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Honourable Speaker I present the entering Budget 2024 as 25 the India economy has witnessed

profound provision in the last 10 years. The people of India are looking ahead to the future hope and
achievement. That presume of our Government under the and becoming leadership of Honourable
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi resume the office in 2014 the country was facing enormous
challenges. With Sub Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas and these moderate Government as it. The Government
overcame those were undertaken and more primarily. Condition were credited for more numbers for
employment and the economic got the food to develop started reaching the people at sale. The
country thought a nuisance of purpose and hope naturally the people that the /Government with the
physical mandate. In the second terms our Government under the leadership of Honourable Prime
Minister double down and respect country with comprehensive development of all people and all
reasons. Our government strengthen it is Matra to Sub Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas and Sub Ka Viksit.
Our development varied cover on all namely social democratic group a ways of all status of
the social and critical inclusively through development of all reasons of the country. With the hold of
nation approach of Sub KA prayas the country over came a challenges of one in the century talking
took long attempt. To change al let ahead for the milartry carry. As a result and young country as I
suppuration trying to in this present and hope convincing for an approach future. We aspect that our
Government work will be behest against by the people with the mandate. Our human and exclusively
approach to develop as marked and deliberated deplore. From the up to villages leave. Development
progress in the last 10 years have targeted each and every household and never through Housing for
all. Her Charan Dal electricity for all cooking gas for all bank country and financial service for all. The
food have been literate through free Ration for as across people minimum support prices of the
approach and the increased preferably. These and the provision of basic necessity have compromises
real income in the rural areas.
Our Government is working with approach to develop that is all around of progressive and all
inclusive. It is cover of cast and people at all level. We are working to make India and Viksit Bharat by
2047 for achieving that goal we need to improve people capability and empowered them. Social
justice was mostly a political system. But our Government social justice and necessary a Government
model. The approach of covering of an eligible as a true and comprehensive achievement of the
social justice. This secularism om assumption reduces corruption and present and ensure that
eligible to all people. The resources are that of their social standing get assist to where addressing
systematic in equality and the have claim are social. Out come and not an out less so that the social
command transmission as achieved. As our Prime Minister formally people we need to focus of fair
major against. Poor women youth and farmers and their welfare of our highest priority. The progress
when they progress or more require and recive performance service in our quest to better their life.
Their empowered and well take the country forward. We people in powering the poor.
The earlier approach of tackling poverty through empower partner in. Governments partners
to assist them also increasing many forces with the presence of Sub KA Sath in these 10 years. The
Government have been assets 25 crores people to get freedom form multi terminal poverty. Our
Government effort are now getting with energy and passion of such empowered people. This true
them form poverty direct benefit travel of Rs. 25 crores from eh Government using P.M Jan Dhan
Yojna of Rs. 2.7 lakhs crores of the Government this has been realised to avoidance to prevalent
here. There are some kind of that way we should do the same like the real world in the P.M related in
the right way very close in that observation in the real like in kind of the. Account. The servicing have
helped in provide more fund for Janta Dal P.M” SVM Niti has been provided credit assistance to 70
lakhs starrier voters. From that total 2.3 lakhs have received credited for the third time now. P.M Jan
Man Jojna Reaches our to the particular be tribal group and have to all development so far.


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