 and under 1000 0.29
1000 and under 1500 0.26
1500 and under 2000 0.19
2000 and under 2500 0.09
2500 and under 3000 0.05
Plot a cumulative relative frequency graph to portray this distribution and use it to find approximate
values of the median and quartiles.

Nota Benne:

Any question from this problem sheet can serve as a class quiz in
any chosen material day! Get prepared.

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