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Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488

DOI 10.1007/s00467-017-3788-z


Hypercalcemia: a consultant’s approach

Ari Auron 1 & Uri S. Alon 1

Received: 14 February 2017 / Revised: 24 July 2017 / Accepted: 11 August 2017 / Published online: 6 September 2017
# IPNA 2017

Abstract Due to their daily involvement in mineral metabo- compartments. Of circulating calcium, 45% is bound to pro-
lism, nephrologists are often asked to consult on children with tein (mainly albumin) and the other 55% is regarded as
hypercalcemia. This might become even more pertinent when Bultrafiltrable^ [1]. The latter is obtained by applying pressure
the hypercalcemia is associated with acute kidney injury and/ on serum against a semipermeable membrane, and is further
or hypercalciuria and renal calcifications. The best way to divided between 10% complex calcium (bound to anions like
assess the severity of hypercalcemia is by measurement of phosphate, bicarbonate, and citrate) and 45% free (ionized)
plasma ionized calcium, and if not available by adjusting se- calcium, which is the fraction of this mineral participating in
rum total calcium to albumin concentration. The differential various crucial physiologic processes.
diagnosis of the possible etiologies of the disturbance in the Serum calcium concentration is usually reported as total
mineral homeostasis starts with the assessment of serum para- calcium. This fact requires further attention, as total calcium
thyroid hormone concentration, followed by that of vitamin D is never a reflection of ionized calcium concentration. The
metabolites in search of both genetic and acquired etiologies. major factor affecting total calcium concentration is serum
Several tools are available to acutely treat hypercalcemia with albumin. A change in serum albumin concentration by 1 g/dl
the current main components being fluids, loop diuretics, and will change total serum calcium by 0.8 mg/dl. A typical ex-
antiresorptive agents. This review will address the pathophys- ample is the child with early nephrotic syndrome with low
iologic mechanisms, clinical manifestations, and treatment serum albumin and low serum total calcium, at a time when
modalities involved in hypercalcemia. serum ionized calcium concentration is normal. On the other
hand, Bpseudo-hypercalcemia^ is seen in the face of high se-
Keywords Acute kidney injury . Parathyroid hormone . rum albumin concentration.
PTH-related peptide . Vitamin D . Calcitriol . Assuming average serum albumin concentration of 4.0 g/
Bisphosphonates dl, the equation to calculate Bcorrected^ serum calcium is:
Corrected calcium (mg/dl) = measured total calcium (mg/
dl) + [4.0 – serum albumin (g/dl)] × 0.8.
Introduction A factor that will shift calcium from being protein-bound to
a free one is blood pH. Increase or decrease by 0.1 pH in-
Of total body calcium, 98–99% resides in the skeleton and the creases or decreases protein-bound calcium by 0.12 mg/dl,
other 1–2% is present in the extracellular and intracellular respectively. Thus in an individual with normal total serum
calcium concentration, metabolic acidosis may lead to ionized
hypercalcemia, whereas metabolic alkalosis to ionized hypo-
* Uri S. Alon calcemia. An example of the latter is the patient with anxiety-
induced hyperventilation, respiratory alkalosis, and conse-
quently tetany, namely at the time total serum calcium is nor-
Bone and Mineral Disorders Clinic, Division of Pediatric
Nephrology, Children’s Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri at
mal, ionized calcium concentration is low. Another reason for
Kansas City School of Medicine, 2401 Gillham Road, Kansas low serum ionized calcium is when concentrations of com-
City, MO 64108, USA plexed calcium are high as it happens when high doses of
1476 Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488

phosphate or citrate are introduced. The former can be seen in from bone together with calcium, PTH activity decreases
patients with hypophosphatemia treated with intermittent high proximal tubular phosphate reabsorption by reducing NPT2a
oral doses of phosphate and the latter is typically seen in and NPT2c expression. Thus, over-activity of the gland in the
patients receiving large quantities of blood transfusions anti- patient with normal kidney function results in high serum
coagulated with citrate, as happens during liver transplant op- calcium and low phosphate, but in the face of renal failure,
erations. It is thus evident that the best way to assess physio- serum phosphate is high due to the inability of the kidneys to
logically relevant serum calcium concentration is by directly eliminate it. Besides the effect of calcium, PTH secretion is
measuring the ionized fraction. As this is not always available, affected by serum magnesium, calcitriol, FGF-23, and possi-
one can still use total calcium for clinical purposes taking into bly serum phosphate, although the search for a Bphosphate-
account the above considerations. sensing-receptor^ is still elusive.
Hypercalcemia is defined as serum ionized calcium con-
centration above 1.4 mmol/l (5.6 mg/dl) or total calcium con- Calcitriol
centration higher than 10.6 mg/dl, with possible variations
among laboratories. Hypercalcemia is usually mild and Vitamin D undergoes hydroxylation by a 25 hydroxylase in
asymptomatic, but at times can be severe with potential seri- the liver, which leads to formation of 25(OH)-vitamin D
ous manifestations, as detailed below. (Fig. 1). The activity of the liver enzyme is poorly regulated
and serum 25(OH)-vitamin D level indicates the status of
body stores of the vitamin. A second hydroxylation by 1-
Physiology of calcium homeostasis alpha hydroxylase in the kidney (CYP27B1) converts it to
and pathophysiology of hypercalcemia 1,25(OH)2 -vitamin D (calcitriol), which is the active hor-
mone. Although the kidney is the major source of circulating
Calcium homeostasis is tightly regulated by the interplay of 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D, it can be produced by extra-renal cells
three processes: absorption from the small intestine and renal like monocytes/macrophages, skin cells, and placenta cells
tubular reabsorption, bone remodeling, and disposal through [5]. The renal production of 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D is stimulat-
the gut and the kidney [2–4]. These processes are regulated by ed by low serum calcium and phosphate, and high PTH, and
local and circulating factors. The two main hormones suppressed by FGF-23 and by 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D itself.
influencing the homeostasis of calcium are PTH and calcitriol. The latter two, as well as serum calcium, stimulate 24-
Additional factors include phosphate, 25(OH)-vitamin D, cal- hydroxylase enzyme (CYP24A1). Its activity catabolizes
citonin, calcium sensing receptor (CaSR), fibroblast growth 25(OH)D to 24,25 (OH)2D and 1,25(OH)2D to
factor 23 (FGF-23); PTH related peptide (PTHrP), and weight 1,24,25(OH)3D [6, 7]. Both 24 metabolites are regarded as
bearing [2]. inert.
Calcitriol promotes calcium and phosphate absorption
Parathyroid hormone from the intestine, and possibly increases calcium reabsorp-
tion in the distal renal tubule, both actions contributing to bone
Serum-ionized calcium concentration is tightly maintained mineralization by maintaining serum minerals at their optimal
within a very narrow range and its regulation is conducted levels. However, when dietary calcium intake or serum calci-
by PTH [5]. This is governed by a sigmoid curve in which a um is low, the calcitriol interacts with the vitamin D receptor
small change in serum-ionized calcium concentration instant- in osteoblasts to induce the expression of the plasma mem-
ly results in a change in serum PTH. This is executed through brane protein receptor activator of factor k beta ligand
binding of serum-ionized calcium to the calcium-sensing re- (RANKL), which binds to RANK on osteoclast precursors,
ceptor (CaSR, vide infra), which regulates the release of PTH; causing their differentiation to mature osteoclasts, which in
high serum calcium will suppress its secretion and vice versa. turn cause bone resorption and release of calcium into the
PTH actions are mediated by binding to the PTH receptor in circulation. Thus, in cases of hypocalcemia, calcitriol acts on
bone and kidney. When activated in bone, PTH receptor indi- bone like PTH, namely increasing bone resorption to maintain
rectly increases osteoclast activity, which causes bone resorp- serum calcium. Calcitriol suppresses PTH secretion and stim-
tion and release of calcium to the circulation. In the kidney, ulates FGF-23 production. Calcitriol levels are low during
PTH increases reabsorption of calcium in the distal tubules hyperphosphatemia because of reduced activity of 1-alpha
and stimulates 1-alpha hydroxylation of 25(OH)-vitamin D hydroxylase, which is mediated by phosphate-induced in-
to 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D in the proximal renal tubules, which crease in circulating FGF-23. On the other hand,
in turn increases calcium absorption from the gut (vide infra). hypophosphatemia leads to increased calcitriol production
Overall, the role of PTH is to Brecruit calcium^ from all pos- [2, 5]. In cases of excessive calcitriol production or decreased
sible sources. In addition, in order to prevent the creation of degradation, resulting in elevated blood calcitriol levels, hy-
too high serum Ca X P product, due to phosphate released percalcemia will develop.
Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488 1477

Fig. 1 Principles of vitamin D


Calcium sensing receptor reabsorption of calcium. Its main clinical significance is as a

mediator of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy as
The CaSR, a G protein coupled receptor is expressed in the discussed below [10–12].
cells of organs that participate in calcium homeostasis such as
parathyroid, kidney, osteoblasts, and intestinal cells. The Calcitonin
CaSR is the main regulator of PTH secretion. When calcium
binds to the extracellular domain, it induces a conformational This is an endogenous polypeptide secreted by the
change in the intracellular domain, resulting in second mes- parafollicular C cells of the thyroid gland. Its secretion is stim-
senger signaling, which reduces PTH production and secre- ulated by hypercalcemia and it opposes many of the effects of
tion. Thus, the receptor serves to apply negative feedback in PTH. By inhibiting osteoclastic activity its final effect is of
which hypercalcemia suppresses PTH release, and vice versa. deposition of calcium in bone [1, 13].
Serum magnesium has a similar effect but its potency is about
one-third that of calcium. Interestingly though, profound hy- Serum phosphate and fibroblast growth factor 23
pomagnesemia can be associated with hypoparathyroidism (FGF-23)
and hypocalcemia due to a yet unknown mechanism. In the
thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TAL), the CaSR is Hypophosphatemia, indirectly can cause hypercalcemia, by
present in the basolateral side and its activation leads to sup- stimulating 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D production either directly
pression of the Na-K-2Cl symporter (SLC12A1). Its activa- or via a decrease in FGF-23 production. A lower level of
tion results in decreased sodium reabsorption, and coupled FGF-23 will result in increased 1-alpha-hydroxylase and de-
with that decreased calcium reabsorption, leading to hypercal- creased 24-hydroxylase activities [3, 11].
ciuria. A genetic mutation leading to loss of function of the
CaSR (discussed later) will result in hypercalcemia and Weight bearing
hypocalciuria [2, 8, 9].
Loss of weight bearing almost instantaneously results in
PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) increased osteoclasts and decreased osteoblasts activity
leading to bone demineralization and release of calcium into
The PTHrP is produced by a variety of tissues and acts in the circulation. Besides in non-ambulatory patients, this
paracrine and autocrine manners to control local tissue calci- phenomenon may become a problem in astronauts who con-
um concentration. PTHrP has a role in calcium homeostasis sequently are at risk for development of kidney stones due
during fetal life and is involved in placental calcium transport to the ensuing hypercalciuria [14]. Indeed most patients will
and fetal chondrocyte maturation. PTHrP may also have some first develop hypercalciuria and if the kidneys are able to
role in mobilizing calcium from maternal bone during lacta- clear the calcium released from bone they will stay
tion. The PTHrP is homologous in configuration to the PTH normocalcemic, but if the released quantity of calcium sur-
and acts on the same type I PTH/PTHrP receptor. Having a passes the kidneys’ ability to excrete it, the patient will de-
PTH-like effect induces osteoclastic activity and increases velop hypercalcemia. Of note, the above scenario is true for
bone resorption, production of calcitriol, and renal the newly bedridden patient. In chronic immobilization,
1478 Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488

once a new steady state of osteopenia occurs, the patients malignancies. In neonates and infants, one should look first
may exhibit none of the above perturbations. at genetic and iatrogenic etiologies. In children and adoles-
As will be detailed later, one can look at hypercalcemia as cents, the most common causes of hypercalcemia are primary
either caused by excess PTH activity or from influx of calcium hyperparathyroidism, immobilization, and malignancy [13,
into the circulation from other reasons, in which case serum 16, 17].
PTH will be suppressed (Fig. 2). In most patients, the hyper- I. High serum parathyroid hormone
calcemia is due to excessive osteoclastic activity. Cytokines
such as TNF alpha, IL-1, and IL-6 stimulate the osteoclast a) Primary, secondary, and tertiary hyperparathyroidism
directly. PTH and other osteoclast-stimulating factors interact
with receptors on osteoblasts to increase the expression of Primary hyperparathyroidism is rare during childhood and
RANKL and to decrease production of osteoprotegerin, which represents 1% of hypercalcemia cases. The autonomous se-
is a circulating decoy receptor for RANKL. RANKL stimu- cretion of PTH can be due to parathyroid hyperplasia, adeno-
lates activation, migration, differentiation, and fusion of he- ma (80% of cases), or carcinoma (less than 1% of cases).
matopoietic cells of the osteoclast lineage to stimulate bone Children at presentation are usually symptomatic, having the
resorption [15]. In other cases, hypercalcemia can be due to above symptoms of moderate hypercalcemia, and in addition
high levels of vitamin D causing increased intestinal absorp- they may have band keratopathy, skeletal manifestations as
tion of the mineral. Less commonly, decreased renal tubular subperiosteal resorption, osteopenia, slipped upper femoral
reabsorption may result in higher serum calcium levels. epiphysis and pathologic fractures, and renal involvement
expressed as polyuria, renal failure, kidney stones, or
nephrocalcinosis. Besides high levels of calcium, the elevated
Clinical manifestations of hypercalcemia level of PTH induces hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, ele-
vated serum calcitriol concentration and alkaline phosphatase
The clinical features can be nonspecific and hypercalcemia is activity, and decreased TP/GFR (tubular threshold for phos-
often discovered during routine blood work. The symptoms phate per glomerular filtration rate) [18, 19].
and signs of hypercalcemia are detailed in Table 1, and to In addition to isolated hyperparathyroidism, one should
some degree may go along with the degree of its severity, as consider the etiologies of hyperparathyroidism as part of mul-
follows: tiple endocrine neoplasia type I that involves also the pancreas
and anterior pituitary, type II that involves also the adrenal and
a) Mild: serum calcium < 12.0 mg/dl. Usually carries thyroid glands, or type IV that involves also the anterior pitu-
asymptomatic presentation. itary. Whereas type I can be found in adolescents, the other
b) Moderate: serum calcium 12.0–14.0 mg/dl. The presen- two are rare in childhood [11, 20].
tation may include fatigue, malaise, anorexia, impaired Tertiary hyperparathyroidism is the result of advancement
mental concentration ability, constipation, polyuria, of untreated secondary hyperparathyroidism to an autono-
polydipsia. mous state of uncontrolled release of the hormone in the face
c) Severe: serum calcium > 14.0 mg/dl. The presentation of hypercalcemia. Imaging studies and histopathology will
may include, in addition to the above, nausea, vomiting, usually show the glands to be hyperplastic. Tertiary hyper-
dehydration, pancreatitis, peptic ulcers, arrhythmias, car- parathyroidism can be seen in patients with long-standing
diac arrest, impaired mental capacity, stupor, coma, death. ESRD and poor control of their hyperphosphatemia, and
may continue into the post-transplant period [21]. Less com-
monly, this condition is seen in patients exposed to prolonged
Naturally, the presentation may include also symptoms of periods of stimulation of the gland by frequent and repeat
the underlying disease causing the hypercalcemia like bone episodes of ionized hypocalcemia, as occurs in some patients
pain, fractures, or urolithiasis in patients with with X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets treated
hyperparathyroidism. with high oral doses of phosphate [22, 23].
b) Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH)

Etiology Various types of genetic mutations transmitted in an auto-

somal dominant mode have been described in FHH resulting
The causes of hypercalcemia can be divided between PTH- in inactivating mutations or in impaired signaling of the CaSR
mediated and non-PTH-mediated (Fig. 2). Enhanced calcium [24, 25]. Consequently, the parathyroid glands become less
mobilization from bone is the most common mechanism lead- sensitive to circulating levels of calcium resulting in hypercal-
ing to hypercalcemia. In the adult population, the most com- cemia and either normal or elevated levels of PTH. Naturally,
mon causes of hypercalcemia are hyperparathyroidism and the Bnormal^ level of PTH is inappropriate for the degree of
Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488 1479

Fig. 2 Algorithm for evaluation of hypercalcemia

Table 1 Symptoms and signs of hypercalcemia hypercalcemia and practically indicates a higher Bset point^ of
the parathyroid glands to the extracellular calcium concentra-
General tion. In the kidney, the defect leads to an increase in tubular
Weakness calcium and magnesium reabsorption with final result of
Dehydration hypocalciuria manifested by fractional excretion of calcium
Corneal and other ectopic calcification of less than 1% [24, 25].
Central nervous system The diagnosis is made either because of history of an affect-
Impaired mental abilities ed family member or incidentally. Patients present in childhood
Depression with hypercalcemia, inappropriately normal or mildly elevated
Psychosis PTH and very low urine calcium. Affected individuals are usu-
Altered consciousness (confusion, lethargy, stupor, coma) ally asymptomatic although pancreatitis, chondrocalcinosis, or
Gastrointestinal tract mental changes may develop in adulthood. Most patients tend
Anorexia to have normal bone mineral density. This condition usually
Nausea requires no intervention but if indicated may respond well to
Vomiting calcimimetics [12, 19, 26].
Abdominal pain (pancreatitis, peptic ulcer)
Constipation c) Severe neonatal hyperparathyroidism
Renal system
Polydipsia This autosomal recessive disorder is caused by a homozygous
Polyuria inactivating mutation in the CaSR gene (chromosome 3q13.3-
Low urinary specific gravity q21). The genetic anomaly results in a complete or near-
Reduced glomerular filtration rate complete absence of functional CaSR in the parathyroid glands
Nephrolithiasis and other cells in the body. Afflicted patients often have severe
Nephrocalcinosis metabolic bone disease and life-threatening hypercalcemia. The
Cardiovascular system presentation, usually in the first few weeks of life, includes
Hypertension vomiting, feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, respiratory distress
due to muscle hypotonia, elevated PTH in the face of severe
1480 Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488

hypercalcemia accompanied by hypophosphatemia, relative mechanism of hypercalcemia seems to be the same [35, 36].
hypocalciuria (although some cases present with hypercalciuria), Granulomas are caused by macrophage activation due either
bone demineralization (osteopenia), subperiosteal resorption, rick- to an inability to clear the initial source (intracellular bacteria,
ets and fractures. A neck ultrasound will localize a parathyroid foreign material, or inefficient microbial killing in chronic
abnormality in only one-third of the cases. Parathyroidectomy has granulomatous disease) or an abnormality in the processes that
been the therapeutic approach in cases of life-threatening hyper- turn off the macrophages, with consequent over-activation of
calcemia refractory to medical treatment [27, 28]. this phagocytic cells, which leads to endogenous production
of calcitriol (they have an autonomous 1-alpha hydroxylase)
d) Maternal hypocalcemia and in turn hypercalcemia develops. While the most studied
granulomatous disease is sarcoidosis, other conditions include
Chronic maternal hypocalcemia can be seen in the untreated Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, Wegener’s granulomato-
or undertreated mother with hypoparathyroidism or sis, necrobiotic xanthogranuloma, and paraffin-associated
pseudohypoparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, and renal tu- granuloma [37, 38]. The conversion of 25(OH)-vitamin D to
bular acidosis. The induced fetal hypocalcemia leads to devel- 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D is substrate-dependent; namely, a higher
opment of secondary hyperparathyroidism and post-natal hy- presence of the former will result in higher levels of the latter.
percalcemia. The presentation includes hypercalcemia, elevated In addition, in contrast to the kidney where production of 1,25
PTH, bone deformities, respiratory failure due to rib cage de- (OH)2 –vitamin D by 1-alpha-hydroxylase is tightly regulated
formities, hepatosplenomegaly, and anemia [29, 30]. The sec- by Ca, PTH, FGF-23, and 1,25 (OH)2 –vitamin D itself by a
ondary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia usually resolve negative feedback loop, it is not regulated in the macrophages.
spontaneously within a few months [31]. The treatment of these diseases may take several weeks to
months, and with that the need to manage the hypercalcemia
II. Low Serum PTH [35, 36]. In immunocompromised patients, like those follow-
ing kidney transplantation, and hypercalcemia associated with
(i) Elevated vitamin D metabolites suppressed PTH, one should be looking for opportunistic in-
fections like the one caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii pneu-
A Elevated 25(OH)-vitamin D - vitamin D intoxication monia [39, 40].
One of the pediatric types of granulomatous diseases is
Hypervitaminosis D is one of the more common causes of subcutaneous fat necrosis, which is a form of panniculitis seen
hypercalcemia in children. It is caused by excessive intake of in term infants. Patients develop a violaceous rash composed
vitamin D by either the infant or the breast-feeding mother. The of hard, indurated, painful nodules over the trunk, arms, but-
excess vitamin D leads to increased intestinal calcium and phos- tocks, thighs, and back. It appears that there is a defect in fat
phate absorption, enhanced bone resorption, and consequently metabolism resulting in granulomatous reaction to the in-
both hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. Serum levels re- flamed necrotic fat. Hypercalcemia can occur in the first few
quired to cause hypercalcemia are believed to need to be quite weeks of life. The hypercalcemia can be often asymptomatic
high (>250 ng/ml) in order to cause the hypercalcemia due to but can cause symptoms including irritability, vomiting, fail-
decreased affinity of the metabolite to the receptor. ure to thrive, hypotonia, myopathy, fever, eosinophilia, hyper-
Interestingly, 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D levels in such condition calciuria, nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, and renal failure
are not elevated, which is thought to be due to the hypercalce- [41–43].
mia and suppressed PTH [32]. Due to its liposoluble qualities,
vitamin D overdose leads to long-lasting (weeks to months) b) Low phosphate intake
hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, in contrast to hypercalcemia
seen secondary to ingestion of shorter-acting vitamin D analogs Errors in parenteral nutrition manufacturing with low phos-
such as calcitriol or alfacalcidol, which usually last only a few phate can lead to hypophosphatemia, which in turn promotes
days because of their short half-lives [33, 34]. calcitriol production. Hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia
B. Elevated 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D may occur in premature infants fed a low-phosphate diet or in
full-term infants fed a low-phosphate-containing breast milk
1. Inappropriately high production when the mother has known hypophosphatemia, and the met-
abolic abnormalities correct upon addition of phosphate sup-
a) Granulomatous diseases plementation to the enteral or parenteral nutrition [31, 44, 45].
A clue to this entity will be low serum phosphate accompanied
In principal, granulomatous diseases can be divided be- by very low urine phosphate quantities, namely the TP/GFR is
tween infectious and non-infectious, which have an impact normal and the intact kidney is avidly reabsorbing the phos-
on diagnostic work up, treatment, and prognosis, but the phate filtered in the glomerulus.
Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488 1481

c) Phosphate-losing tubulopathies afflicted with this disease can develop significant hypercalce-
mia when supplemented with a standard dose of vitamin D
Caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation [34, 50]. Patients have no characteristic dysmorphic features,
in the SLC34A1 gene (5q35), which encodes for the renal and exhibit failure to thrive, vomiting, and dehydration.
cotransporter Na-Pi IIa, rendering the latter to be defective. The Typically, nephrocalcinosis is already present at presentation.
resulting renal phosphate wasting induces inappropriate produc- Following normalization of serum calcium, nephrocalcinosis
tion of calcitriol. Besides hypercalcemia, these patients may pres- and hypercalciuria may persist and patients may have reduced
ent with hypercalciuria-induced nephrocalcinosis and urolithiasis. bone mineral density [34, 50].
Characteristic to this condition are low serum phosphate concen- (ii) Normal-low vitamin D metabolites
tration and low TP/GFR, in the face of normal FGF-23 [46].
A. Elevated parathyroid-hormone related peptide (PTHrP)
d) Tumors
a) Tumors
Hypercalcemia is a common finding in adult with malig-
nancies but relatively rare in children. The hypercalcemia may As discussed earlier, elevated PTHrP is commonly seen in
be life-threatening and generally requires urgent intervention adults with tumor-induced hypercalcemia. Nonetheless, also
[47]. Pediatric malignancies associated with hypercalcemia in the child, the finding of high PTHrP level requires a thor-
include acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Hodgkin and non- ough investigation to identify or rule out the presence of a
Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloid leukemia, brain tumors, rhab- tumor. Interestingly, also benign conditions such as
domyosarcoma and hepatoblastoma [47, 48]. In children with mesoblastic nephroma and multicystic dysplastic kidney have
leukemia, hypercalcemia is more likely to happen at the time been reported to be associated with the development of hyper-
of initial diagnosis, whereas in patients with solid tumors, calcemia, suppressed PTH, and elevated PTHrP [51, 52].
hypercalcemia usually occurs later in the course of the disease. Elevated serum PTHrP has also been rarely reported in asso-
In malignancy-associated hypercalcemia, PTHrP can be either ciation with pheochromocytoma [53].
normal or elevated, as might be the case with calcitriol, and
PTH will be suppressed [49]. As shown in Fig. 2, there are B. Normal parathyroid-hormone related peptide (PTHrP)
three mechanisms of hypercalcemia caused by tumors: (a)
bone invasion of tumor cells causing bone resorption/ a) Maternal hypercalcemia
destruction due to osteoclasts activated by the tumoral cells,
(b) osteoclastic factors released from tumor cells, mainly Maternal hypercalcemia can lead to neonatal calcium over-
PTHrP and/or other factors/pro-inflammatory cytokines like load. The source of the maternal hypercalcemia can vary and
leukotrienes, prostaglandin E, IL-1, IL-6, TGF-beta and TNF may be due to some of the causes detailed in Fig. 2. The
alpha, that stimulate osteoclast proliferation through their in- neonatal hypercalcemia will have a tendency to resolve on
teraction with RANKL, and (c) increased ectopic production its own. Attention should be paid to the possibility that the
of 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D, similar to the one described above in parathyroid gland has become temporarily suppressed [31].
granulomatous disorders. Hypercalcemia has also been de-
scribed during treatment of neuroblastoma as a toxic side ef- b) Williams syndrome
fect from one of the chemotherapy medications, 13 cis-
retinoic acid due to an unknown mechanism [48, 49]. Autosomal dominant condition that is caused by a deletion
on chromosome 7q11.23 that encodes for the elastin gene. The
2. Inappropriate degradation of 1,25 (OH)2–vitamin D deletion of the elastin is the culprit of the vascular and con-
nective tissue abnormalities seen in this condition. Most in-
a. Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia (IHH) fants are born small for gestational age and may have multi-
system manifestations including depressed nasal bridge,
Previously named IHH is now known to be an autosomal epicanthal folds, characteristic facial appearance (elfin facies),
recessive disorder caused by inactivating mutation in the dental decay, enamel hypoplasia, neurocognitive problems,
CYP24A1 gene that encodes for vitamin D 24-hydroxylase, cardiac malformations including supravalvular aortic stenosis
resulting in high serum levels of 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D. and peripheral pulmonary stenosis. The hypercalcemia, which
Biallelic disease individuals (homozygous or compound het- is usually mild, presents in 15–40% of patients during infancy/
erozygote mutation) are usually symptomatic, whereas pa- early childhood, and resolves between 2 and 4 years of age,
tients with monoallelic mutations can often be asymptomatic. and can recur during puberty. There is no exact known specific
Hypercalcemia presents between 4 and 12 months of age and mechanism for the hypercalcemia but vitamin D receptor hy-
usually resolves spontaneously by age 2 years. Infants persensitivity is regarded as a possibility [54, 55].
1482 Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488

c) Hypophosphatasia g) Thiazide diuretics

Autosomal recessive disorder is characterized by a loss-of- This group of sulfonamide-derivate diuretics act on the
function mutation in the ALPL gene (1p34–36) that encodes distal tubules to increase calcium reabsorption, an effect that
for tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase. Patients develop is useful in the treatment of patients with hypercalciuria,
bone and teeth hypo-mineralization. It is classified into several nephrocalcinosis, and urolithiasis [64]. Hypercalcemia is rare-
clinical forms depending on the age at diagnosis and the se- ly seen but can be present in patients with an underlying in-
verity of the symptoms (the most severe presentation is in the crease in bone resorption such as in patients with hyperpara-
infantile form). Low-alkaline phosphatase impairs skeletal thyroidism, namely the treatment with high-dose thiazide di-
mineralization and calcium uptake, leading to hypercalcemia, uretic unmasks the endocrinopathy [31].
hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, severe bone demineraliza-
tion, and fractures. Serum PTH, phosphate, and vitamin D h) Bartter syndrome
levels are usually within normal range [56].
Commonly associated with hypercalciuria. Hypercalcemia
d) Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia can be seen in infants with homozygous inactivation in the
gene for either the furosemide sensitive Na-K 2Cl
This autosomal dominant disorder is due to a heterozygous cotransporter NKCC2 (SLC12A1) or the inwardly rectifying
mutation in the PTHR1 gene encoding type 1 PTH/PTHrP re- potassium channel ROMK (KCNJ1) [65, 66].
ceptor, which leads to gain-of-function of the receptor in the
kidney, bone, and growth plate. This results in hypercalcemia i) Tumors
in the face of low or undetectable serum PTH presenting as early
as 3 months of age. The abnormal receptor in the growth plate As discussed earlier, besides the production of humoral
causes delay chondrocyte differentiation, which results in post- factors such as PTHrP and 1,25 (OH)2–vitamin D that lead
natal short limbs, short stature (there is usually normal growth to hypercalcemia, tumors can produce hypercalcemia by di-
during infancy and short stature becomes apparent during mid- rect invasion of the bone and its distraction, releasing calcium
childhood), and diffuse demineralization. Choanal atresia and rib to the circulation. As such, evaluation of children with hyper-
fractures may result in respiratory distress after birth. Bone le- calcemia should include skeletal survey in search for bone
sions seen on plain roentgenograms include rachitic changes, lesions. In acute lymphoblastic leukemia with hypercalcemia,
radiolucencies, and irregular metaphyses of the long bone and skeletal survey often shows osteolytic lesions. In some of
sclerotic changes in the base of the skull [57]. these patients, the initial complete blood cell count might be
normal with no blasts seen in the peripheral blood smear, and
e) Hypervitaminosis A only bone marrow aspiration may disclose the malignancy.
The presence of hypercalcemia by itself does not necessarily
Receptors for retinoic acid are located on both osteoclasts and indicate a worse oncologic prognosis [12].
osteoblasts. In vitro, retinoic acid suppresses osteoblast activity Additional, less common causes of hypercalcemia are de-
and stimulates osteoclast formation, resulting in increased bone tailed in Table 2. Due to their rarity and for cost-effectiveness,
resorption and decreased bone formation. Vitamin A has been one should be looking for them after excluding the more com-
shown also to stimulate PTH secretion. The clinical presentation mon etiologies.
of vitamin A overdose may include anorexia, pruritus, irritability,
bone pain, osteopenia, and fractures [58–60].

f) Immobilization Kidney involvement in hypercalcemia

Immobility-induced hypercalcemia occurs due to uncoupling Patients with hypercalcemia are often polyuric due to the de-
of bone remodeling, resulting in a decrease in osteoblastic activ- velopment of a renal concentrating defect resulting from tu-
ity and increase in osteoclastic activity, which cause calcium and bular resistance to the effect of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
phosphate release from the skeleton and loss of bone mass. The mechanism likely involves activation of the cortical tu-
Serum PTH and calcitriol are usually suppressed. The hypercal- bule CaSR that impairs the trafficking and expression of
cemia is observed in acute immobilization cases such as seen in vasopressin-dependent aquaporin 2 water channel [9].
head injuries, fractures, spinal cord injuries, and burns. Long- Consequently, patients are often dehydrated. Since activation
term immobilization leads to decreased bone density and possi- of the CaSR in the TAL results in losses of sodium, replenish-
ble fractures. The hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria resolve with ment of these patients requires the administration of both wa-
the onset of weight bearing [61–63]. ter and sodium, namely, normal saline [79, 80].
Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488 1483

Table 2 Rare causes of hypercalcemia (reference) include serum creatinine, electrolytes, phosphate, magne-
1. Excessive calcium intake [31] sium, alkaline phosphatase, ionized and total calcium, al-
2. Ovarian tumors [67] bumin, PTH, 25-hydroxy vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2-vitamin
3. Blue diaper syndrome [68]
D, complete blood count, urinalysis with microscopy
4. Osteopetrosis [69]
and urine calcium, phosphate and creatinine. Routine im-
5. Milk-alkali syndrome [31]
aging studies include skeletal survey and urinary tract
ultrasound. Second line of the evaluation includes
6. Congenital lactase deficiency [70]
PTHrP, serum vitamin A, and genetic evaluation.
7. Diabetic ketoacidosis [71]
Additional imaging studies utilizing various techniques
8. IMAGe syndrome [72]
may be directed at specific organs like the parathyroid
9. Hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis [2]
glands or lesions like pulmonary infiltrates.
10. Down syndrome [73]
In the interpretation of laboratory data, it is important
11. Manganese toxicity [31]
to remember to look at blood levels of hormones in the
12. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, plasmapheresis [74, 75]
context of the associated axis and feedback. For example,
13. Primary hyperoxaluria [31]
in the face of hypercalcemia, Bnormal^ serum PTH is
14. Partial duplication of chromosome 2p [76]
actually inappropriately high as under normal physiologic
15. Medications – lithium, omeprazole, theophylline, foscarnet [31]
conditions it should be suppressed.
16. Adrenal insufficiency [77]
17. Gum Arabic [78]

Acute kidney injury (AKI) and hypercalcemia can be
pathophysiologically associated in two different ways. (a) The treatment of hypercalcemia proceeds in two avenues
Hypercalcemia can cause AKI, which is typically non- complementing each other; the normalization of serum
oliguric. The decrease in GFR is thought to be secondary calcium and correction of the source of hypercalcemia,
to a combination of the aforementioned dehydration and namely the underlying disorder. Symptomatic hypercalce-
arterial vasoconstriction caused by the hypercalcemia, as mia requires immediate treatment due to potential cardiac
was demonstrated by Doppler renal ultrasound before and toxicity. In addition, consequences of untreated hypercal-
after alleviation of the hypercalcemia (Fig. 3). As discussed cemia can include kidney damage and neurologic
later, the first step in the treatment of hypercalcemia is the sequelae.
restoration of intravascular volume by administration of The main components of the treatment of hypercalcemia
0.9% normal saline. The AKI is usually reversible once are detailed in Table 3. In principle, they include enhancement
the hypercalcemia is corrected [81]. (b) On the other hand, of urinary calcium excretion and its incorporation to bone, and
hypercalcemia is at times seen during the recovery phase of when indicated decrease in its absorption from the gut. In the
AKI, in particular if the etiology of the AKI was rhabdomy- rare occasion of life-threatening hypercalcemia hemodialysis
olysis. This is due to the fact that during AKI calcium was or peritoneal dialysis can be considered.
settled in soft tissues to be mobilized from them during the
recovery phase. This is usually a transient phenomenon of a) Calcium diuresis
mild hypercalcemia that requires no intervention besides
maintenance of adequate hydration [21].
Hypercalcemia can result in more permanent damage to the Volume expansion with normal saline decreases calcium re-
kidneys in the form of nephrocalcinosis. The renal calcifica- absorption. As previously discussed, due to hypercalcemia-
tions can result from the high serum calcium itself settling in induced polyuria, these patients are invariably dehydrated and
the interstitial compartment or from hypercalciuria resulting in volume expansion should always be the immediate first step in
calcium deposits in the tubules. Advanced nephrocalcinosis addressing them. Normal saline is the fluid of choice. Not only
can then cause permanent kidney damage. does it induce hypercalciuria but by causing volume expansion it
improves kidney perfusion and function [11, 82].

b) Loop diuretics
By blocking the Na-K 2Cl channel in the TAL, loop di-
The investigation of the origin of hypercalcemia and its uretics block sodium reabsorption and with that paracellular
management are often done simultaneously. Besides his- calcium reabsorption. This actually mimics the normal
tory and physical examination the laboratory studies physiologic response to hypercalcemia that takes place via
1484 Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488

Fig. 3 Doppler renal ultrasound

in a 7-year-old girl with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia, before
(a) and after (b) correcting her
hypercalcemia (16.2 mg/dl) due
to bone lesions. Note
normalization of abnormal arterial
blood flow, likely due to
vasoconstriction (from reference
81 with permission)

the CaSR. In the setting of treatment of hypercalcemia, fu- c) Calcitonin

rosemide should be administered only once the patient is
well hydrated [13, 82]. Chronic furosemide therapy should Calcitonin inhibits bone-resorbing activity of osteoclasts and
be avoided as much as possible due to its known adverse inhibits tubular reabsorption of calcium, promoting renal excre-
effects of nephrocalcinosis and urolithiasis [83]. tion of calcium. Thus, it has a dual beneficial effect in treating
hypercalcemia [84]. Another advantage is its rapid effect within
Table 3 Treatment of acute hypercalcemia hours, relative to bisphosphonates that take days. It can be given
intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intranasally.
Intravenous fluids – Hydration with 0.9% normal saline at 1.5 maintenance
Its effect on hypercalcemia is moderate, and side effects may
Furosemide – IV 1 mg/kg/dose, q6-8 h
Calcitonin - 3–6 units/kg/dose subcutaneously q6-12 h include nausea, flushing, paresthesias, and local inflammation.
Pamidronate - 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/dose (decrease dose by 50% in patients with It is metabolized by the kidneys so it may accumulate in renal
impaired renal function); can be repeated after 24–48 h failure. It cannot be used long term as tachyphylaxis develops,
Zoledronic acid - 0.025 mg/kg/dose (decrease dose by 50% in patients with
impaired renal function); can be repeated after 24–48 h namely its effect decreases over time presumably due to down-
regulation of the involved receptors [11].
Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488 1485

d) Bisphosphonates ii. Ketoconazole

Targeting the osteoclasts is likely the most effective ap- Like corticosteroids, ketoconazole inhibits 1-alpha hydrox-
proach since in most cases osteoclastic bone resorption is the ylase activity. The antifungal has been used to treat hypercal-
cause of hypercalcemia. Bisphosphonates are regarded nowa- cemia in infantile idiopathic hypercalcemia, primary hyper-
days as the drug of choice in treating hypercalcemia of various parathyroidism, granulomatous disorders. Adverse effects in-
etiologies. Since they act by suppressing osteoclastic activity clude liver and renal toxicity [86].
the effect on serum calcium is not immediate but may take a
few days to be fully manifested, hence in cases of hypercal- iii. Cinacalcet
cemic emergency the immediate treatment is by fluids, loop
diuretics and calcitonin while awaiting the effect of Calcimimetics modulate the CaSR by lowering its thresh-
bisphosphonates that may be delayed by 24–48 h. The old to extracellular calcium resulting in decreased secretion of
bisphosphonates should be introduced intravenously. Due to PTH, thus lowering Ca concentration. In essence, they can be
the fact that the drug is cleared through the kidneys and pa- used in all cases in which the hypercalcemia is caused by
tients often have a degree of AKI, it is recommended to start increased secretion of PTH. This has be shown to be the case
with half the recommended dose. If not enough improvement in primary, secondary, and tertiary hyperparathyroidism, in the
is seen in 24–48 h, another dose can be given. The main face of normal and abnormal kidney function [87, 88]. They
potential adverse effects include Bflu-like^ symptoms and de- are primarily used to treat chronic hypercalcemia. It is impor-
velopment of hypocalcemia. The latter is especially true in tant to remember that besides their effect on the CaSR in the
cases of Bhungry bones^ [85]. parathyroid glands calcimimetics exert their effect also on the
CaSR in the TAL and may cause hypercalciuria. The latter
e) Dialysis responds well to thiazide diuretics [26].

Considered in very ill patients in whom there is renal failure or iv. Denosumab
heart failure, or when hypercalcemia is refractory to other conven-
tional treatment measures. Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis The monoclonal antibody inhibits RANKL, thus suppress-
with a low-calcium dialysate should be prescribed. ing osteoclast activity. It may present as an alternative to
bisphosphonates in controlling the dramatic hypercalcemia
f) Nutrition and mobilization seen at times after bone marrow transplantation [89]. One of
its advantages is its convenient administration by sub-
IV calcium intake should be assessed and adjusted as cutaneous injection.
appropriate. The enteral calcium intake should be reviewed,
and calcium and vitamin D supplementation should be v. Surgical intervention
avoided. Low-calcium and vitamin D formulas are avail-
able. It is important to resume recommended vitamin D In some cases of hyperparathyroidism, parathyroidectomy,
supplementation once hypercalcemia and its underlying either complete or partial is indicated. Following parathyroid-
disorder have been brought under control. Weight bearing ectomy, a Bhungry bone^ syndrome may develop and patients
should be encouraged. might require calcium and vitamin D replacement [19].

g) Specific treatments Key summary points

For some specific conditions, additional modes of interven- 1. Serum calcium concentration is best assessed by measur-
tion are helpful as follows. ing the ionized calcium concentration. If unavailable, then
serum total calcium should be adjusted to that of albumin.
i. Corticosteroids 2. Hypercalcemia is mostly caused by increased bone re-
sorption and to a lesser extent by increased intestinal cal-
Corticosteroids suppress 1-alpha hydroxylase activity, thus cium absorption and tubular reabsorption.
decreasing calcitriol synthesis in conditions where an exces- 3. Severe hypercalcemia can result in cardiac, renal, and
sive activation of vitamin D exists, such as seen in granulo- CNS mortality and morbidity.
matous diseases and 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D producing tumors. 4. The evaluation of the etiology of hypercalcemia starts
In some of these conditions, corticosteroids play a role also in with determination of serum PTH. If normal, serum levels
the treatment of the underlying disease as in sarcoidosis and of 25(OH)-D, 1,25(OH)2D, PTHrP and genetic studies
lymphoma [13, 82]. should follow.
1486 Pediatr Nephrol (2018) 33:1475–1488

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