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SEN Gymnastics

Lesson Plans
4 SEN Gymnastics Lesson Plans, for pupils with severe or
moderate learning difficulties.

SEN Gymnastics Lessons

SEN Gymnastics Lesson Plan: Balance and Shapes
Learning Know what balance is and that lowering your centre of gravity increases balance.
Objectives Demonstrate balance using a variety of motions (crouching, walking, turning).
Understand how balance is achieved through tension, extension and control.
Introduce pupils to Gymnastics; By the end of the unit pupils to understand
balance, and flight and incorporate them in a sequence using apparatus,
whilst demonstrating different forms of travel between sequences.

Warm up:
Avoid the sun: A pupil is giving a bright ball which the others have to avoid. Pupils show agility
Once tagged pupils are stuck and assume a freeze frame on one foot (a in their attempts to
balance) which they hold for 10 seconds before becoming free again. avoid the ball (and
TP: Gymnastics is about controlled movement which this pulse raiser is good balance).
enabling you to achieve.
Pupils identify that
Static Stretching: Work on the chests, arms and legs. lowering their
TP: In addition to controlled movements, Gymnasts have many stationary centre of gravity
exercises in their sequences. Static stretches (stretches without moving) help improves the
to prepare you for these exercises. balance.
Main Activity: Pupils identify three
Balance: What is balance? Does standing on one leg improve your balance? characteristics of a
Two legs? Arms out in support or walking like a pencil? good posture and
TP: Extension, Tension and Control. the importance it
plays in muscles
Activity: Static Balance: Pupils walk with a tall posture (TP chin up, chest out); definition and
teacher then calls out a number- that number is how many points of contact helping joints.
allowed on the ground.
Q. How does your balance change as you alter your height? Pupils are able to
think creatively and
Activity: Dynamic Balance: Pupils are giving a bean bag each which they link a combination
have to balance on their head. Pupils try walking without their arms-discover of balances
use of arms in maintaining balance. together to form a
TP: Your balance of the bean bag/posture is improved by lifting your chin up mini sequence.
and chest out.
TP: Slow controlled movements help to keep your equilibrium. Pupils demonstrate
what ETC is and its
Activity: Individual pupil time: Pupils have five minutes to make up their own important in the
sequence of shapes and to hold them for 5 seconds before moving into their aesthetics and
next shape. Each shape must have a different number of balance points. This choreography
activity could progress to pairs working together to make joint balances. within Gymnastics.
What is tension, extension and control? Why are arms important for
maintaining balance?
Next Week: Travelling and Different Rolls (and putting into a sequence),
followed by using apparatus keeping ETC, followed by vaulting and jumping.

Key vocabulary: Tension, Extension, Control, equilibrium, balance, dynamic, static movement,
centre of gravity,
Risk Assessment: Ends of the rooms are cordoned off with crash mats
Further studies Pupils to practice walking with a good posture with their chin up, straight back
and chest pumped out.

SEN Gymnastics Lessons

SEN Gymnastics Lesson Plan: Travel and Sequence
Learning To know what a sequence is during Gymnastics
Objectives To produce a small sequence including balances and types of travel.
To understand the different forms of travelling during Gymnastics.
To discuss with pupils LO and to recap understanding from previous lesson Can pupils identify
with regards posture, balance, extension, tension and control. the clear learning
objective and the
Warm up: success criteria?
Points of contact: Pupil walk around with a tall posture and wait for
instructions. Instructions to include type of balance to be held (e.g.
balance on one leg, three points of contact). Mats to be laid out for pupils
to balance on.
Pupils hold stretches
Static Stretching: To include; Back raises, Leg Raises, Shoulder Dips, for 10 seconds
Main: Can pupils identify
Sequence: What is a Sequence? when a sequences
TP: A sequence is a combination of movements that has a clear start and a starts and when a
clear end. A sequence could include a combination of balances held for sequences ends?
at least five seconds
Types of travel can include walking, rolling, jumping, hoping, Pupils demonstrate
what ETC is and its
Activity: Practicing different travels. Pupils have one mat each where they important in the
practice the forward roll. aesthetics and
TP: Tuck your chin into your chest to help you roll your weight forwards. choreography
Use of a demonstration. within Gymnastics.
HELP: Pupils can be assisted with a springboard (with a mat over it) to help
pupils forward roll. Pupils think
 Pupils progress to a standing start followed by a forward roll. creatively and link
Q. What variations can you perform to your travel to make it unique? a combination of
TP: Height/speed/ use of space. balances together
to form a mini
Activity: Personal Sequence. Pupils to develop moving in and out of sequence.
balances. Pupils to work in a pair to produce a mini sequence. Each
sequence must have at least 5 balances and include a roll when travelling. Are pupils using a
TP: A sequence can, include balances (5 seconds), jumping, twirling, wide area of
skipping, & crawling. space? Are pupils
able to celebrate
Final performance: Mats in hall centre, pupils perform their sequence. their peers
TP: Applause is expected after a performance. performance?
Plenary: Are pupils able to
What is a sequence? How do you know when a Gymnastic sequence is identify what a
completed? How do you move between shapes during a sequence? sequence is? Were
What qualities are being assessed during Gymnastics? Discuss how the skills pupils able to
of Gymnastics are transferrable other activities. perform a
Next Week: Use of apparatus using ETC, followed by vaulting and jumping.
Key Tension, Extension, Control, equilibrium, balance, dynamic, static movement,
vocabulary: centre of gravity, travelling, jumping, rolling
Risk Assessment: Ends of the rooms are cordoned off with crash mats
Further studies Pupils to practice walking with a good posture with their chin up, straight back
and chest pumped out.
SEN Gymnastics Lessons
SEN Gymnastics Lesson Plan: Sequence and Apparatus
Learning To produce a small sequence including balances and types of travel.
Objectives To understand how apparatus can aid a travel and balance work.
Recap understanding from previous lesson with regards posture, balance, Can pupils identify
extension, tension and control. the learning
objectives and the
Warm up: success criteria?
Jogging forwards and backwards followed by teacher calling the following
1) High knees; 2) Sideways movement; 3) Crawling on hands and knees;
4/ Hopping; 5) Waving and jogging.
Activity: Transfer of Weight: Pupils have one mat each and they have to Are pupils able to
transfer their weight onto; Feet, Hands and feet, Hands and Bottom, demonstrate
Bottom and Feet, Hands & head & feet. control in their
TP: Discuss the importance of showing control when putting weight on movements?
different body parts.

Activity: Moving between weight balances: Different types of jumping. Can pupils identify
Pupils to try the following jumps; 2 feet to 2 feet, 1 foot to 2 feet, 2 feet to 1 different types of
foot, Star jumps, Bunny Hops (Side to side). jumps.
TP: When jumping remember to bend knees and use arms to aid with
balance. Also remember jumping is a form of travel. Can pupils perform
the same travel but
Activity: Use of Benches in a sequence: Pupils explore how benches could change the size,
enhance their movements. speed and
What safety issues are there with a bench? direction of that
How many people on a bench at any one time? movement?
Safely getting on the equipment and off again.
Task: Pupils create a sequence incorporating benches. Can pupils identify
TP: Benches used for moving in and out of a shape & holding a balance. the importance of
TP: In Gymnastics the end product is the sequence. Improve your apparatus in
sequence by using all the apparatus and space available to you. improving the
movement options
Activity: Pupils to marry up their sequence with someone else within the and moving
group. To show the sequence to the rest of the group. Sequence in pair to between
include a counter balance. balances?
TP: Discuss as a pair how you want your performance to look. Share ideas.
Plenary: Can pupils
What is a sequence? What would you put in a sequence? How could a maximise the space
bench be used to help improve a sequence? Why is it good to use and equipment
different forms of travelling during Gymnastics? What types of travel can available to them?
be used when going between sequences?
Key Tension, Extension, Control, equilibrium, balance, dynamic, static movement,
vocabulary: centre of gravity, travelling, jumping, rolling
Risk Assessment: Ends of the rooms are cordoned off with crash mats
Further studies Pupils to practice walking with a good posture with their chin up, straight back
and chest pumped out.

SEN Gymnastics Lessons

SEN Gymnastics Lesson Plan: Sequence and Apparatus (Part 2)
Learning To know the different apparatus available when performing Gymnastics.
Objectives To produce a small sequence including various types of apparatus.
To discuss with pupils LO and to recap understanding from previous lesson Are pupils aware of
with regards posture, balance, extension, tension and control. To prep the different
pupils on risks within the room. apparatus they can
Warm up: Jogging round the edge of the mats (but staying on the mats) in
the centre of the room. When the whistle blows to repeat the following Are pupils able to
actions; control their running
1 blast: Freeze; 2 blast: Jumping; 3 blast: Bicycle leg kick; 4 blast: Hopping so they gradually
build up their heart
Static Stretching: To include; Back raises, Leg Raises, Shoulder Dips, rate?

Safety talk on equipment: Are pupils able to
Task: Pupils will learn a routine lead by me before attempting the routine show extension of
incorporating a variety of apparatus. Routine is as follows; their limbs when
-StartJumphands and feet balanceFall flat and roll onto stretching?
backcrawlstar jump balance.
Can pupils identify 3
Task: Pupils will perform a continued rotation round the equipment laid out. hazards connected
They will discuss the safety implication of each piece of equipment, how with the
each piece of equipment could be used during a sequence and to equipment?
demonstrate the correct use of the piece of equipment. Five minutes will
be spent on each piece of equipment. Pupils to devise their own sequence Can pupils identify
independently. Rotation to include; the importance of
-Rope pulling and holding, crash mats and why
-Climbing up the climbing frame. they are where they
-Jumping with jump board, are?
-Crawling along benches/Benches for supporting Balance.
-Climbing through hoop. Are pupils able to
-Floor Mat. link their sequences
together so that
Pupils then have 5 minutes to create their own individual sequence on they are more fluid
each apparatus whilst maintaining ETC. Once a sequence is performed so that they go
they move in a clockwise direction to the next apparatus. seamlessly into a
balance from a
To assist in putting away the apparatus: travel?
How many pupils should carry a piece of equipment? What skills are
needed when moving equipment? - Communication, listening and timing.
Does using Apparatus provide more options during Gymnastics to create
different sequences? Can pupils create their own sequence using he
variety of equipment used thus far?
Key vocabulary: Tension, Extension, Control, equilibrium, balance, dynamic, static movement,
centre of gravity, travelling, jumping, rolling, apparatus.
Risk Assessment: Ends of the rooms are cordoned off with crash mats
Further studies Pupils to practice walking with a good posture with their chin up, straight back
and chest pumped out.

SEN Gymnastics Lessons

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