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Comparison of one- and two-dimensional item analysis models of the Mini-Mental State

Examination in elderly healthy and clinical Brazilian samples

Running title: Comparison of IRT models of the MMSE

Danilo Assis Pereira 1,2

Antônio Gimenez Giglio 3

Sabri Lakhdari 3

Carlos Tomaz 4


Danilo Pereira: Substantial contribution to conception and design, analysis and interpretation
of data;

Antônio Giglio: Substantial contribution to acquisition of data, revising it critically for

important intellectual content;

Sabri Lakhdari: Substantial contribution to acquisition of data, revising it critically for

important intellectual content;

Carlos Tomaz: Drafting the article and revising it critically for important intellectual content;
Final approval of the version to be published.

IBNeuro – Brazilian Institute of Neuropsychology and Cognitive Sciences, Brasilia DF,
PhD Candidate, Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Brasilia (UnB), Brasilia DF, Brazil.
Geriatric and Gerontology Ambulatory of Regional Hospital of Asa Norte (HRAN), Brasilia
DF, Brazil.
PhD, Full Professor, Laboratory of Neuroscience and Behavior, Institute of Biology, UnB,
Brasilia DF, Brazil.
Correspondence: Danilo Assis Pereira, Instituto Brasileiro de Neuropsicologia e Ciências
Cognitivas, SHCR CS 504, Bloco C, Entr.37, 1º andar, 70331-535, Brasília-DF, Brasil.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.



Introduction: The MMSE is known to be subject to both roof and floor effects, depending on

the tested sample. The aim of this study was to compare one-dimensional and

multidimensional IRT (MIRT) models in a cognitive impaired and a normal group. Methods:

Secondary MMSE data from 329 elderly in a Brazilian sample were used. Cognitive impaired

group (N= 109, Clinical Dementia Rating, CDR 1, 2 and 3) was compared with a normal

group (N=220, CDR 0 and 0.5). Classical test theory (CTT), IRT and MIRT were used in both

groups. Results: Using MIRT analysis, MMSE gets better goodness-of-fit index than Rasch

and other one-dimensional IRT models. Writing has the higher factor load in the first factor

for impaired group (0.91). Calculation and Recall tasks are very discriminative in the first

latent trait, but not in the second for impaired and non-impaired group. Calculation is very

discriminative in the first dimension for impaired (a=2.48), but not for non-impaired (a=0.99).

Different item functioning (DIF) was found in almost all MMSE items when cognitive

impaired and non-impaired groups were compared. MMSE has unacceptable reliability when

used in normal non-impaired, but has been acceptable when cognitive impaired answered the

test. Some MMSE items have ceiling effect (Registration and Naming) even in dementia

patients. Discussion: The results indicate that MMSE is a multidimensional screening

instrument and the items discriminate differently to cognitive impaired and normal elderly

subjects. The most discriminative items for Memory factor were Orientation to time,

Orientation to place and Recall. Calculation, Repetition, Comprehension, Reading, Writing

and Drawing tasks were more discriminative for Executive function factor.

Key words: MMSE, cognition impairment, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, item response


The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (1) is the most widely used screening

instrument for cognitive dysfunction. Originally conceived as a brief assessment of five

cognitive domains (Orientation, Attention, Registration, Recall and Language), the MMSE is

often subjected to various investigations of its factor structure and predictive value, showing

considerable sensitivity and specificity for dementia screening (2, 3). Instead of the modified

written (4-6) and telephone (7) versions, the second edition of the MMSE (8) was recently

published in the following three main versions: brief (16 points), standard (30 points) and

extended (90 points). The total score of the MMSE has been used continuously in various

studies (9-11).

Although psychometric analyses of the MMSE have been conducted (12-14), few

studies have performed an item-by-item evaluation (9). For an item analysis, a measure must

be unidimensional (i.e., measuring only one latent trait or ability) and local independent (local

dependence occurs when items are strongly related and thus dependent of each other) (15). To

examine the one-dimensionality of a test, psychometricians often use the scree test and factor

analysis (15). Factor analysis is essential in psychometric studies because it reveals

exceptional items to consider a latent trait and shows the covariance between the item and


The first factor analysis of the MMSE was performed in 1987 by Fillenbaum and

colleagues (16), who used data from 36 subjects with a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

disease (AD). The items were divided into seven categories and a two-factor solution using

oblique rotation was applied, explaining 66% of the variance. For the first factor, the items

were Concentration, Language and Praxis and the second factor items were Evocation,

Temporal and Spatial Orientation. The second experiment used 60 subjects from a

longitudinal study (17). Factor analysis was performed using 11 MMSE items. The MMSE

scores were submitted to a principal components analysis, which revealed that the five-factor

solution accounted for 75% of the variance. Serial subtraction, Recall, Orientation to time,

Orientation to place and Design copying loaded onto Factor 1. The second factor comprised

Naming and Obeying commands. An MMSE factor analysis study that examined psychiatric

patient data found the following nine polytomous items in the first component: Orientation to

time and to place, Registration, Saying “world” backwards, Calculation, Recall, Repetition,

Writing and Drawing (18).

Examining more than 8,000 subjects over 50 years of age using 31 dichotomous items,

researchers found a five-factor analysis with tetrachoric correlation, as follows: Concentration

(Calculation and the Word “world”), Language (naming and three commands) and Praxis,

Orientation (items containing the spatial and temporal), Memory (recall) and Attention

(registry entries). The simplest item was Naming (clock, pencil) and the most difficult item

was Calculating (subtract 100-7 and so on). The first latent trait explained 41% of the

variance. Although the scree method found five factors, the authors suggested that the MMSE

was a one-dimensional instrument for the elderly because all items had positive charges in the

first factor and the size of the first eigenvalue was remarkably high compared with the second


Schultz-Larsen and colleagues (20) used item response theory (IRT) and the Rasch

model to assess the dimensionality and differential item functioning (DIF) of the MMSE (21).

In IRT, there are two types of DIF: uniform and non-uniform. Non-uniform DIF indicates that

the item favors a particular group at certain points along the continuum of cognitive function

(22). The researchers proposed an MMSE reduction (23), evaluating the sensitivity,

specificity and predictive values. This shortened version of the MMSE contains the following

nine items: Orientation to place (state, county, city, building and floor), Registration, Recall,

Reading and Drawing. Although they used the Rasch model, the two-parameter logistic model

(2PL) is preferable because it includes a measure of item discrimination. (24). However,


studies have detected the existence of DIF in particular MMSE items, which can be

considered to reflect biased items (9, 20, 23, 25, 26).

Item response theory (IRT) has several arguments favoring its use in psychometrics: a)

the standard error of measurement differs between the scores (or response patterns) but is

generalizable between populations (27); b) a shorter test may be more reliable than the

extended versions (28); c) comparing the test scores between multiple forms is appropriate

when test difficulty levels vary between individuals; d) nonbiased estimates of item properties

can be obtained from unrepresentative samples (29); e) test scores acquire meaning when they

are compared with the distance of the items (30); f) the properties of interval scales are

obtained by applying the models reasonable measures; g) items with mixed formats can

produce results relevant to the score test; h) changes in scores can be meaningfully compared

when initial score levels differ (31); i) factor analysis of all items provides more complete

information than the factor analysis of the test; and j) characteristics of the item can be

directly related to the psychometric properties (30).

Unlike IRT, the classical test theory (CTT) is based on the true score model (in which

the person’s observed score is typically the unweighted sum of responses to the items of the

instruments). In assessing ability, this sum reflects the number of correct answers. CTT

assumes that instrument errors are not correlated with scores of the latent trait in a different

tool. The assumption that an instrument’s errors have no correlation with errors in a different

instrument is considered “weak” because the instruments depend on the type of response that

the individual provides (22). The IRT assumption is considered “strong” because the

estimation of the location is invariant with respect to the instrument; thus, the accuracy of this

estimate is known at the group and individual levels and the evaluated parameter estimation

extends beyond the sample used for its estimation (22). In IRT, items and persons are located

on the same continuum. Although items may differ in their locations, the ability of an item to

differentiate individuals remains constant. In general, each item provides information for

estimating the location of the person. The total information of the instrument is the sum of the

items of information (the concept of total information can be used for specific instruments

with psychometric properties) (22).

Taking into account the above mentioned aspects, the purpose of the current study was

to obtain the MMSE item parameters and determine which cognitive domains (in one- or two-

dimension) are more discriminative to different latent traces.


This study used secondary medical record data from three sources that included the

MMSE. The first two sources were the medical records of patients seen at two local hospitals

in Brasilia, Brazil and the third source was a previous study (32) of active seniors in the

community. At the hospital, patients were evaluated by two geriatricians and one

neuropsychologist. Diagnosis was based on a clinical and neuropsychological battery

following the recommendations of the National Institute of Neurological Disease and

Communicative Disorders and Stroke Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association

(NINCDS-ADRDA). Clinical evaluation was performed between 2007 and 2009 and the

research was approved by the Ethics and Human Research Committee of the Public Health

Department of the Federal District.

The study used data from 329 elderly individuals (100 men) who were grouped

according to their clinical condition, a community group (67 men) without cognitive

impairment and a clinical group (33 men) with cognitive impairment. There was a significant

difference between age and the MMSE raw scores (p<0.01) and the older group and those

with a lower education level suffered greater cognitive impairment. Table 1 summarizes the

characteristics of the groups.



Statistical analysis

First, residuals of the tetrachoric correlation were analyzed on 30 dichotomous items

using NOHARM software (Normal Ogive Harmonic Analysis Robust Method, version 4.0)

(33). This program takes advantage of the relationship between nonlinear factor analysis and

the normal ogive model to fit one-dimensional and multidimensional normal ogive models.

The residual matrix, threshold values, unique variances, factor loadings and item parameters

revealed that some MMSE items could not be properly calibrated because of their very low

variability (more than 95% correct responses on Registration and Naming). Orientation to

time, Orientation to place and Recall had higher loadings on the first factor. Drawing,

Reading, Writing, Comprehension and Calculation exhibited higher loadings on the second

factor. The Tanaka index of goodness-of-fit was 0.988 for the two-dimensional solution. The

sum of squares of residuals (lower off-diagonals) was 0.02 and root mean square of residuals

(lower off-diagonals) was 0.007, which indicates small errors. The final discrimination

constants ranged from -0.37 to 3.37. The threshold values ranged from -0.24 to 2.25.

Second, the 30-point MMSE was divided into 22 unrelated items (according to the local

independence assumption). Nineteen items were treated as dichotomous (0 or 1), as follows:

Orientation to time (year, month, date, day-week, hour), Orientation to place (state, city, town,

building, floor), Recall (table, watch, pen), Naming (key, pencil), Repetition, Reading,

Writing and Drawing. The three remaining items were treated as polytomous, as follows:

Registration (ranging from 0 to 3), Attention/calculation (0 to 5) and Comprehension of

commands (0 to 3).

Two groups were created for item calibration, non-impaired (elderly individuals without

cognitive impairment, defined as Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) 0 and CDR 0.5, N=220)

and impaired (elderly individuals with cognitive impairment, defined as CDR 1, CDR 2 and

CDR 3, N=109). Frequencies of categorical responses on the 22-item MMSE for the non-

cognitive impairment and cognitive impairment groups showed that Registration (table,

watch, pen) and Naming (key, pencil) exhibited an extremely high chance of correct

responses (>0.95) in both groups; thus, these items were excluded from the analysis. The

Rasch and IRT analyses were performed using the remaining 19-item MMSE. Categories in

the Comprehension task were grouped and it was treated as a dichotomous item.

Classical test theory statistics were calculated and items were calibrated using Rasch

analysis (one-parameter model) to determine item fit. A two-parameter model for

dichotomous items and a graded response model for polytomous items were used for one-

dimensional and multidimensional item analysis. A goodness-of-fit statistics of the one- and

two-dimensional models were compared for the impaired and non-impaired groups.


Classical test theory statistics of the 19-item MMSE were calculated (Table 2) using

STATA software (version 12) (34). The Cronbach’s alpha of the non-impaired group was

0.38 (unacceptable reliability) and the alpha of the impaired group was 0.76 (acceptable

reliability). The item-rest correlation (with the item excluded from the test) for the non-

impaired group was remarkably low for most items (r<0.3), except Calculation (0.38),

Reading (0.34) and Drawing (0.35). For the impaired group, the item-rest correlation was

greater than 0.3 for all items except Recall (table, watch, pen).


A Rasch model analysis of the MMSE was performed using Winsteps software

(version 3.73) (35). Using data from small groups, Rasch analysis is suitable for item

calibration (22). Mean-square (MNSQ) and standardized fit statistics (ZSTD) were plotted for

inlier-sensitive or information-weighted fit (infit) and outlier-sensitive fit (outfit) (Table 3).

MSNQ values should range from 0.5 to 1.5 and ZSTD values should range from -1.9 to 1.9.

The non-impairment group had many items with low MNSQ for infit (day-week, hour, city)

and outfit (year, day-week, hour, building), with person reliability was 0.35 and item

reliability was 0.98. Calculation and Recall (watch) displayed a ZSTD ≥ 3, indicating that the

data were highly unpredictable. For the impaired group, only Repetition demonstrated a low

MNSQ; however, many items indicated that other dimensions may exist (ZSTD ≤ -2). The

person reliability was 0.76 and the item reliability was 0.98.


Based on the ZSTD results, other dimensions may constrain the response patterns. A

multidimensional two-parameter logistical model (M2PL) was calculated for dichotomous

items (Table 4) and multidimensional graded model for polytomous items, where a1 is the

discriminating parameter in the first latent trait and a2 is the discriminating parameter in the

second latent trait. IRTPro software (version 2.1) (36) was used for these calculations. The

Bock-Aitkin EM algorithm was selected, using a maximum number of 500 cycles and 50 M-

step iterations. The SEM algorithm tolerance was set to 000.1 and supplemented EM was

used as the standard error computation algorithm. The EAP method was used to estimate the

theta parameter (ability).

The discrimination parameter should range between 0.3 (very low) and 4 (very high).

The c parameter is the item intercept in the multidimensional latent space (once threshold, or

difficulty, b parameters do not have meaning for multidimensional models). However, we can

calculate an index, the multidimensional item location that can be interpreted as a location

parameter. Multidimensional item location is given by –c/a (where a is the best value that

represents the best that item can discriminate across all the dimensions). Similarly, the item’s

location in the multidimensional space is given by a single value (b) and should range

between -3.0 (very easy) and 3.0 (very difficult). For the non-impaired group, only Recall

items (table, watch, pen) were discriminative in the first latent trait (a1 = 1.78, 2.58, 2.39) but

not the second (a2 = 0.01, -0.34, -0.07), as shown in Table 4. In the graded model item

parameter, location (c) was estimated for each response in the category for the non-impaired

and impaired groups.


The multidimensional IRT analysis showed that the MMSE items have discriminative

parameters in two dimensions and that they are biased between the impaired and non-

impaired group (DIF). For the impaired and non-impaired groups, the recall task was very

discriminative in the first latent trait (Table 4) but not the second. Calculation was very

discriminative in the first dimension for the impaired group (2.48) but not the non-impaired

group (0.99).

Factor loadings were obtained by oblique quartimax rotated loadings. Table 5 shows

more two-factor loadings in the impaired (14 items) than the non-impaired group (8 items).


Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was calculated for the multidimensional and one-

dimensional models of the impaired and non-impaired groups. Statistics were based on the

loglikelihood. Considering only the impaired group, the values of -2 loglikelihood were

2307.89 and 2224.87 for the one- and two-dimensional models, respectively. The difference

between the values of -2 loglikelihood for the one-dimensional model (2224.87) and the two-

dimensional model (2307.89) may be interpreted as a χ2-distributed statistic on 1 degree of

freedom. This difference of 83.02 was highly significant (p<0.001). This result provides

strong evidence that these data require a two-dimensional model to be fitted. For the non-

impaired group, the values of -2 loglikelihood were 3231.59 and 3127.92 for the one- and

two-dimensional models, respectively. The difference (103.67) was highly significant

(p<0.001), suggesting a better fit in the two-dimensional model in both groups.


Mini-Mental State Examination was originally concept to describe five cognitive

domains: Orientation, Registration, Attention-Calculation, Recall and Language. However,

previous studies explored the dimensions of the MMSE and had conflicting results (16, 17,

37). A five factor first-order solution have been found in two studies (12, 19), but the

instrument satisfied assumptions of unidimensionality.

The factor structure of the MMSE was investigated using exploratory and

confirmatory factor analyses (37). The following three-factor solution was found: Commands,

Repetition, Registration tasks loaded onto the first factor; Writing, Reading and Drawing

tasks loaded onto the second factor; and Attention/Calculation, Recall, Orientation to time and

Orientation to place loaded onto the third factor. The confirmatory analysis suggested three

interrelated components, simple processing, complex processing and Attention/Memory.

During the clinical phase, the last factor was explained by self-care ability (66.9% of the

variance). More independent subjects performed better on the third factor, independent of

differences in age, gender and education. In our study, only two factors were found and most

of the items were discriminative in both latent traits.

Using IRT and Rasch models and two cognitively different groups of elderly, Schultz-

Larsen and colleagues found two dimensions of cognitive function in the MMSE (38). In their

study some items were age-correlated (Orientation to time, Attention/Calculation, Naming,

Repetition and Command) and others were non-age correlated (Orientation to place,

Registration, Recall, Reading and Copying). They suggested that a two-scale solution (scales

A and B) is a “stable and statistically supported framework for interpreting data obtained by

means of the MMSE”.

In the present study, the Rasch and one-dimensional two-parameter models did not fit

the data well. MSNQ and ZSTD values indicated that many of the MMSE items had

unexpected values. Using two-dimensional analysis, the MMSE obtained a better goodness-

of-fit index. It is likely that the latent space involves two abilities: memory and executive

function. Writing had the highest factor loading on the first factor (executive function) for the

impaired group (0.91, Table 5), followed by Calculation (0.8), Repetition (0.74) and Reading

(0.69). Recall task and Orientation to time had the highest factor loading on the second factor

(memory). Considering the c parameter to calculate the multidimensional item location (-a /c),

Calculation and Recall are the most difficulty tasks, the same found in the Taiwan study (39).

Calculation was very discriminative for the impaired (2.48) but not for the non-impaired

group (0.99).

A shorter version of the MMSE (only 16 items) (39) was proposed using Orientation

to time, Orientation to place, Recall and Calculation with a cut-off point of 11. These items

were selected because they were identified as the most efficient from the MMSE, using

unidimensional IRT. However, in our study, two different latent traits can be measured.

Following MIRT discrimination parameter two forms of the MMSE should be proposed:

Form A (Memory tasks, 13 items) using Orientation to time, Orientation to place and Recall

(do not score Registration task) and Form B (Executive function tasks, 11 items) with

Calculation, Repetition, Comprehension, Reading, Writing and Drawing tasks.

Although the MMSE parameters were quite different between non-impaired and

impaired groups, education level is lower for the last one (mean was 5.0 for CDR 3) and can

be a problem when groups’ data are compared, once many items require formal education

skills. More analysis should be performed using different cognitive groups but equal age and


In sum, the MMSE is subject to both roof and floor effects, depending on the tested

sample (3, 9, 11). The sensitivity, specificity and predictive values are influenced by the base

rate (frequency) of the disorder in the general population (40). These attributes also vary with

the cutoff score and can be affected by the frequency or marginal distribution and reliability

of the measure in the normative population (41). Therefore, using clinical sample data for this

type of instrument is preferable, as the test shows little variability in responses in a normal

population (ceiling effect). Because of this low variance, item-rest correlation and alpha are

smaller in non-impaired than impaired group.

Multidimensional IRT models fit the MMSE data better than Rasch and one-

dimensional IRT models. Different item functioning was found in almost all MMSE items

when cognitive impaired and non-impaired groups were compared. The MMSE has

unacceptable reliability when used in the non-impaired population but has acceptable

reliability when impaired people answer the test. Some MMSE items display a ceiling effect

(Registration and Naming), even in dementia patients.

In general, the most discriminative items for Memory factor were Orientation to time,

Orientation to place and Recall. Calculation, Repetition, Comprehension, Reading, Writing

and Drawing tasks were more discriminative for Executive function factor.


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Table 1 – Age, education and MMSE scores by CDR (Clinical Dementia Rating) level.

CDR 0 CDR 0.5 CDR 1 CDR 2 CDR 3 Total

N Mean S.D. N Mean S.D. N Mean S.D. N Mean S.D. N Mean S.D. N Mean
Age Men 48 74.0 7.9 19 77.5 8.5 21 76.0 7.2 11 81.1 4.7 1 73.0 0.0 100 75.9
Women 108 70.5 7.9 40 78.4 8.7 58 79.6 7.5 16 77.1 9.7 2 86.0 1.4 224 74.9
Total 161 71.8 8.1 59 78.1 8.6 79 78.6 7.6 27 78.7 8.2 3 81.7 7.6 329 75.2
Education Men 48 9.0 4.2 19 10.4 6.0 21 8.1 5.8 11 11.9 6.3 1 12.0 0.0 100 9.4
Women 108 8.9 4.5 40 9.7 6.1 58 9.5 5.8 16 6.5 5.8 2 1.5 0.7 224 9.0
Total 161 9.0 4.5 59 9.9 6.0 79 9.1 5.8 27 8.7 6.5 3 5.0 6.1 329 9.1
MMSE Men 48 26.1 4.0 19 25.1 3.5 21 20.5 5.1 11 12.8 4.9 1 4.0 0.0 100 23.1
Women 108 26.3 4.1 40 20.7 6.4 58 17.6 6.2 16 13.2 7.7 2 13.5 9.2 224 22.0
Total 161 26.1 4.1 59 22.1 6.0 79 18.4 6.0 27 13.0 6.6 3 10.3 8.5 329 22.3

Table 2 – Classical test theory statistics of MMSE (19 items).

Non-impaired Impaired
Response Std. Item-Rest Coeffici Response Std. Item-Rest Coeffici
Item Average Dev. Correlation ent α Average Dev. Correlation ent α
Year 0.98 0.15 0.23 0.36 0.27 0.45 0.49 0.74
Month 0.96 0.19 0.10 0.37 0.39 0.49 0.32 0.75
Date 0.94 0.24 0.05 0.38 0.19 0.40 0.31 0.75
Day-week 0.99 0.10 0.08 0.38 0.35 0.48 0.30 0.75
Hour 1.00 0.07 -0.05 0.38 0.74 0.44 0.43 0.75
State 0.95 0.22 0.18 0.36 0.33 0.47 0.41 0.75
City 0.99 0.10 -0.05 0.39 0.69 0.46 0.41 0.75
Town 0.94 0.24 0.24 0.35 0.42 0.50 0.37 0.75
Building 0.98 0.13 0.18 0.37 0.59 0.49 0.45 0.74
Floor 0.96 0.19 0.12 0.37 0.54 0.50 0.45 0.74
n 3.86 1.50 0.38 0.29 1.44 1.67 0.45 0.79
Table 0.85 0.37 -0.07 0.41 0.25 0.44 0.28 0.76
Watch 0.67 0.47 -0.01 0.40 0.14 0.35 0.22 0.76
Pen 0.64 0.48 0.06 0.38 0.09 0.29 0.06 0.77
Repetition 0.98 0.15 0.07 0.38 0.78 0.42 0.41 0.75
nsion 0.92 0.27 0.15 0.36 0.71 0.46 0.26 0.76
Reading 0.89 0.32 0.34 0.32 0.46 0.50 0.42 0.75
Writing 0.95 0.23 0.24 0.35 0.47 0.50 0.55 0.74
Drawing 0.82 0.39 0.35 0.31 0.35 0.48 0.40 0.75
Item-Rest = item-test with item deleted.

Table 3 – Rasch model analysis (N=326).

Non-impaired Impaired
Infit Outfit Infit Outfit
Year -0.19 0.64 -0.8 0.32 -1.6 0.99 0.82 -1.8 0.67 -1.6
Month 0.27 0.88 -0.3 0.73 -0.5 0.39 0.95 -0.4 0.93 -0.4
Date 0.72 0.99 0.1 1.06 0.3 1.49 0.96 -0.3 0.75 -0.8
a a
Day-week -0.57 0.38 -1.4 0.33 -1.4 0.57 0.99 0.0 0.93 -0.4
a a b
Hour -0.76 0.21 -1.9 0.30 -1.5 -1.07 0.50 -3.2 0.55 -3.2 b
State 0.51 0.88 -0.3 0.78 -0.4 0.68 0.89 -1.1 0.77 -1.2
a b
City -0.57 0.41 -1.3 0.58 -0.7 -0.92 0.59 -2.6 0.64 -2.4 b
Town 0.72 0.90 -0.3 0.57 -1.3 0.22 0.93 -0.6 1.15 1.0
Building -0.37 0.51 -1.1 0.34 -1.4 -0.51 0.72 -1.9 0.73 -1.8
Floor 0.27 0.86 -0.3 0.74 -0.5 -0.30 0.77 -1.7 0.73 -1.9
c c c
Calculation -6.55 1.35 3.4 1.28 2.5 -2.54 2.39 8.2 2.26 6.4 c
Table 1.81 1.29 1.9 1.17 0.9 1.12 0.99 -0.1 0.83 -0.7
Watch 2.96 1.16 2.1 1.09 0.9 1.88 0.98 -0.1 1.06 0.3
Pen 3.12 1.08 1.1 1.03 0.4 2.41 1.06 0.4 1.40 1.0
a b
Repetition -0.19 0.69 -0.7 0.63 -0.6 -1.21 0.45 -3.7 0.58 -2.9 b
Comprehension -5.32 0.61 -4.5 b 0.65 -3.6 b -3.76 1.09 0.8 1.34 2.5 c
Reading 1.45 0.88 -0.7 0.74 -1.1 0.02 0.86 -1.2 0.82 -1.2
Writing 0.62 0.88 -0.4 0.65 -0.9 -0.01 0.73 -2.3 0.67 -2.3 b
Drawing 2.07 0.87 -1.1 0.75 -1.5 0.57 0.89 -1.1 0.79 -1.2
Mean .00 0.81 -0.3 0.72 -0.6 .00 0.92 -0.7 0.93 -0.6
S.D. 2.32 0.30 1.6 0.29 1.2 1.44 0.39 2.4 0.39 2.2
Note. MSNQ < 0.5 indicates that the item may cause misleadingly high reliability and

separation coefficients. b ZSTD ≤ -2 indicates that other dimensions may be constraining the

response patterns. c
ZSTD ≥ 3 indicates that the data are particularly unexpected or


Table 4 – Multidimensional 2PL and graded model item parameter estimates, logit: aθ + c

Non-impaired Impaired
Item a1 a2 c a1 a2 c
Year 3.86 3.81 5.75 2.32 2.13 -1.69
Month 2.45 1.13 3.77 0.82 1.28 -0.66
Date 1.88 1.67 2.46 1.58 3.04 -2.34
Day-week 1.89 1.00 3.44 1.37 2.77 -0.94
Hour 1.28 1.86 4.93 1.50 2.39 1.46
State 2.19 1.82 3.38 1.96 1.26 -1.02
City 2.12 1.82 5.92 0.80 1.19 1.23
Town 1.38 1.28 2.82 0.98 1.34 -0.48
Building 1.90 1.88 4.53 1.26 0.94 0.44
Floor 1.29 1.15 3.72 1.41 0.88 0.16
Table 1.78 0.01 1.43 1.54 2.76 -1.42
Watch 2.58 -0.34 0.07 1.82 4.54 -2.00
Pen 2.39 -0.04 -0.07 0.78 >6.0 -2.73
Repetition 0.76 1.53 3.97 1.97 0.49 1.82
Comprehension 0.52 0.84 2.81 0.32 0.12 0.97
Reading 1.16 0.59 3.31 1.63 0.13 -0.25
Writing 1.02 3.89 4.75 4.10 0.87 -0.33
Drawing 1.12 0.58 2.35 1.20 0.11 -0.93
Item a1 a2 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
Calculation 0.99 1.43 3.39 1.79 1.12 0.43 -0.55
Commands 0.85 0.63 3.87 3.27
Calculation 2.48 0.73 0.58 -0.46 -1.65 -2.32 -2.88

Table 5 – Oblique CF-Quartimax Rotated Loadings.

Non-impaired Impaired
Item λ1 λ2 λ1 λ2
Year 0.92 0.66 0.60
Month 0.53 0.36 0.56
Date 0.63 0.41 0.79
Day-week 0.65 0.39 0.79
Hour 0.46 0.73
State 0.80 0.68 0.44
City 0.36 0.54
Town 0.50 0.40 0.41 0.56
Building 0.97 0.54 0.41
Floor 0.53 0.56 0.59 0.37
Calculation 0.30 0.60 0.80
Table 0.43 0.77
Watch 0.49 0.35 0.88
Pen 0.35 1.00
Repetition 0.56 0.74
Comprehension 0.26 0.43 0.38
Reading 0.64 0.69
Writing 0.83 0.91
Drawing 0.68 0.32 0.57
* Factor correlations: non-impaired = 0.01; impaired = -0.35. Low factor loadings (<0.3) were omitted.

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