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Loneliness in adults:

Evidence-based research and

interventions for NPs
Abstract: Loneliness is a complex psychophysiologic concept, a health risk factor, and a
worrisome trend across the globe. This article reviews the latest research on the negative
health effects associated with loneliness. Evidence-based NP interventions aimed at
improving patients’ perceived social connections are also explored.

By Tamera Pearson, PhD, FNP, ACNP

oneliness is defined as a feeling or personal also show that loneliness is associated with increased
L perception that one’s social relationships and
connections are lacking. The prevalence of
mortality.2,13–16 This article provides an integrative
overview of the evidence on loneliness as a psycho-
loneliness is estimated to be 40% to 69% in the US physiologic health risk, discusses contributing factors
and 10% to 60% in European countries.1–4 Reported to loneliness, and suggests potential interventions for
incidence of loneliness may differ based on the mea- NPs to consider for their patients.
surement tool used or the influence of cultural beliefs.
One common finding is that loneliness is a pervasive ■ Search methods
and universal issue for all individuals, regardless of The author conducted her evidence search in the Cu-
age, gender, income, or education. mulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Litera-
Some researchers advocate that loneliness is a sig- ture (CINAHL), PubMed, and EBSCO Host interfaces
nificant public health issue that may impact health- to MEDLINE. Search terms included “loneliness” or
care costs in the US.5,6 Loneliness has been officially “lonely,” “physical health,” and “disease” or specific
Frankie’s / Shutterstock

recognized as a determinant of health by the World conditions (including diabetes, dementia, heart dis-
Health Organization (WHO) and in the United King- ease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The
dom. 7,8 Over the past decade, numerous research search was limited to English language, peer-reviewed
studies have demonstrated that loneliness is cor- publications within the past 10 years. Initially, this
related with poorer health status.6,9–12 Investigations resulted in 1,536 articles. The author then limited the
Keywords: depression, loneliness, mind-body connection, mindfulness, psychophysiology, social isolation, stress

26 The Nurse Practitioner • Vol. 44, No. 9

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Loneliness in adults: Evidence-based research and interventions for NPs

CONTACT HOURS The Nurse Practitioner • September 2019 27

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Loneliness in adults: Evidence-based research and interventions for NPs

■ Mind-body connection
search to the past 5 years (2014 to 2019), full-text links,
and to adult populations, which resulted in 155 titles The physical impact of loneliness has been document-
that were reviewed. ed for over 60 years. In 1955, Dr. Hildegard Peplau, a
The author excluded publications with a sole focus nurse theorist, wrote that, “True loneliness is so pain-
on social isolation or isolation due to cancer treatment ful that the patient has to hide it, disguise it, defend
or acute injury. In the end, 39 articles met the inclusionhimself against it. His defenses are what the nurse must
criteria. The author also examined reference lists of the deal with as she helps him learn how to live produc-
identified articles for additional key studies and pub- tively with people.”18 The interconnection of the mind
lications, which have been included in this overview and body is the basis of the complex psychophysiologic
to provide a broad perspective. consequences of loneliness. Whether isolation is enu-
merated in terms of the number of physical contacts
■ Loneliness versus social isolation or perceived as an emotional disconnect, morbidity
Researchers often aim to delineate the difference be- and mortality are both negatively impacted.
tween loneliness and social isolation as two separate Scientists note that the brain has neuroendocrine
concepts with distinct meanings. Loneliness is usually mechanisms that respond to social input and emotions
defined as a subjective state, while social isolation is commonly associated with the stress response.19 (See
typically thought of as an objective condition. In- Neuroendocrine–immune system regulation of the stress
dividuals can experience loneliness when physically response.) Researchers point out that stress reactivity
alone and when around others because of a lack of could be one of the main processes that account for
emotional and psychological connection with signifi- the effects of loneliness on health.20 The main pathways
cant individuals. Social isolation is described in terms controlling the physical reaction to mental stress are
of the number of notable interactions with others over the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis
a specified time. Loneliness is described as perceived and the sympathetic adrenal-medullary axis when
social isolation or a believed inadequacy in personal triggered by the prefrontal and limbic regions of the
or community relationships. The overlapping issues of brain.19 Stress activates a cascade of responses that
result in increased levels of cortisol,
activation of the immune system,
Stress reactivity could be one of the main inflammation, and elevated glucose
processes that account for the effects of levels, all of which contribute to dis-
loneliness on health. ease over time. The link between the
mental stress of loneliness and con-
sequential poor health is extremely
loneliness and social isolation may require researchers complex. Psychosocial variables that cause loneli-
to consider both when conducting reviews of their ness and the intricacies of the physiologic systems
negative health impacts.10 involved in the underlying stress response are difficult
Meta-analysis is challenging because of the incon- to quantify. Researchers have engaged in diverse types
gruent use and measurement of the terms “loneliness” of studies using many different measurements to try to
and “social isolation.” This difficulty led to the recent understand the health effects of loneliness. The most
appeal for a transdisciplinary approach to defining recent findings from such efforts are presented below.
loneliness.17 Although developing and using a com- Health effects of loneliness. The health conse-
mon definition of loneliness is a logical academic quences of loneliness are multifaceted and result in both
quest, implementing that plan would require global psychological and physiologic issues.12,21-24 Research is
efforts. More important, research indicates no differ- aimed at understanding the role that loneliness plays in
ence between the objective and subjective measures of both the development and worsening of health prob-
loneliness and social isolation in terms of the negative lems.15,16,25 Many acute conditions and chronic diseases
effects on mortality.14 Currently, the literature shows are either initiated or exacerbated by the physiologic
that social isolation and loneliness are indeed closely effects of emotional and mental stress.26,27
intertwined, both with reciprocal and simultaneous Stress and inflammation. Research indicates
effects on physical and mental health.13 that loneliness, as a source of stress, may influence

28 The Nurse Practitioner • Vol. 44, No. 9

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Loneliness in adults: Evidence-based research and interventions for NPs

dysregulation of the HPA axis.28 A

case-cohort study of middle-aged Neuroendocrine-immune system regulation of the
adults found that social isolation, stress response
defined as having few close relation- Research findings demonstrate that an individual’s stress reactivity may
ships or social ties, which is more in be one of the main processes that account for the effects of loneliness on
line with the current delineation of health. Each component of the systemic stress response results in a potential
negative impact on the body.
loneliness, is a significant risk fac-
tor for elevated c-reactive protein
(CRP) levels.29 Another prospec-
tive study discovered a significant
independent association between
loneliness and higher levels of gly- Immune system
cated hemoglobin regardless of a (cytokines)
diabetes mellitus diagnosis, which CRF
could be a result of impairment of
the negative feedback loop of the
HPA axis because of high cortisol
Brain stem
levels. 30 Yet, recent retrospective Adrenal Locus
studies have not detected the same gland Ceruleus
direct effect or association between Cortisol ACTH
loneliness and elevated CRP, but in- Autonomic
vestigators question whether a one- nervous system
time measure can accurately assess
the inflammatory biomarkers that
influence chronic disease states.31,32
Researchers suggest that ad-
ditional prospective longitudinal CRF = corticotropin-releasing factor; ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone.
studies are needed to better un- Source: Grossman SC, Porth CM. Porth’s Pathophysiology Concepts of Altered Health States. 9th ed.
derstand persistent inflammatory Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2014.

changes that occur in relationship

to chronic loneliness. Consistent findings in the re- use, and with health risks such as obesity.14,15,19,35-39 To
search indicate that stress contributes to loneliness, separate out the role of risks factors, such as lack of
which influences physiologic responses, inflamma- physical activity, from the effect of loneliness on the
tory reactions, and immune mechanisms.20,30,33 This development of cardiovascular disease is difficult. Al-
multidimensional interconnection between loneliness though the exact physiologic mechanism of loneliness
and stress is evident in the alterations that lead to on the cardiovascular system is not yet understood,
poor health. researchers believe the adverse reaction of loneliness
Cardiovascular disorders. Ten years ago, a retro- is cumulative.38 The intricacy of the psychological
spective study of over 3,000 participants revealed a and physiologic connection is illustrated in a recent
significant association between loneliness and coro- cross-sectional data analysis that found an associa-
nary heart disease in women, after controlling for tion between loneliness and cardiovascular disease in
confounding variables.21 Over the past decade, stud- women, but further note that this link was significantly
ies have noted the negative effects of loneliness on influenced by depression.34
the cardiovascular system, specifically observing an Depression. The coexistence of depression as a
association with coronary artery disease and chronic major factor is one of the commonly reported findings
heart failure, as well as problems and risks such as from various research efforts on loneliness as a health
hypertension and high cholesterol.10,21,22,29,34,35 problem.2-4,10,12,23,33,34,36,38,40,41 A recent meta-analysis of
In addition, loneliness is associated with unhealthy 88 studies that investigated the association between
behaviors such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol loneliness and depression established that loneliness The Nurse Practitioner • September 2019 29

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Loneliness in adults: Evidence-based research and interventions for NPs

has a consistent and significant effect on worsening prospective study demonstrated this phenomenon
levels of depression across age groups and participant when participants who scored high on baseline lone-
types (caregivers, patients, older adults, adolescents, liness using the Short Loneliness Scale also reported
and people from a variety of backgrounds).23 Research- more severe illness than those who were less lonely,
ers discuss the difficult situation that occurs when when infected with the same common cold virus.25
society leaves individuals alone with their problems, Regardless of whether loneliness or poor physical
which tends to result in self-imposed social distanc- health occur first, a synergistic worsening of both
ing, ensuing loneliness and more depression. Other often transpires.
investigators suggest that depression contributes to,
and intensifies, loneliness.33,38,40 The circular nature of ■ Older adults
loneliness as a factor in health issues is noted in the Although loneliness affects individuals of all ages and
results of a 6-year longitudinal study that concludes the literature included in this review is focused on
loneliness affects and was affected by depression.16 A adults, some studies address the impacts of loneli-
recent prospective observational study reports that ness specifically on older adults. Investigators report
loneliness is not only associated with depression but that loneliness is associated with decreased mental
also with generalized anxiety disorder, another mental cognition, processing speed, and memory recall in
health problem.36 older adults.24 Loneliness is significantly associated
The impact of loneliness and additional detri- with cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and
mental outcomes. Attempting to separate the distinct migraines in older adult women and cardiovascular
health effects of loneliness is challenging because of disease and migraines in older adult men, all of which
the mind-body connection and the interwoven physi- are augmented when stress, poor sleep, inactivity, or
ologic mechanisms that lead to illness and disease. smoking are present.27
Loneliness is a complex phenomenon that affects both Another disturbing finding is that loneliness is
mental and physical health in a negative manner. Sci- associated with suicidal ideation in older adults.36,43
entists have studied the effect of loneliness on a variety Older adults in a different study indicated that they did
of specific health issues and note that loneliness is as- not believe their primary care providers understand
sociated with many detrimental outcomes and overall mental and emotional problems, nor the importance
negative well-being. of a close relationship in order to discuss sensitive
The health risk of loneliness and social isolation are issues like loneliness.44 Yet, additional research found
comparable to health hazards, such as physical inactiv- that older adults want their providers to talk about
ity, obesity, unsafe sexual activity, injury and violence, social issues like loneliness and offer referrals for those
substance use, immunization deficiencies, and lack issues.45 Although the research suggests diverse view-
of access to healthcare.14 This finding exemplifies the points on what older adults are comfortable discuss-
tremendous impact loneliness can have on mental and ing, the negative effect that loneliness can have on an
physical health. Individuals who are lonely experience older person’s mental and physical well-being must be
more pain and fatigue and report overall poorer health addressed by primary care providers.
compared with less lonely adults.12 Loneliness is associ-
ated with decreased functional status and contributes ■ Healthcare use
to an exacerbated decline in function over time.16,24,26 Several studies report that loneliness is associated with
In addition to the health risk that loneliness poses, an increased number of primary care- and medical-
current literature seems to suggest a type of reciprocal related community health visits. A prospective study
relationship between physical health and loneliness. over 5 years in Germany, a retrospective study of US
Individuals with a higher number of chronic diseases data, and a prospective study in Sweden all conclude
and physical disorders have increased loneliness, which that individuals with loneliness seek more frequent
is exacerbated by stress and depression.26,40 Those ex- ambulatory healthcare services.3,6,36 Some inconsistent
periencing loneliness have more health problems, in- findings are reported in a recent systematic review
creased morbidity, and higher mortality.13,42 Individu- in which older adults with less social support had
als who are lonely actually feel worse when they are increased readmissions and longer hospitalizations,
sick than nonlonely individuals who are sick. A recent but did not place greater demands on ambulatory

30 The Nurse Practitioner • Vol. 44, No. 9

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Loneliness in adults: Evidence-based research and interventions for NPs

services.46 The conclusion is that older patients’ visits study by Gaggioli and colleagues were willing to join in
to ambulatory care centers are warranted by their weekly meetings with several children where they were
health status, independent of their social support asked to reminisce and share stories.49 Participants
situations.46 The fact that older adults with loneliness who took part in the group meetings with children
require more evaluation and treatment in ambula- reported less loneliness and the children expressed
tory settings is the consistent finding among all of the more positive views about aging at the conclusion of
research. An interconnection between mind and body the study. Yet, group interventions are not appropri-
underlies the illnesses that prompt healthcare use; the ate for all patients, some patients need more indi-
essential question becomes how to best manage patient vidualized plans. For other patients struggling with
needs and promote health. loneliness, traditional cognitive behavioral therapy or
medications to treat the associated depression could
■ Interventions be beneficial.20
Although research over the past 2 decades has clearly Research studies also demonstrate a reduction
established that loneliness affects health in a negative in loneliness after completing individual or group
manner, the psychophysiologic mechanisms involved mindfulness-based stress reduction courses.50,51 Find-
are not completely understood, so interventions are ings from a randomized controlled trial demonstrated
lagging. The first step to reduce adverse health reac- that mindfulness training offered via telephone con-
tions that result from loneliness is for primary care ference with adults in community settings led to a 22%
providers to be aware of the extent
and significance of the problem
among patients. Interventions for
Loneliness is associated with decreased
loneliness must aim at improving functional status and contributes to an
social networks and quality relation- exacerbated decline in function over time.
ships; social support can be a buffer
against loneliness.8,13,40,43,47 This is
demonstrated in a home phone monitoring study that reduction of loneliness scores over a 2-week period.52
showed older adults with the fewest number of incom- Investigators suspect the promising results seen in this
ing calls had higher levels of loneliness.48 Participants short time are attributable to fostering an ability to
with the most incoming calls reported less loneliness, monitor and accept feelings with a calmness that may
leaving the researchers to recommend scheduled calls allow loneliness to dissipate and encourage greater
from family and friends as an intervention to consider. daily engagement with others.52
Developing relationships, maintaining communica- Technology may hold some promise in the
tion with a significant social support network, and endeavors to help patients work through their lone-
avoiding social isolation are important in the treat- liness, thereby avoiding the negative health conse-
ment of loneliness. quences. Studies show beneficial results from the
Addressing loneliness can be challenging, which use of videoconferencing and general internet use
is demonstrated in a few of the studies on potential as a way to stay in touch with others and reduce
interventions. When women with high loneliness loneliness.51,53,54 Although outcomes from the use
scores and known chronic disease were interviewed of videoconferences were positive for older adult
in a qualitative study, they described managing their participants, researchers identified several barriers to
loneliness by remembering happy times, staying busy, be considered.54 Hinderances to the implementation
and getting out.26 However, underlying chronic disease of a video chat intervention include staff turnover,
often hindered their options. Adults in a study by Kha- which meant lack of assistance with the technology
richa and colleagues were reluctant to engage in any in care facilities, and scheduling conflicts for family
community intervention designed to offer help with and friends that limited their ability to commit to
loneliness because they said such feelings are a com- connect at a specific time.54 Other researchers report
plex and private matter.44 Yet, the same participants that higher levels of general internet use is predic-
were open to becoming involved in group activities tive of reduced levels of loneliness. 53 Appropriate
that were based on common interest. Older adults in a functioning equipment and knowledge of how to The Nurse Practitioner • September 2019 31

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Loneliness in adults: Evidence-based research and interventions for NPs

use the devices are paramount to the usefulness for in London, Ontario, are two examples of institutions
technology-based interventions. that have initiated and supported living arrangements
Another interesting experiment that reduces lone- of university students residing in long-term care or
liness, at least in older adults, is intergenerational liv- retirement facilities.55 The results of intergenerational
ing. This novel approach to living situations started living are a benefit to the younger household member
in the Netherlands to address two problems: housing by providing housing and to the older adults by de-
costs for university students or young people in gen- creasing their loneliness and allowing for monitoring
eral, and the growing need for older adults to have of physical needs and assistance with simple tasks.55
contact and someone to check on them.55 Canada As with many health problems, the intervention or
has also put an emphasis on addressing loneliness in treatments to help reduce loneliness will need to be
its society and has implemented promotion of inte- individualized. (See Key interventions for loneliness.)
grational living.56 The US is beginning to explore the
alternative of intergenerational living. Case Western ■ Implications for NPs
University in Cleveland, Ohio, and Western University As advanced practice providers, NPs are in a key po-
sition to address loneliness as a health problem. (See
Implications for NPs.) The first step is to be aware of
Key interventions for loneliness
the problem, the common risks, and the multitude of
To improve and build social networks and avoid health effects that are associated with loneliness, espe-
social isolation: cially in older patients. Next, integrating an assessment
• schedule incoming phone calls from friends and family of an individual patient’s loneliness status will require
• routinely use online video engagement tools a clear but sensitive discussion that may involve more
• frequently use social media than one visit. As noted above, symptoms and com-
• interact with children on a regular basis plaints of stress or depression could be the presenting
• pursue cognitive behavioral therapy complaint of patients suffering from loneliness.
• take antidepressant medications when prescribed
The social and emotional circumstances that are
• participate in hobby or special interest group activities
the source of loneliness are unique for each person
• practice mindfulness training
and individual physiologic responses vary in degree.
• maintain an active schedule with outings in the
Research studies center on stress and depression as
• explore intergenerational living arrangements. underlying and related factors causing loneliness that
in turn affects health in many ways. Treating the related
emotional and physical problems with medication
Implications for NPs may be warranted. When the loneliness has also been
identified as a potential contributor to a patient’s poor
• Be aware of loneliness as a health hazard.
overall well-being or specific health problems, addi-
• Know the common risks for loneliness.
tional interventions could be explored.
• Recognize negative health effects of loneliness.
Clearly the NP cannot assume all the responsibil-
• Assess for potential loneliness.
ity for possible interventions to reduce loneliness.
• Understand that sensitivity is essential.
Depending on the location and type of setting NPs
• Schedule longer or more frequent patient visits.
practice in, the resources available will vary and pa-
• Consider loneliness in patients with complaints of
tient’s mobility will play a role in the appropriateness
of different interventions. Therefore, having a list of
• Consider loneliness in patients with diagnosis of
depression. local social and community organization contacts and
• Suggest key interventions, as appropriate. referral agencies is imperative. Interprofessional teams
• Develop a resource/referral package that includes working together in primary care are the ideal model
social and community organizations. to help address loneliness interventions, but practice
• Treat underlying medical problems while initiating settings with this type of support are still rare, espe-
interventions for loneliness. cially in small rural settings. Recommending simple
• Schedule follow-up appointments. Continual encour- ideas and activities, based on the current research, may
agement is imperative.
be a constructive way for NPs to begin addressing the

32 The Nurse Practitioner • Vol. 44, No. 9

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Loneliness in adults: Evidence-based research and interventions for NPs

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