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Honourable speaker.

I present the interim budget 2024-25 india ecomic has witness profound india
transformation in the last 10 years. The paper are look ahead to the future with hope and optimistic with
the pleasant when the government under functionaries and dynamic our honouralbe prime minister
narandra modi refused face in 2014 the country was placing enormous challenge. With SAB KA SATH
SABKA VIKAS as it mantra. The govrement over come this challenge in right phrase structural reform
were under taken grew people problem formed and promptly contained were created for more how for
employing and entrepreneurship. The ecocomie for the new vigour the towards development start rule
the people at state. The county got new sense of purpose and hop naturally the people wasted
govrement with the bigger mandate in the sense term our govrement need leader ship all our prime
minister doubled down on this responsibility to build prosperous county concealment development with
all people and all region. Our govement is strengthen it is mandate to SUB KA SATH SUBKA VISHVASH

Our development pleasing covered else of namely social through way of status of the society and
geographical inclusively through development of reason of the country. with to develop of nation several
country for challenge pandemic of tow long towards manner part the and led sold foundation for the
mandate as a result of own county as high aspiration that about in it is present and hope and confidence
over the bright Futher. W accept that our govement place on this aspiration work will be place again by
the people with a our sound manger our human inclusive brought development is a market and
deliberate form the early the approach of up to village level development programme in the last 10 years
have targeted each and every house and individual housing for all. Here jaal electricity for all counter
because for account and financial service for a in regard time th worth about several element free ratio
for 80 crore people. Minimum support price for the produce and political incrase promptly these and the
provisoin of basic necessity have enhancement for the rural area.

Our govement is working with approach to development in this all round of progressive and inclusive it
covers all cast and people at all labour we make worked a VIKSAT by 2047 for achieving that goal we
need to improve people capability and empower them. Social justice or more less political slogan for our
government social justice is an effective and necessary the approach cover of a eligible people is true
and comprehensive achievement and social justice this is a secularisms in action reduce corruption and
nepotisms there is openness and assurance. That benefit to eligible people. resources are distribute
fairly of regardless of there social standing get assist to how we addressing systematic that had palyd our
society. We focus on outcome and not on outlooks transformation is achieving. As our prime minister
fairly believe we need to focus of 4 major caste they are poor women there aspiration and there welfare
our high priority the county progress when they progress of four requires rest the government refuse in
there request to there life empowerment and will being drive the cournty forward we belive in empower
the poor.

Earlier approach of poverty entitle has resulted in very methods outcome when the poor outcome
empower parts in the development progress. Govrement powers to assess of them also increase many
faults. With the purpose of SUB KA SATH SUBKA VIKAS these 10 year the govement as associated 25 core
to get freedom there multi dimensional poverty are government are not with energies and such
empower the people. This elect then form the poverty



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