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Citadel International School

Class: Six (6)

Term: Three (3) Date: ………………………………………….

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives
1. Bonjour is ……………
A) Good morning B) How is it? C) I am fine D) how are you?
2. Comment ça va? is……………
A) How are you? B) How is him? C) How are they? D) thank you
3. “Ça va trés bien merci” means ……………
A) I am Fine thank you B) Fine C. Thanks D) good bye
4. “Merci” means………
A) see you soon B) Come here C) Go away D) Thank you
5. Et vous? Means……………
A) And you? B) And them? C) And her? D) and
6. “Je vais aussi bien”means ……………
A) I am also fine B) He is fine C) We are fine D) she is fine
7. Où vas tu? ………

A. Where are they going B Where is he going C. Where are you going D. where are you
8. “Je vais” ……………
A) I am going B) You are going C) He is going D) they are going
9. “Aurevoir” means……………
A) Good bye B) Good boy C) Good D) see you
10. “Bon arrive” means……………
A) Thank you B) Well done C) Welcome D) Very well
11. Which of these is “le sac” in English?
A) the bag B) the chair C) the table D) the door
12. What is “la pomme”?
A) the banana B) the apple C) the orange D) the pear
13. How do you say “please” in French?
A) bonjour B) s’il vous plaît C) merci D) oui
14. What does “au revoir” mean?
A) hello B) goodbye C) thank you D) please
15. Tu _____ un vélo la semaine dernière.
A) ai B) avais C) aura D) aviez
16. Which of the following is “la table”?
A) the chair B) the table C) the bag C) the bag
17. How do you say “orange” in French?
A) jaune B) rouge C) orange D) vert
18. What does “non” mean?
A) yes B) no C) please D) thank you
19. Which number is “cent”?
A) 50 B) 70 C) 40 D) 100
20. What is “le crayon”?
A) the pen B) the pencil C) the ruler D) the book
21. What does “s’il vous plaît” mean?
A) hello B) please C) thank you D) goodbye
22. Which color is “rouge”?
A) red B) blue C) green D) yellow
23. How do you say “banana” in French?
A) banane B) pomme C) poire D) fraise
24. What is “la porte”?
A) the door B) the window C) the chair D) the table
25. Ama _____ au restaurant avec tes amis.
A) vais B) vas C) allez D) va
26. What does “aujourd’hui” mean?
A) today B) yesterday C) tomorrow D) now
27. What is “la chaise”?
A) the chair B) the table C) the bag D) the door
28. Which of these is “le poisson”?
A) the cat B) the dog C) the fish D) the rabbit
29. How do you say “two” in French?
A) un B) deux C) trois D) quatre
30. What is “le stylo”?
A) the pen B) the pencil C) the ruler D) the book
31. Which of these is “le verre”?
A) the cup B) the plate C) the spoon D) the fork
32. What does “deux” mean?
A) one B) two C) three D) four
33. How do you say “green” in French?
A) vert B) bleu C) jaune D) rouge
34. What is “la fenêtre”?
A) the door B) the window C) the chair D) the table
35. Which of these is “la banane”?
A) the banana B) the apple C) the orange D) the pear
36. What does “hier” mean?
A) today B) yesterday C) tomorrow D) now
37. Les enfants _____ au parc.
A) vais B) vas C) allez D) vont
38. How do you say “cat” in French?
A) chien B) chat C) poisson D) lapin
39. What does “demain” mean?
A) today B) yesterday C) tomorrow D) now

40. Il _____ un livre.

A) a B) avons C) avez D) ont

Answer these questions
1. Comment t’appelles tu?
2. Quel est ton nom?
3. Quel est ton prénom?
4. Quel est ton nom de famille?
5. Quel âge as tu?
6. Où habites tu?
7. Quelle est ta nationalité?
8. Quelle est ta profession?
9. Quelle Ecole frequente tu?
10. Quelle classe fais tu?
Fill the table below.

Masculine Feminine Meaning






Complete these sentences with Le, la, L’, Les

1. ……………livre est sur ……….. table

2. ……………… enfant dort sur un lit
3. Où est …………….. stylo?
4. Komlan est …………… frére de Koomson
5. …………….. mére de Tony est arrive franee

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