IP Adress and Pasrt of Router

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Name: _________________________

Section: ________________________
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the Development and
Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included
in the module.
For the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included in
the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn

This module is thoroughly designed to learn more about Setting-Up Computer

Networks and Set Router Configuration. This module will aid the learner to understand the
importance of MAC Address, IP Address and Subnetting in computer networking and know
the function of a router and its front and rear panel.


MAC Addressing, IP Addressing, Subnetting

• Classes of IP Address
• Subnet Mask
• Assigning IP Address
• Network connectivity checking procedures and techniques
- ipconfig

Router Configuration
• Front Panel
• Rear Panel
• Connecting the router

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Check network connectivity of each terminal in accordance with network design.
2. Diagnose and repair any problem or fault in the network system in line with standard
operating procedures.

3. Configure client device system settings in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instruction and network design
4. Configure wireless settings in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, network
design and end-user preferences

Let’s Try

Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read the question/statement carefully and write your answer on the space provided
or in a separate sheet of paper.

_____1. It determines how much data can be downloaded or uploaded from your computer or
a. internet bandwidth b. internet speed c. internet connection

_____2. Which refers to the physical address assign to the host’s NIC?
a. MAC Address b. IP Address c. Home Address

_____3. IP address consists of _______.

a. 8 bits b. 4 bits c. 16 bits

_____4. Which IP classes supports 16 million host on each of 127 networks?

a. Class B b. Class A c. Class C

_____5. The following are the units of measurement of a bandwidth EXCEPT _____.
a. megabits per second b. megabytes per second c. kilobits per second


Basic Network Concepts and Technologies

As computer technician, we should be able to configure and troubleshoot computers on
a network and should also be familiar with IP address and other network concepts.

Learning Objectives

At the end of learning period, the students are expected to:

1. define IP Address and MAC Address
2. enumerate the different classes of IP Address and subnet mask
3. follow the steps in assigning IP address

Let’s Recall

Directions: What are the steps or procedures in making ethernet cable. Write your answer on
the space provided or in a separate sheet.

Let’s Explore

Direction: Write the meaning of each ACRONYM.

1. IP
2. ISP
3. mbps
4. URL
5. MAC address

Let’s Elaborate

Basic network concepts


It describes the maximum rate of data across a given path. It is also the amount of data
transmitted within a fixed period. In addition, internet bandwidth and internet speed are
different from each other. Internet bandwidth determines how much data can be downloaded
or uploaded from your computer or device whereas internet speed determines how fast the data
can be uploaded or downloaded from your device or computer. Bandwidth is measured in bits
per second and has three units of measurement. They are bps (bits per second), kbps (kilobits
per second) and mbps (megabits per second).

MAC Address (Media Access Control)

It is a physical address assign to the host’s NIC (network interface controller). The
following are the steps on how to see your MAC address using ipconfig or ipconfig /all:

1. Type CMD (Command Prompt)

2. Command Prompt Window will appear
3. Type: C:\Users\Teachers>ipconfig /all


IP Address
It is used to identify a device on the network. A unique IP address is given to each
device in the network for the network device to communicate with each other.
IP Structure
• IP Address consists of 4 bits
• Each section is 8 bit long
• Each section can range from 0-255

IP Classes
Class Address Range Supports
Class A to - Used for large networks
- Supports 16 million host on each of
127 networks

Class B to - Used for medium sized networks

- Supports 65,000 hosts on each
16,000 networks

Class C to - Used for small networks

- Supports 254 hosts on each 2
million networks

Class D to - Used specifically for multicasting

Class E 240. 0.0.0 to - Used for experimental testing

The network portion of an IP address is indicated by the subnet mask which is also
dotted decimal number. There is a default subnet mask that is mapped to the first three classes
of IP addresses:

• Class A: the first octet is the network portion

• Class B: the first two octets are the network portion
• Class C: the first three octets are the network portion

Static vs Dynamic IP Address

IP addresses are assigned in two different ways. They may be dynamically assigned (they can
change automatically) or statically assigned (they are intended not to change and must be changed
manually). Most home networks use dynamic allocation. Your router uses DHCP to temporarily assign,
or "lease," an IP address to your device. After a period of time, this lease "expires," and the router
renews your old address or assigns you a new one, depending on the needs of the network and the
configuration of the router.

If you have ever tried to change the settings on your router, you may be familiar with the address Commonly, this is your router's address, If you enter this address into the address bar of
your web browser, you can open your router's configuration interface. (Your router's address may be
different - check your manual.)

How the data sent to an IP Address on another network

Assigning IP Address

When organizing your home network, it is easier to assign each computer its own IP address
than using DHCP. Here are the steps on how to assign IP address:

1. Press windows (windows logo from your keyboard) + R and Type ncpa.cpl then click OK or press

2. Right click on your local adapter and select Properties

3. In the Local Area Connection Properties window

select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then
click Properties button.

4. Now select the radio button Use the

following IP address and enter in the correct
IP, Subnet mask, and Default gateway that
corresponds with your network setup.

Default Gateway
The default gateway is the path used to pass information when the device does not
know where the destination is. More directly, a default gateway is a router that connects your
host to remote network segments. It is the exit point for all the packets in your network that
have destinations outside your network.

Checking default gateway address

Let’s Dig In

Activity 1
Directions: Match IP Classes in Column A with its Address Range in Column B. Write only
the letter on the space provided.

Column A: IP Classes Column B: Address Range

_____1. Class A a. to

_____2. Class B b. 240. 0.0.0 to

_____3. Class C c. to

_____4. Class D d. to

_____5. Class E e. to

Activity 2
Directions: IDENTIFICATION. Write your answer on the space provided or in a separate sheet
of paper.
__________1. It is the path used to pass information when device does NOT know where the
destination is.

__________2. is belong to Class ______.

__________3. It supports/used for experimental testing.

__________4. It determines how fast the data can be uploaded or downloaded from your
__________5. It is an address given to each device.

Let’s Remember

Directions: Answer the given questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the difference between MAC Address and IP Address?

2. What are the steps in knowing your IP address from your computer?

Let’s Apply

Directions: Using your own device (desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone). Write the steps
on how to get the IP address of your device. Write your answer on the space provided or in a
separate sheet.

Device: Procedures:

Let’s Evaluate

A. Directions: Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully and write your answer on the
space provided or you may click this link:


_____1. Which of the following gives a unique address for each device?
a. IP address
b. ISP
c. MAC address
_____2. What will you type in RUN command if you want to see your network connections?
a. cmd
b. regedit
c. ncpa.cpl
_____3. Which of the following is an example of IP address?
_____4. What will you type in COMMAND prompt if you want to know the IP address of your
a. ipconfig
b. cmd
c. cls
_____5. What will you key in or the shortcut key to open the RUN command?
a. windows + R
b. windows + L
c. Alt + R
_____6. Which of the following supports 254 hosts on each 2 million networks?
a. Class C
b. Class A
c. Class E
_____7., the first three octet are the network portion of what IP Class?
a. Class C
b. Class B
c. Class A
_____8. What is the default subnet mask of Class B?
_____9. Which describes the maximum rate of data across a given path?
a. bandwidth
b. connection
c. network
_____10. Bandwidth is measured in ______.
a. gigahertz
b. bits per second
c. megabytes

Let’s Extend

Directions: List down 5 devices (mobile phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet) and write down
their IP address. Write your answer on the space provided or in a separate sheet of paper.

Let’s Try

Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
_____1. Which of the following indicates that the router is OFF?
a. Power On b. Power OFF c. System On

_____2. It is a network security standard to create a secure wireless home network. What is it?
a. WPS b. WSP c. SWP

_____3. Data is being transferred between the router and the wireless device connected to it.
What is it?
a. WLAN OFF b. WLAN Flashing c. WLAN ON

_____4. It is where you will connect the power adapter. What is it?
a. Power On b. LAN Adapter c. Power Socket

_____5. This button is used to enable/disable the router’s wireless function. What is it?
a. WLAN b. Power On c. WIFI

Week 6

Set Router Configuration

Router configuration is very important so that it can communicate with your network
components completely. A router is a common type of gateway. It is positioned where two or
more networks meet at each point of presence on the internet.

Learning Objectives
At the end of learning period, the students are expected to:

1. Identify the parts of a router, front and rear panel

2. Discuss each function of Router’s LED

Let’s Recall

Direction: Complete the table below. (IP Classes). Write your answer on the space provided

Class Address Range

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E

Let’s Explore

Directions: Give at least 5 words that can be associated in the given illustration. Write your
answer on the space provided or in a separate sheet of paper.


Let’s Elaborate

A router is a networking device that forwards data packets

between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet.
Data sent through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets.

The Front Panel

The Router’s LEDs are located on the front panel. (View from left to right)

Name Status Indication

Off Power is OFF
On Power is ON

System Flashing The router is working properly.

On/Off The router has a system error.

The router isn’t connected to any
Off wireless device.
The router is connected to some
On wireless device
WLAN Flashing Data is being transferred between the
Router and the wireless device(s)
connected to it.
Off There is no device linked to the
WAN corresponding port.
On There is a device linked to the
corresponding part but there is no
LAN 1-4 activity.
Flashing There is an active device linked to the
corresponding port.
Slow Flash A wireless device is connecting to the
network by WPS function. This
process will last in the first 2 minutes.
WPS On A wireless device has been
successfully added to the network by
WPS function.
Quick Flash A wireless device failed to be added to
the network by WPS function.

WPS (Wi-fi Protected Set-up) is a network security standard to create a secure wireless home
network. It was created by CISCO by year 2006.

Note: After a device is successfully added to the network by WPS function, the WPS LED will
keep on for 5 minutes and then turn off.

The Rear Panel

The following parts are located on the rear panel (View from left to right).

Wi-fi: This button is used to enable/disable the Router’s wireless function

WPS/RESET: This button is used for both WPS and RESET function. To use the WPS
function, press it for less than 5 seconds; to use the RESET function,
press it for more than 5 seconds.

Use as Reset button

There are two ways to reset router’s factory default:

1. Use the Factory Defaults function on System Tools > Factory Defaults page in the
Router’s Web-based utility.

2. Use the WPS/RESET button: With the Router powered on, press, and hold the
WPS/RESET button (more than 5 seconds) until the SYS LED becomes quick-flash
from slow-flash. Then release the button and wait the ROUTER to reboot to its factory
default settings.

Use as WPS button

If you have client devices, such as wireless adapters, that support Wi-Fi
Protected Setup, then you can press this button to quickly establish a connection
between the Router and client devices and automatically configure wireless
security for your wireless network.

Internet: This internet port is where you will connect the DSL/cable modem

4,3,2,1 (LAN): These ports (4,3,2,1) connect the Router to the local PC(s).

ON/OFF: The switch for the power.

POWER: The Power socket is where you will connect the power adapter. Please
use the power adapter provided with this TL-WR840N 300Mbps
Wireless N Router.


1. System Requirements

• Broadband Internet Access Service (DSL/Cable/Ethernet)

• One DSL/Cable Modem that has RJ45 connector (which is not necessary if the Router
is connected directly to the Internet)
• PCs with a working Ethernet Adapter and an Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors
• TCP/IP protocol on each PC
• Web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari

2. Installation Environment Requirements

1. Place the Router in a well-ventilated place far from any heater or heating vent.
2. Avoid direct irradiation of any strong light such as sunlight.
3. Keep at least 2 inches (5cm) of clear space around the Router.
4. Operation Temperature: 00C-400C (320F-100F)
5. Operating Humidity: 10%-90% RH, Non-Condensing

3. Connect the Router

Before installing the Router, make sure your PC is connected to the Internet through
the broadband service successfully. If there is any problem, please contact your ISP. After that,
please install the Router according to the following steps. Don't forget to pull out the power
plug and keep your hands dry.

1. Power off your PC, Cable/DSL Modem, and the Router.

2. Locate an optimum location for the Router. The best place is usually at the center
of your wireless network.
3. Connect the PC(s) and each Switch/Hub in your LAN to the LAN Ports on the
Router, shown in Figure 2-1. (If you have the wireless NIC and want to use
the wireless function, you can skip this step.)
4. Connect the DSL/Cable Modem to the WAN port on the Router, shown in Figure
5. Connect the power adapter to the power socket on the Router, and the other end
into an electrical outlet. The Router will start to work automatically.
6. Power on your PC and Cable/DSL Modem.

Let’s Dig In
Activity 1

A. Directions: Give the INDICATION of each Router’s LED. Write your answer on the space
provided or in a separate sheet of paper.
Name Indication
1. Powe Off

4. WPS – Slow Flash
5. WAN – ON

Activity 2

B. Directions: Fill in the blanks. Write the appropriate word to complete the statement. Write
your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. _____________ button is used to enable/disable the Router’s wireless function
2. This ________________ port is where you will connect the DSL/Cable Modem.
3. The ___________ socket is where you will connect the power adapter.
4. System flashing indicates that the router is working __________.
5. A ____________ is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer

Let’s Remember

A router is a physical or virtual appliance that passes information between two or

more packet-switched computer networks. A router inspects a given data packet's destination
Internet Protocol address (IP address), calculates the best way for it to reach its destination and
then forwards it accordingly.

Let’s Apply

Directions: Take a picture of a router/modem that you used in your home and label its front
and rear panel. Use separate sheet of paper or use the blank space provided.

Let’s Evaluate

Directions: Write SR if it is System Requirement, IR, if it is Installation Requirement and CR,

if it is Connecting a Router or you may click the link below.


_____1. Keep at least 2 inches (5cm) of clear space around the Router.

_____2. PCs with a working Ethernet Adapter and an Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors
TCP/IP protocol on each PC

_____3. Broadband Internet Access Service (DSL/Cable/Ethernet)

_____4. Power on your PC and Cable/DSL Modem.

_____5. Place the Router in a well-ventilated place far from any heater or heating vent.

_____6. Connect the DSL/Cable Modem to the WAN port on the Router.

_____7. Connect the power adapter to the power socket on the Router, and the other end into
an electrical outlet. The Router will start to work automatically.

_____8. Operation Temperature: 00C-400C (320F-100F)

_____9. Broadband Internet Access Service (DSL/Cable/Ethernet)

_____10. Locate an optimum location for the Router. The best place is usually at the center
of your wireless network.

Let’s Extend

Directions: Name the following icon of a Router’s Front Panel. Write your answer on each box
or in a separate sheet of paper.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Printed Materials:

Computer Systems Servicing 3 PC Troubleshooting with Basic Computer Networking

Competency Based Learning Material in Computer Systems Servicing NC II (Ismael Manic

Online Resources


Module Development Team

Writer: MARIENIX P. RAMOS, Teacher I - SVNHS

Content Editor: ARNEL S. GESTIADA, Head Teacher III - BNHS
Language Editor:
Reviewers: DR. ANGELA K. ALAMAN, Head Teacher VI - SVNHS
Illustrator: MARIENIX P. RAMOS, Teacher I - SVNHS
Layout Artist: MARIENIX P. RAMOS, Teacher I - SVNHS


JHS Team Leader/Facilitator:
School Head In-Charge:
DR. RHEA M. CRUZ, Principal IV
Content Validator/Editor:

Management Team:
Name of EPS in-charge of Learning Area

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

Email Address: sdo.tapat@deped.gov.ph


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