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3. To request the Lender or agree with the Lender fr any change or modifeaon in the loan mount, rates of interest, period of repayment of ans or anyother terms and conditions in ‘elton tthe loans tan ime or fom time one 4. Torrecsve the dabursmen ofthe sid oun and for that purpose give effectual discharge and ‘ge all the necestary information and document to asi he technical and legal appraisal of the properties purchasdlo be purchased with the help othe loans, 5. To morgage any properties hese may bookipurchase on my behalf of which I might have bookedpurchtsed (whether with ot witout Lender's financial assistance) withthe Lender by ‘epost of Tite Deeds as security forthe repayment of the loans rane be granted by the Lander tome. 6 To deposi on my haf the documents of le and to state on my belo any officer ofthe Lender that the ssid docaments are being deposited for eating a security onthe said properyies by way of equitable morgage ofrpayient ofthe sid loan. The Atomey is filly authorised to make these statements and convey my intentions to ees security oo my ‘id properties or ary other properties else may bok bay on my bel 1. WelShe is further authorised to make any other sstemenis necessary to create equitable ‘mortgage by deposi file deeds and alo fo execute any writings, undertakings, indemitis, ‘eon my belt in respect of morgage of the said propery or the guruncsing ofthe Tepoyment ofthe said loon’ any other wrings whatsoever required in respect ofthe suid ‘eansctions ofthe loans grintedo be granted to me or creation ofthe sid secu 1, HelShe is also authorised to execute any loan agreement, promissory note, Iter of Aeclaration ad indemnity or sac ther document s maybe required by the Lend in respect ofthe sai oa, 9. elShe is ls authorised io exseute in favour ofthe Lender an revocable Power of Atomney tuthorsing the Lender to exceut in ts own favour or in favour of anyother person, a he Lender in its sole discretion may decid, legal mortgage i ary form including inthe English form ofthe properties, 10. Hehe is als authorised to pledge withthe Lender any share enificates, debentures, bonds, Units sued by Unie Trust of indi, National Savings Cerificate, fied deposits or any oer Security owned by me in favour ofthe Lender by way of security forthe sa los and sign Any document, transfer forms o papers that nay be required by the Lender in connection therewith, 11, Toacknowiedge my ably debt in respect ofthe loans 12. Te book a favs / residential unis on my behalf either direty or through he agency ofthe Lender and to execute Agreement’ for Sale forthe same with any buldeseller and make fpyments to. him theefre and to present such Agreemeads for registration before the Sppropite Registrar Sut-Repistarof Assurance or any ether authority at any pace or places in'tnda as ray be necesty. Hohe is frher authorised to make payments direc othe [Lender om ay bea for any lat / units my ssid Atoraey might book through the Lener and ‘comply with suc conditions terms the Lender may have in his bea. He’She s authorise to make Sich payments tothe Lender as may be demanded by the Lender by way of service Charge ete, HeShe is authorised Yo execute any agreement’, liters and documents 2 may be Feuied by the Lender in espect ofthe above. The expression “builder” shall inlade the Lender anit subsiary. 13, To admit execution ofthe AgreemenUs for Sale before the sid ReystrarSub Registrar of Assrance or anyother suthorty as maybe required forthe purpose 14, Tobin possession ofthe Ma's / unis as and when the sme ready for occupation, 15. To receve loan’ and all oer documents including tle documents on my bal tom the Lender and exceue recep therefor. Pagers Appi cant: (oapp

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