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We are currently evaluating all aspects of our programs and incorporating the most up-to-date health and
safety standards. We’ll continue to make changes as new learnings and guidance evolves from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our program partners. Stay informed by visiting our website at and the Program Health and Safety FAQ document on the webpage. There you’ll find FAQs and procedural details highlighting our COVID-19 and
vaccination protocols.

Student Code of Conduct

Parent/Guardian/Legal Representative and Student understand that the Program requires the highest
standards of behavior. Student agrees to behave in a manner that will contribute to a sense of community
among all students and Envision by WorldStrides team members and foster an atmosphere of safety and
mutual respect.

Envision by WorldStrides has zero tolerance for physical, verbal, or virtual violence, bullying, cyberbullying,
harassment, hazing, sexual harassment, assault or violence, and inappropriate language. Students who exhibit
these behaviors will receive disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal from the Program in
accordance with this Student Code of Conduct.

Student agrees that Student will not:

• use or possess tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaping devices and products, alcohol, marijuana/edibles, other
controlled substances, or related paraphernalia during the Program;
• abuse prescription or non-prescription drugs, or use any other substances in any manner that may
be harmful to Student or to others;
• bring or use any weapons or items that might reasonably be used as or considered weapons,
including, without limitation, guns, pocket knives, knives, and other sharp instruments;
• engage in any threatening behavior including verbal, physical or digital/social threats or
• engage in any aggressive, hostile, intimidating, or disrespectful acts such as shouting, excessive
arguing, verbally or physically assaulting or harassing others;
• engage in trespassing, vandalism, or property damage;
• make comments regarding the race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression, physical abilities, or other personal characteristics of another individual;
• dispense medication to other students;
• create any physical or verbal disturbance that interrupts or interferes with the Program;
• engage in theft or shoplifting;
• gamble;
• take photographs, create video or audio recordings of other students, staff members, or other
individuals without the express consent of both the subject of the photograph, video, or audio
recording, and of the Envision staff member in supervision of the Student;
• possess, upload to social media, or distribute pornographic materials including any image or visual
depiction of sexually explicit conduct or nudity in digital, paper, or any other form or, engage in
offensive or nonconsensual touching, inappropriate gestures, indecent exposure, unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that
creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment during the Program.

Student Code of Conduct violations may also be considered illegal under federal and/or state law, especially
if the Student or Students involved are under the age of 18.

Questions? Call the Office of Admissions at (877) 587-9659 or (703) 584-9513 1

Student agrees to abide by venue or campus rules, established fire rules, safety rules and common safety
practices, in addition to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. Student also agrees to (1) follow the
instructions of the Envision team at all times; (2) arrive punctually to and participate in all Program activities;
(3) refrain from leaving the Program group at any time during the Program; (4) refrain from visiting/entering
sleeping rooms other than your own (5) abide by all Program nightly room check rules; and (6) abide by all
other rules of the Program including any additional conduct rules or requirements set forth in the Program
materials or conveyed by program staff on-site. Student agrees to report immediately to an Envision staff
member or administrator any violations of this Student Code of Conduct or other improper conduct of a fellow
student, staff member, or other individual. False accusations or allegations made in bad faith will not be
tolerated and are a violation of this Student Code of Conduct.

Parent/Guardian/Legal Representative and Student understand and acknowledge that if, in the sole discretion
of the Envision team, Student’s conduct, actions, or general behavior is deemed an infraction of this Student
Code of Conduct and/or any other conduct requirements reasonably known to Student, impedes the operation
or acts as a disruption of the Program or interferes with the rights, safety, or welfare of any person, such
conduct, actions, or general behavior may result in Student’s immediate dismissal from the Program, denial
of Student’s Certificate of Completion and college credit (if applicable), Student’s return home from the
Program at Parent/Guardian/Legal Representative’s sole expense, and forfeiture of all Program Tuition and
other amounts paid. Dismissed Students are not permitted to remain with the Program or at the Program's
residential facilities. Parent/Guardian/Legal Representative agrees to retrieve Student from the Program or
arrange for Student's immediate safe travel home upon receiving Envision's decision, in its sole and absolute
discretion, to dismiss Student from an Envision Program or Parent/Guardian/Legal Representative's decision
to withdraw Student from an Envision Program. Parent/Guardian/Legal Representatives are responsible for
any expenses incurred by the Student or Envision for supervision of the Student, housing or transportation
after dismissal or withdrawal.

Honor Code
As an Envision scholar, I will:
• Be RESPECTFUL – I’ll work to create a safe and comfortable environment for myself and my peers.
• Be RESPONSIBLE – I’ll hold myself to a high standard of conduct and expect the same from those
around me. I’ll be honest and forthcoming.
• Be SAFE – I’ll adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and behave in a way that ensures my safety and
those of others around me.
• Be ENGAGED – I’ll view problems as opportunities to learn as I engage with the program curriculum
and materials. Upon returning home, I’ll continue to model the principles for success identified during
the Program.

Bullying and Harassment

Envision has a zero tolerance policy for bullying and harassment. Envision staff have an obligation to promote
mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. Consequently, Envision prohibits behavior that infringes on the
safety of any student through bullying, violence, or threats of violence. Envision also prohibits harassment
based on real or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, disability, or other protected characteristic. Students and staff are expected to treat others with
courtesy, respect, and dignity and to comply with the Student Code of Conduct.

Letter of Participation and Certificate of Completion

One of the more tangible benefits students earn by attending an Envision program is a personalized Letter
of Participation that details their attendance at the program and describes the educational accomplishments
achieved. Letters of Participation can be accessed through the alumni section of our website following the
completion of the program. Students will receive information after completing the program with details on
how to access their Letter of Participation. Furthermore, all attending scholars who complete the program

Questions? Call the Office of Admissions at (877) 587-9659 or (703) 584-9513 2

will receive a personalized Certificate of Completion. Students will receive their Certificate of Completion at
the end of the program, and we encourage all students to keep this valuable document with their important
papers. The Certificate of Completion can also be accessed through our alumni section of our website
following the completion of the program.

Press Release (Optional)

You are encouraged to distribute a press release highlighting your program participation to local news media.
For your convenience, a Press Release is available to download on your page.

Health Information, Medication and the Medical Policy

Our program days will be long and demanding. Program days typically operate from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
and students will be participating in evening group meetings, including on arrival day. Students sometimes
experience minor digestive or respiratory discomfort due to the stress of travel and changes in diet and/
or environment. Should a student become ill during the program and unable to keep up with the scheduled
program activities, they are encouraged to notify a member of the Envision team. The team member will
provide the student with the options available for medical attention. Should a student need to see a medical
professional, they will be taken to an emergency room or urgent care facility. Envision team members are not
licensed to dispense medication or medical advice; however, they are prepared to make sure students receive
the medical attention they need from the appropriate resource.

Scholars should bring proof of insurance such as a photocopy of an insurance card, a letter issued by your
insurance company or a copy of the contract, or any other document which will give the detailed information
on the type and coverage of your insurance.

Please notify our Office of Admissions if special arrangements are required due to an existing medical
condition, allergy or special dietary considerations.

The following guidelines may help you stay healthy while traveling:
• If you take prescription medications, please make sure you have enough to last throughout your
entire trip. Bring a copy of the prescriptions as well as the generic names. Pack all prescription
medications in your carry-on bag. If your prescriptions require refrigeration, please contact our Office
of Admissions to make appropriate arrangements.
• All medications not prescribed and/or not absolutely necessary should not come to Envision. The
program is stocked with standard over the counter medications (i.e., Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen,
Diphenhydramine, Bismuth subsalicylate, triple antibiotic ointment). To comply with the Envision
Medication Management Policy (found on your page) and avoid delays at
customs, always use the original containers for over-the-counter and prescription drugs.
• Antacid, aspirin (or similar), throat lozenges, and anti-diarrheal medicine may be helpful to have while
• If you suffer from motion sickness, bring a preventive or a remedy.
• If you wear glasses or contact lenses, bring an extra pair.
• We discourage you from starting any new prescriptions immediately prior to the program.
• We recommend you avoid scheduling major dental work or surgical procedures just before the start of
your program.

Questions? Call the Office of Admissions at (877) 587-9659 or (703) 584-9513 3

Student Safety
The safety and well-being of students during the program is our highest priority. Students are required to stay
on-site throughout the program and wear a name badge at all times. Students will have 24-hour access to
the program management team through the emergency contact numbers provided on the back of their name
badge. Students are instructed to travel in groups of friends or with an Envision team member and attendance
is taken at the beginning of each group meeting. A nightly room check is performed to ensure all students are
in appropriate rooms prior to lights out.

Reminders for Safe Travel

When traveling, it is wise to follow standard security precautions as a means of preventing potential problems.
We suggest the following:
• Photocopy your government-issued ID. If traveling with a passport, photocopy the first few pages
of your passport, including the date and place of issuance. Also photocopy any visas you have, your
credit cards, and your airline ticket. Keep the photocopies with you but carry them separately from the
• Do not bring any unnecessary valuables with you, as there is always a chance of something happening
to the while traveling.
• Be aware of the possibility of pickpockets and bag snatchers. Do not carry more cash than your
needs dictate. Use discretion when counting or showing your money in public. We strongly suggest
debit or credit cards. Envision is not responsible for lost or stolen money.
• Remain aware of your surroundings. For your security, all Envision team members, including those at
the airport, wear name badges.

Conclusion of Program
If the person(s) picking you up on departure day changes from information submitted on the Mandatory Travel
Form, please contact us at the Program Helpline at least 48 hours prior to departure day. Any travel changes
must be authorized by the legal guardian, within 48 hours of departure day, via both verbal and written
permission (example: phone and email or phone and text).

At the conclusion of the program, each scholar is required to sign out with the authorized person(s) as listed
on their Mandatory Travel Form. Should travel challenges arise, please call the Program Helpline (number
found on the Housing, Registration and Travel Information document on your page)
for assistance. Please note: the person(s) authorized to pick up a student must have a government-issued
photo ID to check student out of the program.

Health and Safety Reminder

Please refer to the Program Health and Safety FAQ document for specific updates regarding student safety
protocols, reminders for safe travel, and check in/check out procedures.

Questions? Call the Office of Admissions at (877) 587-9659 or (703) 584-9513 4

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