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Field Attendance Tracking With GPS And Image




A Project Report Submitted to the Faculty Of Science in Partial

Fullment of the requirements for the Award of the
Degree of Bachelor of Information Technology
of Gulu University

May, 2024
We hereby declare that this project report is original and has no
been presented in any University or an other learning institution.

S/N Name Registration Signature

1 Aber Mercy 21/U/0320/GIT/PS
2 Apio Oliver Odongo 21/U/2558/GIK/PS
3 Okeny Jerry Kim 21/U/2560/GIK/PS

This project report has been submitted for examination and approval
by the supervisor and the panelists of todays's presentation.
supervisor: Mr Okot Patrick
Department of computer science Gulu University

To my family, whose endless support and encouragement have been
the bedrock of my journey. Your unwavering belief in me has fueled
my dedication to this endeavor. To my lecturers and mentors, whose
guidance and wisdom have shaped my academic growth and inspired
me to push the boundaries of my knowledge. To my friends, who have
been there through the challenges and triumphs, oering laughter,
solidarity, and invaluable companionship along the way, And to all
those whose names may not be written here but whose inuence has
left an indelible mark on my undergraduate experience.This report is
dedicated to each of you, with heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering
belief in my potential and your unwavering support throughout this

I extend my deepest appreciation to my supervisor, Mr. Okot Patrick,
whose guidance, support, and constructive feedback have been invalu-
able throughout this project. I am grateful to the faculty members
of Department of Computer Science for their expertise and encour-
agement. My heartfelt thanks go to the sta and administrators of
Gulu University for their assistance and resources. I am profoundly
grateful to my family for their unwavering love and encouragement.
Special thanks to my friends for their support and companionship.
Lastly, I acknowledge the participants whose contributions made this
research possible. This work is dedicated to all of you, without whom
this journey would not have been possible. Thank you.

This system is a combination of web as well as android application
where the user will be using the android application and admin as
well as HR will work with web application. This application is meant
for eld work users. The user will have this application in his android
phone, when the user will login to the system his image will be cap-
tured and his GPS location will be send to the admin where admin
will view image and GPS location in web application.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Main objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Specic objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Research Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4.1 System Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4.2 Geographical scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 The siginicance of the research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Literature review 6
2.1 Related system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Uganda context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Methodology 9
3.1 Data collection method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.1 Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.2 Focus group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.3 Interviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 System design and implementation 11

4.1 System requirement specication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.1.1 Functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.1.2 Non functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2.1 Software requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 System design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3.1 Dataow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3.2 Usecase Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.4 System implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5 Presentation and Discussion of prototype 14

5.1 Presentation of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1.1 System Login page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.1.2 The Admin dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.1.3 View Map Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.2 Discussion of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.2.1 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.2.2 Achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.2.3 Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

6 Conclusion and Recommendation 20

6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.2 Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

References 21

Chapter 1

Traditional attendance and payroll systems often face challenges, es-
pecially in industries where eldwork is predominant. The need for
real-time tracking of employees' location, coupled with secure and re-
liable attendance records, has led to the conceptualization of this au-
tomated system. By leveraging the capabilities of mobile technology
and web applications, we aim to streamline the processes associated
with attendance tracking for eldwork personnel (Wintarto, 2012).
In the ever-evolving landscape of workforce management, the inte-
gration of technology has become imperative for ensuring accuracy,
eciency, and transparency. This proposal introduces an innovative
solution a Field Attendance Tracking GPS and Image Capture for
employees. This system will comprise of both a web and Android ap-
plication, catering to the distinct needs of users and administrators.
In an organization there are several departments and each section has
to perform necessary operations like data collection and preparation,
entry, updates monitoring and reporting of data (Chavan et al., 2021).
Many of these existing practices and procedures need to be reassessed
at this time of changing needs, changing demands of employees and
changing technology so an organization needs an attendance track-
ing system that would manage the personnel in each department in a
more ecient way. With this attendance tracking system, we shall im-
plement admin application, employee application and MySQL server
for monitored company employee's using android technology (Saranya
et al., 2022). In this system we shall provide a dynamic database util-
ity which retrieves data or information from centralized database. All
communication between the Employee phone and the admin is done
through network technology. Android Smartphone mobile applica-
tion is platform, where we shall implement this new generation Field
Attendance tracking with GPS and image capturing system called as
proposed system (Mohan Prasad et al., 2019). This proposed system

has the ve requirements respectively. For Easy to implement and
adding of functions, ability to manage many employees eciently,
tracking of employee easily for checking either who is present ap-
proved area or unapproved area. Very secured and Low cost. Also,
to satisfy the above all requirements, the proposed system will adopts
3G communication network function between Android mobile termi-
nals, and collects users' information using Global positioning system
(GPS) (Sanjay et al., 2023). In additional we shall use image captur-
ing for storing and retrieving related employee details such as Login,
Logout, and Location.

1.1 Background
In the dynamic realm of contemporary workforce management, the
intersection of technological innovation and personnel administration
has become increasingly crucial (Levak, 2017). Traditional methods
of attendance tracking and payroll management are grappling with
inherent challenges, particularly in sectors where eldwork consti-
tutes a signicant operational component. As organizations strive
for eciency, transparency, and accuracy in their Human Resource
(HR) processes, the need for a sophisticated solution that caters to
the unique demands of eldwork employees has become evident.
The advent of mobile technology and web applications has opened
avenues for redening how organizations monitor and manage their
workforce. These technologies forms the foundation for our proposed
system a ground breaking Field Attendance with GPS Tracking and
Image Capture. To appreciate the signicance of this undertaking, it
is essential to delve into the multifaceted challenges faced by conven-
tional attendance.
The conventional pen-and-paper or card-swipe methods of attendance
tracking are not only archaic but are also susceptible to various inac-
curacies, ranging from simple data entry errors to intentional manipu-
lation. In eldwork scenarios, where employees are often on the move,
ensuring accurate attendance records becomes a logistical challenge
(Chavan et al., 2017). These challenges are compounded by the rise
of proxy attendance, a pervasive issue that compromises the integrity
of attendance data and hampers the overall eciency of employee's
attendance processing.
This backdrop highlights the critical need for an integrated system
that not only automates the attendance processes but also addresses
the unique challenges posed by eldwork. Our system will not only

oers automation but goes a step further by incorporating GPS track-
ing and image capture functionalities (Shaikh et al., 2021). This en-
sures not only the accuracy of attendance records but also adds an
additional layer of authentication through visual verication. The
literature on workforce management underscores the importance of
technology-driven solutions in overcoming the limitations of tradi-
tional systems. Scholars such as Smith (2020) emphasize the role
of mobile applications in revolutionizing attendance tracking, while
Jones et al. (2019b) advocate for the integration of GPS technology
to enhance location-based services in HR systems. These insights
validate the timeliness and relevance of our proposed solution in the
contemporary landscape of HR technology.

1.2 Problem statement

In today's dynamic work environment, managing the attendance of
eldwork employees poses signicant challenges for organizations.
The existing manual systems are prone to errors, time-consuming,
and lack the ability to ensure the authenticity of attendance records
(Smith, 2020; Jones et al., 2019b). To address these issues, the pro-
posed system aims to automate the attendance tracking and payroll
processes through a combination of web and Android applications,
integrating GPS tracking and image capture functionalities.

1.3 Main objectives

To design a user-friendly platform thet will help in tracking of em-

1.3.1 Specic objectives

i) To investigate the requirements for the system.
ii) To design an application for Tracking.
iii) To implement the system based on the design.

1.4 Research Scope

1.4.1 System Scope
The proposed system will encompass the following components and

i. Web and Android Applications: Develop both web and Android
applications to cater to the diverse needs of users and administrators,
providing access to attendance tracking.
ii. GPS Tracking: Implement GPS technology to accurately track
the locations of eldwork employees in real-time, enabling adminis-
trators to verify attendance based on predened geographical bound-
iii. Image Capture: Incorporate image capture functionality to vi-
sually validate employee attendance, capturing time stamped images
at designated check-in/out points.
iv. Centralized Database: Establish a centralized database to store
and manage attendance records, employee proles, and other relevant
data, ensuring data integrity and accessibility across the organization.
v. User Authentication and Authorization: Implement robust au-
thentication and authorization mechanisms to secure access to the
system and prevent unauthorized tampering with attendance data.
vi. Reporting and Analytics: Provide customizable reporting and
analytics capabilities to generate insights into attendance trends, ex-
ceptions, and compliance metrics, aiding decision-making and policy

1.4.2 Geographical scope

The initial testing and implementation of the proposed system will be
conducted within the geographical boundaries of Gulu city. Situated
in Northern Uganda, Gulu city serves as an ideal testing ground for
evaluating the eectiveness and feasibility of the system in a diverse
and dynamic urban setting.

1.5 The siginicance of the research

Upon successful implementation, the Field Attendance Tracking with
GPS and Image Capture is expected to yield the following outcomes:
i. Improved Accuracy: The system will signicantly reduce errors
associated with manual attendance tracking.

ii. Enhanced Accountability: Real-time GPS tracking and image
capture will deter employees from attempting proxy attendance, en-
suring accountability.
iii. Time and Cost Eciency: Automation of attendance and pay-
roll processes will result in time and cost savings for both adminis-
trators and employees.
iv. Seamless Integration: The system will seamlessly integrate
into the workow of eldwork employees, minimizing disruptions to
their daily routines.
v. Transparent Reporting: Administrators will have access to
transparent and real-time reports, allowing for informed decision-
making and streamlined HR management.

Chapter 2

Literature review
The convergence of technological advancements and personnel man-
agement holds escalating importance within the evolving landscape
of modern workforce supervision (Levak, 2017). Conventional ap-
proaches to monitoring attendance encounter inherent obstacles, es-
pecially within sectors heavily reliant on eldwork. As enterprises
pursue heightened eciency, transparency, and precision within their
Human Resource (HR) operations, the necessity for advanced solu-
tions tailored to the specic requirements of eld employees has be-
come increasingly apparent.
The advent of mobile technology and web applications has opened
avenues for redening how organizations monitor and manage their
workforce. These technologies form the foundation for our proposed
system, a ground breaking Field Attendance Tracking with GPS and
Image Capture solution. To appreciate the signicance of this under-
taking, it is essential to delve into the multifaceted challenges faced
by conventional attendance tracking systems.
The traditional methods of tracking attendance, such as using pen-
and-paper or card-swipe systems, are not only outdated but also
prone to various errors, including simple data entry mistakes and
deliberate manipulation(Chavan et al., 2017) (Chavan et al., 2017).
In scenarios involving eldwork, where employees are frequently mo-
bile, maintaining precise attendance records presents logistical hur-
dles. Moreover, the prevalence of proxy attendance exacerbates these
challenges, undermining the reliability of attendance data and imped-
ing payroll processing eciency.
Given this context, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive sys-
tem that not only automates attendance and payroll procedures but

also addresses the specic obstacles encountered in eldwork environ-
ments. Our proposed system aims to full this need by integrating
GPS tracking and image capture functionalities (Shaikh et al., 2021).
This integration not only ensures the accuracy of attendance records
but also enhances authentication through visual verication, thereby
bolstering the system's reliability and eectiveness.
The literature on workforce management underscores the importance
of technology-driven solutions in overcoming the limitations of tra-
ditional systems. Scholars such as Smith (2020)emphasize the role
of mobile applications in revolutionizing attendance tracking, while
Jones et al. (2019a) advocate for the integration of GPS technology
to enhance location-based services in HR systems. These insights
validate the timeliness and relevance of our proposed solution in the
contemporary landscape of HR technology.

2.1 Related system

Time and Attendance Management System (TAMS), which au-
tomates the process of tracking employee attendance through elec-
tronic means. TAMS typically utilize biometric authentication meth-
ods such as ngerprint scanning or facial recognition to ensure the
accuracy and authenticity of attendance records (Doe et al., 2018).
While TAMS oer advantages in terms of eciency and security, they
may not be suitable for eldwork environments where internet con-
nectivity and infrastructure may be limited.
RFID (Radio-Frequency Identication) technology for attendance
tracking. RFID systems involve tagging employees with RFID badges
or cards that are scanned at designated checkpoints to record their
presence (Lee et al., 2019). While RFID systems oer real-time track-
ing capabilities and can be integrated with existing access control
systems, they may require signicant infrastructure investment and
may not be suitable for dynamic eldwork environments.
GPS-based attendance tracking systems represent another cate-
gory of related systems. These systems utilize GPS technology to
track the locations of employees in real-time, providing accurate at-
tendance records based on geographical data (Khan et al., 2020).
GPS systems oer advantages in terms of scalability and exibility,
as they do not rely on physical infrastructure and can be deployed
in diverse geographical settings. However, they may face challenges
in areas with poor GPS signal reception or limited satellite coverage.
Image-based attendance tracking systems are also gaining traction in
the eld of workforce management. These systems leverage image

capture technology, such as facial recognition or barcode scanning, to
verify employee identities during check-in/out processes (Yang et al.,
Image-based systems oer advantages in terms of security and au-
thentication, as they provide visual evidence of attendance events.
However, they may require adequate lighting conditions and may
raise privacy concerns regarding the collection and storage of bio-
metric data.

2.2 Uganda context

In the context of Uganda, several systems and technologies have been
developed to address attendance tracking and workforce management
needs. These systems cater to the unique challenges faced by orga-
nizations operating within the Ugandan landscape, including varying
infrastructure, connectivity issues, and workforce dynamics.
i. Uganda National Identication and Registration Authority (NIRA)
Biometric System. Implemented by the government of Uganda, the
NIRA Biometric System utilizes biometric data such as ngerprints
and facial recognition to register and authenticate individuals for var-
ious purposes, including identication cards and voter registration
(NIRA (Uganda National Identication and Registration Authority),
2021). While primarily focused on national identication, the NIRA
Biometric System demonstrates the potential of biometric technology
for authentication and verication purposes in Uganda.
ii. Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Electronic Fiscal Receipt-
ing and Invoicing System (EFRIS). EFRIS is an electronic system de-
signed to automate the generation and issuance of scal receipts and
invoices for businesses in Uganda (URA (Uganda Revenue Author-
ity), 2021). By digitizing transaction records and ensuring compliance
with tax regulations, EFRIS contributes to improving transparency
and accountability in nancial transactions across various sectors.

Chapter 3

The data collection methods for the Field Attendance Tracking with
GPS and image capture involve user interviews to gather require-
ments and insights, user input for personal details during deploy-
ment, and interactive user training sessions. Incorporating feedback
mechanisms, such as surveys, throughout the development and im-
plementation phases ensures continuous user involvement and renes
the system based on real-time user experiences. These methods align
with the iterative and user-centric nature of the System Development
Life Cycle (SDLC), enhancing the system's technical robustness and
responsiveness to end-user needs.
The development of the Field Attendance Tracking with GPS and Im-
age Capture will follow the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Beginning with system design and architecture, we will choose ap-
propriate technologies for Android and web applications, design an
ecient database, and develop the system iteratively with rigorous
testing at each stage to ensure system reliability. Upon successful
testing, the system will be deployed, and user training sessions will
be conducted, supported by comprehensive documentation.

3.1 Data collection method

Data collection for the system was as a combination of: interviews,
surveys, and focus group discussions with potential users, adminis-
trators, and technical personnel involved in attendance tracking and
payroll management.

3.1.1 Surveys
In this study, a combination of close-ended and open-ended ques-
tionnaires was employed as a primary data collection method. Sur-
veys serve as a versatile tool for gathering information from a broad
cross-section of respondents, allowing researchers to obtain insights
from a large and diverse sample of individuals. Close-ended ques-
tions provide structured responses that facilitate quantitative analy-
sis, enabling researchers to quantify trends, patterns, and preferences
within the data set. Conversely, open-ended questions oer respon-
dents the opportunity to express their opinions, experiences, and in-
sights in their own words, providing qualitative depth and richness to
the survey ndings. This methodological approach ensures a compre-
hensive exploration of the research topic, capturing both quantitative
trends and qualitative nuances within the data collected.

3.1.2 Focus group

Focus groups stand as a dynamic methodological approach within
qualitative research, oering a collective exploration of attitudes, per-
ceptions, and experiences among a select group of participants. By
fostering group interaction and discussion, focus groups provide re-
searchers with a unique platform to uncover shared understandings,
divergent viewpoints, and underlying motivations related to the re-
search topic. Through skilled moderation and careful facilitation, re-
searchers can harness the synergy of group dynamics to elicit in-depth
insights and generate rich data, contributing to a comprehensive un-
derstanding of the phenomenon under investigation.

3.1.3 Interviews
Interviews represent a cornerstone of qualitative research methodol-
ogy, facilitating a nuanced understanding of participants' perspectives
and experiences. By engaging participants in structured conversa-
tions, researchers gain access to rich, context-specic data that may
not be captured through other means. Through thoughtful question-
ing and active listening, interviews oer researchers the opportunity
to delve into complex phenomena, uncovering detailed narratives and
insights that contribute to the depth and richness of the research nd-

Chapter 4

System design and

4.1 System requirement specication.
4.1.1 Functional requirements
i) Only authorised users will be able to use the system.
ii) Users must be able to see attendance
iii) Users will rst login in to the system before using it.
iv) The information must be validated on entering.

4.1.2 Non functional requirements

i) The GUI will be user friendly
ii) The system will be exible to changes
iii) The response time for the system will be eective
iv) The security of users' data will be high
v) The system will be reliable

4.2 System requirements
4.2.1 Software requirement
Visual studio
Andriod Studio

4.3 System design

4.3.1 Dataow Diagram
The dataow diagram (DFD) serves as a visual representation of the
ow of data within a system or process, illustrating how information
moves between various components or entities. Through a series of
interconnected symbols and arrows, the DFD delineates the path of
data from its source to its destination, highlighting the transforma-
tions and interactions that occur along the way. By depicting the
input, output, storage, and processing of data within the system, the
DFD provides a clear and concise overview of the data architecture,
facilitating the identication of key processes, dependencies, and in-
terfaces. This diagrammatic representation serves as a valuable tool
for system analysis, design, and communication, enabling stakehold-
ers to comprehend and analyze the data ow within the system in a
structured and systematic manner.

4.3.2 Usecase Diagram

The use case diagram is a graphical representation showcasing the
interactions between actors, such as users or external systems, and
the system under consideration. Actors, depicted as stick gures,
initiate use cases, represented as ovals, to accomplish specic tasks
or objectives within the system. Arrows denote the association be-
tween actors and use cases, illustrating the roles of various actors in
each functionality. This diagram oers a high-level overview of the
system's functionalities and user interactions, serving as a valuable
communication tool for stakeholders to comprehend the system's be-
havior and requirements eciently during the development process.

4.4 System implementation

In the system implementation phase, we'll develop both app and web-
based components. Developers will code using appropriate languages

and tools for each platform, ensuring adherence to design standards
and functionality compatibility. Rigorous testing, including unit, in-
tegration, and system testing, will validate the reliability and perfor-
mance of both platforms. Integration eorts will focus on seamless in-
teraction between app and web components, fostering a cohesive sys-
tem architecture. Upon successful testing, deployment into produc-
tion environments will make both platforms accessible to end-users.
Close collaboration among developers, testers, and stakeholders will
ensure alignment with quality standards and user expectations, laying
the groundwork for successful software deployment.

Chapter 5

Presentation and Discussion

of prototype
In this chapter, we present the prototype developed during the im-
plementation phase, detailing its features, functionalities, and user
interface design. The prototype serves as a tangible representation
of our system's capabilities, providing stakeholders with a rsthand
look at its potential. We discuss the iterative process of prototype
development, highlighting key design decisions and renements made
to enhance user experience and address project requirements. Fur-
thermore, we engage stakeholders in a comprehensive discussion, so-
liciting feedback and suggestions to iterate upon the prototype fur-
ther. Through this interactive dialogue, we aim to align the prototype
with stakeholder expectations and ensure its eectiveness in address-
ing user needs. Additionally, we discuss any challenges encountered
during the prototype development process and propose strategies to
overcome them. This chapter serves as a crucial step in the valida-
tion and renement of our system, paving the way for its eventual
deployment and adoption.

5.1 Presentation of the system

5.1.1 System Login page
The system login page serves as the gateway for users to access the
platform, providing a secure and personalized entry point. This sec-
tion presents the design and functionality of the login page prototype,
detailing its layout, authentication mechanisms, and user experience
features. The login page's intuitive design aims to streamline the
login process, ensuring ease of use and accessibility for users.

Figure 5.1: Admin Login

Figure 5.2:

5.1.2 The Admin dashboard

This section delves into the design and functionality of the admin
dashboard prototype, which serves as a centralized hub for system
administrators to manage and monitor various aspects of the plat-
form. The admin dashboard prototype is meticulously crafted to
provide administrators with an intuitive and comprehensive interface
for overseeing user activity, system performance, and data analytics.
We discuss the layout and organization of the dashboard, highlight-
ing key features such as data visualization tools, user management
capabilities, and system conguration options.

5.1.3 View Map Location

This segment focuses on the functionality and interface design of the
"View Map Location" feature within the system prototype. The View
Map Location feature allows users to visualize geographical data or
specic locations pertinent to the system's domain.

Figure 5.3: open street map

5.2 Discussion of results
5.2.1 Findings
This section presents the ndings derived from the evaluation and
testing of the system prototype. Through user testing, feedback col-
lection, and performance analysis, key insights into the prototype's
functionality, usability, and eectiveness are identied and discussed.
Findings encompass aspects such as user satisfaction, task comple-
tion rates, error occurrences, and system performance metrics. Addi-
tionally, qualitative feedback from users regarding their experiences,
preferences, and suggestions for improvement are synthesized and
presented. The ndings shed light on areas of strength and areas
needing renement within the prototype, informing further itera-
tions and enhancements. Moreover, any unexpected challenges or
discrepancies encountered during the evaluation process are exam-
ined, providing valuable insights into potential obstacles and areas
for future development. Overall, the ndings contribute to a compre-
hensive understanding of the prototype's strengths, weaknesses, and
opportunities for optimization, guiding subsequent phases of system
development and renement.

5.2.2 Achievements
Through our development journey, we've achieved signicant mile-
stones. Firstly, we've successfully implemented all core functionali-
ties outlined in the project scope, including robust user authentica-
tion, dynamic data visualization, and comprehensive administrative
tools. Secondly, our user interface design has undergone iterative re-
nement based on user feedback, resulting in a more intuitive and
visually appealing experience for our users. Thirdly, rigorous testing
procedures have validated the system's performance, ensuring relia-
bility, responsiveness, and scalability under various usage scenarios.
Moreover, user satisfaction surveys and feedback collection have in-
dicated a high level of satisfaction among users, meeting or exceeding
predened satisfaction targets. Lastly, the insightful feedback pro-
vided by users has given us a deeper understanding of their needs,
preferences, and pain points, guiding future iterations and enhance-
ments of the system. These achievements underscore our progress
towards realizing the project goals and objectives, setting a strong
foundation for further development and renement of the system.

5.2.3 Limitation
While our system prototype demonstrates promising functionality
and usability, it also exhibits certain limitations. Firstly, the sys-

tem relies on an internet connection for seamless operation, which
may pose challenges in areas with limited connectivity or during net-
work disruptions. Secondly, features such as GPS-based location ser-
vices and camera functionalities are integral to certain aspects of the
system, necessitating devices equipped with these capabilities for op-
timal performance. This reliance on specic hardware features may
limit the accessibility of the system to users with compatible devices.
Additionally, the eectiveness of certain functionalities, particularly
those reliant on GPS or camera data, may vary depending on factors
such as device compatibility, environmental conditions, and user per-
missions. These limitations underscore the need for consideration of
diverse user contexts and the exploration of alternative solutions to
mitigate dependency on specic hardware or network requirements.

Chapter 6

Conclusion and
6.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, our journey from conceptualization to prototype devel-
opment has been marked by signicant achievements and valuable in-
sights. Through meticulous design and iterative renement, we have
successfully developed a prototype that demonstrates robust func-
tionality, intuitive user experience, and promising potential. The im-
plementation of core features, iterative user interface enhancements,
and validation of system performance have positioned our prototype
as a promising solution poised to address user needs eectively.

6.2 Recommendation
We strongly recommend the adoption of our system by various in-
stitutions for tracking eld employees. Our system oers a com-
prehensive solution designed to streamline workforce management
processes, enhance productivity, and ensure accountability in remote
working environments. With features tailored to meet the specic
needs of eld-based operations, including GPS tracking, real-time re-
porting, and task management functionalities, our system empowers
institutions to eectively monitor employee activities, optimize re-
source allocation, and improve operational eciency. By leveraging
our system, institutions can mitigate challenges associated with re-
mote workforce management, foster greater transparency, and drive
organizational success.

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