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College Networking System

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the award of

Semester Training


OCEAN TECHNOLOGY PVT. LTD. ( From January 2024 to June 2024)

Under the Guidance of:

Mr. Anoop Thakur

Submitted By

Name: Kartik Gupta

University Roll No. 2007519
Shaheed Bhagat Singh State University, Ferozepur, Punjab CANDIDATE'S

I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the report entitled “Semester
Software/Industrial Training & Project” by Kartik Gupta, University Roll No. 2007519, in partial
fullfillment of requirement for the award of degree of B.Tech submitted in the “Department of CSE” at
“Shaheed Bhagat Singh State University, Ferozepur”, is an authentic record of my own work carried out
during a period from January 2024 to June 2024, under the supervision of Mr. Anoop Thakur and co-
supervisor Mr. …………. The matter presented in this report has not been submitted in any other
university/Institute for the award of B.Tech Degree.

Signature of the Student


In today’s educational institutions, a well-designed and efficient network infrastructure is essential for
seamless operation across various departments and facilities. This project focuses on designing a
comprehensive network topology for a college, ensuring robust connectivity, enhanced security, and
scalability. The network design incorporates advanced techniques to address the specific needs of
different academic departments, administrative offices, and student facilities.

The key components of the network design include a core network providing high-speed connectivity
and redundancy, a distribution layer facilitating data routing and network segmentation, and an access
layer offering endpoint connectivity for devices such as PCs, laptops, and printers across various
departments including CSE, ECE, M.E., Admin, and Hostels. Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)
are utilized to logically segment the network, thereby improving performance, managing traffic, and
enhancing security by isolating sensitive data. The design also incorporates routing protocols like
OSPF and static routing to ensure efficient and reliable data paths across the network.

Security measures such as firewalls, Access Control Lists (ACLs), and Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS) are implemented to protect against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Additionally, the
design includes seamless wireless connectivity across the campus, providing secure and reliable access
for mobile devices. The objectives of this network design project are to enhance connectivity, improve
security, support scalability, and optimize network management.

1. Learning Objective of Internship

2. Introduction
• Aim
• Problem Statement
• Scope
• Objective

3. Problem Description
• Key Challenges
• Goals
• Approach

4. Methodology/Technology Used
• VLan
• Basic Hardware Requiremesnts
• OSI Model
• TCP/IP Layer
• IP classing/addressing

5. Flow of Project
• UML Diagram
• Flow Chart of Project

6. Future Scope

7. Conclusion
Learning Objectives of Internship

The original objectives of a 6-month internship can vary widely depending on the field, organization, and
specific role, but generally, they include the following key goals:

1. Skill Development
• Enhance Specific Skills:
o Improve technical, analytical, and soft skills relevant to the industry.
o Gain practical experience in applying theoretical knowledge.

2. Professional Experience
• Understand Day-to-Day Operations:
o Learn about the daily operations of the industry and the organization.
• Hands-On Projects:
o Work on real-world projects and tasks to gain practical experience.

3. Career Exploration
• Explore Career Paths:
o Investigate different career opportunities within the field.
• Gain Insights:
o Understand various roles and responsibilities to make informed career decisions.

4. Networking
• Build Professional Relationships:
o Establish connections with colleagues, mentors, and industry professionals.
• Develop a Professional Network:
o Create a network that can be beneficial for future career opportunities.

5. Industry Knowledge
• Learn Current Trends:
o Stay informed about current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the industry.
• Understand Organizational Structure:
o Gain insights into the organizational structure and culture.
6. Professionalism
• Develop Workplace Etiquette:
o Learn professional behavior and etiquette.
• Navigate Professional Environments:
o Understand how to thrive in a professional setting.

7. Performance Evaluation
• Receive Feedback:
o Obtain constructive feedback on work performance and areas for improvement.
• Identify Strengths and Weaknesses:
o Use evaluations to recognize personal strengths and areas for growth.

8. Contribution to the Organization

• Contribute to Goals and Projects:
o Participate in achieving the organization’s objectives.
• Bring Fresh Perspectives:
o Offer new ideas and viewpoints to the team.

9. Academic Integration
• Apply Academic Knowledge:
o Utilize academic learning in a practical setting.
• Complete Academic Requirements:
o Fulfill any academic obligations related to the internship, such as reports or

10. Personal Growth

• Improve Time Management and Problem-Solving:
o Enhance time management, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
• Develop Confidence and Self-Awareness:
o Increase self-confidence and self-awareness through real-world experiences.

These objectives ensure that the internship is a mutually beneficial experience for both the intern and
the organization.

In today’s educational environment, a robust and efficient network infrastructure is vital for the seamless
operation of academic and administrative activities. This project report details the design and
implementation of a network topology for a college, addressing both current and future needs. The
network design aims to provide high-performance connectivity, enhance security, and ensure scalability
to support various academic departments, administrative offices, and student facilities.

In today’s educational environment, a robust and efficient network infrastructure is vital for the
seamless operation of academic and administrative activities. This project report details the design and
implementation of a network topology for a college, addressing both current and future needs. The
network design aims to provide high-performance connectivity, enhance security, and ensure
scalability to support various academic departments, administrative offices, and student facilities.

The aim of the project is to:

• Utilize Advanced Network Design Techniques: Apply sophisticated network design methods
to create a comprehensive topology that ensures efficient data flow and robust connectivity.
• Provide Seamless Connectivity: Develop a network that provides uninterrupted connectivity
across the campus, supporting various academic and administrative needs.
• Enhance Security: Implement security measures to protect against internal and external
threats, ensuring the safety of sensitive data.
• Ensure Scalability: Design the network to support future growth and the integration of new
technologies without major redesigns.
• Improve Network Management: Facilitate easy management and troubleshooting of the
network through logical segmentation and efficient configuration.

Problem Statement
The problem statement of this project is to address the challenges associated with designing a network
topology for a college. The main challenges include:

• Ensuring Seamless Connectivity: Providing reliable network access in all areas of the campus
to support the increasing number of devices and users.
• Enhancing Security: Implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive data from
unauthorized access and cyber threats.
• Supporting Scalability: Designing a network that can accommodate future expansion and the
integration of new technologies.
• Optimizing Performance: Ensuring high-speed data transfer and low latency across the
• Managing Cost: Balancing the cost of network infrastructure with the need for high
performance and security.

The scope of this project encompasses several key areas aimed at designing and implementing a
comprehensive network topology for a college. The detailed scope includes:

1. Network Design and Planning:

o Creating a hierarchical network topology with core, distribution, and access layers.
o Ensuring redundancy and failover mechanisms to maintain network availability.
2. Device Configuration:
o Configuring routers, switches, servers, and other network devices.
o Implementing VLANs for logical network segmentation and improved performance.
3. Routing and Security Protocols:
o Setting up dynamic and static routing protocols to ensure efficient data transfer.
o Implementing security measures such as ACLs, firewalls, and IDS.
4. Wireless Integration:
o Providing seamless wireless connectivity across the campus.
o Ensuring secure and efficient wireless access for all users.
5. Performance Optimization:
o Balancing load and avoiding network congestion.
o Ensuring high-speed data transfer and low latency.
6. Cost Management:
o Optimizing the cost of network infrastructure and maintenance.
o Using cost-effective solutions without compromising on performance and security.
Problem Description
Key Challenges

1. Ensuring Seamless Connectivity:

o High Device Density: Managing a large number of connected devices across the
o Coverage Areas: Providing robust connectivity in all areas including remote corners
and outdoor spaces.
o Bandwidth Management: Handling high bandwidth demand during peak times
without affecting performance.
2. Enhancing Security:
o Data Protection: Safeguarding sensitive academic and administrative data from
unauthorized access and cyber threats.
o Network Segmentation: Implementing effective VLANs to isolate different segments
of the network.
o Access Control: Managing user access to network resources to prevent misuse and
3. Supporting Scalability:
o Future Expansion: Designing a network that can easily scale to accommodate future
growth in the number of users and devices.
o Technology Integration: Ensuring the network can integrate new technologies and
systems as they become available.
4. Optimizing Performance:
o Load Balancing: Distributing network traffic evenly to prevent congestion and ensure
efficient data flow.
o Latency Reduction: Minimizing latency to ensure quick data access and transfer.
5. Managing Cost:
o Budget Constraints: Balancing high performance and security requirements within the
available budget.
o Cost-Effective Solutions: Selecting hardware and software solutions that provide the
best value for money.


1. High-Performance Connectivity:
o Establish a network that provides reliable and high-speed connectivity across the entire
2. Robust Security:
o Implement comprehensive security measures to protect data and network resources
from threats.
3. Scalability:
o Design a network that can grow with the institution’s needs without requiring
significant overhauls.
4. Efficient Network Management:
o Create a network that is easy to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot, ensuring minimal
5. Cost-Effective Implementation:
o Develop a network design that meets performance and security needs while staying
within budget constraints.


1. Planning and Requirements Analysis:

o Conduct a thorough analysis of the current network infrastructure and future
o Engage with stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations.
2. Network Design:
o Develop a hierarchical network topology, including core, distribution, and access
o Define VLANs for logical segmentation and efficient traffic management.
3. Device Selection and Configuration:
o Select appropriate routers, switches, and other network devices based on performance
and budget considerations.
o Configure devices with necessary routing protocols (OSPF, EIGRP) and security
measures (ACLs, firewalls).
4. Simulation and Testing:
o Use Cisco Packet Tracer to simulate the network design and identify potential issues.
o Conduct thorough testing to ensure all components work together seamlessly.
5. Implementation and Deployment:
o Deploy the network infrastructure in phases to minimize disruption.
o Monitor the network performance and make necessary adjustments.
6. Maintenance and Monitoring:
o Implement network monitoring tools for continuous performance tracking.
o Develop a maintenance plan to ensure long-term reliability and security.
Methodology/Technology Used

Cisco Packet Tracer

• Design and Simulation:
o Used for creating and testing network designs.
o Simulate different scenarios to identify potential issues.
• Troubleshooting:
o Helps identify and resolve potential network issues.
o Provides a safe environment to test solutions without affecting the live network.

Routing Protocols
• OSPF (Open Shortest Path First):
o Dynamic routing protocol for efficient path selection.
o Ensures fast convergence and reliable data transfer.
• Static Routing:
o Fixed routes for simpler, controlled environments.
o Used where dynamic routing is not necessary or beneficial.
• EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol):
o Combines the advantages of link-state and distance-vector protocols.
o Provides rapid convergence and scalable routing.

VLAN Configuration
• Logical Segmentation:
o Divides the network into smaller, manageable segments.
o Reduces broadcast domains and improves performance.
• Improved Security:
o Isolates sensitive data and reduces the risk of breaches.
o Controls access to different parts of the network.
• Traffic Management:
o Enhances traffic flow by reducing congestion.
o Prioritizes critical applications and services.
o Encrypts data to ensure privacy and integrity.

VLAN Basics
As I said, a VLAN is a virtual LAN. In technical terms, a VLAN is a broadcast domain created by
switches. Normally, it is a router creating that broadcast domain. With VLAN’s, a switch can create
the broadcast domain.

Overview of Cisco 2800 Series Routers

The Cisco 2800 series of integrated services routers offers secure, wire-speed delivery of concurrent
data, voice, and video services. The modular design of the Cisco 2800 series routers provides
maximum flexibility, allowing you to configure your router to meet evolving needs. The Cisco 2800
series routers incorporate data, security, and voice services in a single system for fast, scalable delivery
of crucial business applications. The routers offer features such as hardware-based VPN encryption
acceleration, intrusion-protection and firewall functions, and optional integrated call processing and
voice mail. The routers offer a wide variety of network modules and interfaces, voice digital signal
processor (DSP) slots, high-density interfaces for a wide range of connectivity requirements, and
sufficient performance and slot density for future network expansion requirements and advanced

Basic Hardware Components

LAN Infrastructure Devices
All networks are made up of basic hardware building blocks to interconnect network nodes, such
as Network Interface Cards (NICs), Bridges, Hubs, Switches, and Routers. In addition, some
method of connecting these building blocks is required, usually in the form of galvanic cable (most
commonly Category 5 cable). Less common are microwave links (as in IEEE 802.11) or optical
cable ("optical fiber").
Network Interface Cards
A hub (concentrator) contains multiple ports, which is used to connect devices in a star topology.
When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to all the ports of the hub. But when the packets are
copied, the destination address in the frame does not change to a broadcast address. It does this in
a rudimentary way; it simply copies the data to all of the Nodes connected to the hub (broadcast).
A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI
model. Bridges do not promiscuously copy traffic to all ports, as hubs do, but learn which physical
addresses are reachable through specific ports. Once the bridge associates a port and an address, it
will send traffic for that address only to that port. Bridges do send broadcasts to all ports except
the one on which the broadcast was received.Bridges learn the association of ports and addresses
by examining the source address of frames that it sees on various ports.
A switch is a device that performs switching. Specifically, it forwards and filters OSI layer 2
datagram (chunk of data communication) between ports (connected cables) based on the Physical-
Addresses in the packets. This is distinct from a hub in that it only forwards the datagram to the
ports involved in the communications rather than all ports connected.
A switch normally has numerous ports with the intention that most or all of the networks be
connected directly to a switch, or another switch that is in turn connected to a switch.
Routers are networking devices that forward data packets along networks by using headers and
forwarding/routing tables to determine the best path to forward the packets. Routers work at the
Internet layer of the TCP/IP model or layer 3 of the OSI model. Routers also provide
interconnectivity between like and unlike media. A router is connected to at least two networks,
commonly two LANs or WANs or a LAN and its ISP's network. Some DSL and cable modems,
for home use, have been integrate

Network Cabling
Despite advances in wireless technologies, many computer networks in the 21st century still rely on
cables as a physical medium for devices to transfer data. Multiple different standard types of network
cables exist, each designed for specific purpose. Invented back in the 1880s, "coax" was best known as
the kind of cable that connected television sets to home antennas. Coaxial cable is also a standard for
10 MbpsEthernet cables.
The Open System Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model

In 1983, the International Standards Organization (ISO) developed a model called Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) which is a standard reference model for communication between two end
users in a network. The model is used in developing products and understanding networks.

Layers in the OSI Model

OSI divides Telecommunications into Seven Layers. Each layer is responsible for a particular
aspect of data communication. For example, one layer may be responsible for establishing
connections between devices, while another layer may be responsible for error checking during

Layer 7: The Application Layer...

The Application Layer is the highest layer in the protocol stack and the layer responsible for
introducing data into the OSI stack. Here reside the protocols for user applications that incorporate
the components of network applications.
The applications can be classified as:
➢ Computer applications
➢ Network applications
➢ Internetwork applications

Presentation Network World Wide Web

Graphics Management Conferencing (Video, Voice,
Database Information Location Data)
Word Processing Remote Location Electronic Date Exchange
Spreadsheet Electronic Mail Internet Navigation Utilities
Design/Manufactur File Transfer E-Mail Gateways
ing Client/Server Process Special-Interest Bulletin Boards
Others Others Financial Transaction Services

This is a layer, usually part of an operating system, that converts incoming and outgoing data from
one presentation format to another (for example, from a text stream into a popup window with the
newly arrived text). This layer is sometimes called the syntax layer.
Layer 5: The Session Layer...
The Session Layer establishes, manages, and terminates sessions (different from connections)
between applications as they interact on different hosts on a network. Its main job is to coordinate
the service requests and responses between different hosts for applications.
The sessions established between hosts can be:
Layer 4: The Transport Layer..
This layer manages the end-to-end control (for example, determining whether all packets have arrived)
and error-checking. It ensures complete data transfer.
The Basic Transport Layer Services are:
➢ Resource Utilization (multiplexing): Multiple applications run on the same machine but use
different ports.
➢ Connection Management (establishing & terminating): The second major task of Transport
Layer is establishing connection between sender & the receiver before data transmission starts &
terminating the connection once the data transmission is finished
➢ Flow Control (Buffering / Windowing): Once the connection has occurred and transfer is in
progress, congestion of the data flow can occur at a destination for a variety of reasons.
Layer 3: The Network Layer...
The Network Layer is responsible for identifying computers on a network.
This layer is concerned with 2 functions:

Routing: It is the process of selecting the best paths in a network along which to send data on
physical traffic.
Fragmentation / Reassembly: if the network layer determines that a next router's maximum
transmission unit (MTU) size is less than the current frame size, a router can fragment a frame for
transmission and re-assembly at the destination station.
Two types of packets are used at the Network layer:
➢ Data packets: Used to transport user data through the internetwork. Protocols used to support data
traffic are called routed protocols.
➢ Route update packets: Used to update neighboring routers about the network connected to all
routers within the internetwork. Protocols that send route updates are called routing protocols.
Layer 2: The data-link layer...
The data link layer provides error-free transfer of data frames from one node to another over the
physical layer, allowing layers above it to assume virtually error-free transmission over the link.
To do this, the data link layer provides:
➢ Frame Traffic Control: tells the transmitting node to "stop” when no frame buffers are available.
➢ Frame Sequencing: transmits/receives frames sequentially.
➢ Frame Acknowledgment: provides/expects frame acknowledgments. Detects and recovers from
errors that occur in the physical layer by retransmitting non-acknowledged frames and handling
duplicate frame receipt.
➢ Frame Delimiting: creates and recognizes frame boundaries.
➢ Link Establishment and Termination: establishes and terminates the logical link between two

Layer 1: The Physical Layer…
The physical layer, the lowest layer of the OSI model, is concerned with the transmission and
reception of the unstructured raw bit stream over a physical medium.
It describes the electrical/optical, mechanical, and functional interfaces to the physical medium,
and carries the signals for all of the higher layers.
It provides:

OSI Layers Devices Used

Application Layer Gateways, Layer 7 Switches
Presentation Layer -----------
Session Layer -----------
Transport Layer Layer 4 switches
Network Layer Router, Layer 3 switches
Data link Layer NIC, Switch, Bridge
Physical Layer Hubs, Repeaters, Network
cables & connectors

The TCP/IP Application Layer

TCP/IP application layer protocols provide services to the application software running on a
computer. The application Layer identifies the application running on the computer through Port
The various protocols that are used at the Application Layer are:
➢ Telnet:Terminal Emulation, Telnet is a program that runs on your computer and connects your
PC to a server on the network. You can then enter commands through the Telnet program and they
will be executed as if you were entering them directly on the server console. Port Number :23
➢ FTP: File Transfer Protocol, the protocol used for exchanging files over the Internet. FTP is most
commonly used to download a file from a server using the Internet or to upload a file to a server.
Port Number : 20(data port) ,21(control port)
➢ HTTP:Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web.
HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and
browsers should take in response to various commands. For example, when we enter a URL in
the browser, this actually sends an HTTP command to the Web server directing it to fetch and
transmit the requested Web page. Port Number :80
➢ NFS: Network File System, a client/serverapplication that allows all network users to access shared
files stored on computers of different types. Users can manipulate shared files as if they were
stored locally on the user's own hard disk. Port Number :2049
➢ SMTP:SimpleMailTransfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers. In
addition, SMTP is generally used to send messages from a mail client to a mail server. Port Number
➢ POP3: PostOfficeProtocol, a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server. Most e-mail
applications (sometimes called an e-mail client) use the POP, although some can use the newer
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)as a replacement for POP3 Port Number :110
➢ TFTP:TrivialFileTransfer Protocol, a simple form of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). TFTP
provides no security features. It is often used by servers to boot diskless workstations, X-terminals,
and routers. Port Number : 69

Types of Addresses Used During Data Communication

TCP/IP Layers Addresses Used

Application Layer Port Numbers
Transport Layer Socket Address
Network Layer I.P. Address
Network Access Layer Physical Address

Port Numbers

A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which an Internet or other network message
is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server.
The port numbers are divided into three ranges:
➢ The Well Known Ports: Range from 0 through 1023. The Well Known port numbers are registered
by the IANA and are already assigned to the Well Known protocols. Well Known port numbers
can only be used by system (or root) processes or by programs executed by privileged users.
I.P. Address (Logical Address)
There are two different versions of I.P. address: IPv4 & IPv6.

IPv4 is a 32 bit numeric address used for data communication at the internet layer. This has been
in use for more than 20 years and served well but growing number of devices in networks has
forced us to go for a new addressing scheme and here comes IPv6.
IP address will be discussed in more details in the coming Sessions.
IP Version 6 (IPv6) is the newest version of IP, sometimes called “IPng” for “IP, Next Generation”.
IPv6 is fairly well defined but is not yet widely deployed. The main differences between IPv6 and
the current widely-deployed version of IP (which is IPv4) are:
IP Addressing
An Introduction
If a device wants to communicate using TCP/IP, it needs an IP address. I.P. addressing was
designed to allow hosts on one network to communicate with a host on a different network
regardless of the type of LANs the hosts are participating in. When the device has an IP address
and the appropriate software and hardware, it can send and receive IP packets. Any device that can
send and receive IP packets is called an IP host.
IP Terminology
The important terms vital to the understanding of the Internet Protocol are
➢ Bit: A bit is one digit, either a 1 or a 0.
➢ Byte: A byte is 8 bits.
➢ Octet: An octet, made up of 8 bits, is just an ordinary 8-bit binary number. In this Session, the
terms byte and octet are completely interchangeable.
➢ Network address: This is the designation used in routing to send packets to a remote network—
for example,,, and
Network Addressing
A Brief Explanation of Network Addressing
The network address (which can also be called the network number) uniquely identifies each
network. Every machine on the same network shares that network address as part of its IP address.
In the IP address, for example, 172.16 is the network address.
The node address is assigned to, and uniquely identifies, each machine on a network. This part of
the address must be unique because it identifies a particular machine—an individual—as opposed
to a network, which is a group. This number can also be referred to as a host address. In the sample
IP address, the 30.56 is the node address.
The designers of the Internet decided to create classes of networks based on network size. For the
small number of networks possessing a very large number of nodes, they created the rank, Class
A network. At the other extreme is the Class C network, which is reserved for the numerous
networks with a small number of nodes. The class distinction for networks between very large and
very small is predictably called the Class B network.
Subdividing an IP address into a network and node address is determined by the class designation
of one’s network.

Classes 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits

Class A: Network Host Host Host

Class B: Network Network Host Host

Class C: Network Network Network Host

Class D: Multicast

Class E: Research

Table: Classes of I.P. Address

➢ Class A Network: binary address start with 0, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere
from 1 to 126. The first 8 bits (the first octet) identify the network and the remaining 24 bits
indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class A IP address is,
where "102" identifies the network and "168.212.226" identifies the host on that network.
➢ Class B Network: binary addresses start with 10, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere
from 128 to 191. The first 16 bits (the first two octets) identify the network and the remaining 16
bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class B IP address is
where "168.212" identifies the network and "226.204" identifies the host on that network.

Class Left most bits Start Address Finish Address

A: 0xxx

B: 10xx

C: 110x

D: 1110

E: 1111

Table: Possible IP Addresses

➢ Class C Network: Binary addresses start with 110, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere
from 192 to 223. The first 24 bits (the first three octets) identify the network and the remaining 8
bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class C IP address is
where "200.168.212" identifies the network and "226" identifies the host on that network. In a
Class C network address, the first three bit positions are always the binary 110. The calculation is
as follows: 3 bytes, or 24 bits, minus 3 reserved positions leaves 21 positions.
➢ Class D Network: Binary addresses start with 1110, therefore the decimal number can be
anywhere from 224 to 239. Class D networks are used to support multicasting.
➢ Class E Network: Binary addresses start with 1111, therefore the decimal number can be
anywhere from 240 to 255. Class E networks are used for experimentation. They have never been
documented or utilized in a standard way.

Subnet Masks
For the subnet address scheme to work, every machine on the network must know which part of
the host address will be used as the subnet address. This is accomplished by assigning a subnet
mask to each machine. A subnet mask is a 32-bit value that allows the recipient of IP packets to
distinguish the network ID portion of the IP address from the host ID portion of the IP address.
The network administrator creates a 32-bit subnet mask composed of 1s and 0s. The 1s in the
subnet mask represent the positions that refer to the network or subnet addresses.
Table shows the default subnet masks for Classes A, B, and C. These default masks cannot change.

Address Format Default Subnet Mask

Class A network.node.node.node
Class B
Class C

Routers are nothing more than a special type of PC. Routers and PCs both have some of the same
components such as a motherboard, RAM, and an operating system. The main difference is
between a router and standard PC, is that a router performs special tasks to control or "route"
traffic between two or more networks. They operate at layer 3 of the OSI model.
Future Scope

1. Integration of Emerging Technologies:

o IoT Integration: Incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) devices to enhance campus
automation and efficiency.
o AI and Machine Learning: Utilize AI for network management, predictive
maintenance, and enhanced security.
2. Network Expansion:
o New Buildings and Facilities: Expand the network to cover new buildings,
laboratories, and residential areas.
o Increased Device Support: Scale the network to support a growing number of devices
and users.
3. Enhanced Security Measures:
o Advanced Threat Detection: Implement advanced IDS/IPS systems for real-time
threat detection and response.
o Zero Trust Architecture: Adopt a zero-trust security model to ensure stringent access
controls and continuous verification.
4. Improved Network Management:
o Automated Management Tools: Use advanced network management tools to
automate configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
o Cloud-Based Management: Leverage cloud-based solutions for more flexible and
scalable network management.
5. Sustainability Initiatives:
o Energy-Efficient Technologies: Implement energy-efficient network devices to reduce
power consumption.
o Green Networking Practices: Adopt sustainable practices to minimize the
environmental impact of the network infrastructure.
6. User Experience Enhancements:
o High-Speed Wireless Access: Upgrade to the latest wireless standards (e.g., Wi-Fi 6)
for faster and more reliable wireless connectivity.
o Unified Communication Systems: Integrate unified communication systems for
seamless collaboration among students, faculty, and staff.
• Overview:
o Represents the overall design and interaction between different network components.
o Includes core, distribution, and access layers.
• Components:
o Routers, switches, servers, and end devices.
o Connections between devices and their roles in the network.

Flow Chart of Project

• Planning Phase:
o Gather requirements and analyze current infrastructure.
o Define objectives and goals for the network design.
• Design Phase:
o Create a detailed network design and topology.
o Select appropriate hardware and software components.
• Configuration Phase:
o Configure VLANs, IP addressing, and routing protocols.
o Set up security measures such as ACLs, firewalls, and IDS.
• Implementation Phase:
o Deploy network devices and configure them according to the design.
o Test the network to ensure it meets performance and security requirements.
• Testing Phase:
o Conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve issues.
o Validate the network design and configuration.
• Deployment Phase:
o Implement the network in the live environment.
o Monitor performance and make adjustments as needed.
• Maintenance Phase:
o Implement network monitoring tools for ongoing management.
o Develop a maintenance plan to ensure long-term reliability.
UML Diagram

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