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Honorable Speaker I present the intreme Budget for 2024-25.

The Indian economy has witnessed

profound positive transformation in the last 10 years. People of India looking ahead to the future
that hope and optimism. With the blessing of our Government revisionary and dynamic
leadership of Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi the resumed in 2014 country was
facing enormous challenges with Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka VIkas over mantra over coming those
challenges structural reforms were not taken. Low people programe were formulated and
implemented promptly. Conditions were create for more opportunities of employment and
entrepreneurship. The economy got new megre the fruit of development started reading the
people at scale4. The country got a new sense of purpose in hope naturally the people blessed
government with the bigger minded. In the second term our government under the leadership of
Honorable Prime Minister doubled down its responsibilities to build a prosperous country with
comprehensive development of all people of all regions. Our Government strengthen its mantra
to Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Sath and Sab ka Vishwas.
Our development philosophy cadder all element namely social to inpulsivity to the ways stata of
the society and geographical inclusivity through development of all regions of the country. With
the whole nation approach of Sab Ka Prayas the country over come a challenge of once in
century pandemic towards Aatmaya Nibhar Bharat and the solid foundation in mark. A result
under country I aspiration pride in present and hope and evidence of bright future. We aspects
that our Government faced all asmendous making blessed again by the deliver we are mandate.
Our inclusivity approach to development is marked and delibrate departure very earlier approach
a provisional up village labour. Development program in the 10 years have targeted each and
every household individual through housing for all. Har Ghar electricity for all cooking gas for
all banks accounts and financial services for in regarding time. The worries of food have been
eliminated through free ration for 80 crores people. Minimum support price for produce in Anya
Data appropriately. These and the provision of basic necessity be enhanced in the rural areas.
Our government is working with approach to development that is of round for and all inclusivity.
It covers all costs and people at all levels. We are working to make a India a Vikship Bharat in
2047 for achieve that goal we need people capability and empower them. Previously social
justice as mostly political for our Government social justice is the effective necessary governance
module. The saturation approach of covered all eligible people is the true and comprehensive
achievements of social justice. It is secularism in action reduce there is opening benefit till all
eligible people. The resources distributed people accordingly get assess to members. We are
addressing systematic for equality that blamed our society. We focus on outcome and not on out
lays so that socio economic transformation is achieving. The Prime Minister firmly we nee focus
on 4 measure cost they are poor women, youth and farmers there need of aspiration and there
welfare are our priority. The goal had they progress. They received the minimum service in their
quest to favour their life. There empower will drive the country forward. We believe in
empowering the poor.
The earlier approach of technology poverty their entitlements has result in very modest outcome.
When poor become empower in the partners in the. The Government powers to assistance them
also increases from the goal.
Ayush Thakkar

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