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Honerable speaker I present the enterim budget for 2024 as 2025 as the India economy as

witnessed court found positive transformation in the last 10 years. The people of India are
looking a head to the future hope and optimism with the pasence of the people and the
government all and dinamic leader ship and Honerable Prime Minister shri Narendra modi
refused office and 2014. The country was facing anomitation challenges. With sub and this made.
The government have came those challenges in right allesed. Strengthend reforms were under
take court people program were valuable and condition were credit for more particular for
imployment and inprodency. The economy got a new werdict the crete was development
seperated reading the people and scale. The country a got neusence of purpose hope naturelly.
The people waist the government with a bigger mandate. In the section born our government
under leader ship of Honerable Primeminister doublled down of this responsibility to every
preservation of the country apprehention thought and people reasons. Our government
stregthening faced manter to Sab Ka Sath and Sab Ka Prayas and Sab Ka Vishwaas.
Our government philoshphy government of normally social through the wage of state the of the
society and technolohy and through development all of reasons of the country. With the whole of
nation approach and sab ka prayas the country for coming part of a waist in a centuary pendamic
took of struck towards Atm Nirbhar Bharat committed to part found for the as a result our under
country as side experience tried in this present and hope confidence the bright out. We expected
that our government best of this estublance work will be placed agree by people. With the our
sounding mandate. Our human and increasingly approach to development the import and trouble
on approach bringing the what turn leable. Development program in the last 10 years have
structed the each every house hold and i have through house for all. Jan electricity for the good
action for the panik kind and finencial service for all in regard time. The words about food have
been eleminated three free ration for ento court people the minimum support price in thhe and
india country are periodically increase appropriate this of the provision of the basic nesseity and
office under al in rural areas.
Our government is working with the approach to the development that is all round all and of
exclusive. Which govern all caste and people ate all lable to make India the vikshit bharate of
2020 of achivement that coal we need to improve people capablity and in power then. Previously
social justice want political secular for our government social affective and necessary
government model. The espeerious of order the all coming people as the true and comprehensive
achivement of social justice. This secularmist in again reduced corroption prevents nepotism.
There is open nest the assurance benifit are better to all ellegible people. The resources are
produced fairly of record less of there social standing get assist the particular. We are present
systamitic in equality that have sub out society. We fex of out come not all out less that the socila
achive. Our prime minister in need to fair for in caste. There poor human welth farmer the there
ned there espitaion and there well fare our price priority. The country program when they
progress of fair require and respect government service in there clause the per there life there the
powerment in will being will drive the country final. We believe in impowerment the poor.
The earlier approach of tackling poverty through intitlement and result in very most out come.
When the poor together the partner and devloping process. Government power to asssist to all
assist them also increase. With the persue the Sab ka sath in this 10 years. The government assist
25 crore to made freedom from made dinamic poverty. Our government this our now made the
affective with energy and fashion of such improve people. This duily the dweling with form
poverty break human present the made 24 crorre from the government using PM-JANMAN
agree much rupees 2.7 laks crore for the government. This has been realise through afoidendce of
poverty and earlier. The haveing as held in provide more than faced in out of the particularly
were liable driver keeping which have freedom out side the realise which development was so
Ritesh kumar

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