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Advanced End User Computing Educor ©




Advanced End User Computing Educor ©


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Advanced End User Computing Educor ©


1. About ICESA ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

2. Our Teaching and Learning Methodology ......................................................................................................... 7
Icons........................................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Introduction to the Module............................................................................................................................... 9
Module Information .................................................................................................................................. 9
Module Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Outcomes ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Assessment .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Planning Your Studies .............................................................................................................................. 13
4. Prescribed Reading .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Prescribed Book ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Recommended Materials ........................................................................................................................ 13
5. Module Content .............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.1 Unit 1: Advanced Microsoft Word 2016 .................................................................................................. 15
5.1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.2 Working with figures ....................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.3 Share and collaborate...................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.4 Inserting hyperlinks ......................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.5 Text boxes ........................................................................................................................................ 18
5.1.6 Drop caps ......................................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.7 The page layout tab ......................................................................................................................... 23
5.1.8 Line numbers ................................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.9 The design tab ................................................................................................................................. 26
5.1.10 Track changes .................................................................................................................................. 30
5.1.11 Comparing documents .................................................................................................................... 32
5.1.12 The references tab........................................................................................................................... 34
5.1.13 Cross references .............................................................................................................................. 38
5.1.14 Creating tables ................................................................................................................................. 44
5.1.15 Mail merge....................................................................................................................................... 49
5.2 Unit 2: Advanced Microsoft Excel ........................................................................................................... 66

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5.2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 67

5.2.2 To get started creating a Data Source in Microsoft Excel ............................................................... 67
5.2.3 Text to Columns ............................................................................................................................... 68
5.2.4 Concatenate .................................................................................................................................... 69
5.2.5 Data Validation ................................................................................................................................ 71
5.2.6 The IF Function ................................................................................................................................ 77
5.2.7 Charts............................................................................................................................................... 86
5.2.8 Pie Charts ......................................................................................................................................... 95
5.3 Unit 3: Advanced PowerPoint ............................................................................................................... 104
5.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 104
5.3.2 Slide Masters and templates ......................................................................................................... 105 Slide Masters ................................................................................................................................. 105 Templates ...................................................................................................................................... 106
5.3.3 Graphical objects ........................................................................................................................... 107 Formatting Drawn Objects ............................................................................................................ 107 Formatting Pictures, images .......................................................................................................... 109 Handling graphical objects ............................................................................................................ 111
5.3.4 Charts and diagrams ...................................................................................................................... 115 Using charts ................................................................................................................................... 115 Using Diagrams .............................................................................................................................. 117
5.3.5 Multimedia .................................................................................................................................... 119 Movies and Sound ......................................................................................................................... 119 Animation ...................................................................................................................................... 119
5.3.6 Enhancing productivity .................................................................................................................. 122 Linking and embedding ................................................................................................................. 122 Importing, Exporting ...................................................................................................................... 125
5.3.7 Managing Presentations ................................................................................................................ 127 Custom shows................................................................................................................................ 127 Slide show setting .......................................................................................................................... 127 Slide show control ......................................................................................................................... 129
5.4 Unit 4: Advanced Microsoft Access ....................................................................................................... 135
5.4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 136
5.4.2 The Navigation Pane ...................................................................................................................... 136

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5.4.3 Creating a Table ............................................................................................................................. 138

5.4.4 Input Masks ................................................................................................................................... 140
5.4.5 Entering Data in a Table ................................................................................................................ 141
6. References ..................................................................................................................................................... 149

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With over 21 years of legacy and thousands of successful graduates, ICESA has cemented its place in the sphere
of quality, affordable education. ICESA encompass the ideologies of our mission and vision and it is imperative to
adopt teaching and learning methods that shadows Professional Development, Quality Academic Content
Development, Conducive Teaching and Learning Environments, Enhanced Student Support and Development,
Experiential Learning and Continuous Quality Assurance initiatives. ICESA prides itself in implementing polices and
strategies that are not only achievable and sustainable but also effective.

At ICESA our Motto is, Success and Nothing Less and that is exactly what we aim to produce in our students lives.
We want to embark on an educational journey of excellence, creativity and cutting- edge digital learning. We
integrate both theoretical and practical teaching into our curriculum and we provide full and part-time
programmes to suit your lifestyle. Set yourself up for Success and Nothing Less in the competitive job market.

ICESA strives to provide vocationally, quality assured education, to provide economically active citizens. Teaching
and learning are the founding principles of the Institution.

• The development of relevant curriculum and syllabi that meet the needs and demands of industry

• To make The ICESA a private higher and further education Institution of repute by promoting teaching
and learning.

• To foster tolerance, spiritual understanding and multicultural attitudes promoting harmony among
learners and staff.

• To provide graduates with employable market related skills.

• To promote a culture of learning that facilitates innovative and critical thinking.

• Enhancing the capabilities of individual learners for personal development, as well as the requirements
of socio-economic development, and employment growth.

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ICESA strives to promote a learning-centered and knowledge-based teaching and learning environment. Teaching
and learning activities primarily take place within academic programmes and guide students to attain specific

A learning-centered approach is one in which not only lecturers and students, but all sections and activities of the
institution work together in establishing a learning community that promotes a deepening of insight and a
broadening of perspective with regard to learning and the application thereof. An outcomes-oriented approach
implies that the following categories of outcomes are embodied in the academic programmes:

➢ Culminating outcomes that are generic with specific reference to the critical cross-field outcomes
including problem identification and problem-solving, co-operation, self-organisation and self-
management, research skills, communication skills, entrepreneurship and the application of
science and technology.

➢ Empowering outcomes that are specific, i.e. the context specific competencies students must
master within specific learning areas and at specific levels before they exit or move to a next level.

➢ Discrete outcomes of community service learning to cultivate discipline-appropriate


ICESA accepts that students’ learning is influenced by a number of factors, including their previous educational
experience, their cultural background, their perceptions of particular learning tasks and assessments, as well as
discipline contexts.

Students learn better when they are actively engaged in their learning rather than when they are passive
recipients of transmitted information and/or knowledge. A learning-oriented culture that acknowledges
individual student learning styles and diversity and focuses on active learning and student engagement, with the
objective of achieving deep learning outcomes and preparing students for lifelong learning, is seen as the ideal.
Effective learning entails the engagement of students as active participants in the learning process, while
acknowledging that all learning must involve a complex interplay of active and receptive processes, the
constructing of meaning by the student, and learning with and from others. These principles are supported
through the use of an engaged learning approach that involves interactive, reflective, cooperative, experiential,
creative or constructive learning, as well as conceptual learning.

The icons below act as markers, that will help you make your way through the study guide.

Advanced End User Computing Educor ©

Additional information
Find the recommended information listed.

Case study/Caselet
Apply what you have learnt to the case study presented.

Examples of how to perform a calculation or activity with the solution
/ appropriate response.

Practice the skills you have learned.

Read the section(s) of the prescribed text listed.

Revision questions
Complete the compulsory revision questions at the end of each unit.

Self-check activity
Check your progress by completing the self-check activity.

Study group / Online forum discussion

Discuss the topic in your study group or online forum.

Think point
Reflect, analyse and discuss, journal or blog about the idea(s).

Video / audio
Access and watch/listen to the video/audio clip listed.

Advanced End User Computing Educor ©

Learn and apply these terms.



Welcome to advanced end user computing, your second module in your Diploma in Information Technology.

The Advanced End User Computing Programme is intended to empower learners with knowledge and skills
required to operate confidently in the Microsoft Windows End User Computing environment. The qualification
addresses the need in the workplace for nationally recognised qualifications which are based on units. It covers
mail merged, creating tables and adding calculations in word documents, formatting documents, creating invoices
and pay rolls using excels, creating mater slides using PowerPoint and lastly creating database systems using Ms
Access 2016.

Module Information
Qualification title Diploma in Information Technology
Module Title Advanced End User Computing
NQF Level 6
Credits 20
Notional hours 200

Module Purpose
The purpose of the qualification is to build the knowledge and skills required by learners in End User Computing.
It is intended to empower learners to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate
confidently in the Advanced End User Computing environment in the South African community and to respond to
the challenges of the economic environment.

The qualification addresses the need in the workplace for nationally recognised qualifications, based on unit
standards, which will allow learners with workplace experience in Advanced End User Computing to obtain
recognition for prior learning.

The qualification provides a framework for learners to develop skills that will enable them to become competent
in Advanced End User Computing. It introduces theoretical concepts of Advanced End User Computing and
requires the application thereof, to develop a range of skills that will enable learners to be better-informed
workers in their chosen industry. It provides a balanced learning experience that lays the foundation for access
to further education, lifelong learning and to productive employment.

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• Work with multiple documents within a word processing application.
• Format Text using a word processing application.
• Format paragraphs.
• Format Pages within an existing word processing document.
• Format an existing word processing Document.
• Templates are used and created to facilitate ease of use in future, by having de-fault options when starting
a new word processing document.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of spreadsheets.
• Create, open and save spreadsheets.
• Produce a spreadsheet from a given specification.
• Edit a spreadsheet.
• Print a spreadsheet using features specific to spreadsheets.
• Understand the principles of databases.
• Open and save a simple existing database.
• Produce and edit a simple database from given specifications.
• Data is entered into a simple database table from given specifications.
• Modify the design of a database table.
• Sort and search for records in a database table.


You will be required to complete both formative and summative assessment activities.

Formative assessment:
These are activities you will do as you make your way through the course. They are designed to help you learn
about the concepts, theories and models in this module. This could be through case studies, practice activities,
self-check activities, study group / online forum discussions and think points.

• DP Test 1
• DP Test 2
• Group Assignment
• Individual Assignment

You may also be asked to blog / post your responses online.

Summative assessment:
You are required to do one test and one assignment. For online students, the tests are made up of the revision
questions at the end of each unit. A minimum of five revision questions will be selected to contribute towards
your test mark.

• Mid -Year Examination

• Final Examination

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Mark allocation
The marks are derived as follows for this module:

DP Test 1 20%
Individual 20%
Mid-Year 20%
Exam + EXAM 50%
Group 20%
DP test 2 20%
TOTAL 100%

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Lesson Plan
The table below will give you an indication of which topics you need to prepare for class.

Week Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

1 Use a Graphical User Use a GUI-based word Use a GUI-based word
Interface (GUI)-based processor to create processor to enhance
word processor to merged documents. a document through
format documents. the use of tables and
2 Review and create Demonstrate Creating labels using
documents using a knowledge of and mail merge
Graphical User manipulate master
Interface (GUI)-based and subdocuments in
word processor. a Graphical User
Interface (GUI)-based
word processor.
3 Demonstrate an Creating invoices Creating payslips
understanding of the
principles of
4 Print a spreadsheet Use a Graphical User Using a Graphical User
using features specific Interface (GUI)-based Interface (GUI)-based
to spreadsheets spreadsheet spreadsheet
application to create application, enhance
and edit spreadsheets. the functionality and
apply graph /charts to
a spreadsheet
5 Ensure spreadsheet Use a Graphical User Use a Graphical User
integrity to enhance Interface (GUI)-based Interface (GUI)-based
reliability presentation presentation
application to prepare application to
and produce a enhance presentation
presentation appearance.
according to a given
6 Use a Graphical User Use a Graphical User Design complex tables
Interface (GUI)-based Interface (GUI)-based and queries using a
database application database application graphical user
to work with simple to solve a given interface (GUI) based
databases. problem. database to solve a
given problem

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Planning Your Studies

You will have registered for one or more modules in the qualification and it is important that you plan your time.
To do this look at the modules and credits and units in each module.

Create a time table / diagram that will allow you to get through the course content, complete the activities, and
prepare for your tests, assignments and exams. Use the information provided above (How long will it take me?)
to do this.

What equipment will I need? • Access to a personal computer and internet.

This module will take you approximately 200 hours to complete. The following table will give you an indication of
how long each module will take you.

Unit Number Hours

1 50
2 50
3 50
4 50


Prescribed Book
Advanced Topics in End User Computing, Book by M. Adam Mahmood, 2002

End-User Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4 Volumes) Steve Clarke (University of
Hull Business School, UK)

Recommended Materials
Video / Audio

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You are now ready to start your module! The following diagram indicates the topics that will be covered. These
topics will guide you in achieving the outcomes and the purpose of this module.

Please make sure you complete the assessments as they are specifically designed to build you in your learning.

Unit 1: Advanced Microsoft word

Unit 2: Advanced Microsoft Excel

Unit 3: Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint

Unit 4: Advanced Microsoft Access

Advanced End User Computing Educor ©

5.1 Unit 1: Advanced Microsoft Word 2016

This course is designed to help users who are familiar with Word’s basic
features take their skills to the next level. The topics covered include using
tools like styles, macros, templates, mail merge, and building blocks to
Purpose automate tasks.

Students will also learn how to create complex documents using tables, charts,
and various types of illustrations.
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
•Work with multiple documents within a word processing application.
•Format Text using a word processing application
•Format tools like styles, macros, templates, mail merge, and building
Specific Learning blocks to automate tasks.
Outcomes • Format Pages within an existing word processing document
• Format an existing word processing Document
• Templates are used and created to facilitate ease of use in future, by
having de-fault options when starting a new word processing
It will take you 50 hours to make your way through this unit.
Main Document It contains the text that does not change and also has
the merge fields that allow us to insert the
personalized information from data source.

Important terms Database source List of names and data in an existing list, like an Excel
and definitions spreadsheet, or your Outlook contacts list.
Mail Merge Mail merge consists in combining mail and letters and
pre-addressed envelopes or mailing labels for mass
mailings from a form letter.
Hyperlinks Is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to
jump to a new document or a new section within the
current document.
Drop caps A large capital letter used as a decorative element at
the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of a
drop cap is usually two or more lines

5.1.1 Introduction
Once you have studied this section, you should be able to gain a more detailed understanding of Word’s
capabilities and learn how to utilize these tools effectively for the creation of unique, professional projects. In
this advanced course we will also navigate from one tab to another, exploring the less prominent and more
advanced features of Word 2013.

In this unit, we will cover:

• Hyperlinks

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• Language Tools
• Cross-Referencing
• Line Numbers
• Watermarks
• Footnotes/Endnotes
• Citations/Bibliographies
• Captions
• Indexing
• Adding Comments
• Track Changes
• Accepting/Rejecting Changes
• Comparing Documents

5.1.2 Working with figures

Live Layout: As you make changes to a picture within a document, Word will show the position of the picture in
real time, as opposed to guessing what the image will look like upon resizing or rotating.

Alignment Guides: Word will now help you position objects exactly where you need them to be by incorporating
guides when moving objects to specific places within a document.

Layout Options: A button will appear at the top right of an object when it is selected. This button will allow you
to adjust text wrapping more easily.

5.1.3 Share and collaborate

Simplified Sharing: The share options allow you to invite people to work on a document with you. More
specifically, choose who you want to share with, and how you want to share (edit and read, or just read?).

Simple Mark-up: Users can now see “who changed what and when” while tracking changes. This makes revision
details easier to sift through.

Comments and Tracking: You can now reply to comments and have a discussion rather than having to delete
them. If you would like all changes to be tracked, you can enable a password setting so that editors won’t
accidentally turn off the tracking option.

PDF Reflow: You can now transform PDF files back into fully editable Word formats.

Read Mode: Reading Word documents is now more user-friendly, with the addition of column layouts, object
zoom options, as well as dictionary definitions and translations. The navigation pane has also been tweaked to
look more modernized. Also, check out the new web video integration, where you can embed YouTube content
directly into your documents.

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The Insert Tab allows you to insert items and illustrations into your document that go beyond plain text. In Word
Essentials we focused primarily on the Illustrations Group within this tab. In Advanced we will go more in-depth
with screenshots, hyperlinks, text boxes, quick parts, and drop caps.

Screenshots was introduced in Office 2010 and has made a reappearance in Office 2013. Screenshot allows users
to capture the screen as it currently looks, making it a portable image that one can place within the document.

1: Click the Screenshots dropdown menu, located at the far right of the Illustrations Group.

2: There are a few options available: a. you can capture the entire screen as is, or b. you can capture your screen
without the Word window that you are using as part of the image. c. If you only want to capture a small portion
of the screen, such as one icon on your desktop, then you can utilize the “Screen Clipping” tool. Select one of
these options by clicking once.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

3: Once you have selected a screenshot option, the portable image of your screen will be automatically inserted
into your document. Once the Screen Shots option is chosen, the entire computer screen will become faded (don’t
be alarmed, this doesn’t mean the computer is freezing) and your mouse pointer will turn into a crosshair. You
can drag this crosshair to select the portion of your screen that you wish to capture. This clip will be inserted as
an image into your document.

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5.1.4 Inserting hyperlinks

This function allows you to insert a hyperlink into your document. This is useful because rather than having to
copy and paste a website address from the document into your web browser, you and whoever else accesses
your document will be able to click the link in the document and immediately open the website.

1. Select the “Hyperlinks” button in the Links group.

2. A dialogue box will appear with several options for how to insert your hyperlink:
a. Select something from a folder, or
b. Select a website address from a list of your recently browsed websites, or
c. Select a recent file.
d. If you want to simply manually type in the website address that you would like to link to, then you may
do so by typing it next to “Address:” in the dialogue box.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

3. If you would like the link to appear as something other than the website address, then simply type a title
or display text next to “Text to display:” at the top of the dialogue box. For example, if the website address
that you selected to insert is “”, but you only want the link to appear as
“Facebook” then you would just type “Facebook” into the “Text to display:” space before clicking OK.

5.1.5 Text boxes

A text box is a moveable field where you can enter text, and apply formatting to that text that does not apply to
or affect the rest of your document.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

1. Place your cursor wherever you wish to insert the text box into your document. Click the “Text Box”
dropdown menu in the Text group within the Insert Tab.
2. Click a pre-determined text box, or select “draw text box.”

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

3. Once you have inserted your text box, you can resize it, move it around within your document, and
format the interior text according to your preferences.

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To position the textbox within the picture is really the same thing, except you may find that the simple textbox
might just be that…too simple for the picture you want to use (especially if you’re handing it in and a publisher,
employer, whoever wants a clean looking, fancy presentation).

1. Select the picture you want to use.

2. Chose “text box,” then choose a text box from the drop down menu.

3. To insert the textbox, you would repeat the same process that you used for the simple textbox. However,
you’d choose a fancier one.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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Then insert the austere textbox on or below the photo (depending which looks better) as seen below (both

1. With your text box selected, click the drawing tools.
2. Adjust shape fill, outline, and add effects in the shape styles group.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

3. Scroll down the “no fill” option.

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5.1.6 Drop caps

Drop Caps are an author’s favourite tool and for good reason too. The general purpose of inserting a drop cap
is to aesthetically enhance your document. For example:
“A young man, named Giovanni Guasconti, came, very long ago, from the more southern region of Italy, to
pursue his studies at the University of Padua. Giovanni, who had but a scanty supply of gold ducats in his pocket,
took lodgings in a high and gloomy chamber of an old edifice, which looked not unworthy to have been the
palace of a Paduan noble, and which, in fact, exhibited over its entrance the armorial bearings of a family long
since extinct.” (Rappacini’s Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne)


A young man, named Giovanni Guasconti, came, very long ago, from the more southern region of Italy, to pursue
his studies at the University of Padua. Giovanni, who had but a scanty supply of gold ducats in his pocket, took
lodgings in a high and gloomy chamber of an old edifice, which looked not unworthy to have been the palace of
a Paduan noble, and which, in fact, exhibited over its entrance the armorial bearings of a family long since
There will rarely be a time when a Drop Cap is necessary in a document. However, it looks great if it is
appropriate to the document you are creating.

1. Type at least the first paragraph of your document. Drop Caps can only be inserted once several lines
have been written.
2. Place your cursor at the beginning of the document (if that’s where you want your drop cap to be
inserted). Click the Drop Cap dropdown menu in your Insert Tab.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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3. You can choose between two Drop Cap options: “Dropped” or “In Margin”—the pictures next to these
options pretty accurately display what will happen if you choose either one. This will impact only the paragraph
that you have selected. Drop caps will not continue as new paragraphs are created.
4. Once you select a Drop Cap option, it will be inserted into your document at the beginning of the paragraph
you have selected. If the Cap is too big or not big enough, you can manually resize it by clicking and dragging
the corners of its box once it is selected.
5. Change other options by selecting Drop Cap options… in the Drop Cap menu.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

The following dialogue box should appear:

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

You can adjust the style of Drop Cap, change the font, adjust the lines to drop, and adjust the distance from text.

5.1.7 The page layout tab

The Page Layout Tab allows you to make alterations to the actual page that you are working with.

1. Click the Columns dropdown menu, located in the Page Setup group.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

2. Select the column division of your choice. When you select a division, that number of columns will be
applied to your entire document. Once these columns have been applied, you can adjust the size of each
column using the ruler.
3. If you are not satisfied with the five options in this dropdown menu, then click More Columns… at the
foot of the menu.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

4. This dialogue box allows you to customize the number of columns in your document. It also allows you
to choose whether to apply columns to your whole document, the rest of your document, or simply to
the area of text that you have selected.

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5.1.8 Line numbers

Line Numbers are a way for the writer and reader to keep track of how many lines there are. These typically can
be seen with poems in an anthology.

1. Located right next to the columns feature, you will see an option for page numbers. Click that and you will
be given a scroll down menu.

2. You will be given a list of options of how you’d like to position the numbers and the words.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

5.1.9 The design tab

A watermark is a faded stamp that appears in the background of your document. This function can be very useful
if you wish to brand your document with a message that sets it apart from an everyday piece of paper. For
example, messages like “SAMPLE,” “DO NOT COPY,” “CONFIDENTIAL” etc. can all be made immediately noticeable
by putting them on the document as a watermark.

1. Click on the Watermark dropdown menu in the Page Background group of the Design Tab.

Here you will see a variety of options for ready-made watermarks that Microsoft Word has provided for

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

2. Create a custom watermark by selecting “custom watermark…” in the watermark dropdown menu.

Clicking this will open the custom watermark dialogue box.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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3. This dialogue box will allow you to enter specific, custom text as your watermark, or even to insert an
image as your watermark. For example, if you are writing a letter or flyer around a certain holiday, you
can insert a holiday appropriate image that will lay washed out in the background of your text. Example

Keep in mind that you MUST have whatever picture you’re going to use already saved on your hard drive. You
CANNOT use clipart. However, if you do want clipart, visit the Microsoft website and you can download the clipart
to save on your hard drive.

Word allows you to apply a border to your document, to create a professional or a decorative look. To do so, click
Page Borders in the Page Background group of the Design tab. When you do this, the Borders and Shading
dialogue box will appear. (Pictured below:)

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

This box allows you to play with various border options, and adjust them to your needs. There are simple line
options, shadowing options, and options for more intricate border designs, which you can find in the Art
dropdown menu.

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The Preview area of this box allows you to see how your document will look with the borders in place. If you only
wish to apply a border to certain sides of the document, you can adjust this by clicking the four square buttons in
the Preview area.


The Review Tab helps you to make corrections and notations on your document so that you can have a polished
and well-edited finished product.

As you review a document you may want to make a side note without editing the main text of what you have
written. The Comments group within the Review tab allows you to do this. Comments serve as sort of virtual
sticky notes by letting you add or remove comments along the side of your document.

Step 1: To create a comment about a particular area in your document, click that part of the page so that your
cursor is in the area you would like to comment on.

Step 2: Click on the New Comment button in the Comments group within the Review Tab.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

Step 3: A sidebar to the left will appear which shows the latest revisions that you’ve made to your document. You
can see all your comments by clicking “Show Comments,” which would appear as below.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

These comments become visible in your document when you click “Show Mark-up” in the Tracking group of the
Review tab. You can select this option by clicking the first small dropdown menu in the Tracking tab, and selecting
“All Mark-up”

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

Once you have selected this, an extension will appear on the right side of your document, which will show all of
your comments and formatting changes.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

If you want to jump from comment to comment without scrolling around to find them, you can click the Previous
and Next buttons within the comments group to navigate through the comments that you have made throughout
your document. You can also delete comments as you go, if necessary.

5.1.10 Track changes

Track changes are important for when you have to send a document to someone to give feedback. A feature that
was new to Word 2010, Word 2013 also has the track changes. This allows you to make the changes in one
document while keeping the original document instead of having multiple documents.

For example, if you create a document and email it to your colleague for feedback, they can edit the document
with Track Changes on. When they send the document back to you, you can see what changes they have made,
and then choose whether or not to accept these changes.

To turn Track Changes on, click Track Changes in the Tracking group under the Review tab. Then select Track
Changes again in the dropdown menu that appears.

Once you have the Track Changes turned on, you will be given a few different options of how you want to make
corrections, as followed:

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

If you go with All Mark-up, you will have a document that will look like this:

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

However, if you go with Final, you won’t get the purple underlined words as you would for Final: Show Mark-up
and Original: Show Mark-up. The original, is obviously your original piece.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

Depending on what you’re working on, Word gives two different options to how you can view the document:
horizontal or vertical.

Step 1: Go to the Track Changes icon, then reviewing pane

Step 2: You will be brought to a drop down menu, as seen below:

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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If you would like to print a document with the tracked changes included, you can click List of Mark-up under
“Print” in the File tab.

5.1.11 Comparing documents

The Compare feature in the Review tab allows you to compare your revised document with the original document,
and also gives you the option of combining multiple revised documents into one final project.

1. Click the Compare button under the Review tab, and in the dropdown menu that appears, select
2. In the dropdown menu beneath “Original document,” select the file of your original document before
revision. In the dropdown menu beneath “Revised document,” select the file of your final document after
3. Click “OK.” A new window will appear, which, on one pane, will show your original document, your
revised document, and a third view that combines both documents to show what revisions have been
made. (Pictured on the following page…)

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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If you don’t want someone editing your piece for some reason or if there is a part that you don’t want edited in
any circumstances, Word 2013 has a protect feature that allows you to block authors (might not be available on
all computers) and/or restricting the editing.

In the Block Authors function, you block other authors from making changes to the text.

Here you can restrict how people edit or format parts of your document. You can also prevent formatting changes,
force all changes to be tracked, or only enable comments.
If you would like to restrict the editing on your document, it can be done in a few easy steps.
1. Click Restrict Editing. You will be brought to this side pane view:

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

2. Once you mark what you want done to your piece, you can click Yes… and when you send this piece off,
people won’t be able to change it or will have to change to your specifications.

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5.1.12 The references tab

The References Tab allows you to insert footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies.


Footnotes are reference citations that appear at the bottom of the same page that has the note number in
superscript. Endnotes are also reference citations except that they're all gathered together at the end of the essay
or book.


1. Type a sentence and if you need to cite, you will click endnotes under the footnotes tab.

An example would be:

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016


1. Use footnotes when you reference something using words or terms that people aren’t familiar with. You
will go to the references tab and click insert footnotes.

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Almost like the textboxes, captions are used to label a picture, chart or whatever else you will need to label.
However, unlike textboxes, it will only be labelled as “figure,” “table,” or “equation” like in the example below:

1: Go to the Captions tab and click the icon with the document with a picture on it.

2: You will be brought to a dialogue box and will be given options of figure, table or equation. Pick whatever
suits your needs best.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

5.1.13 Cross references

Cross references are for large documents and refer to items such as headings, figures, and tables by inserting a
cross reference such as “See Table 6 below” or “Turn to page 8.” Cross references are automatically updated if
the content is moved to another location. By default, cross references are inserted as hyperlinks.

For inserting cross references in Word 2013, make sure every picture is captioned because cross referencing only
works on inserting headings, bookmarks, captions in your document. As a heads up, if you have created footnotes,
endnotes, headings and page numbers, you will NOT be able to cross reference them.

1: In the document you just put captions in, you will be able to cross-reference. If you did not caption and have
no plans to (or will be captioning later, which I suggest opening NOW to caption before cross referencing), please
open up the document that you wish to cross reference.

2: Go to the Caption tab and you will see “Cross Reference” as the last option.

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Click the cross reference and you will be brought to the following screen.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

Indexes, in my opinion, are very useful and helpful not only for the writers, but for the readers as well. If you are
writing a book, a report, or whatever, the index is a list of keywords found in the document along with the page
number they’re found on. This can be used for Table of Contents as well.

1: Open the document you would like to index. The example I will use is of a finished manuscript and the author
wants to index it before sending off to the editor and publisher.

2: Locate the Index tab, and then click mark entry.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

Step 2: Select the phrase you want for the Main entry (as marked above in red). For this example I am going to
mark the Main entry as the poem For Clay

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

The text you selected is defaulted into the MAIN ENTRY and it is this text that appears in the index. If you want
some other text to appear, then just type that into the MAIN ENTRY. If you want to apply a more specific sub
entry, type that into the Subentry box. For example, a document on CATS entry could have SIAMESE and RAGDOLL
subentries. You can actually add a third level entry by typing a colon after the subentry and then typing the text
for the third level entry.

Also, you can change the font of your index, but this is a hidden feature. All you have to do is right click the Main
entry and you will be brought to a drop down menu that has the option for font.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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Word 2013 still incorporates the “Works Cited” help feature to make writing citations and bibliographies easier.

1: Go to Citations & Bibliography tab and before you click Insert Citation, make sure you have the style set to what
you want (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).

2: Once you have your style chosen, now you can click on Insert Citation:

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

3: Write the information for your source, as followed (I will use book and internet):

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

5.1.14 Creating tables

A table is made up of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and column is called a cell.
Tables are often used to organize and present information, but they have a variety of uses as well. You can use
tables to align numbers and create interesting page layouts.

Creating a Table
1) Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon
2) Click on Table
3) Highlight the number of columns and rows you’d like


4) Click Insert Table

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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5) Click the arrows to select the desired number of columns

6) Click the arrows to select the desired number of rows 7) Click OK

7) Navigating in a Table

Please see below to learn how to move around within a table.

Action Description
Tab key To move from one cell in the table to another.
When you reach the last cell in a table, pressing the
Tab key will create a new row.
Shift +Tab keys To move one cell backward in a table.
Arrow keys Allow you to move left, right, up and down.

Selecting All or Part of a Table

There are times you want to select a single cell, an entire row or column, multiple rows or columns, or an entire

Selecting an Individual Cell

To select an individual cell, move the mouse to the left side of the cell until you see it turn into a black arrow that
points up and to the right. Click in the cell at that point to select it.

Selecting Rows and Columns

To select a row in a table, move the cursor to the left of the row until it turns into a white arrow pointing up and
to the right, as shown below. To select multiple rows this way, drag the mouse down over the other rows once
you’ve selected one row.

To select a column, move the mouse over the column until you see a black down arrow and then click to select
that column. To select multiple columns, hold the mouse down when you click in the first column to be selected
using the black arrow cursor and drag over the other columns to select them.

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Selecting an Entire Table

To select an entire table, move your mouse over the table until you see the table selection icon in the upper-left
corner of the table and click on it to select the table.

When working within a table, the Table Tools tab appears in the Ribbon, and includes the Design and layout Tabs.

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

To Insert a Row:
1) Position the cursor in the table where you would like to insert a row
2) Select the Layout tab under Table Tools
3) Click either the Insert Above or Insert Below row buttons in the Rows & Columns group

To Insert a Column:
1) Position the cursor in the table where you would like to insert a column
2) Select the Layout tab under Table Tools
3) Click either the Insert Left or Insert Right column buttons in the Rows & Columns group

To Delete Columns or Rows:

1) Position your cursor in the row or column you would like to delete
2) Select the Layout tab under Table Tools
3) Click the Delete button in the Rows & Column group 4) Select either Delete Columns or Delete Rows

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Formatting a Table
Adding a Table Style:
1) Position your cursor in the table
2) Click the Design tab under Table Tools
3) Choose a style from the Table Styles group

To Shade the Cells/Table:

1) Position your cursor in the table, column or row
2) Click the Design tab under Table Tools
3) Click the Shading button in the Table Styles group 4) Choose a colour

To Add a Border to Cells/Table:

1) Position your cursor in the table, column or row
2) Click the Design tab under Table Tools
3) Click the arrow on the Borders button in the Borders group 4) Choose a border

To Merge Cells in a Table:

1) Select the cells that you would like to merge in the
2) Click on the Layout tab under Table Tools 3) Click the
Merge Cells button in the Merge group

Sorting Data in a Table

You can easily sort data in a table in either ascending or descending order.

To Sort Data in a Table:

1) Position your cursor in the table
2) Select the Layout tab under Table Tools
3) Click the Sort button in the Data group
4) Select the field to sort by
5) Select the order (ascending, descending)
6) Choose if your table has a header row (in the example below, the table has a header row)

Name Hours Worked

Mike 10
Ann 16
Steve 25
Michele 50

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Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

7) Click OK

Repeat a Table Heading on Subsequent Pages

When you work with a very long table, it will be divided into several pages. You can make adjustments to the
table so that the table headings appear on each page. Repeated table headings are visible only in Print Layout
view or when you print the document.

1) Select the Layout tab under Table Tools

2) Click Repeat Header Rows in the Data group
3) In the table, right-click the row that you want to repeat, and then click Table Properties
4) In the Table Properties dialog box, on the Row tab, select the Repeat as header row at the top of each
5) Click OK

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

Split a Table
Once you have a table in Word, you might decide to split that table into two or more tables. This way, you can
create smaller tables, or add text in between two tables.

1) Put your cursor on the row that you want as the first row of your second table. In the example table, it’s
on the third row.

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2) Select the Layout tab under Table Tools

3) Click Split Table in the Merge group

The table splits into two tables.

5.1.15 Mail merge

Mail Merge Components
In order to understand how mail merge works you need to examine the elements involved in the process. In any
mail merge, you'll deal with three different elements:

• Main Document – form letter, mailing label, envelope,

or directory
(a single document that stores addresses)
• Data Source – information such as names and
• Finished Documents – mail merge documents that can
serve as templates for future mailings.

The Main Document consists of: Information that is identical in

each copy, such as the main body text of a form letter. You
only have to type this information once regardless of how
many letters you intend to print.
• Placeholders for unique information. For example, in a
form letter, the address block and greeting name would be unique in each copy.

The Data Source consists of: Files or tables that contain the data (information) that you will use to merge data
into a merge document. The data will be the parts of the document that varies (names, addresses, etc.). Some
examples of data sources are Microsoft Word tables, Microsoft Outlook contact list, Microsoft Excel worksheet,
Microsoft Access database, or text files.

Finished Documents consist of: Merged main documents and data sources that create your final products (i.e.
labels, letters, and envelopes). They can then be used as templates for your future mail merge needs.

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Video / audio
Learn Mail Merge (Using Word 2016) in 5 minutes, By Kips Learner's
Channel, Access Date (30/10/2019)
Access and watch/listen to the video/audio clip listed.

Mail Merge Wizard

In Microsoft Word 2016, there are two different ways to complete the Mail Merge process. There is a wizard
which can assist with the mail merge process, or you can use the buttons on the ribbon. First we will walk through
the wizard. Then we will try it with the buttons on the ribbon.

To get started creating letters:

• Open a New Blank word document.
• Click on the Mailings tab.
• Click on the Start Mail Merge button.
• Click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.
• The wizard will open in the task pane to the right.
• The letters radio button is already selected in the task pane.

• Click Next: Starting document.

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• You can choose a document you currently have displayed in the

main Word window, start from a template, or choose an existing
document file. For class, select the Start from existing document and
the start from existing documents option will become
available. Click the Open button. Select the
MailMergeLetter.doc from the Mail Merge folder in the
Documents folder.
• Then click on Next: Select recipients from the bottom of
the task pane.
(Note: You can always go backwards by clicking on the
Previous links.)

• You will then be prompted to select your mail merge

recipients. You can choose an existing list, use your
Outlook mail contacts*, or type a new list.
(*If your Outlook mail is not configured, then you will not
be able to use this option.)

• Choose Use an existing list and click on Browse…

• The Select Data Source window will open. Choose your list
from its location on your computer. You can use an Excel
document, an Access table, or a list created in Word
(which we will cover later). For class, click on the Documents folder, open the mail merge folder, and
select the lettermailmerge.mdb. (If you would like to know how to create your
own Excel address list at home, see Appendix A.)

• Because we opened an access database, sometimes a dialog box will appear that will ask which worksheet
tab the information is located on. Make sure you are on the correct sheet and click on OK.

• The Mail Merge Recipients window will

open, asking which people on your list you
wish to include in this mailing. Uncheck
anyone you want to exclude. Then click on OK
to close the dialog box.
• Once you have chosen your data source you
must click on the Next:
Write your letter link at the bottom of the task
• Now we are going to insert the address
block, greeting line, first name, donation
amount and organization. Click on an empty spot

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of your document where you would like the recipient’s address to

• Then click on Address Block… from the task pane to the right.
• The Insert Address Block window will open and you can choose the
format of the name and address.

• After you click OK, you will see a place holder on the page that says, «Address Block». Once we get to the
next step you will see actual names and addresses in that space.

• Click in an empty space a few lines down so that we can insert a greeting line.

• Click on Greeting line… from the task pane on the right. Select the format for the name and the greeting.
If you don’t like the options they have given you, you can always type your own greeting in the box that
says “Dear” and your own punctuation in the appropriate box.
• Then click OK.
• You will see a place holder that says «Greeting Line».

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• The More Items field allows you to insert additional fields or

match fields from an existing database or spreadsheet file. Replace
the question marks with First Name, Donation Amount and
Organization. Highlight each question mark (?) and change it to the
appropriate field.
• Be sure to have the appropriate spaces before and after your

• Once the appropriate fields have been added to your letter it will resemble the example below:

Then click on the Next: Preview your letters link at the

bottom of the task pane .
Once the recipient fields have been set you can then
preview your letter with the fields populated. You have the
option to click back and forth from recipient to recipient and can even edit out selected

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• Notice that the fields are populated with your recipients.

• Once you have finished previewing your letters you must click on

The last step allows you to either print your letters or edit individual letters as needed.

NOTE: For class the entries are red but when printing you will want to
change the font color to match the rest of your letter.

To get started creating envelopes:

• Click on the New button on the Quick Access Toolbar or open a blank word document under File, New.
• Click on the Mailings tab.
• Click on the Start Mail Merge button and select Envelopes…
• In the Envelope Options dialog box, select the options you want, such as envelope size, font size, printer
feed method, rotation, and printer tray feed.
Then click OK.

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• Your page will become the same dimensions as an envelope. If you want to include a return address on
your envelope, type it in the upper-left corner of the document.
• Now we need to choose a recipient list. See the next page for creating a list using Microsoft Word.

To get started creating a Data Source within Mail Merge

• Click the Select Recipients button and then on type New

• Enter the information for your recipients across the row
and click New Entry to proceed to the next recipient.
• By selecting Customize Columns… you can add fields
relevant to your recipients like spouse’s name or suffix.
• The Customize Address List dialog box will appear. You
can add or delete fields and change the order in which
they appear.
• When you are done creating/editing your address list,
click on the OK button.
• Give your list a name and click on Save.
• To edit your list in the future, click on the Edit Recipient
List button once it has been selected as the list to use for
that document.
• In the window that opens, click on the name of the list
from the box in the lower left corner then click on the
Edit button.

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• Click the Edit Recipient List form the Start Mail Merge group.
• Click on Sort…
• Choose what column you want to sort by.
o For class, choose Zip Code.
• Then, click OK.
• Click OK again.

• Click the Edit Recipient List form the Start Mail Merge group.
• Click on Filter…
• Choose what column you want to sort by.
o For class, choose First Name. o Choose
contains o Type D. o Click OK.

• You will see a list of only recipients with the letter D in their first name.
• Click OK again to use these recipients only.

Back to Envelopes
• Click in the centre of the envelope towards the bottom and a text box
will appear. (Click around until you find it.)
• Make sure your cursor is blinking inside the text box and insert the
appropriate merge fields (Address block, Postal bar code, etc.) by
clicking on the buttons in the ribbon or select individual fields just like
you want them to appear on the envelope from the Insert Merge
Field button in the Write and Insert Fields group.
• Once you have inserted the appropriate merge fields you must click
on the Preview Results button from the Ribbon.

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Use the arrow keys on the Ribbon to view your

• From here you can print your envelopes by clicking on the
Finish & Merge button and on Print Documents… Insert your
envelopes into the printer the way you previously specified.

To get started creating labels:

• Click on the New button on the Quick Access Toolbar or open a blank word document under File, New.
• Click on the Mailings tab.
• Click on the Start Mail Merge button and select Labels.
• The Label Options window will open. Select your label brand and type
from the list. You can modify the dimensions by clicking on the
Details… button.
• If you do not see your label number listed in the box, click on the New
Label… button. You can measure your labels and enter the
information into the appropriate boxes.
• When all of your label options are selected, click on the OK button(s).
o for class, choose the 30 per page.
• Click on the Select Recipients button from the ribbon and select Use
Existing List…

• The Select Data Source window will open and you will be able to choose by going to the Mail Merge
Folder and selecting CustomerAddressLabels.xlxs. Make sure you choose the sheet labelled Adult Info.
When creating your Mail Merge labels, documents, etc. you can choose whatever list you would like
by navigating to another folder to find your list.
• The individual label spaces will be marked as «Next Record» (except the first one). Click on the empty,
first label. Click on the Address Block button from the ribbon and choose your address style (like we
did on page 4.)

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• Select the Update Labels button to copy the

formatting of your first label to all other labels. The
records will be marked as
«Next Record» «Address Block». DO NOT FORGET
• Click on the Preview Results button in the ribbon.
• Click on the Finish and Merge button in the ribbon
and then on Print Documents… Remember to put
your label paper in the printer, first!

A directory is a single document containing a catalogue or
printed list of addresses.
• Click on the New button on the Quick Access Toolbar or open a new blank document under File.
• Click on the Mailings tab.
• Click on the Start Mail Merge button and select Directory.
• Click on the Select Recipients button and select Use Existing List…
• The Select Data Source window will open. Click on Documents and open the Mail Merge folder. Select the
phonedirectory.xls document. Select Sheet 1 and click on OK.
• Place merge fields on the page as you would like them to appear in your directory. (In a phone directory,
the fields normally appearing are Last Name, First Name, Title,
and Phone Number).
o Click Insert Merge Field, choose First Name.
o Press the spacebar.
o Click Insert Merge Field, choose Last-named. o Press the
enter key.
o Click Insert Merge Field, choose Title. o Press the enter key.
o Click Insert Merge Field, choose Phone Number.

• Make sure you press the enter key a few times below the last item on the page so your directory items
will not be squished together.

Once you have inserted the appropriate merge fields you must click on the Preview Results button from the

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• To merge your directory into one document, you will have to click on the Finish & Merge button and
select Edit Individual Documents…
• A window will open, asking you which recipients you
want to include in the new, merged document. If you
want them all, make sure the circle next to All is
selected. Then click OK.

• Your new directory will appear in the new window.

o This is where you would type the title and make
any editing changes to this document that you
o Remember to save it before closing.

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Mail Merge Quick Tools

Microsoft Word has several quick tools that will allow you to create envelopes and labels

To access the
Quick tool, click
On the Mailings
Tab And then on
The Envelopes

Enter the delivery and return

Addresses Into the appropriate

To modify the font style of the

Addresses or select your
Printing options, click on the
Options… Button.
Do you remember the
Envelope options from Before ?
It’s the exact same thing.

• When finished selecting your envelope options, click on the Print button.

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• To access the quick tool, click on the Mailings tab
and then on the Labels button.
• Enter your address into the text box.
• Choose whether you would like a full page of the
same label or just one label. If you choose one
label you will need to select which row and column
to print it on.
• To select the correct label type, click on the
Options… button. The same Label Options window
we saw on page 8 will appear.
• You still have the option to customize the
measurements like before with the Details…
button. Select your label type and click OK.
• If you want to preview your labels, click on the new
document button. You can print from here.
• If you just want to print, you have no need to
preview, click on the Print button to print your

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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Check your progress by completing following the self-check activity.

2. Open “Customer Letter ” and “Reply to Customer” word
documents on your folder

3. On “Reply to Customer” word document perform the following

i. Select “CAR PARTS” make it Bold, Underline and cantered.
ii. Insert Shadow boarders with grey shading at 15% on the
Reply to Customer word document “Part Cost”
iii. Insert today’s Date underneath Mr. TJ Engrains in this
format DD-MM-YYYY
iv. Underneath NB remove “greater or equal” and insert (≥)
symbol as well as the word “Dollar” and insert the
appropriate symbol.
v. Hyphenate the “Disclaimer” section only using Automatic
Hyphenation and place it inside a textbox.
vi. Change your character Spacing in “Contact People” to be
vii. Set Tab to be left align to “1” for “Contact People” and
“1.5” for the list of people provided.
viii. Apply numbering to the “Part Cost” i.e. 1-4
ix. Change page layout from “Landscape” to “Portrait”
x. Insert a page break after “Contact People
xi. Cut the picture found in “Reply to Customer” and Paste it
into the header section above “CAR PARTS”. Add page
number as footer.
xii. Save “Reply to Customer” document using your (Name
Surname Student-number/ ID) e.g. Izo Lulu_202
4. Close the document
5. Open document named “Letter to Client” and save it as a template
and call it “Client Letter Template”

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Check your progress by completing the self-check activity.

1. Describe the following terms used when merging documents:
a) Main document

b) Data source

c) Merged document

2. Open “Letter to Client Template”

3. Create a mail merge letter, using Letter to Client Template as the
main document and Type a new Address List as the data source NB
(Refer to the Annexure section B for a data that should be on the
data source)
4. Perform relevant activities in the: “Insert field” line section shaded
in grey
5. Complete the: and section in the document
6. Save the data source and your word document on your folder
as Merged Letter-Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo

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Working with Tables

1. Open “Purchase Report” on your Folder
2. Place the information found underneath “The following table shows
yearly sales from 2005-09:” into a table
3. Insert a row above the “Year row” i.e. above the 1st row of your
4. Type in -Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202 on the
cell above “Yr2”
5. Move Values underneath Yr09 to Yr08 and Delete the entire row
containing Yr09
6. Ensure that the column width and row height are distributed equal
7. Apply the Align Bottom Left format to all rows containing values.
(Hint: underneath Yr05 to 08.)
8. Apply a 2¼ box border on your entire Table and change the
background shading to Solid 100% Blue
9. Change colour of your “Year row Text” to Yellow (Year Yr05 to 08)
10. Copy your table and passed it on a second page
11. On the new table set “Table Subtle 2” as the default table style for
the document.
12. Merge all the row where you have your name written
13. Insert a row underneath “QRT4” and name it Totals.
14. In Totals perform the sum calculation for each i.e. Yr05 to 08
Working with Columns
15. Highlight text underneath “Purchase Analysis” and insert a left sided
column and make the following changes on this section
16. Place the entire highlighted text under a left column with lines
between the columns
17. Before the start of the second sentence i.e. “Sales to restaurants...”
add a column break.
18. Make “Purchase Analysis” the heading of the column
19. Insert one text box on the left and type “CAR PARTS” inside and
another on the right side of the column and type “ Customer Satisfaction”
Note Text Wrapping should be square

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Annexure A

Source: Snipped from Ms Word 2016

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5.2 Unit 2: Advanced Microsoft Excel

This course is intended to help all users get up to speed on the different
features of Excel and to become familiar with its more advanced selection of
We will cover how to create and use advanced formulas, analyse data,
organize worksheet data with tables, visualize data with charts, insert
graphics, and enhance workbooks.
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of spreadsheets.
• Create, open and save spreadsheets.
• Produce a spreadsheet from a given specification.
Specific Learning
Outcomes • Edit a spreadsheet use advanced formulas, analyse data, organize
worksheet data with tables, visualize data with charts, insert graphics,
and enhance workbooks.
• Check spelling in a spreadsheet.
• Print a spreadsheet using features specific to spreadsheets.
It will take you 50 hours to make your way through this unit.
• Concatenate Function concatenates (joins) join up to
30 text items together and returns the
result as text.
• Pivot table Is a table of statistics that summarizes the
Important terms data of more extensive table.
and definitions • Charts Is a powerful tool that allows you to
visually display data in a variety of
different chart formats such as Bar,
Column, Pie, Line, Area, Doughnut,
Scatter, Surface, or Radar charts.
• IF statements Tests a given condition and returns one
value for a TRUE result and another value
for a FALSE result.
• Data Validation Is a feature in Excel used to control what
a user can enter into a cell?

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5.2.1 Introduction
Advanced Microsoft Excel 2016 is designed for persons who already possess basic to intermediate knowledge of
Microsoft Excel 2016.

Participants are introduced to the advanced features in Microsoft Excel 2016 where they will learn to calculate
data using advanced formulas and functions, analyse data and use other advanced tools.

In this unit, we will cover:

• Text to Columns
• Concatenate
• Pivot
• Charts
• IF statements

5.2.2 To get started creating a Data Source in

Microsoft Excel
• Open Excel.
• In cell A1, type the first heading of the information that you would like to place in the data source. For
example, “First Name". Note that not all information in the data source has to be included in the
merged document.
• Press Tab key on your keyboard to move to cell B1, and type the next heading and press the Tab key
again. For example, “Last Name".
Continue typing the headings for all of the columns of information that you need for the data source
and press Enter. Other heading examples are “Address”, "City”, “State”, or “Zip". Remember to
separate each piece of information into another column.

Next, type in the data under the correct heading. For example, type the document recipient’s first name, press
Tab, type the recipient's last name, press Tab, and continue to input each individual's information. When you
are ready to go to the next individual’s Record press Enter.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Click on the File menu and select Save. Save and name the file

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5.2.3 Text to Columns

Depending on the way your data is arranged, you can split the cell content based on a delimiter such as a space
or a character (comma, a period, or a semicolon) or you can split it based on a specific column break location
within your data.

1. Navigate to the Text to Columns worksheet.

2. Right click on column B and Insert a new column. Insert two additional columns.

Figure 1 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Note: If you do not insert a new column, the text to columns wizard will replace any content in the adjoining

3. Select the data in column A.

4. In the Data tab of the ribbon, click the Text to Columns button. The Text to Columns Wizard will appear.

Figure 2 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

5. Select the Delimited radio button (already selected by default) and then click the Next button.
6. Click the check boxes beside Comma and Space from the list of delimiters. The preview of selected data will
show the text split.Clickthe Next button.

Figure 3 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

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7. The final step of the wizard appears. This allows you to pre-format the column before it goes back into
the Excel worksheet. In this example, we will leave the default as is.
8. Click the Finish button. The Excel worksheet will show the columns split.

5.2.4 Concatenate

The concatenate function joins two or more text strings together into one string. For example, if you have the
customer’s first name in column A and the last name in column B, you could use “=concatenate (A3, “”, B3)” to
produce a string containing first name and last name.
Concatenate text can also be achieved using the “&” symbol. Concatenation works best when combined with
other functions like upper, proper, left, and right.
Note: When you join two strings, Excel does not insert a space or any punctuation between the two. You must
do it by inserting “” between the two strings, as shown above, or by replacing that space with a hyphen or other
punctuation. The quotation marks are required.
The Concatenate Function
1. Navigate to the Concatenate spreadsheet.

2. In cell A2, type: =concatenate (C2, “”, D2).

3. This will join the contents of two cells together and place a space in between them.

Figure 4

The Right Function with Concatenation

The right function with concatenation enables you to take sensitive data (credit card numbers, social security
numbers, etc.) and replace a portion of it. If you are handling data with sensitive personal identification
information, this process will give you the ability to protect that information.
1. In cell B11, type: ="xxx-xx-"&right(C11,4).

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2. This will append the social security number leaving the last four characters.

Figure5 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Select cells B11 through B14 and copy them.
4. Select cell A11.
5. In the Home tab of the ribbon, click the arrow beneath the Paste icon.
6. Select Paste Values from the drop down menu. The newly pasted values do not contain the formulas and
will not disappear when you delete the original set of Social Security numbers.

Figure 6 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Absolute Cell References

When copying a formula, you may want one of more of the cell references to remain unchanged. Unlike a relative
cell reference, which preserves the relationship to the formula location, absolute cell references preserve the
exact cell address in a formula.
1. Navigate to the Absolute spreadsheet.
2. Click in cell F7. We are going to find the total of each item including the tax.

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Figure 7 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Type =D7*E4+E7 and press the Enter key. This will add tax to the product then add shipping. No tax is
added to the shipping cost.
4. Using the Autofill handle, drag the formula down to cell F10. Notice the odd looking results. This is
because it is using relative cell references.
5. Click back in cell F7. Press the Delete key and type =D7*E4+E7.
6. Highlight the E4 inside the formula and then press the F4 function key on your keyboard. Notice the $
around cell E4 .

Figure 8 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

7. Press the Enter key.
8. Using the Autofill handle, drag the formula down to F10.

Figure 9 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

5.2.5 Data Validation

Data validation is an Excel feature that you can use to define restrictions on what data can or should be entered
in a cell. You can configure data validation to prevent users from entering data that is not valid.

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Navigate to the Data Validation spreadsheet.

1. Select the range C6:C12.

2. From the Data tab, select Data Validation. The Data Validation menu will appear.
3. Select List from the Allow dropdown.
4. Click in the Source box and then select the list of times in column G by dragging down column G starting
at cell

Figure 10 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

6. Click on the Input Message tab.

Figure 11 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

7. In the Title field, type: Please select a time.
In the Input message box, type: Allowed time is from 7:00 AM through 12:00 PM.

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Figure 12 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

9. Click on the Error Alert tab.

Figure 13 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

10. In the Title field, type: Error: Incorrect Time Entered.

11. In the Error message box type: Allowed time is from 7:00 AM through 12:00 PM.

12. Click the OK button.

Figure 14 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Time and Date Calculations
When you type a date into Excel, you may never see the underlying serial number, like 40519, but it is there
nonetheless. This is a date serial number and it is used in calculating dates.

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Excel uses a numbering system with dates beginning with 1 Jan, 1900 as the serial date number of 1 then
continued numbering until this day and beyond. For example, a serial number that is 40519 when converted to a
date represents 7 Dec, 2010.

When you type a time into a cell in Excel, the underlying value is a fraction, but Excel interprets this as a time
serial number and formats the cell accordingly. You can calculate this fraction for any time value during the day
by taking the total number of seconds that have passed from midnight until your time value and dividing by 86,400
seconds in a day.

A time value of 6:00PM will show up in Excel as .75

When time and dates are combined, they show up as a serial number with a decimal point. For example: 42446.50
is noon on March 17, 2016.

Navigate to the Date and Time spreadsheet.

Enter the current date as a fixed date into cell C2 using the Ctrl+; keyboard shortcut.

Delete the cell contents and replace them with the current date formula =TODAY (). The TODAY function is useful
when you need to have the current date displayed on a worksheet every time you open the workbook.

Figure 15 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

In cell D4, use a formula to add 30 days to the invoice date. This will determine the Invoice Due Date. In this
instance type: =B4+30. Press the Enter key.

Use the Autofill handle to apply the formula to the remaining cells in that column.

Next, calculate how old each invoice is by calculating between two dates. In cell E4, type =$C$2-B4. The dollar
signs are absolute values which lock the cell C2 into the formula. Press the Enter key.

Use the Autofill handle to apply the formula to the remaining cells in that column.

Figure16 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

In cell F4, type =E4-30 and then press the Enter key. This will calculate the number of days an invoice is past the

Use the Autofill handle to apply the formula to the remaining cells in that column.

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Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting in Excel enables you to highlight cells with a certain colour depending on the
cell's value.
Using this feature can make analysing data easier by applying visual styles to the data.
1. Navigate to the Conditional Formatting spreadsheet.
2. Select the cell range D4:G13.
3. In the Home tab of the ribbon, click the arrow beneath Conditional Formatting.
4. In the Conditional Formatting drop down menu, hover your mouse over Colour Scales.
5. Hover over the colour scale icons to see a preview of the data with conditional formatting
applied. In a three-color scale, the top colour represents higher values, the middle colour
represents medium values, and
the bottom
color represents lower values. Select the Green-Yellow -Red color scale.

Figure 17

Figure 18

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

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Exploring Styles and Clearing Formatting

In the Home tab of the ribbon, click the arrow beneath Conditional Formatting and then experiment
with the available styles by completing the following:
1. Select cell range H4:H13 and apply a Solid Fill Blue Data Bar.

2. Select cell range I4:I13 and apply a 3 Arrows (Coloured) set from the Icon Set menu.
3. From the Conditional Formatting dropdown menu, hover over Clear Rules, then click Clear
Rules from Entire Sheet.
Using Conditional Formatting to Hide Cells
If you have cell contents and you do not want to be visible, you can use conditional formatting to
hide them.
1. In the Conditional Formatting spreadsheet, select cells G4 through G13.
2. From the Conditional Formatting dropdown menu, select New Rule. The New Formatting
Rule window will appear.
3. Select the Format only cells that contain option.
4. Choose Cell Value is less than or equal to zero as the criteria.
5. Click the Format button.

Figure 19

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

In the Format Cells window, click the Font tab and change the font colour to White, Background 1.
This will give the appearance that the cells that do not meet the criteria are hidden.

6. Click the OK button and then click the OK button in the New Formatting Rule window.

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5.2.6 The IF Function

The IF function is a logical function that is designed to return one value if a condition you specify
evaluates to be TRUE and another value if it evaluates to be FALSE.
Formula Architecture: =IF(logical test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
If the first quarter total is equal to or greater than the 1st quarter quota then the salesman will get
the 2% bonus. If not, they get 0.
1. Navigate to the Bonuses spreadsheet.
2. Select cell G6.
3. Click the Formulas tab in the ribbon.
4. Click the down arrow beneath Logical and then click on IF.
5. In the Logical test text box, type E6>=F6.
6. In the Value_if_true text box, type E6*2%.
7. In the Value_if_false text box, type 0.
8. Click the ok button.
9. Using the Autofill handle, apply the formula down to cell G11.

Excel IF Formula: Simple to Advanced (multiple criteria, nested IF, AND,

OR functions), By Leila Gharani, Access Date (31/10/2019)
Access and watch/listen to the video/audio clip listed.

Changing the “Value if false” Condition to Text

1. Click in cell G6 and then click in the Formula bar.

2. Change the 0 to “No Bonus” (you must type the quotation marks).

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Figure 22

3. Press the Enter key and apply the formula down using the Autofill handle.
Note: If you base other formulas off of a formula that contains a text string, you may receive errors
in the calculations.

3D Formulas
3D formulas typically refer to specific cells across multiple worksheets. This formula is also
sometimes called a “cubed formula”. It can, but does not need to, use a function to calculate across
Formula Architecture: =Sheet1Name!Cell1Name+ Sheet2Name!Cell2Name
Example1: =SUM('Qtr1:Qtr2'!F5)

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1. Navigate to the Summary spreadsheet.

2. Select cell C5.
3. Type =SUM(.
4. Click on the Qtr1 spreadsheet tab.
5. Hold down the Shift key and click on the Qtr2 spreadsheet tab.
6. Click in cell F5, then close the parenthesis in the formula.
7. Press the Enter key.
8. Apply the formula down usingthe Autofill handle.

Figure 23 Source:
Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Pivot Tables
A pivot table is a special Excel tool that allows you to summarize and explore data interactively.
Table - A collection of data. It was first coined in MS Access. However, it is commonly used in Excel
nowadays. A table in Excel has a header and there are no entirely blank rows or columns. (Example:
Home > Format as Table) Pivot - The ability to alter the perspective of retrieved data.

Pivot Table - The ability to create a brand-new table based on existing data for the purpose of
viewing, reporting and analysing data.
Creating a Pivot Table
1. Navigate to the Performance Appraisals spreadsheet.

2. Select a cell within the data range.

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Note: No entirely blank rows or columns can exist. There must be a header row for a PivotTable to
3. Click the Insert tab in the ribbon and then click the PivotTable button. The Create PivotTable
window will

Figure 24 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

4. Leave the default settings and click theOK button.

Figure 25

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

5. A PivotTable will open in a brand new sheet titled Sheet1 located to the left of the Performance
Appraisals spreadsheet tab.

Specifying PivotTable Data

Before creating a PivotTable, you must know what you want to analyse. There are three questions you
have to ask before proceeding:
• What do you want your column headers to be?
• What do you want your row headers to be?
• What data do you want to analyse?
By understanding the layout, you will have a better perspective on how to create a PivotTable.

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1. Click back on the Performance Appraisals sheet and decide if it is possible to determine the
average salary for each performance rating.
2. Navigate back to Sheet1.
3. In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag the Performance Rating field down to the ROWS box.
4. Drag the Salary field to the VALUES box. The PivotTable will begin to show the results of the
data analysis.
5. Drag the Perf Rating field from the ROWS box to the COLUMN box.
6. Drag the Position field to the ROWS box. The PivotTable will now show the income for each
position separated by performance rating

Changing a PivotTables Calculation

1. Click the dropdown arrow beside Sum of Salary in the PivotTable VALUES box.

Figure 27 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

2. Select Value Field Settings from the drop down menu. The Value Field Settings window will

Figure 28 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Change the Summarize value field by: to Average.
4. Click the OK button.

Figure 29 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

5. Notice the PivotTable now shows the Average salary for each position and performance rating.

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Filtering and Sorting a PivotTable

1. Drag the Department field to the Filters box. This top-level filter allows filtering data by
department only.
2. In cell B1, select Administration from the dropdown list.
3. Click the OK button. The results are filtered to show just those positions that are part of

Figure 31 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

4. In the cell B1 dropdown, click the Select Multiple Items checkbox.
5. Add Executive to the filter and click the OK button.
6. In the cell B1 dropdown, click the All checkbox from the dropdown list and then click the OK
button. All records are now displayed.
Drag Department from the Filters box to the Rows box. Place it above the Position field. The positions
are now grouped by department

Figure 32 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

7. In the cell A4 dropdown list, uncheck the box beside Select All and then check the box beside
Training. Click the OK button. All other records are filtered.
8. In the cell A4 dropdown list, click the check box beside Select All and then click the OK button.
All records are now returned to view.
9. In the cell A4 dropdown list, select Sort A to Z. The departments are now sorted alphabetically.
10. In the cell B3 dropdown list, select Sort Largest to Smallest. The Performance Ratings now
show the highest rating First.

Creating a PivotChart
1. Navigate to Sheet1 (the PivotTable created based on Performance Appraisals).

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2. In the Analyze contextual tab, click the PivotChart icon located in the Tools group.

Figure 34

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Choose the default column chart and then click the OK button. A new chart is added on top of
the data.
4. Remove Position from the Rows box. The chart updates accordingly.
5. Click on the chart and then press the Delete key.
6. Click on a cell inside the PivotTable and then press the F11 key. This is another way to create
a chart. This time a chart is added to a new sheet titled Chart1.
7. Drag Department from the Rows box (known as Axis).
8. Drag Performance Rating from the Legend box (Column) to the Axis box (Rows).
Change Sum of Salary to Average.
9. Click back on the PivotTable and then double-click on cell B8 (the 1 rating).
Note: It is only one person listed and that is why the results may be skewed.
Grouping Items
1. Navigate to the 2006Donations spreadsheet.

2. Select a cell in the data range.

3. Click the Insert tab in the ribbon and then click the PivotTable button.
4. The Create PivotTable window will appear. Click the OK button.
5. A new PivotTable will be created on a new worksheet labelled Sheet3.
6. Drag the Date PivotTable field to the Rows box.
7. Drag the Amount field to the Values box. The PivotTable will summarize the amounts donated
on a particular month. These summaries can be expanded by clicking on the plus icon (+) beside
the desired month.

Figur3 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

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8. Click on a cell in column A in the data range. Note: It must be a cell in the data range and not
a label (i.e.: A3).
9. Right-click on the cell and select Group from the menu. The Grouping window will appear.

Figure 37 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

10. In the Grouping window, Months will already be highlighted. Deselect Days and click the OK button
to group
by Months.

Figure 38 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

11. In the Analyse tab in the ribbon, click the Ungroup button in the Group. The data will be
ungrouped by months and show all individual dates.

Updating a PivotTable
PivotTables will not automatically update to reflect data changes. Either the Excel spreadsheet will
need to close and re-open (thus forcing an update) or you can manually update the workbook using
the refresh button.
1. Navigate to the 2006Donations spreadsheet.

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2. Right click on row 7 and select Insert from the menu. This will insert a row between row 6
and 7.
3. Type the following into the inserted row:

6/5/2006 New Property 87,000 Ohio Mail

4. Save the file.
5. Click the Sheet3 sheet tab.
6. Click the Analyse tab in the PivotTable Tools contextual menu and then click the Refresh
button in the Data group

Figure 41 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

7. Scroll to June 5, 2006 (cell B158).
Double-click cell B158. A new sheet will appear showing the results of donations made that day. The
new $87000 donation appears on the list.
Formatting a PivotTable
1. Navigate to Sheet3 (the PivotTable based upon the 2006Donations spreadsheet).

2. Select column A.
3. In the Home tab of the ribbon, select Long Date from thedrop down menu inNumber group.

Figure 42

4. Select column B.
5. In the Home tab of the ribbon, select Accounting from the drop down menu in the Number

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Figure43 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

6. Click the Decrease Decimal icon twice so that just the whole numbers appear in column B.

Figure4 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

7. Select row 3.
8. Increase the font size to 14 points.
Using Slicers
Slicers enable you to filter the data within a PivotTable. Inserted Slicers will appear as a set of buttons
allowing for rapid filtering of data.
1. Navigate to the Payments by City spreadsheet.
2. Select a cell in the data range.
3. Click the Insert tab in the ribbon and then click the PivotTable button.
4. The Create PivotTable window will appear. Click the OK button. A new PivotTable will be
created on a new worksheet.
5. Drag the City field to the Rows box.
6. Drag the Payment Type field to the Columns box.
7. Drag the Amount field to the Values box.
8. Click the Analyse tab in the PivotTable Tools contextual menu of the ribbon and then click the
Insert Slicer
9. In the Insert Slicers window, click the check boxes beside City and Payment Type and then
click the OK button.
10. Drag the slicers to a clear spot in your PivotTable.

11. Select Baltimore from the City slicer.

12. Select Visa from the Payment Type slicer.

13. You can now view a list of Visa Payments made for the City of Baltimore only.

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14. Click the Clear Filter button in both slicers.

Figure 47 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

15. Experiment by holding the Ctrl key to select multiple slicers:
• Select Baltimore and Boston in the City slicer.
• Select Cash, Check and Money Order in the Payment Type slicer.

5.2.7 Charts
Charts are a great way to visualize your data.
Creating a Simple Chart
1. Navigate to the Charts spreadsheet.

2. Select the range of B2:E5.

3. Press the F11 key.

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Chart terminology



Data Marker


l Axis

Figure 48

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Charting Non-Adjacent Cells
1. Navigate to the Charts spreadsheet.

2. Select the range B3:C5. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the range E3:E5 (must use the
dragging technique when the Ctrl key is held down).
3. Press the F11 key.

Excel Charts & Graphs: Learn the Basics for a Quick Start, By Leila
Gharani, Access Date (31/10/2019)
Access and watch/listen to the video/audio clip listed.

Creating a Chart Using the Chart Wizard

1. Navigate to the Charts spreadsheet.

2. Select the range of B2:E5.

3. Click the Insert tab in the ribbon and then click the Recommended Charts icon.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

4. In the Insert Chart window, click the All Charts tab.

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5. Select the Column chart type.

6. Choose the 3-D Clustered Column option in the Column section.

7. Click the OK button.

Figure 50 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Modifying Charts
There are many different ways to modify your charts to best visualize your data.

Moving an Embedded Chart

1. Place your mouse on the chart area of the chart. This is the white area within the perimeter.

2. Hold down the mouse button and drag the chart to cell B7.

Sizing an Embedded Chart

1. Select the chart. You know the chart is selected because it has handles around the
2. Place your mouse on one of the handles until your mouse turns into a dual headed arrow.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

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3. Hold down your left mouse button and drag until the chart becomes larger or smaller.
4. Drag the chart over to the H column and down to row 22.
Changing the Chart Type
1. Click on the chart to select it.

2. Click the Design tab in the Chart Tools contextual menu of the ribbon and then click the
Change Chart Type button.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Hover over the different chart types to see what they look like and look at the table above to
get an idea on how to use the different chart types.
4. End with a 3-D Clustered Column chart.

Chart Types
Chart Type Used For

Area Displays values over a period of time. Emphasis on amount of change.

Bar Displays values for comparison.
Column Displays values for comparison.
Line Shows trends over time.
Pie Displays only one data series. Each piece of the pie is a percent of the whole.
Doughnut Similar to a pie, except it can display more than one data series.
Radar Displays changes of data relative to a centre point and also to each other.
XY (Scatter) Displays the relationship between numeric values in several data series.
Bubble Plot and coordinate values.

Changing the Way Data is Displayed

1. With the chart still selected, click the Design tab in the Chart Tools contextual menu of the
2. Click the Switch Row/Column button.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Moving the Legend

1. Located in the Chart Layouts group of the Design tab in the ribbon, click the Add Chart Element
2. Hover your pointer over Legend and then select Right from the drop down menu.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Formatting Charts
Adding Chart Items
1. Navigate to the Monthly Orders spreadsheet.

2. Create a Clustered Column chart from the data in cells A4:F9.

3. Click on the chart to select it.
4. Located in the Chart Layouts group of the Design tab in the ribbon, click the Quick Layout icon.
5. Select Layout 2 from the list.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

6. Click on Add Chart Element in the Chart Layouts group.

7. Hover your pointer over Chart Title and then click the Above Chart option.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

8. Type Sandwich Sales and then press the Enter key.

9. Add the following Axis Titles from the Add Chart Element dropdown menu:
• Primary Horizontal Axis = Month
• Primary Vertical Axis = Sales in ($)
Formatting All Text
1. Select the entire chart by clicking once in the white chart area.

2. Click on the Format contextual tab.

3. Apply the Coloured Outline, Black, Dark 1 theme from the Shape Styles group.
4. Apply the Fill Black, Text 1, Shadow style from the WordArt Styles group.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

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Formatting and Aligning Numbers

1. Located in the Chart Layouts group of the Design tab in the ribbon, click the Add Chart
Element icon.
2. Hover your pointer over Axes and then select Primary Vertical from the drop down menu.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Double-click on the Y axis. The Format Axis pane will appear.

4. Click Number from the Axis Options tab to expand the menu.
5. Choose Currency from the Category drop down menu and type 0 in the box beside Decimal

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

6. In the Format Axis pane, click the Size and Properties tab.
7. In the Custom Angle field, type -45 to place the Y axis numbers at an angle.
8. Click X to close the panel.

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9. Make the chart larger by dragging the bottom handle fill the screen.

Formatting the Plot Area

1. Double-click on the white of the chart background. The Format Chart Area pane will appear.

2. Click the Fill option in the Fill & Line section.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Click the radio button beside Picture or texture fill.

4. Beneath Insert picture from click the Online button. The Insert Pictures window will appear.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

5. In the Insert Pictures window, type Cheese Pattern in the Bing Image Search field and then press
the Enter key.
6. Select a cheese pattern and then click the Insert button.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Figure 65
Formatting Data Markers
1. Double-click on the Swiss data marker to select. Notice that all the Swiss data markers will
become selected. The Format Data Series pane will open.
2. Click the Fill option in the Fill & Line section.
3. Click the radio button beside Picture or texture fill.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

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4. Click the Online button and type Swiss Cheese in the Bing Image Search field.
5. In the Online Pictures window, click the filter icon and then select Transparent from the menu.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

6. Select one of the Swiss cheese images and then click the Insert button.
7. In the Format Data Series pane, click the radio button beside Stack.

Figure 68 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

5.2.8 Pie Charts

Pie charts can present the relationship of different classes of data in a visually simple way.
Creating a Pie Chart
1. Navigate to the Pastry Sales by State spreadsheet.

2. Select the range of A4:B11.

3. Click the Insert tab on the ribbon.
4. In the Charts group, click on the Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart icon.
5. Select the 3-D Pie Chart option.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Moving the Pie Chart to its Own Sheet

1. With the pie chart selected, click the Design contextual tab.

2. Click the Move Chart button. The Move Chart window will appear.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

3. Click the radio button beside New sheet and type Pastry Sales Pie Chart in the corresponding
text box.
4. Click the OK button.

Figure 71 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Adding Data Labels
1. Navigate to the Pastry Sales Pie Chart.

2. In the ribbon, click the Design contextual tab.

3. Click the Add Chart Element button located in the Chart Layouts group.
4. Hover your pointer over Data Labels and choose Inside End from the drop down menu.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

5. Click Add Chart Element again and hover your pointer over Data Labels.
6. Choose More Data Labels Options from the drop down menu. The Format Data Labels pane
will appear.
7. Beneath the Label Contains header, make sure only the boxes beside Category Name and
Percentage are checked.

Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Exploding a Slice of a Pie Chart

1. Click directly on top of the pie chart to select the entire chart.

2. Click again on the California slice to select only that slice of the pie.
3. Hold down your mouse button and drag the slice towards the right.
4. Press the Esc key to deselect the pie.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

Rotating and Changing the Elevation of a Pie Chart

1. Right-click on the chart and select 3-D Rotation from the dropdown menu. The 3-D Rotation
settings will appear in the Format Chart Area pane.
2. Beside Perspective, click the up and down arrows.
3. Change the Rotation by adjusting the X Rotation and Y Rotation input fields.

Figure 75 Source: Snipped from Ms Excel 2016

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Check your progress by completing the following self-check activity.

1. Defined the following terms with regards to their purpose and use

a) Automation of repetitive calculation tasks

b) Organisation of data into rows and columns

2. List three things you can produce using a spreadsheet.


3. What are the three benefits of using a spreadsheet application?


4. Give two examples of spreadsheet programs you know


5. Describe the following properties of a spreadsheet in terms of its purpose and use.
a) Cell:

b) Column:

c) Row:

d)Data Cell:

6. Open a new spreadsheet application program and save it as

“Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202“ on your folder
7. In your new spreadsheet create a “Annual Sales Report” as shown in the Annexure-
Section A

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8. Select “Annual Sales Report” and make it bold with font 16 and merger all cells and
shown in Section A on the annexure
9. Ensure that you insert today’s date in the same format shown in Section A Cell A1
10. Ensure that your currency is set to rands with no decimal point
11. Calculate the total sales for each quarter (Tip use Automatic fill)
12. Save and Close your spreadsheet
13. Open the spreadsheet you previously saved as “Name Surname Student-number/ ID
e.g. Izo Lulu_202“ on your folder and Save it as an CSV file
14. Save and Close your spreadsheet.
15. Open the spreadsheet you previously saved as “Name Surname Student-number/ ID
e.g. Izo Lulu_202“ on your folder.
16. Insert a row underneath “Year 2004”, copy the values of “2005” to the new inserted
row, and calculate it total.
17. Find the word “Five” and replace it with 5
18. format your spread sheet to ensure that figure appears correct
19. Run a spell check
20. Print preview your document
21. Save and close your document

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1. Open a spreadsheet “Loading” and saved as “Loading-Name Surname Student-number/

ID e.g. “Loading-Izo Lulu_202“on your folder.
2. Remove the “Formula Auditing” tool bar from to the toolbar menu
3. Remove the “Split” function
4. Insert a new worksheet and name it load, in “Loading-Izo Lulu_202“
5. Copy the chart in “Chart1” worksheet and paste it in “load” worksheet
6. Delete “Chart1” worksheet
7. Save and close “Loading-Izo Lulu_202“\
8. Open the spreadsheet you previously saved as “Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g.
Izo Lulu_202“on your folder.
9. In “Total” in column F calculate the total sales for the five-year period. Use absolute
references so that you’ll be able to copy the formula without changing the references
later to “Total of Last 5 years” in column A.
10. Change the value of “Cell E12” to “R44 258”
11. Calculate the AVG, MIN and MAX in each quarter
12. Centre “QRT1-4” and make it Italic with shading of 25% grey
13. Put “Annual Sales Report” on a Thick Box Border
14. Fill in grey 25% shading in “Annual Sales Report”
15. Review your document to assess whether it any errors have been removed in terms of
appropriate formatting, readability, legibility, presentation, accuracy, and data integrity
16. Save and close your document.
Charts Excises
1. Define the following graph types:
a) Pie:

b) Bar:

c) Line:

2. Open the spreadsheet you previously saved as “Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g.
Izo Lulu_202“on your folder.
3. Based on the year and quarterly expense data, create a bar chart in the new sheet as
“Chart1”. Do not include the totals and years data. Be sure to include the relevant labels.
4. Add the chart title “Past Five Years Sales”.
5. Add the value-axis label “Thousands of Rands”.
6. Change the chart type to “Line with markers” displayed at each data value

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7. Insert an animal object and resize it so it doesn’t hide crucial information in the
spreadsheet, in a “Annual Sales Report”
8. Save and close your document.
9. Open the a word document called “Cellar Cleaning Services”
10. Open a new spreadsheet document and save it as “Cellar- Name Surname Student-
number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202”
11. Copy the entire table from “Cellar Cleaning Services” and paste it in your spreadsheet
document i.e. “Cellar- Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202”
12. Compute Totals for Expenditure Totals and Gross Profit
13. Calculate the net Profit for both cases
14. Use the Top and Double bottom Boarder option for Expenditure Totals, Net Profit and
Gross Profit
15. Save and close your document .

Section A

10 Nov 2011

Annual Sales Report

Yearly sales report of the National Sales (all figures in R)

Year Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Total

2000 21,333 16,584 14,569 14,658

2001 14,563 15,478 18,756 17,563

2002 17,895 19,872 19,653 19,845

2003 22,156 14,235 15,698 21,036

2004 20,789 12,458 13,698 18,654


Sales Statistics for the past 5 years

Year Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4

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Profi for the past 5 yrs

Total of last five years

% Profi

Profit amount

2005 R 25,986 R 15,573 R 17,123 R 23,318

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5.3 Unit 3: Advanced PowerPoint

Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 is a presentation application that
enables an individual from any technical level to create a dynamic and
professional-looking presentation. This is a hands on workshop to help
Purpose students with the fundamental features of PowerPoint and will teach them
how to develop a master slide presentation that will engage and inform an

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• Working with master slides and prepare and produce a presentation
according to a specified brief.
• Adjust settings to customise the view and preferences of the
presentation application.
Specific Learning • Work with multiple presentations.
• Format a presentation.
• Use special presentation effects.
• Apply special formatting to a presentation.
• Customise a presentation for a specified purpose.
• Evaluate a presentation produced for a specified purpose.
It will take you 50 hours to make your way through this unit.
• Master Is the top slide that controls all information about the
silds theme, layout, background, colour, fonts, and positioning
of all slides?
Important terms
• Crop Is the removal of unwanted outer areas from a
and definitions
photographic or illustrated image?
• Charts A tool you can use to communicate your data graphically.
Displaying charts in PowerPoint allows your audience to see
the meaning behind the numbers, and it makes showing
comparisons and trends much easier

5.3.1 Introduction
Once you have studied this section, you should be able to explain how prices are established in the
market as well as the restrictions on the market mechanism.

In this unit, we will cover:

• Working with master slides and prepare and produce a presentation according to a specified
• Adjust settings to customise the view and preferences of the presentation application.
• Work with multiple presentations.
• Format a presentation.
• Use special presentation effects.

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• Apply special formatting to a presentation.

• Customise a presentation for a specified purpose.
• Evaluate a presentation produced for a specified purpose

5.3.2 Slide Masters and templates Slide Masters
Slide master is the most important command in the „slide hierarchy“. All the formatting’s
applied to the Slide master will reflect on all other slides in the presentation. You can also
edit individual layouts, so that all the slides in the presentation with a certain layout will share
the same formatting.

Insert a new slide master

Go to the tab View and select Slide master from the group Master Views. This will change the
view of the interface and the available commands for the slide master will appear. In this
view, it is possible to edit only the format, and not the content of the presentation.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

The first slide in the menu on the left (slide pane) is the slide master. All the changes made
on this first slide will reflect on the other layouts below it. For example, if you change the
background of the slide master, that same background will appear on all the layouts as well.

Video / audio
Working with Slide Master in PowerPoint 2016, By KnowledgeCity,
Access Date (31/10/2019)
Access and watch/listen to the video/audio clip listed.

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Edit slide master layouts like: font, bulleted list format, background colour and fill effects, placeholder
position, placeholder deletion
Font -> it can be edited like in any other case. Select the title or one of the levels on the slide
master, right-click and select Font.
Bulleted list format: select the list on the slide master and go to Home -> Paragraph -> Bullets
to edit it.
Background colour and fill effects: click inside the desired element and go to Format Shape
Styles -> Shape Fill. The figure below shows a fill effect in the title box.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Placeholder position: when a placeholder is selected, there will appear arrows that can be
used to reduce, expand, or move the placeholder by simply pulling it in a certain direction.
Placeholder deletion: select the placeholder and press DELETE.

Apply a custom slide master to specified slides

When you click on View -> Master Views -> Slide master, the slide master will appear on the
left, and below it will appear different layouts. The slides below the Slide master are the only
layouts to which you wish to apply the slide master's formatting. If you prefer not to apply
the slide master's formatting to a certain layout, or a group of slides which are using that
layout, then you have to remove the layout. After that you can add layouts with custom
formatting to the slide master. Templates
Create a new template, theme
Go to File -> New -> Blank presentation and click on Create.
After that, go to View -> Master Views -> Slide master and edit the slide master and the
When you are done with the editing, go to Save as and save the presentation as a template

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You can create a theme by applying the desired formatting to any slide in the presentation,
going to Design -> Themes and clicking on More.

After that, click on Save Current Theme .

Modify a template, theme

Go to File –> New and select a template/theme.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Make the desired changes on a template/theme and click on Save as.
Depending on whether you are saving a template or a theme, select PowerPoint Template or
Office Theme.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

5.3.3 Graphical objects Formatting Drawn Objects
Apply background fill effects to a drawn object

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Apply a transparency effect to a drawn object

Apply a 3-D effect and settings to a drawn object

Select an object and right-click. Select Format Shape.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Pick up a style from a drawn object and apply it to another drawn object
This action can be done by using the commands Pick up Object Style and Apply Object Style.
If they are not available on the ribbon, you can add them in File -> Options ->
Customize ribbon. Select the object from which you want to pick up the style and click on
Pick up Object Style. After that, select the object to which you wish to apply the style and
click on Apply Object Style.
The other option is to use CTRL + SHIFT + C to pick up and CTRL + SHIFT + V to apply the style.

Change the default formatting for new drawn objects

In order to make it possible to apply a predefined formatting to new drawn objects, first you
need to define the formatting. Add an object as an exemplary object and define its layout by
modifying the elements such as colour, fill effects, transparency, etc. When you are done
with formatting the object, select it, right-click on it and select the option Set as Default
If you add a new object now, it will have the same formatting as the exemplary object.

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Adjust picture, image brightness and contrast
Select a picture. An extra Format tab will appear. Select Corrections in the group Sharpen and
Soften and then choose the desired Brightness and Contrast in the drop down menu.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Display a picture, image in grayscale, black and white, washout format
In order to insert a picture in the washout format (if you want the washout format to appear
on all the slides, you will need to insert the picture onto the slide master), go to Insert -> Images
-> Picture and find the desired picture. Then you can edit the picture as you wish. In the end, it
is necessary to move the picture to back. This can be done by selecting the picture, going to
Format -> Arrange-> Send Backward -> Send to Back.
To view a picture in a different colour (including greyscale or black and white), select the
picture and then go to Format-> Adjust->Colour and choose the desired Saturation of colour,
Colour tone or Recolour a picture.
In order to change the colour of all the slides, you need choose the desired colour on the tab View
in the group Colour/Grayscale. It is important to know that this last modification does not apply
during the presentation.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Change colours in a picture. Restore original colours in a picture
To restore the original colours, click on Format -> Adjust-> Reset Picture.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

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Display, hide ruler, grid and guides. Move guides. Turn on, off snap objects to grid
Go to the tab View. In the tab Show, you will find the options to hide/show the ruler, the
gridlines and the guides. Once shown, the guides can be moved if you select and drag them
in the desired direction.
The option of alignment of objects to the grid can be turned on/off by clicking on the arrow
in the tab Show and selecting or deselecting Snap objects to grid in the dialog box.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

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Position a graphical object (picture, image, drawn object) on a slide using specified horizontal and
vertical co-ordinates
Select a picture, right-click and select Size and Position. In the category Position, you can
define specific coordinates.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Distribute selected graphical objects horizontally, vertically relative to a slide

Select objects and go to Format -> Arrange -> Align. First select Align to Slide, and then
Distribute Horizontally, Distribute Vertically or another type of alignment.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Crop a graphical object
Select the picture and go to Format -> Size -> Crop. You can choose from predefined shapes
in the drop down menu, or you can click on Crop and make it manually.

This option is also available through: right-click -> Format Picture -> Crop, where you can also
insert the size to which you wish to crop the picture.

Proportionately, disproportionately rescale a graphical object

Select the object, right-click and select Size and position.
Depending on whether you want a proportional or a disproportional change of size, select or
deselect the option Lock aspect ratio.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Convert a picture to a drawn object and edit the drawn object
In order to convert a picture to a drawn object, you need to copy it onto a slide through Paste
special and select the option Picture (Windows Metafile).

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Select the picture, right-click and select Edit Picture. A dialog box will open with a question
whether you want to convert the picture to a drawn object. Click on Yes. After that, you may
format the drawn object as you wish.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

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Save a graphical object as a file format like: bmp, gif, jpeg, png
Select the object, right-click and select Save as Picture. In Save as type, select the desired

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Omit, display background graphics on a slide, slides

Select the slide/slides and go to Design -> Background. Depending on whether you wish to
omit or display the background graphics, select or deselect the empty box Hide Background

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

5.3.4 Charts and diagrams Using charts
Format chart title, legend, data labels, axes labels
When a chart is inserted into a presentation and selected, there will appear extra tabs Design,
Layout and Format. On the tab Layout, in the categories Labels and Axes, you can format the
mentioned elements.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016
Change the chart type for a defined data series
Select the chart, right-click and select Change Chart Type. From the dialog box that opens,
choose a new type of chart.

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Change the gap, overlap between columns, bars in a chart

Select the columns/bars in the chart, right-click and select Format Data Series. In the dialog
box that opens, go to the tab. The option Series Overlap will make space or overlap in the
same category. The option Gap Width will make space or erase it between the categories.
The Primary Axis will apply to all the tab, and the Secondary Axis only to the selected column.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Change scale of value axis: minimum, maximum number to display, major interval between plotted
numbers in a chart
Select an axis on the chart, right-click and select Format Axis. You could change the start/end
of the axis as well as the range, units and where the perpendicular axis cross.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Advanced End User Computing Educor © Using Diagrams

Create a diagram using built- in options like: flowchart, cycle, pyramid, etc.
Go to Insert -> Illustrations -> SmartArt and select the desired diagram from the dialog box.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

For creating a flowchart you have at your disposal the predefined shapes using which you can
build your own flowchart. To insert a shape, go to Insert -> Illustrations -> Shapes and select
the desired shape from the category Flowchart.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Add, move, delete shapes in a diagram
If you want to add a shape, select the shape next to which you want to add the new shape,
right-click and select Add Shape. After that, choose in which position with regard to the
selected shape you wish to add the new shape.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

To move a shape, select it and drag it into the new position.

You can delete a shape by clicking on its border and pressing DELETE.

Add, change, delete connectors in a flowchart

You can add connectors by clicking on Insert -> Shapes and selecting the desired connector
in the category Lines.

In order to change the connector, select it, right-click, click on Connector Types and select
the desired connector.

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You can delete a connector by selecting it and pressing DELETE.

5.3.5 Multimedia Movies and Sound
Insert movies to play automatically, on mouse click
To insert a movie, go to Insert -> Media and select Video. From the drop down menu, choose
where from you want to insert the movie and find it on your computer or insert a link that
leads to it.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Once the movie is inserted and selected, there will appear extra tabs with video tools. On the
tab Playback, choose from the two starting options: Automatically or On Click. Also you could
loop or rewind the video until it is stopped.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Insert sounds to play automatically, on mouse click

The steps for the insertion of sound files and the choice of starting options are the same as
for video files, except that when inserting from the group Media you must choose Sound. Animation
Change custom animation effects and settings. Change sequence of custom animations in a slide
Once you have added animations to an element, you can change their settings on the tab
Animations. When you select an object, next to it will appear numbers that refer to the

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

If you want to change the order of the animations, select the number that refers to the
animation whose starting moment you want to change, go to Animations -> Timing ->
Reorder Animation and click on Move Earlier or Move Later. Also, you could start the
animation until the Click, With the last or immediately After the last

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Apply automatic settings so that bulleted points will dim to a specified colour after animation
Animations -> Advanced Animation -> Animation Pane. From the list in the animation pane,
select an animation, right-click and select Effect Options. On the Effect tab go to Sound
section and browse to add an audio file that will play or go After animation and choose a
Select an animation, right-click and select Effect Options. In the dialog box that will open, you
can define the animations of the elements on the tab Chart Animation.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

For the option of (not) animating the chart grid and the legend, repeat the described steps
for the animation of chart elements, with the only difference that, depending on whether
you want to or not animate the chart grid and the legend, you need to select or deselect the
box Start animation by drawing the chart background.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Animate chart elements by series, by category, by elements in series. Animate, do not animate chart
grid and legend
When you have added animations to your chart, click on Animations -> Advanced Animation
-> Animation Pane. On the right side of the screen, there will appear a pane with all the
animations you have added to your chart.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

5.3.6 Enhancing productivity Linking and embedding

Insert, edit, remove a hyperlink

Click inside the slide where you want to insert a hyperlink (or select the text which you want
to transform into a hyperlink) and go to Insert -> Links -> Hyperlink. If you haven't previously
selected a text, insert the text which you want to show on the slide into the box Text to
Select the element to which you want to create a hyperlink and find the file/web page or
insert the address in the box Address. The figure below shows the example of creating a
hyperlink to the web page

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

If you want to edit/remove a hyperlink, right-click on it and select Edit Hyperlink or Remove

Insert an action button. Modify settings to navigate to a specified slide, custom show, file, URL
Go to Insert -> Illustrations -> Shapes. At the bottom of the drop down menu, there is the
category Action Buttons.

Select the desired action button and insert it into the slide. Once you insert it, a dialog box
will open automatically, in which you can define its settings. You can choose whether an
action will be started on mouse click or on mouse over. In Hyperlink to, you can choose what
you want to start, and optionally, define a trajectory (for example, if you choose an URL, a
dialog box will open into which you need to insert the web page address).

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Link data into a slide and display as an object, icon

Go to Insert -> Text -> Object. In the dialog box that opens, find (or create) the file. Select the
boxes Link and Display as icon and click on OK.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Update, break a link

You can update a link by selecting the objects, right-clicking and selecting Update Link.
To break a link, go to File -> Information. In the bottom right corner you will find Edit Links to
Files (this option is only available if the presentation has previously been saved).
When you select this option, an extra dialog box will open in which you can break the link.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Insert an image from a file with a link to the file
Place the cursor on the slide in the position where you want to insert the image and go to
Insert -> Images -> Picture. Select the desired picture, click on the arrow next to the Insert
button and select Link to File.

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Embed data into a slide and display as an object

Go to Insert -> Text -> Object. In the dialog box that opens, find (or create) the file. Don't
select the box Link. Select Display as icon and click on OK.

Edit, delete embedded data

If you double-click on the object which represents the embedded data, the corresponding
application will open depending on the type of the embedded data, which will allow you to
edit the data. For example, if you have embedded a Word document, the file will be opened
in Word. All the changes that you make will reflect on the embedded data.
To delete the embedded data, select the representing object and press DELETE. Importing, Exporting

Merge slides, a complete presentation
If you want to insert into the current presentation slides from another presentation or a
complete presentation, you need to go to Home -> Slides -> New Slide and select Reuse
A dialog box will open in which you can find the presentation from which you wish to transfer
the slides. All the slides will be displayed one below the other. In order to insert one into the
current presentation, you only need to click on it. If you want all the presentation, then right-
click -> Insert all. Also you could insert the same template to all the slides or a specific one.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Merging slide(s) from a word processing application into an existing presentation
All the Microsoft Office applications can work together well, meaning that a content can be
simply transferred from one to another. For example, you can create a presentation outline

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in Word and then transfer it into PowerPoint. PowerPoint uses heading styles to create slide
outlines, and so Heading 1 will be the slide title, Heading 2 its subtitle etc.
In PowerPoint, inside the existing presentation, go to Home -> Slides -> New Slide and select
Slides from Outline. In the dialog box that opens, find the desired document. The content of
the document will be transformed into slides.

Save a specified slide as a file format: gif, jpeg, bmp, etc.

Go to Save as and select a format from the drop down menu.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

When you click on Save, a dialog box will open in which you can choose whether you want to
save every slide or only the current one.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

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5.3.7 Managing Presentations Custom shows

Create, show a named custom slide show

On the tab Slide Show, in the group Start Slide Show, select Custom Slide Show. In the dialog
box that opens, select New.

Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

In the next dialog box, define the name of the slide show and choose the slides which you
want to add into the slide show.
Once the slide show is saved, you can start it by clicking on Custom Slide Show again and
selecting it. Slide show setting
Copy, edit, delete a custom slide show
Go to Slide Show -> Start Slide Show -> Custom Slide Show -> Custom Slide Shows. A dialog
box will open which will allow you to edit, delete and copy slide shows.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

Apply timings to, remove timings from slide transitions
To set timings, go to Transitions -> Timing and insert the desired value into the box Duration.
This will set the time of the effect.

To advance to the next slide on a mouse click, select the box On Mouse Click.
To set the duration before the advancement of the slides, select the box After, and then insert
the desired number of minutes or seconds into the adjacent text box.
To use a specified timing, check whether the box Use Timings in the group Set Up on the tab
Slide Show has been selected. If you prefer not to use timings, deselect the box. In this way,
the use of timings is defined for all slide shows.

Apply settings to a slide show so that it loops continuously when played, does not loop continuously
when played
Apply settings so that slides advance manually, advance using timings if present
Apply settings so that slide show is presented with animation, without animation
Loop: Go to Slide Show - > Set Up -> Set Up Slide Show and if you want the slide show to be
displayed continuously in a loop, select Loop continuously until 'Esc'. If that is not the case,
leave the box unselected.
Timings: If you wish to set the use of timings, go to Slide Show -> Set Up -> Set Up Slide Show.
Select the desired slide show and choose whether the slides will advance manually or using
Animations: according to your preference, select or leave unselected the box Show without

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016 Slide show control

Add, erase pen annotations during a slide show
When you start a presentation, a right-click will open a menu with the category Pointer
Options. To write comments, select Pen/Highlighter. For erasing, select Eraser (if you want
to erase only a specific element) or Erase All Ink on Slide (if you want to erase everything).
These two options become available only after something has been written on a slide.

Display black, white screen during a slide show. Pause, restart, end a slide show
These actions become available if you right-click during the slide show. Another option is to
click the keyboard key N for a black screen or B for a white screen.

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Source: Snipped from Ms PowerPoint 2016

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Practice the skills you have learned.

It is year-end for Mass Market Retail; you are required to prepare a year-end
presentation report. Your presentation should be based on the report attached in
the annexure section A:
To prepare this report you must follow these steps:
1. Open a new presentation application programme and save it as “Name
Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202“ on your folder
2. Chose a slide layout “Title Slide” and type in your report title i.e. the first slide
must identify the topics, so that the audience is clear on what the
presentation entail.
3. The Second slide must indicate what will be covered during the presentation
i.e. insert a second slide and chose “Title and Text” slide layout which should
contain the Agenda of your report as title and list of items to be discussed as
4. Please use words which have been set to bold or bulleted for your bullet
5. The 3rd to the 7th slide must present the outcome of the report as it appears
in the annexure in a manner that is acceptable for a presentation.
6. Choose a slide design of your choose
7. Each slide must transit after 2 seconds
8. The 8th slide should provide the audience with an opportunity to ask
questions with
9. Ensure that your report is set to automatically run for 20 minutes with each
slide transiting after 8 seconds
10. Insert organisation chart tool bar
11. Save and Close your presentation
12. Open the presentation you previously saved as “Name Surname Student-
number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202“ on your folder and Save it as an Team
Structure-“Team-Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202
13. Ensure that both Presentation are open i.e. “Name Surname Student-
number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202 and Team Structure-“Team-Name Surname
Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202
14. Delete slide number 2 to 8 on Team Structure-“Team-Name Surname
Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202and change the Title from Yearend
Report to Team Structure.
15. Insert a new slide underneath your title slide and choose “Title and Diagram
or Organisation chart layout” the title for this slide should be “Team
16. Insert an organizational chart as shown in the Annexure section B
17. Insert two slide underneath the “Team members” with a “Title and Content”
slide layout
18. Copy slide number 8 from your Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo
Lulu_202 presentation and paste it as slide 3 on your Team Structure-“Team-
Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202 presentation.
19. Save and close both files

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20. Open the presentation you previously saved as Name Surname Student-
number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202“on your folder
21. In “Progress to Date and Open Issues for Phase One” insert the Task as the
first bullet point.
22. Change the bullet point of underneath Task in “Progress to Date and Open
Issues for Phase One” to be numbers
23. Save and close your presentation
24. Open the presentation you previously saved as “Team-Name Surname
Student-number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202“on your folder
25. Add a footer to all slide that will contain your “Name Surname Student-
number/ ID e.g. Izo Lulu_202“, Today’s date in this format DD-MM-YYYY i.e.
10-April 2009 and page numbers
26. Add the following note to the slide containing team member’s
Organizational chart “This mix of internal and external people provides a
balance of viewpoints and expertise that are necessary to a project of this
scope. The names, positions, and responsibilities of each of the ten primary
people assigned to this project are listed above. “
27. Move the “Team members” slide between the two un-used “Title and
Content” slides
28. Hide the slide underneath “Team members” so that it doesn’t appear during
the presentation.
Section B
29. Change the title of the slide above “Team members” to “Sale presentation”
30. Insert a bar chart with figures and as shown in section C in the annexure
31. Change the chart background colour to grey
32. Change graph type to line with markers displayed at each data value
33. Create two one on the left and the other on the right “AutoShaped” on your
“fourth slide” i.e. hidden slide use the “five-star shape” found in Stars and banner
34. Draw an arrow line that point from move from one shape to the other.
35. Between the two Stars underneath your line insert, an animal picture,
Resizes it if necessary so that the line move above it.
Section A
Year End Report
Executive Summary
Mass Retail is a small, privately held company that provides different types of product
to customers in Durban. We are planning to start e-commerce initiative so that
consumers can purchase their products via the Internet. We also plan to expand our
operations into other areas within the KZN province over the next two years. Because
this is an aggressive expansion plan, we need to find investment capital to ensure our
success going forward.
In the following report, you will find an overview of the Planned Activities , a
justification for the project, the details of our progress on this initiative, and a
summary of the Open issues we still need to resolve.

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Planned Activities
The growth of users who are able to access the internet has been very tremendous
in the past five years. This is due to the lower cost of telecommunication and high
number of users who are able to utilise computers. The internet usage growth
enables individuals to bargain for price over the internet and ask for home delivery. It
is also necessary for our company to expand it retail provincial as internet orders can
be placed anywhere in the country and we must be able to deliver the product on
Project Justification
Mass Retail understands that the wholesale distributors who will thrive in today’s
marketplace are those who can do the following five things:
• Provide a Mix of services
• Keep inventory costs and levels under control.
• Provide high-quality products.
• Price products competitively.
• Control cash flow.
Progress to Date
In the last 12 months, we have completed the following tasks for Phase One of the
• Assembled an internal team of employees to work on the project.
• Retained a project management consultant to oversee the project and keep
it on track.
• Identified the specifications for a successful Web initiative.
• Hired key consultants to assist in market research, Web design and
implementation, and business process analysis.
• Drawn up the preliminary plans for growth into new markets provincially
• Begun the Request for Proposal process with selected Internet Service
• Identified key items that require additional resources and funding.
• Established project milestones and key dates for those milestones.
• Designed an incentive plan for current employees to reward the extra efforts
that will be required for a successful implementation.
Open Issues for Phase One
The following issues are still Open as of this report:
1. Selecting an Internet Service Provider to support our Web initiative.
2. Identifying specialty specific location within the district municipality which
have been targeted
3. Building a preliminary Web site.
4. Developing a training program and supporting documentation for
5. Creating a new identity and marketing material.
6. Creating a presentation for potential investors.

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Annexure Section B

Annexure Section C
Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4
Internet 100 200 300 400
South District 50 100 150 200
North District 70 140 210 280

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5.4 Unit 4: Advanced Microsoft Access

The purpose of this unit is to explain how prices are established in the market
as well as the restrictions on the market mechanism.

Specific reference is made to how demand and supply determine prices as

well as quantities bought and sold. The unit also considers restrictions on the
market mechanism. In this regard, the influence of government intervention
on prices and quantities in the market is discussed.

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• Understand the principles of databases.
• Open and save a simple existing database.
Specific Learning
• Produce and edit a simple database from given specifications.
• Data is entered into a simple database table from given specifications.
• Modify the design of a database table.
• Sort and search for records in a database table.
It will take you 50 hours to make your way through this unit.
• Tables Are the key objects in the Access file, as they contain the
data that is stored in the database? Tables are made up
of rows and columns and allow for direct data entry into
their grids.
• Forms Is a database object that you can use to create a user
interface for a database application. A "bound" form is
Important terms
one that is directly connected to a data source such as a
and definitions
table or query, and can be used to enter, edit, or display
data from that data source.
• Queries Is a request for data results, and for action on data? You
can use a query to answer a simple question, to perform
calculations, to combine data from different tables, or
even to add, change, or delete table data.
• Reports Consists of information that is pulled from tables or
queries, as well as information that is stored with the
report design, such as labels, headings, and graphics.

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5.4.1 Introduction
A database is a collection of information that is related. Access allows you to manage your information
in one database file. Within Access there are four major objects: Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports.
In this unit, we will cover:

• Tables - store your data in your database

• Queries - ask questions about information stored in your tables
• Forms - allow you to view data stored in your tables
• Reports - allow you to print data based on queries/tables that you have created

5.4.2 The Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane is a list containing every object in your database. For easier viewing, the objects
are organized into groups by type. You can open, rename, and delete objects using the Navigation

To Minimize and Maximize the Navigation Pane:

Click the double arrow in the upper-right corner of the Navigation Pane to minimize and maximize.

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Sorting the Objects in the Navigation Pane:
By default, objects are sorted by type, with the tables in one group, the forms in another, etc.
However, you can change how the objects are sorted.

Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the All Access Objects and click on a sort option from the

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Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Creating a Database
1. Start Access
2. Click on Blank desktop database

3. Under File Name type a name for the database

4. To change the location of where to store the database, click the folder icon and select a
5. Click Create

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Access opens in a new table in Datasheet View.

Understanding Views
There are multiple ways to view a database object. The two views for tables are Design View and
Datasheet View.

• Design View is used to set the data types, insert or delete fields, and set the Primary Key
• Datasheet View is used to enter and view the data for the records

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Switching Between Design View and Datasheet View:

Click the View arrow on the Home tab and click on either Datasheet View or Design View

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

5.4.3 Creating a Table

A table is a collection of data about a specific topic, such as employee information, products or
customers. The first step in creating a table is entering the fields and data types. This can be done in
either Datasheet View or Design View but it is recommended to set up the table in Design View.

Understanding Fields and Their Data Types

Field - an element of a table that contains a specific item of information, such as a last name.
Field’s Data Type - determines what kind of data the field can store.

Format Use to display

Short Text Alphanumeric data (names, titles, etc.) - up to 255 characters
Long Text Large amounts of alphanumeric data: sentences and paragraphs – 64,000 characters
Number Numeric data
Date/Time Dates and times
Currency Monetary values
AutoNumber Unique value generated by Access for each new record
Yes/No Yes and No values and fields that contain only one of two values
OLE Object Pictures, graphs, or other ActiveX objects from another Windows-based application
Hyperlink A link address to a document or file on the Internet
Attachment You can attach files such as pictures, documents, spreadsheets, or charts; each
Attachment field can contain an unlimited number of attachments per record, up to
the storage limit of the size of a database file.
Calculated You can create an expression that uses data from one or more fields. You can
designate different result data types from the expression.
Lookup Wizard Displays either a list of values that is retrieved from a table or query, or a set of values
that you specified when you created the field. The Lookup Wizard starts and you can
create a Lookup field. The data type of a Lookup field is either text or number,
depending on the choices that you make in the wizard.

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To Create a Table in Design View:

1. Click on the Create tab
2. Click on Table
3. Switch over to Design View on the Home tab
4. If prompted to save the table, enter a name and click on OK
5. Type the field names and select the appropriate data type for each field
6. Continue until all fields are added

Note: The order that you enter the field names is the order the fields will appear in the table.

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Setting a Primary Key
The Primary Key is the unique identifier for each record in a table. Access will not allow duplicate
entries in a primary key field. When creating a new table, Access automatically creates a field “ID”
with the auto number data type and assigns this as the Primary Key.

To Set a Primary Key:

1. In Design View, position your cursor in the field you wish to set as the Primary Key
2. Click the Primary Key button on the toolbar
3. Save the table

Note: To turn off the Primary Key simply click on the Primary Key button again.

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5.4.4 Input Masks

An input mask is used to pre-format a field to “look/act” a certain way when a user inputs data.

Examples: Social Security Number input mask automatically inserts the dashes; phone numbers
automatically inserts the parentheses and dashes.

The input mask data can either be stored in the table or simply displayed and not stored.

To Create an Input Mask for a Field:

1. In Design View, click in a field for which you’d like to apply an input mask
2. In the Field Properties section at the bottom of the screen, click in the Input Mask line and
notice the Build button that appears at the right end of the line (see below):

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

3. Click the Build button to start the Input Mask Wizard (shown below).

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

4. Select the appropriate input mask
5. Click Next
6. Click Next for additional screens on which you can set options for the input mask 7. Click Finish
on the last screen of the input mask wizard

To Save the Table:

1. Click the Save icon on the toolbar
2. Enter a name for the table if you haven’t done so already 3. Click OK

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5.4.5 Entering Data in a Table

1. In Datasheet View, start typing the data into the table by pressing the tab key to move to the
next cell
2. When you have completed the record (row), press Enter
3. You can also click on the New record icon on the Home tab in the Records group

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Navigating in a Table
Use the arrows at the bottom of the table to navigate among records.

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Sorting Records in a Table
1. Position your cursor in the field that you wish to sort by clicking on any record in the table
2. Click either the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending icon on the Home tab in the Sort & Filter

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

You use queries to view, change, and analyse data in different ways. You can also use them as a
source of records for forms and reports.

To Create a Query:
1. Click on the Create tab
2. Click on Query Design in the Queries group
3. Select the table that you would like to base your query on
4. Click Add
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all tables are added
6. Close the Show Table window

The table(s) will now be displayed in the upper part of the Query Design Screen by boxes containing
the tables’ fields.

7. Double-click on the field names in the field list window which you would like to include in
the query

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Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Defining Criteria in the Query
In order to control which records are displayed, you must define criteria in a query. The most
common type of query is the Select Records query which will be discussed below.

To Define Criteria for Your Query:

1. Position your cursor in the criteria row in the field for which you wish to define the criteria
2. Type the criteria

Example: To find all Excel courses:

3. Position your cursor in the criteria row of the Course ID field

4. Type Excel (Access adds the quote marks to the criteria automatically when you tab to the
next column)

5. Click the Run Query button

To Save the Query:

1. Click the Save icon
2. Enter a name for the query
3. Click OK

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Creating a Form
A form is a database object that is used to enter or display data in a database.

To Create a Form:
1. Open the table or query on which you are basing the form
2. Click on the Create tab
3. Click on Form in the Forms group

A form is created and opens in Layout View.

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Different Views:
Form View – this view allows you to view, create and edit records
Layout View - this view is similar to Design View but is more visually-oriented in that each control
displays real data. As a result, this is a very useful view for setting the size of controls, or
performing many other tasks that affect the visual appearance and usability of the form.

Design View - this view gives you a more detailed view of the structure of the form. You can see
the header, detail, and footer sections for the form. You cannot see the underlying data while
you are making design changes.

Reports can be based on tables or queries.

To Create a Report:
1. Open the table or query on which you are basing the report
2. Click on the Create tab
3. Click on Report in the Reports group

A report is created in Layout View.

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Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

Different Views:
Print Preview – allows you see what the report would look like on a printed piece of paper
Report View – allows you to see the data without having to display it in Print Preview

Layout View – allows you make design changes while browsing your data
Design View - gives you a more detailed view of the structure of your report

Printing Reports
To Print a Report:
1. Switch to Print Preview from View on the Design tab under Report Layout Tools 2.
Click the Print icon
3. Click on OK

Source: Snipped from Ms Access 2016

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Microsoft Access 2016 Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide to Access -

Part 1 of 2, By Sali Kaceli, Access Date (31/10/2019)
Access and watch/listen to the video/audio clip listed.

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Practice the skills you have learned.

1. Define the purpose of a database

2. You are working with a database that contains information about the customers.
3. Which object you would use in each of the following situations?

Situation Object Answer

e.g. A=3

A) You want to enter information for a new Customer. 3) Report

B) You want to know which customers owe more than R30, 2) Query
C) You want to print all specific fields from the table for 1) Table
analysis purposes.


Column A Column B Answer

e.g. 5 = d

1) A set of related data values a) Database

2) A collection of records b) Data value
3) An item of data c) Table
4) Row that contains relevant information d) Field
4) A column that contains any similar discrete unit of e) Record

1. Open a “New Database” application programme on your folder

2. Open Table called “Customer” and Adjust column width for Customer ID, First Name and
Last Name
3. Move “Area” field on “Customer” table next to “Last name” field
4. Add two records as shown in the Annexure Section A, save and close “Customer” table.
5. Rename “Customer” table as “Customer Details”
6. Delete the “Products” table
7. Save the database as “Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Sandile Govender_2566“
on your folder and close the programme.
8. Open “Name Surname Student-number/ ID e.g. Sandile Govender_2566“on your folder and
create a new table “Debtor” using Table Design.

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9. Insert the five records as show in Section B of the Annexure.

10. Save and close your table.
11. Change all records with the phone number 3038945 to be 3038946, 3038947
and 3038948 respectively
12. Delete the “Age” field in the Customer Details Table
13. Delete record number 1 (Sandile Bhengu)
14. Open Orders in design view and change the following fields:
Field Data type General (Format or Field Size)
Order ID Number Integer

Customer ID Number Integer

Order Date Date/Time Medium Date

Rename-PO Number to Amount Currency Currency in Rands

5. Explain what happened to your database after these changes?

6. Add a new field called “Address” with a field size of 50 in “Customer Details” and put the
following information: 4170 Pinetown, 475 Durban and 324 PMB respectively.
7. In “Items” table, Sort your records using “Product” by applying advanced Filter/Sort and
ensure that it is in the ascending order: by finding a products whose “Quantity” is greater
than 200
Section B
Design a form
8. Create a Form with appropriate headers for Customer, Orders and Products the forms must
accommodate existing information and enable the user to scrolls through and add records.
9. Create alphabetic index in order to find records faster.
10. Linked the Customer form and with the order form using a query and use of join types and
sub form types.
11. Calculate the total amount owed by each customer and present it as part of the form.
Create a report
12. Create a report with header Customers and Orders.
13. Report data must be sorted according to City followed by customer details (Name, Surname
and Contact number or Address) this must be linked to the order number.
14. Summaries and running totals are included in a report to provide different perspectives of
the underlying data.
15. Create a chart from a report to visually enhance data presentation
16. Ensure that you controlling page breaks on the printing of headers and footers, to keep the
report together during printing.

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Section A


First Name Last Name Area City Phone Number

4 Simon Large Madade Limpopo 4589878

5 Lincon Ngcobo Siwela Dumbe 4586694

Section B

Customer 2

Customer Customer Customer Phone Amount

City Date
ID Name Surname Number Owing

1 Sandile Ngcobo Durban 313356845 R 4,500.00 22-Jun-94

2 Siphiwe Mahlangu Soshangu 455214455 R 78,999.00 02-Dec-02


3 Sakhi Mazambane Soweto 589966897 R 789,944.00 05-May-05

Item Description
Display the fields


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Wainer, H., Dorans, D. J., Eignor, D., Flaugher,R., Green, B. F., Mislevy, R. J., Steinberg, L., & Thissen,
D. (2016). Computerized adaptive testing: A primer (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Microsoft Office 365 Access 2016 by Philip J. PrattMary Z. LastPaperback / softback Comprehensive


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