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Writing Templates for 50, 65 & 79

Essay & Summarize written text are the 2 easiest questions in
PTE exam, and as a result do not carry lots of marks

-Most high level jobs are done by men. Should governments encourage that a certain
percentage of these jobs be reserved for women? What is your opinion?

1. Grammar: Write a simple sentence structure: S + V + O

2. Make sure all keywords are included in the essay, do not need to paraphrase
3. Write a short sentence
4. Apply to every single type of topics, 1 template fits all
5. Meaning is not important
6. Write between 200-300 words, 200 is fine for even 79+, don’t listen to anyone
else telling you otherwise

The importance of high level jobs, which was always debatable, has now become more controversial. The
substantial influence of causes has sparked the controversy over the potential impact of this trend on our
workplace in recent years. It can be agreed that most high level jobs are done by men and governments
should encourage that a certain percentage of these jobs be reserved for women, but it has some
drawbacks as well. This essay will elaborate on both positive and negative impacts of this issue and thus
will lead to a logical conclusion.

At the outset, there are numerous ways to explain why high level jobs are normally taken over by men but the most
conspicuous one is rooted in the fact that men can do many tasks than women can not do, which is an
advantage. As an illustration, research in this area invariably reveals that most high-level jobs are
managed by men. Thus, it is apparent that it is suitable for men to be appointed with high-level jobs.

Sydney: Level 36, 1 Macquarie Place Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: +61 411 703 756 | Email:

Nevertheless, opponents of this trend tend to believe that in some cases high level jobs should be allocated to
women which is important. For example, according to new research from Harvard University, women have many
special talents to do such jobs. Therefore, it is obviously true that women should take over high-level jobs.

In view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that, high level jobs are prominent, although it has a
number of drawbacks that should be well handled.
( 250 words)

Easy right ☺? Another Example!

Xenophobia has accelerated rapidly in the western countries. According to you what
solutions can be proposed by government and individuals.

The importance of xenophobia which was always debatable, has now become more controversial. The
substantial influence of causes has sparked the controversy over the potential impact of this trend on our world
in recent years. It can be agreed that Xenophobia has accelerated rapidly in the Western countries , but
it has some drawbacks as well. This essay will elaborate on both positive and negative impacts of this
issue and thus will lead to a logical conclusion.

At the outset, there are numerous ways to explain why government and individuals can propose solutions for people, but
the most conspicuous one is rooted in the fact that it has increased in many countries which is
negative. As an illustration, research in this area invariably reveals that many people like
xenophobia. Thus, it is apparent that xenophobia is a situation.

Nevertheless, opponents of this trend tend to believe that in some cases it has many disadvantages, which
people do not like. For example, according to new research from Harvard University, xenophobia is a situation.
Therefore, it is obviously true that it has many drawbacks.

In view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that, xenophobia is prominent, although it has a number of
drawbacks that should be well handled.

( 207 words)

Sydney: Level 36, 1 Macquarie Place Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: +61 411 703 756 | Email:

Summarize written text

1. Make sure all keywords are included
2. Copy the grammar of the sentence
3. Write between 5-75 words, 75 is better since you can include more keywords
4. 1 sentence only, which means 1 full stop
5. Do not paraphrase the keywords!
6. Do not paraphrase the keywords!
7. Do not paraphrase the keywords!

Write one sentence

Red = main ideas

Black = not main ideas

With an abundance of low-priced labour relative to the United States, it is no surprise that
China, India and other developing countries specialize in the production of labour-intensive
products. For similar reasons, the United States will specialize in the production of goods that
are human- and physical capital intensive because of the relative abundance of a highly-
educated labour force and technically sophisticated equipment in the United States.

This division of global production should yield a higher global output of both types of goods
that would be the case if each country attempted to produce both of these goods itself. For
example, the United States would produce more expensive labour-intensive goods because of
its more expensive labour and the developing countries would produce more expensive human
and physical capital-intensive goods because of their relative scarcity of these inputs. This
logic implies that the United States is unlikely to be a significant global competitor in the
production green technologies that are not relatively intensive in the human and physical

Sydney: Level 36, 1 Macquarie Place Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: +61 411 703 756 | Email:


Replace “ full stop” by “,”

Connective Words: additionally, furthermore, in addition, so, because, with,
nevertheless, which
“ and” used only once at the end of the sentence
“ and” replaced by “ or “
Keywords are normally NOUNS

Full sample ☺
With an abundance of low-priced labour to the United States, it is no surprise that China, India
or developing countries, the relative abundance of a highly-educated labour force, with
sophisticated equipment,which his division of global production should yield a higher global
output of both types of goods that each country produced both of these goods itself,
furthermore, be a global competitor in the production green technologies are not intensive in
the human and physical capital. ( 75 words)

Sydney: Level 36, 1 Macquarie Place Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: +61 411 703 756 | Email:

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