GPOA Sample 1

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Afi eect as photo of rant corse poly Aponch wt [Atte reson sae] photo of attomey Fone ety Coop oe GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW YE ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT I Me/Mrs/Ms the Gram”, resident / nonresident, indian Citaen, folder of Aadhoar Card umber nd Pan Card number Age years, proselly _vesding “and faving pornent aes a DO HEREBY APPOINT AND CONSTITUTE. Sine Ts, resident /noaveident Indian Chien, Taller of Pan Card wander Bae Yea, on daughter of Me reseniy residing (Tecimaer called *Atorney” who baa subscribed hisber signature hereunder in woken of {Gentiteaton) to be my lewful Attorney in my name and on my behalf todo any one oral ofthe flowing at, deeds snd thing, namely 1. To aply for loans under the various loan schemes of Inred Financial Services Limite, Company under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and having is reseed offic a Unit No. 1203, 12h Noor, B wing, The Capital, Plot No C-70, G Block, Banda Kua ‘Complex, Mumbai, Makasshra, India, 400081 and corporate offic at Unit No, 1203, 128 floor B ing, The Cspi, Plot No C-70, G Block, Bandra Karla Comples, Mumbai Mabseash, nda, 400051 (Lender”) a also any further or atonal lan to the Lendee for such amount a the Adoraey may deem fit and fr tat porpose to pay the processing oes fn sigh the loan aplication m my name and on my bebalf and ofunish all th details and information reqied by the Lender and o give any statement, letter, claifeton or any oor ‘wring equred or necessary for availing ofthe sald loan fom the Lender and from tine to Time to follow up the sid loan applications and do such oter things and deeds as may be fscesay in relation heeo 2, To-acop he lun offer leis an sgn the accepiances thereon token of my acceptance of ‘he term and contions therein contained and pay on my behalf the administrative Ces and ny other charpesinsuding commirmea charge lviable in respect ofthe sud lows age of Appl! Cane (oapp

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