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summary 1


Emigration of nurses from the Caribbean; the case of Trinidad and Tobago by Fernly Thompson went on
to discuss the movement of nurses by highlighting the history of nurses moving from the Americas and
the Caribbean. After the discussion the study looked at varying factors that would influence the influx
and outflow of the nursing professionals to and from Trinidad and Tobago. the nursing situation in
Trinidad and Tobago has shown that the present nursing crisis is not a new occurrence but evolved over
the years. There is no coherent analysis of the emigration of nurses from Trinidad and Tobago available.
this study could Identify the critical issues which have contributed to the present issue. A general
weakness in the Caribbean is the lack of timely and reliable data. Some of the main push-factors
identified in the present study are for nurses to emigrate are; Inadequate remuneration and benefits,
Unfavorable working conditions, Lack of management and leadership, Insufficient training and
professional development, Insufficient career-perspectives, Under-utilization of acquired skills, Burn-out
due to increased workload as a consequence of resignations, Lack of recognition of profession. Should
also be noted that the pull factors have become stronger over the decades with more incentivization by
the recruiting companies. Data collection for this study was sought out through varying organizations
and avenues that recorded numbers of graduated and practicing midwives and nurses as well as
estimated graduating nurses. Data was also collected from the nursing registrars such as NCLEX and
other institutions such national census and labour board using a quantitative approach by gathering all
the relevant numbers and forming tables to highlight the main findings to be discussed. The design of
the study was cross sectional as it looked at the data and referenced previous years data tying it back to
the present study. In sum, this paper examined the emigration of nurses from the
Caribbean over the last 50 years with a focus in Trinidad and Tobago. It tries to
assess the scope of the outflow of nurses by drawing on data available in
Trinidad and Tobago and in the two main destination countries, the United
States, and the United Kingdom. As relevant was data was difficult to attain
they would have used a convenience sampling method that would collect most
the data required from the different sources. There method of data collection
was a statistical analysis. The researcher would have gathered the relevant data
from the sample to analysis discuss and identify trends to reach a conclusion.

This source was sought after with the use of scholarly websites, cyphering
through looking for the most relevant that woold pertain to migration of nurses in
Trinidad and Tobago.

Source ; Emigration of Nurses from the Caribbean: the Case of Trinidad and Tobago | Caribbean
Dialogue (
Discussion points sum 1

 The main finding for this study was that due to the present issue of nurses leaving the main
causes were Some of the main push-factors that cause nurses to emigrate from the country such
as; Inadequate remuneration and benefits, Unfavorable working conditions, Lack of
management and leadership, Insufficient training and professional development, Insufficient
career-perspectives, Under-utilization of acquired skills, Burn-out due to increased workload as
a consequence of resignations, Lack of recognition of profession. Another finding was that pull
factors have become stronger and more favorable with more incentivization by foreign
recruiting companies.
 This sourced had strength in identifying trends and generalizing with the use of the quantitative
research method.
 As it pertains to the findings the study was able to utilize the quantitative research method to
adequately identify all relevant and sensible reasons that enable nurses to want to migrate. The
study also highlighted that factors from decades prior and as of recent have remained and have
even been strengthened.
 The theory acted more as a guide for the type of research process to be used. But overall, the
quantitative research process beneficial to dull tilling the study outcome.
 A main weakness of the piece when reviewed would be the lack of reliable data as the
Caribbean does not record the migration data strictly. Another weakness would be the lack of
qualitative data as it would have additional benefits to look at different perspectives when it
pertains to issues mentally which also cause migration to be a sought.
Summary 2

On the Retention of Younger Nurses Louise Tourigny1*, Vishwanath V Baba2 and Terri Lituchy3

On the Retention of Younger Nurses, had a focus on the retention of younger nurses primarily in
Trinidad and Tobago. Its main objective to investigate the problem that is faced in the country whereby
younger hospital based registered nurses are at risk of leaving the country altogether. The study
focusses mainly on the occupational mental health as well as the job attitudes of the nurses to look at
varying reasons or factors that contributes to turnover intentions by these younger nurses. They
primarily focus on the age difference between the younger and older nurse populations looking at
turnover intention across the age groups which included the younger, middle aged and older nurse
population. The study overall aim was to compare across the age groups to determine whether nurses
differ in terms of antecedent turnover. The study main objective was to identify reasons why younger
nurses decide to quit working in the hospital. The study conducted was a cross sectional study design
with analysis of trends and the relevant sample population with collated survey data using existing
instruments. Sample was a convenience sample that was sought out in the participating hospitals. The
sample comprised of 252 hospital nurses. The sample was divided into three categories. The youngest
group composing of nurses between the ages of 18 and 35years of age. The middle-aged group
composing of nurses between 36 and 45 years of age and the older group composing of nurses between
46 and 65 years of age. The method of data collection used a researched developed questionnaire which
were distributed the varying hospitals to the nurses who were there at the time provided that they
consented to participate in the study. The responses were completely anonymous and consent forms
were filled out informing them of their rights as a participant. The researchers after analysis of the data
yield results that shown that the younger nurses are at more risk leaving the hospital providing
statistical findings revealing that high stress levels and feelings of inadequacy for the job role are the
most prevalent indicators for turnover intention by the younger generation of nurses. Should be noted
that stress, burnout and depression symptoms are significantly higher as well as job satisfaction and
organizational commitment are significantly lower among the younger nurses. Overall the study
highlighted some of the main issues why especially younger nurses are deciding to leave the hospitals
they are attached to look for other options abroad it was recommended that the need for training and
development programs that would consider the occupation mental health of nurses.

This sourced was sought after using scholarly websites such as google scholar for the most relevance to
the main topic of migration of nurses.

Source: extension://elhekieabhbkpmcefcoobjddigjcaadp/

Discussion points sum 2

 The main findings that were that the younger nurses are at more risk leaving the hospital
providing statistical proof revealing that high stress levels and feelings of inadequacy for the job
role are the most prevalent indicators for turnover intention by the younger generation of
nurses. Another finding is that stress, burnout, and depression symptoms are significantly higher
as well as job satisfaction and organizational commitment are significantly lower among the
younger nurses.
 This study had a lot of strengths when it came to statistical data representation which allow for
trends to be seen results to be yielded more effectively.
 The findings as it relates to the use of the quantitative research process was excellent in its yield
ad the main issues were derived from responses given by the participating nurses with the
 The proposed theory of the younger nurses wanting to leave local hospitals for employment
abroad or otherwise was proven with the research process as it provided a statistical analysis
approach that overall helped to from the estimated conclusions.
 Some weaknesses of this study included the without the use of qualitative methods
incorporated it failed to look past what was on the surface despite recommendations being
made for advocacy of occupational mental health.

While working on this wiki assignment, I have learnt that the scope of statistics goes beyond that
of a numerical set of values and formulae, but it also contributes to a much bigger horizon.
Statistics has much influence on what trends are perceived and what generalizations are made
based on the representative sample. This wiki assignment has taught me that the quantitative
viewpoint that statistics represent is very much important as it pertains to how we go about
conducting research and data collection. I can say that this assignment has been educating since
has allowed us to look beyond the face value of most phenomenon.

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