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IELTS - Speaking


• 1 partie = 5 min
• Total : 3 parties = 15 min

Part 1 - One question

• Answer with 2 or 3 sentences => Ask you why at the end of answer
• Examiner will ask 2 or 3 questions

Part 2 - Describe your experience

• 1 min de préparation
• 1’30 à 2 min de discours

Steps :
1. Read all the questions to be ensure you understand them well
2. Start by the harder one
3. Try to find synonym
Development :
• Where => town, suburbs, transport
• Why => other people, special event, news, environment,
• What => object

• Enjoying the process
– proud
– give me pleasure, make me happy
– delighted, satisfied, thrilled
– excited, overjoyed
– joyfull, greatfull, beautiful
– superb, great, nice
– sweet
• Not enjoying
– bad, terrible, horrific
– dreadful, frightful, awfull

Part 3 - Like an oral essay
• Rephrase / Statement
– => There are many things, one reason may be …
– => Reformulate the question to ensure the answer is the one ex-
• Explain / Why ? => Indeed, they do not have to…
• Example / Me => For instance,…, For example, …
• Explain two main points, in opposition or not for each answer => On the
other, On both sides

• First fact :
– There are many things, one reason may be …
• Second fact :
– While / However -> which brings / leads me to my second reason
– In addition
• Two facts
– A possible reason / consequence could be
– Another one would be

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