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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Region V (Bicol
G. Alban Street Iraya, Guinobatan, Albay

Subject: EDUC 204 (Educational Management) Professor’s Remarks:

Module No. 3
Date Submitted: MAY 25, 2024

Reflection Questions:

1. Discuss briefly the interplay between personal values and ethical decision-making
within the context of education. How do educator's values influence their ethical
choices and what implications does this have for creating an ethical learning

2. Discuss briefly the ethical implications of temptation and violations within the
realm of education. How do these ethical dilemmas manifest and what are the
potential consequences for educators, institutions, and students?

3. Examine the stakeholder perspectives on social responsibility corporate social

responsibility and corporate social performance within the realm of education. How
do various stakeholders, such as students, parents, teachers, administrators, and
the broader community, perceive the role of educational institutions in fulfilling
social responsibilities?

4. Explore the effectiveness and challenges of social responsibility initiatives to

promote sustainability within the environment. How do these initiatives integrate
ecological principles with social and economic considerations?

My answers:

1. Personal values play a big role in how educators make ethical decisions, especially
in education. Teachers often rely on their own beliefs and principles when making
choices. For instance, a teacher who cares about fairness might work hard to make

Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Region V (Bicol
G. Alban Street Iraya, Guinobatan, Albay

sure all students have equal opportunities, while a teacher who values high academic
standards might focus on challenging their students to excel.

When teachers' personal values match ethical principles, it helps create a fair and
respectful learning environment. This can lead to a positive atmosphere where
students feel valued and supported. But if teachers' values clash with ethical
principles, it can lead to problems like unfair treatment or lack of respect in the

To make sure classrooms are ethical spaces, teachers need to understand their own
values and how they affect their decisions. They also need to be committed to
following ethical rules, even if it means going against their personal beliefs
sometimes. This requires teachers to think about their actions, know themselves
well, and act professionally. By making ethical decisions, teachers can build a
positive environment that helps students succeed and encourages honesty and

2. In education, there are many ways people can do the wrong thing, like taking
bribes, showing favoritism, or copying others' work. These problems can cause big
problems for teachers, schools, and students. For instance, if a teacher takes money
from students, it can make students feel like they can't trust the school and might
make it hard for them to learn. Also, if a student copies someone else's work, they
might not learn how to think for themselves and could get in trouble with their
grades. Plus, when people break the rules, it can make the school look bad and even
lose money.

It's important for everyone in education to follow the rules and do the right thing.
Teachers should be fair to all students and not take any favors or money. Students
should do their own work and not copy from others. When everyone acts ethically, it
helps the school and the students succeed.

3. Different people have different ideas about what's important when it comes to
schools being responsible to society. Students might care a lot about getting a good
education and having what they need to learn. Parents might worry most about their

Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Region V (Bicol
G. Alban Street Iraya, Guinobatan, Albay

kids being happy and having a good future. Teachers might think it's really important
for students to learn how to think for themselves and solve problems. School leaders
might focus on making sure the school is stable and keeps getting better. And the
community might think about things like making sure everyone has the same
chances and taking care of the the environment. Each group has its own ideas about
what's most important.

Schools have to think about what all these different groups want and make decisions
based on that. Some schools might focus on giving all students the same chances,
while others might focus on helping the environment. Whatever they decide, it's
important for schools to listen to what everyone thinks is important. That way, they
can do their best to help students and make the community better.

4. Efforts to make the environment better through social responsibility are important
because they look at how things affect nature, people, and money. These efforts often
need different subjects and ways of teaching, and they need people from schools,
communities, businesses, and groups to work together to make sure students learn
the right things about taking care of the planet. For example, Oberlin College has an
Environmental Center that shows how to be sustainable and helps students learn by

Making the environment better through social responsibility means thinking about
the future and making sure there's enough clean water, protecting animals and
plants, making less trash, and using energy wisely. These efforts also help students
learn how to solve problems and be good citizens. But there are challenges, like not
having enough money or people not knowing enough about the issues or not wanting
to change.

To overcome these challenges, everyone needs to work together. Schools,

communities, businesses, and groups can help each other by sharing resources and
ideas. Also, students can learn a lot by being part of these efforts and doing things
like planting trees or reducing waste. Making the environment better through social

Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Region V (Bicol
G. Alban Street Iraya, Guinobatan, Albay

responsibility needs everyone to work together and come up with new ideas to make
it work.

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