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Mr .Michael Agyemang ,who is an Elder of the
Church of Pentecost was born to Mr. And Mrs.
Addai .He was the third born of his parents and also
the first born of his parents : born in 1967 on the
27th day of August. He is a native of Suame but
resides at Breman .
Growing has been very tough, but through alp he got
to experience life . He schooled at the Bremang M/A
school currently known as the Maakro M / A Basic
School. In terms of academic, he had no problem
Also Elder Michael was a very hardworking boy and
still is as a man .
As growing into his youthful stage , he started
acquiring a leadership skills .Being a Class rep and
many more .He also was the Boys' School Prefect in
both Primary and J.S.S .
At age thirteen, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord
and Personal Savior. He never joked with his
Christian life . He joined Christian clubs such as the
S.U ,Scripture Union to learn about Christianity. His
mother , after church always made him read the
scriptures of God for her since she is an illiterate.
This act help him to know the Word of God.
Unfortunately, he could not continue his education
to the Senior Secondary School , so his father made
him to learn a job at Suame Magazine as an
apprentice. Apart from that he sold petty petty things
like oranges, sugarcane and kenkey to help his home
but before he would spend his money on anything he
took his tithe before and also give and offering onto
the Lord.
Michael was able to create his own business which
he is now a Master and have workers.
At his 20s he committed himself to his Church and
was made a Deacon in the church he went to a Bible
School and a Language School also in order to have
the knowledge ,wisdom, and understanding in the
word of God.
At age 32 ,he got married to Mrs.Mary Caesar Wiafe
.They have three beautiful daughters. Mary supports
his husband in his Ministry.
He was ordained as an Elder in the Church of
Pentecost and also by God as his servant.He and
some other church agents established a church at
Breman Nkontwima.
By the Grace of God ,God paved a way for him to
travel abroad.In the United Kingdom, where he
continued his ministry in the year 2006 .He worked
as a Presiding Elder in Milton Keynes, UK in one
local assembly. Even though he is a Man of God he
serves people with pleasure and willingness.
He worked at a Food Industry in UK and he was
described as a Man of Hardwork by his fellow
workers and even the head authorities could testify
his hardwork nature of his. Mr.Agyemang even
preached the Word of God and applied the qualities
of a good Christian.
He settled in UK for 3 years, but he still cared for his
family who were in Ghana during his life in United
Kingdom. He was therefore honoured by the Church
Of Pentecost , Milton Keynes,UK for his great
dedication to the church.
When he returned to Ghana to Ghana in the year
2009,he helped in the establishment of one church,
in Breman known as Good Shepherd Assembly
being the first Presiding Elder in the new local.
He was later transferred to another local in 2013,to
Preside there .In the following year he struggled a
kidney failure ,the left kidney. For a year he
struggled this dangerous sickness but still he had
faith in God that He will heal his servant Ashe have
said in his word that He is the God our Healer.
He ,Michael is a very great teacher too. He deeply
explains the word of God to the understanding of all
people . He is a cordial person ,prayer warrior,
peacemaker and truthful . He shares his faith with
others so that they can turn their life's to God so he
also live an exemplary life. He plays a vital role in
his extended family and although he is a Christian he
does not disregard the good culture and tradition of
his country and ethnic.
In deed he is a true Religious Leader of the Christian
religion who the young generation can truely learn

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