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[11/9, 6:43 AM] +234 904 301 5724: Dean

Have you forgiven all the past relationship and those that have offended you or hurt you in the past?

I have forgiven those who offend me in my past relationship

School: University Of California Los Angeles. 405 Hilgard Avenue.

1, Do you care for a chat and get to know each other more better?

Cool and nice to chat with you now!!!

2, What are your names and location???

Am JULIET DAN ,Victoria, Australia...

3, Are you married and how about kids?

Am single never married with no kids,but I have been in a bad relationship before and I don't want that
to happen to me anymore.

4, You ever been into any kinda relationship before? What will you like to tell me more about that?

Have been into a bad relationship. My ex-hurt and cheated on me a lot, that's why am on net to give it a

5, How long have you been single and do you like being single?

Am single now for the past 2years and I hate it cause I feel lonely.

6, What is your age and When is your birthday?

My birthday is 16 of june... 20years,,, Age difference does not bother me. What matter to me is both
partner pure heart, cause am human pure heart is like a pot of Gold.
7, How long have you been on galacticlove and what are you really looking for on there?

Am on here for a while now and am here looking for a serious and long term relationship with the right
man for me.

8, Are you truly ready to move on and settle down with the right lady in your life?


9, What do you do for a living?

I do travel all around the world due to my job. I buy and sell Antiques Materials for a living. Am presently
in (West Africa Nigeria) To buy some Antiques I will be back to State in couples of weeks now.

10, Does the distance right now bother you in getting to know more about each other better..???

I am not bothered by the distance between us at all. I Just ask maybe you're bothered by the distance
between us!!!
11, What is your ideal income I mean how does your job pays you?

It depends on my business trip, Cause I am into buying and selling of goods.

12, What do you seek for in a relationship?

I want a serious and long term relationship that involves commitment that will lead to marriage with the
right man for me.

13, Physically what do you look for in your woman?

Handsome and Good looking Man with all the right curves in the right places like you.

14, What qualities are important in your mate you look for in a woman and what would you want from
your partner?
I want someone calm both inside and outside, an honest, loving, caring, trustworthy, hardworking,
Godfearing, kind, romantic, passionate, kidloving, generous and respectful. Someone who I have trust,
honesty and faith in him... I want someone to love me for me and me alone and not love me for what I
do for them cause I give it all when it comes to a relationship and always there for my man, if he does
this, I will treat him like no woman as ever I treated him and make him my one and only Love. Most
importantly I want to get married to a caring, down to earth, romantic, Godfearing man soonest. The
main thing is life that will make me happy is to have a loving, passionately man and a happy family as
well. Am religiously in-dined, God fearing, and believe Jesus died for me on the cross of Calvary. Trust
and massive care is mandatory in every relationship and I really want that.

15, How do you treat your woman?

I treat my man like no one has ever treated him before and make him my one and only love, Like a King.
And I like to be treat the same.

16, Would you ever do anything to hurt your partner?

I would never do anything intentionally to hurt my partner,I can't even see myself doing that.

17, Tell me more about your parent?

My Mom, Dad with my lovely brother died on there way going to london for an occassion,so since they
had died...things went so hard and tough with me and thats why am really looking for the right man
who's gonna be there for me as a best friend and Lover...Infact am crying here right now because its very
painful to me, whenever I remember it.

18, What would your family say about me?

Okay!!! Thanks.

but Honey I don't want 3rd party in our relationship right now and also I will love to make it a surprise to
your families seeing me when I get back in the states with you my love.

19, Are you financially stressed, just fine, comfortable or blessed?


20, What is love to you?

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love
you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end..

21,Are you tired yet??? if not i will continue.

I am not tired of chatting with you, I really want to chat with you all day

22, What's your favorite band of music???

Blues and christian band (Marc Anthony, James blunt, don meon)

23, What dancing step do you like most, like going to concerts, flea market?

I like going to concert and my dancing step is salsa.

24, What is the most romantic thing a significant other could do?
Cook me a romantic dinner with roses.

25, What is one thing that you value most in a relationship and do you like to talk about future?

Caring, supportive, love and respect for each other... I do like to talk about future when in a right

26, What turns you on in a relationship?

Caring, open minded, self esteem and achievements.... Hmm kissing and sitting at the forefront telling
each other sweet things.

27, What turns you off in a relationship?

Cheating, lies and dishonesty... playing with others emotional feelings... I believe you understand what i
meant by that !!!
28, When in a relationship how often do you like to contact your partner?

I do like to contact him my free-time in everyday.

29, Do you like public displays of affection?

Sure I do... It shows how you appreciate the person.

30, Do you often plan your day ahead?

Yes I always do.

31,Did you get jealous or very pretectve??

I don't usually get jealous,but could be protective at times,I have every reason to be jealous because God
the creator himself is jealous,so why won't I be?
32, Are any good at holding hands, or hugging??

I am very good on both side. I can hug and I can hold hands... I love both.

33, What is your favorite season?

My Favorite season is the Summer and I love the Christmas season too,I just appreciate the love in the
atmosphere during Christmas.

34, How do you like to spend your holidays? Free time?

With my love, reading, relaxing and watching movie.

35, What is your favorite food?

I love apple pie, Mexican tamales, Pizza, taquitos and burritos, I also love french and Italian fries..
36, Like to shop?? which is your favorite place to shop?

I like to shop. dunkin's donut

37, What is your favorite colour?

My favorite color are green and blue.

38, What is your favorite drink?

My favorite drink are Apple juice and Budweiser

39, Do you like or have tattoos?

I like tattoos but I don't have any but i will like to have that one day.
40, Are you a Christian?

Yes I am, Good Christian indeed

41, How often do you attend church?

I attend church every Sunday and Wednesday... My relationship with God is improving day by day. It's a
process. I talk to him like he's my best friend and I pray to him because he's my Father in heaven.

42, What do you believe spiritually? (as far as what it takes to get to heaven)

I believe that god was Jesus manifested in the flesh and he came down to the earth and lived among us
( John 1:1-2, John 1:14) and lived a perfect life free from sin. I believe that he was crucified and rose
again the third day (2 Corinthians5:14-15) and later ascended into heaven (John 3:13-18) I believe that
the only way to God is through Jesus as John 14:6 says. I believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today
and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and that all the things that were performed in the bible are still applicable
for today since He remains the same. But the word of the Lord endureth for ever 1Pet.1:25... And grieve
not the holy Spirit of God Eph.4:30... And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three 1Cor.13:13... If so
be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious 1Pet.2:3... Thy face, LORD, will I seek Ps.27:8... If any man
thirst, let him come unto me, and drink John.7:37.. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!
Ps.139:17.. I am among you as he that serveth Luke.22:27.. What would ye that I should do for you?

We are his vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7-12) and we can chose to let the Lord use us as his vessels or we can
choose to let the adversary use us as his vessel. Ephesians 6:11-12 or 13 states that we wrestle not
against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, dark forces and so on and so on. I believe that
when we accept Jesus into our hearts as our Lord and savior and repent of our sins that he forgives us
and at that point we are given the gift of eternal life with him after we leave this earth. ( John 3:16 ) ..

43, What more do you do for fun?

I like going to beach,picking the shells of the beach. I smile and laugh a lot, I really enjoy a fun night out, I
like go out for dinner, I have excellent taste in restaurants, I like cinemas, and I love nature. I love taking
care of my body, mind and soul. I love to take care of my man, to play guitar, Japanese food. I love to
travel. I like to read and write, I like computers, I love listening to music, I love dancing (I grew up dancing
to salsa and meringue, are my favorites...

44, Do you assume responsibility??

Yes I do

45,Will you yell at me for any reason?

No I wont yell on anyone for any reason

46, What did you notice first about me?

Your charming and amazing Handsome.

47, Can you cook? if so, what do you like to make?

I sure love to cook baby,.. Mexican burittos, tamales and Shoofly pie learnt that in pennysylvania, that
was 3 years ago, when I came there to sold out some Antiques goods.

48, What are your dislikes?

My dislikes are liers, I do not like lousy and obnoxious people, or people who degrade or underestimate
other people because they are not as fortunate as someone else, I despise bullies who pick on people
who can't defend themselves. I don't like people who constantly lie.

49, What's one of your dreams???

One of my dreams is to have my own Antiques Company.

50, How do you handle anger?

If I'm mad I'll try to think before I speak because I have to be careful of the words that come out of my
mouth... The bible says that life and death are in the tongue. I don't like to argue even though sometimes
you can't avoid it. I prefer to discuss it in a civil way without strangling each other.

51, Do you get angry easily?

No,I don't get angry easily,it might take forever to make me angry,and in between when I evetually get
angry,I could loose it up all out in a minute and the next,I'm back to normal

52, If you were mad at me how would I know?

If I was mad at you how would you know? If I was extremely angry I would tell you that I need to calm
down before I talk about it. If I was just angry I'd say something like "that really hurt me or made me
upset when you did this or that"

53, How much stress do you have in your life?

I don't have a lot of stress in my life at all unless I allow someone to come in and stress me.The stress I
know I have right now is making sure that I get marry to someone who is God fearing, kind hearted,
caring and loving.

54, How do you usually prefer to dress?

I'm comfortable in casual clothes. And I do like my jeans

55, Tell me about some of your talents?

God has given me the gift to communicate with deaf individuals. I'm conversational with American sign

56, When is the last time you cried?

When my ex broke my heart and that I now for the pat 2 years.

57, Who is the most important person in your life right now?

No one but you,you know my parent are late and am the only one of my parent.U remember?
58, Do you have any pets?

None presently but I would love to have that one day, especially dog and cat.

59, Are you quiet? the life of the party?

I am a very quiet and understanding person and always ready to listen..

60, Do you drink or smoke?

I don't drink and I do not smoke.

61, How important is having children to you?

62, Do you believe in moving in together before engagement or marriage?

It depends

63, If you were engaged, would you want a wedding as soon as possible?

On one hand, if it's decided that a marriage is going to happen, I think it is kind of silly to wait... and yet,
planning the big event and making things just right and building expectations is probably fun.

64, If you ever got engaged, how would you want it to happen?

Dinner with family and friends.

65, What is your ideal night in with a significant other?

Depends on how serious it is. Maybe cuddling on the couch with light snacks and movies. Later on,
Home-cooked dinner, playful teasing, and maybe, if the relationship is to that point, a few hours of sex
and cuddling and just being close in as many ways as we can think of.

[11/9, 6:44 AM] +234 904 301 5724: I’m Sophia 30 years single woman with no kid, I was born on
November 21st, My height is 5"7ft and physically fit. What about you? Have you ever been married? got
kids? how long have u been single?
I have been single for 2 years and few months now, it took me so long to get over my last heart break
because it wasn't a good one, for I have been hurt so much in the past and won't want to go through
that again, that's why I have decided to remain single since then. So what happened in past last
relationship? Did she cheated on you or it just don't work out?

My past relationship was very bad that I don't even wanna think about it again because my EX treated
me so bad. He is abusive, cheating on me and deal with hard work and drugs, he dupery me away from
all my money. I though he love me so I put all my life in his hand and all my savings was put into his
account. I was shock to found out that he gamble with all the money and do drugs. I never knew he was
doing that when we meet each other. He then run away with all my money and left me with nothing.

I have been cheated, and disobeyed. I love to meet good person and trustworthy honest, caring good
person and i have not ever cheat on a man before, but i have been cheated on several times.

My life has been so boring and hope to be with someone who is ready to Love me for who i am now it's
gonna change for the best am single but i thank God am living fine...

Yes,I really hope am not scaring you off with my experience, am just trying to be open with you.

How long have you been on here? I bet alot of women would be falling at your feet because you are a
very handsome man it’s just hard to believe you are single.
Oh really? that's amaze because I just joined about few months ago and I have already talked to 2 men,
All they want from me is my nude pictures and am not here for that. But i stopped talking to them, cause
they normally talk dirty words, I'm here to find a serious minded life partner for real date.

Many guys will want me but not want to love me. There is a difference between wanting you and
wanting to love you. I choose to be loved and not to be used.

I am new to this Internet stuff, It was a friend that introduce me to the site after an heart break because
it was on the site that she met the love of her life and it wasn't long before they got married, so this is
what gives me the hope that truly this online really works.

I'm willing to try all these out with me, I guess that all men cannot be the same and I believe that just
because something has failed before, doesn't mean it will fail again. I don't let past disappointments
weigh too heavily in my expectations of future likelihorod of success. I figure life is to short to hold on to
the regrets all you can do is chalk them up as lessons learned and move on, and most importantly if you
find that special someone take that chance you never know what you might be passing up.

I'm in no hurry, I will not get in relationship until someone has already shown himself to be loyal loving &
my true friend. In the past I've jumped into things, now I am being patient. What I'm looking for is
someone I can be in a relationship with though at first I like to start out as friends and go from there,
that way we can skip all the awkwardness & games & go straight to being ourselves.

Do you want just someone to be with for the main time and nothing serious for now? And i also need a
serious man in my life. I'm a good woman but one thing I won't do is force a man to realize that. If he
doesn't realize that on his own, it's his loss.
I would like to get to know you, I will say you seem to me like a very good man and I would like to see
what comes out of this, we have something in common we are looking for the same thing so who knows
maybe we met for a reason

What do you do for a living?

I make beads and jewellerys and I have been a sales some Antiques Materials at a jewelry store because
now I am looking forward to start my own business, I'm trying to be a sole proprietress. I am just looking
for a location to purchase so I can start and this estate agents and brokers just want to screw me.

What is your Gmail, Let's see if we can share pictures by Gmail

Where were you born and live now??

I was born in Newport kentucky but I have been living with my grandma and her family in Georgia for
1yr 6 months before moving back to Newport Kentucky . because i believe that honesty and
communication is key to any healthy friendship/relationship if you agree with me.

Though the distance I feel it’s up to both of us to determine if we gonna be or not. Sincere love doesn't
count the miles, it's measured by the heart, if distance were measured in terms of the heart we'd never
be more than a minute apart but hey, like I said, distance means so little when you love someone so
much, and its up to us to determine if we gonna be together or not, and its worth a try. Distance will
sometimes let you know who is worth keeping and who is worth letting go of.

I have a kind heart and I have a lot of love in my heart to give it to my beloved man. Am optimistic and
do hope a day would come I would see a man that will fill my life with sunny rays of happy family life.
Though we have good and bad habits, we would have to share it together and accommodate each other,
that way we would be in-separable and I will do my best to create warm tender atmosphere and special
coziness where we can feel comfortable, I like people that are free and express themselves easily.

Tell me about your parents? Do you have any Sibling?

I am the only child of my parent. I was born to a loving couple in Kentucky a home, by an American
Spanish man brown hair eye eyed, my parents was originated from Columbia. My father was a successful
business man. My father died in 2007.

So do you live in the state all your life? Hows been single like to you?

Yes being single has its ups and downs. I'm free to do what ever I want but then again I miss having
someone there to hold and kiss and have my back to the fullest. You know most of my friends are
happily married, there is nothing more good than an happy ending, finding someone to share love with,
Being single is nothing like being in a comitted, loving relationship.

It's great to be able to share lifes adventures...

Especially with that one special person that you love with all of your heart! I have a lot of love to give if
only I could have it back in return, its just so hard to find and trust at times but at the end it is all worth it
to find that one person to love and be loved by and yes to al ways be able to kiss and hug and know they
will have your back always is always great .

So you haven't date anybody else or go to a date since your last relationship ?

Any relationship following a previous relationship and with a child involved

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