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Traditional worshippers believe that the world was created by

A. An Ancestor
B. An Angel
C. A Lesser god
D. A supreme being

2. Plants were created by God mainly to

A. Serve as a means of transportation
B. Blow fresh air into our rooms
C. Provide oxygen for man
D. Provide decoration to homes

3. Muslims describe Allah as Al- Raheem because, He is

A. merciful
B. All-Knowing
C. Just
D. The restorer

4. The attribute Alpha and Omega reveals that God is

A. Everywhere all the time
B. Holy and immortal
C. The beginning and the end
D. Gracious and merciful

5. Abraham built an altar for the Lord at the Oak of Moreh because
A. It was a Canaanite worship centre
B. God had appeared to him there
C. He wanted to worship God there
D. God asked him to do so

6. The spiritual leader who was also a successor of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) was
A. Sheik
B. Caliph
C. Imam
D. Hafiz

7. Egya Ahor was honoured with the Ahobaa festival because of his
A. Good Leadership
B. Magical Deed
C. Killing of the beast
D. Death for the land

8. Toha Zie became famous because

A. He was considered as a god
B. Of his exploits in war
C. He was a hunter
D. He saved his people from beasts

9. The day Jesus rose from the dead is celebrated by Christians as

A. Ascension Day
B. Pentecost Day
C. Good Friday
D. Easter Sunday

10. The Bugum festival of Dagbon is also referred to as the

A. Totem Festival
B. Yam festival
C. Rice festival
D. Fire festival

11. The moral virtue revealed in the Islamic festival of Eid-ul-Adha is

A. Obedience
B. Steadfastness
C. Love
D. Honesty

12. Puberty is a period of passage from

A. Conception to birth
B. Childhood to adulthood
C. Adulthood to death
D. Birth to early childhood

13. A strong emotional change noticeable among adolescents is

A. intelligence
B. selfishness
C. rebellion
D. obedience

14. Which of the following traditional practices can dehumanize the individual?
A. widowhood rites
B. festival rituals
C. funeral rites
D. libation prayers

15. Islamic practice of worship (Ibada) is based on the

A. Six teachings of Uthman
B. Nine rackets of salat
C. five pillars of islam
D. seven events of hajj

16. The word Amen is useful in Christian and Islamic prayers because it
A. Ensures confidence in the prayer
B. Reveals God’s promises
C. Attracts blessing to people
D. Enforces the request

17. Which group of believers usually conclude their prayers with a curse?
A. Traditionalists
B. Muslims
C. Buddhists
D. Christians

18. The practice of throwing stones during hajj is to

A. Achieve goals for the pilgrimage
B. Protect Muslims from death
C. Open the way to prosperity
D. Keep the devil away

19. Ablution before salat ensures

A. Receipt of prayer request
B. Purity in communion with Allah
C. Peace with Allah always
D. Health sanitation in the community
20. A child is said to be courteous when he or she
A. Offers gifts to friends
B. Converses with adults
C. Is admired by the peers
D. Gives help to the needy

21. When provoked, one needs to control tempers by showing

A. Decency
B. Courtesy
C. Comportment
D. Dignity

22. A chaste life can be attained through

A. Intensive book reading
B. Eating a vegetarian diet
C. The practice of self-discipline
D. Regular church attendance

23. Which of the following situations is an effect of immorality?

A. Humble life
B. Focus in life
C. Teenage pregnancy
D. Peer Influence

24. Jesus advised mankind in the parable of the good Samaritan not to
A. Violently rob people
B. Neglect the sick
C. Discriminate against people
D. Beat up enemies

25. Lazy people get old very fast. This means that hard work brings about
A. Great wealth
B. Comfort
C. Development
D. Good health

26. A person is said to be righteous when he or she

A. Accept different viewpoints
B. Tries to be loving and holy
C. Attends religious meetings
D. Lives a morally good life

27. The Qur’an teaches that anyone who does not show mercy will not
A. Go To heaven
B. Enter the mosque
C. Live a peaceful life
D. Be shown mercy

28. Commitment to God involves the show of

A. Humility and hope
B. Courage and love
C. Respect and compassion
D. Faith and obedience

29. Good deeds are performed so that

A. Society will expand
B. God’s command might be fulfilled
C. People might be helped
D. Gifts might be received

30. The main aim of a reward is to

A. Accept our duties and responsibilities
B. Help the poor out of their problems
C. Reinforce the habit of repeating goods deeds
D. Encourage people to speak good English

31. Which of the following conditions is not a fruit of repentance?

A. Prosperity
B. Love
C. Peace
D. Forgiveness

32. A father shows commitment to the family by

A. Traveling with his wife outside the country
B. Being punctual at work and helping others
C. Being steadfast at prayer and sacrificing
D. Treating dependants with patience and tolerance

33. The nuclear family system consists of

A. Parents and children
B. Siblings and cousins
C. Grandparents and children
D. Parents and cousins

34. Which of the following statement is not true about the extended family system?
A. Parents, children and uncles are members
B. Grandparents nephews and children are members
C. All members come from the same mother
D. Nuclear family members and the aged uncles are members

35. The Akans believe that their sacred stool is the abode of the
A. Supreme being
B. Dwarfs
C. Lesser gods
D. Ancestors

36.Which of the following objects can be found in an Islamic religious home?

A. Cross
B. Rosary
C. Amulet
D. Tasba

37. To succeed in academic work the individual needs to engage in serious

A. Prayers
B. Farming
C. Discussions
D. Learning

38. A manager is said to be corrupt when he or she

A. Acts dishonestly for personal gains
B. Promises to offer jobs to the unemployed
C. Punished an employee for fighting
D. Gives money for a fair trial
39. Visits to tourist centres help students to
A. Pass their examinations
B. Become more adventurous
C. Overcome stress and boredom
D. Make more friends

40. The Tuofo and the Dentsifo Asafo Companies are associated with the
A. Aboakyir festival
B. Akwambo festival
C. Homowo festival
D. Odwira festival

41. The first book in the Bible is

A. Deuteronomy.
B. Exodus.
C. Genesis.
D. Revelation.

42. Which of the following is a traditional puberty rite?

A. Akwambo
B. Damba
C. Dipo
D. Fetu

43. A Muslim must offer prayers

A. four times daily.
B. five times daily.
C. six times daily.
D. seven times daily.

44. Which of the following people was not a disciple of Jesus?

A. James
B. Mathew
C. Paul
D. Peter

45. The first thing to do when you enter a house is to

A. offer prayers.
B. identify yourself.
C. offer greetings.
D. locate the landlord.

46. Which of the following is not a duty of a child?

A. Preparing meals
B. Paying bills
C. Sweeping the compound
D. Fetching water

47. The nuclear family consists of father, mother and

A. aunties.
B. cousins.
C. children.
D. grandparents.
48. In order to live in harmony with members of our community, we must be
A. brave.
B. corrupt.
C. greedy.
D. obedient.

49. A major source of conflict among members of a community is through

A. creativity.
B. laziness.
C. hardwork.
D. misunderstanding.

50. A person is said to be tolerant when the person is

A. kind.
B. patient.
C. responsible

51. Which of the following options is the main role of Asafo companies?
A. Entertaining the society
B. Installing of Paramount Chiefs
C. Promotion of tourism
D. Defense of the community

52. According to the Ewe myth on creation, Mawu could not create more human beings because
A. Clay was scarce.
B. He was very tired
C. Man was disobedient
D. People were too many on earth

53. Which of these creations of God provides security and protection for man?
A. Goat
B. Dog
C. Cock
D. Parrot

54. The Patriarch who took his brother’s birth right and blessings was
A. Essau
B. Joseph
C. Jacob
D. Isaac

55. Proper use of leisure helps the individual to

A. Do God’s work
B. Earn money
C. Remove boredom
D. Work hard

56. The Kundum festival is celebrated by the

A. Dagomba
B. Fante
C. Krobo
D. Nzema

57. Repentance promotes peace in society when the sinner

A. Accepts the punishment given
B. Appeals against the judgement given
C. Pray for peace and unity
D. Stops repeating the offence

58. In traditional societies, anything that is forbidden is regarded as

A. Holy
B. Spiritual
C. Taboo
D. Totem

59. To cut down on funeral expenses, the family must

A. Bury the corpse as early as possible
B. Preserve the corpse in the house
C. Serve the mourners with only one type of drink
D. Use local music to entertain mourners

60. The Gye Nyame symbol represents God’s

A. Kindness
B. Love
C. Omnipotence
D. Omiscience

61. The extended family is important because it provides

A. The spirit of hard work
B. Counselling in the community
C. Labour for farming activities
D. Environment for peaceful marriage

62. A courteous student is many a time

A. Intelligent
B. Hard working
C. Remorseful
D. Tolerant

63. To achieve success in examination, one has to engage in

A. Fasting
B. Hard work
C. Prayers
D. Smartness

64. Living a decent life can earn you

A. Promotion
B. Respect
C. Success
D. Wealth

65. Chastity before marriage ensures

A. Birth to healthy children
B. Good family planning
C. Respect to your spouse
D. Trust between spouses

66. Healthy relationship among family members promotes

A. Development in the community
B. Fulfilment of God’s commandment
C. Success in academic activies
D. Spiritual and moral development

67. The saying that money flies imply, money

A. Can be spent easily
B. Can take you anywhere
C. Is controlled by the devil
D. Should be used wisely

68. One way of showing commitment to God is by

A. Being tolerant to others
B. Dying for the nation
C. Making family members happy
D. Studying the scriptures

69. To relax and recover lost energy, one needs to

A. Check his or her pressure
B. Eat a well-balanced diet
C. Engage in healthy exercises
D. Have enough leisure

70. Muslims are to make pilgrimage to Mecca at least

A. Once a year
B. Once in a life time
C. Twice in five years
D. Twice in a life time

71. A practice that is common to the three major religions in Ghana is

A. Animal sacrifice
B. Regular prayers
C. Respect for taboos.
D. Scripture studies.

72. The Muslim woman puts on veil in order to

A. Avoid attacks from rapists
B. Avoid exposure to the public
C. Hide her true identity.
D. Protect herself from the rays of the sun

73. Students obey the commandments of God to portray His

A. Faithfulness
B. Patience.
C. Love.
D. Mercy.

74. Good deeds are rewarded to

A. Promote peace in the society
B. Instill kindness in people.
C. Making people courteous
D. Encouraging people to behave well.

75. Muslims believe that God's messages to his prophet were declared through His
A. Angels.
B. Caliphs
C. Divinities
D. Imams

76. Greeting one another is good because it

A. Leads to love for all.
B. Leads to spiritual purity.
C. Opens up conversation.
D. Shows one's religion.

77. To communicate to the object of worship on behalf of someone, one has to offer a prayer of
A. Confession.
B. Intercession.
C. Thanksgiving.
D. Adoration.

78. Money must be carefully handed because it

A. Can buy expensive things.
B. Can easily get missing.
C. Can make a person happy.
D. Is expensive to print.

79. Girls who undergo puberty rites often get good husbands because responsible man
A. Appreciate pretty and wealthy girls.
B. Like morally sound girls.
C. Love attractive religious girls.
D. Love well educated girls.

80. People who are committed to the defense and development of the society are described as
A. Politicians.
B. Patriots
C. Vigilantes
D. Soldiers

81. The ban on noise making that is observed before the celebration of Homowo is to ensure that
A. People abstain from sex.
B. There is peaceful period for reflection.
C. People respect the authority of the gods.
D. The chief priest communicates with the gods.

82. A situation that cannot result in death is

A. Accident.
B. Fasting.
C. HIV and AIDS.
D. Poisoning.

83. One virtue that can be emulated from the lives of Egya Ahor and Tweneboa Kodua is
A. Justice.
B. Love.
C. Hard work.
D. Respect.

84. The rite which ushers the individual into adulthood is

A. Engagement.
B. Marriage.
C. Outdooring.
D. Puberty.

85. To become a successful leader, one to be

A. Literate.
B. Tolerant.
C. Highly religious.
D. Very complacent.

86. Failure to do classwork can affect or performance and result in punishment such as
A. Dismissal.
B. Fines.
C. Reprimand.
D. Suspension.

87. The seeds that feel along the path in the Parable of the Sower were
A. Blown away by the wind.
B. Eaten by birds.
C. Chocked by thorns
D. Scorched by the sun

88. To avoid drug abuse, the student must

A. Exercise the body frequently.
B. Keep off bad friends.
C. Respect teachers and friends.
D. Attend worship meetings regularly.

89. At Eidul-Fitr, Muslims thank God for

A. A peaceful hajj celebration
B. A successful Ramadan fast.
C. Promoting unity and brotherliness.
D. Travelling mercies during the year.

90. Ghanaians can live together peacefully if the

A. Avoid inter-ethnic marriages.
B. Practice religious tolerance.
C. Pray very often.
D. Speak the truth.

91. Obedience to the law of the state can make us ……….

A. fearful and honest citizens
B. gentle and loving citizens
C. patriotic and good citizens
D. tolerant and good citizens
92. The purpose of the school rules and regulations is to ………
A. get pupils punished.
B. encourage pupils to become pastors.
C. promote good conditions for work.
D. reward obedient pupils.

93. Laws which guide the behavior or actions of people in society are …….
A. rights.
B. obligations.
C. rules and regulations.
D. freedom.
94. Which of the following religious leader believed to be born with a talisman at hand?
A. Jesus Christ.
B. Prophet Mohammed.
C. Okomfo Anokye
D. Nana Osei Tutu I
95. What did Mawu use to create human beings according to the Ewe story of creation?
A. Clay and blood.
B. Water and blood.
C. Water and clay
D. Blood and plants
96. In advising the youth, the elderly usually ends with the proverb …….
A. patience moves mountains.
B. a rolling stone gathers no moss.
C. a child cracks snails and not tortoise.
D. a word to a wise is enough.

97. As for those who abuse believing men and women unjustifiably, they will definitely bear
the guilt of slander and blatant sin. This Qur’anic verse teaches against ……….
A. outburst of anger
B. impatience
C. teasing and mischievousness
D. laziness.

98. According to Proverbs chapter 11, the use of false balance is ………
A. a delight in the eyes of God
B. makes us smart in business.
C. will help us make wealth.
D. an abomination before God.

99. In Ghana, the main statutory body that takes care of the pension needs of people is ……….
A. Bank Ghana
C. Ghana Commercial Bank.
D. Pensions House.
100. Caliph Abubakar led prayers in the lifetime of Prophet Mohammed because the prophet …….
A. was tired.
B. was sick.
C. wanted to test him.
D. had travelled.

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