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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Trends Networks and Critical Thinking in 21st Century

Summative Test
SY: 2021-2022
Name: ________________________________
Track and Strand: _______________________

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before each

_____1. Which of the following refers to the larger patterns of broad trends that reshape and transform our
lives? A. Fad B. Megatrend C. Microtrend D. Trend
_____2. Who stated that trends never turn on a dim, its reversals build slowly and the first sharp dip always
finds buyers and the first sharp rise always finds seller?
A. Allan Farley B. Allan Forley C. Sander D. Soper
_____3. What do you call to an identification of new trend?
A. Projecting trends B. Trend analysis C. Trend spotting D. Trend style
_____4. What refers to an act that assumes the future which will be a logical extension of the past?
A. Projecting trend B. Trend analysis C. Trend spotting D. Trend style
_____5. Which of the following allows populations to be proactive in response to future events?
A. Projecting trends B. Trend analysis C. Trend spotting D. Trend style
_____6. Which country from the option below has the biggest proportion of migrants is deployed within Asia?
a. Middle East b. East Asia c. Europe d. South East Asia
_____7. Which of the following reasons of migration from one country to another is considered the most
important in today’s world?
a. Better living conditions b. Higher wages c. To escape persecution d. For a better climate
_____8. How many percent do overseas Filipino workers constitute to the total Filipino population?
a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 30 percent d. 40 percent
_____9. Which of the following will not contribute to hourly wages being lowered in Philippines than in the
United States?
a. Philippines lacks much of the infrastructure of the U.S.
b. Philippines has less capital per worker than the U.S. does.
c. Philippines labor force is less educated than the U.S. labor force.
d. Philippines technology lags behind that of the U.S.
_____10. How does immigration now into the United States as a fraction of the Philippine population is
compared to the beginning of the 20th century?
a. Much greater (more than ten times as large)
b. Somewhat greater (between twice as large and ten times as large)
c. About the same
d. Somewhat smaller (between one tenth as large and half as large)
_____11. How can a compensation systems influence?
a. by motivating the workers
b. by the quality of workers who work at the firm
c. by the workers who quit and who stay on the job
d. all of the above
_____12. What do you call a person who searches for a job sequentially?
a. searches while employed
b. accepts the first job offers
c. accepts the best job offer after applying for a pre-specified number of jobs
d. accepts or rejects job offer as they arrive
_____13. Mass migration takes place in the Philippines primarily because of what reason?
a. the government is lazy to help the poor
b. the government is rich enough to employ the jobless
c. failure of government to provide decent jobs and decent wages to its people.
d. failure of the government to equally distribute its wealth.
_____14. How common is it for people to migrate from one developing country to another ?
a. More common than migration from developing countries to developed countries.
b. Less common than migration from developing countries to developed countries, but more common than
migration between developed countries.
c. Less common than migration between developed countries, but more common than migration from
developed countries to developing countries.
d. Less common than migration from developed countries to developing countries, but more than migration
from developing countries to developed countries.
_____15. What is the world's third biggest source of migrant workers in the world?
a. China b. India c. Philippines d. Indonesia
_____16. Which of the following are the characteristic of democracy except
a. Legal equality b. Classless society c. Political freedom d. Rule of law
_____17. The eligible citizens have active participation in the political decision making
a. Direct b. Presidential c. Representative d. Parliamentary
_____18. A system where the public elects the president through free and fair elections.
a. Direct b. Presidential c. Representative d. Parliamentary
_____19. It involves the election of government officials by the people being represented.
a. Direct b. Presidential c. Representative d. Parliamentary
______20. Which of the following countries are NOT considered to be a democratic type of government?
a. USA b. South Korea c. Canada d. Vietnam

II. DIRECTIONS: True or False.

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answer on the space provided.
___________ 1. Trends allow population to be proactive in response to future events.
___________ 2. The identification of new trend is called trend spotting.
___________ 3. The person who is doing trend spotting is known as trend spotter.
___________ 4. The act that assumes the future that will be a logical extension of the past is called as
projecting trends.
___________ 5. The five ways on how to spot the trend will help businesses to be proactive.
___________ 6. Strategic analysis and intuitive thinking both use reason but in different ways.
___________ 7. Strategic analysis works best only for bigger organizations like business institution.
___________ 8. Intuitive thinking is not accepted in the scientific world.
___________ 9. Rational reasoning is better than intuitive thinking.
___________ 10. Critical tools are needed in instinctive thinking.
___________11. It takes thousands of years for plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown in landfills.
___________12. Using so much paper is detrimental to the environment.
___________13. Using plastic cups help the environment as it helps for refilling water or juices.
___________14. Use regular bulbs instead of energy-efficient light bulbs.
___________15. Turning off lights, TV, and other appliances when not in use help conserve our energy.
___________16. Taking public transportation is better than walking, or riding a bike as Best options that
help our environment.
___________17. Using Cars or any public transportation are harmful to the environment.
___________18. Recycling is better than reusing.
___________19. The more people recycle, the less the people dispose their garbage
___________20. Reduce, remove and recycle are the 3 R's of the environment
6. Intuitive thinking is hunch-based and spontaneous.
7. Intuition is something known as infused knowledge.
8. Strategic analysis must be used always to ensure success in life.
9. Individuals engaged in strategic analysis apply all cognitive processes in the
orientation towards attainment of success in future.
10.Only the internal environment is important in strategic analysis
11. The honing of a critical mind must start at an early age
12.. In a business organization, strategic analysis may mean understanding of
its external and internal settings.
13. Analytical thinking views things simultaneously in a nonlinear way.
14. Experience can be considered as a tool of intuitive thinking.
15. SWOT and PEST are good examples of analytical tools.
11. Democracy upholds change since the citizens have the opportunity to
participate in the involvement of the government.
12. Nepotism system in the government institutions is an example of democratic practices.
13. “Demokratia” derived from a Latin word where the word “demos” means the people and “kratus” means
14. In democracy equality and admission to opportunities for all its citizens is provided.
15. Participatory democracy is also known as direct democracy

Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the following
questions below.
1. Which country from the option below has the biggest proportion of migrants is deployed
within Asia?
a. Middle East
b. East Asia
c. Europe
d. South East Asia
2. Which of the following reasons of migration from one country to another is
considered the most important in today’s world?
a. Better living conditions
b. Higher wages
c. To escape persecution
d. For a better climate
3. How many percent do overseas Filipino workers constitute to the total Filipino
a. 10 percent
b. 20 percent
c. 30 percent
d. 40 percent
4. Which of the following will not contribute to hourly wages being lowered in
Philippines than in the United States?
a. Philippines lacks much of the infrastructure of the U.S.
b. Philippines has less capital per worker than the U.S. does.
c. Philippines labor force is less educated than the U.S. labor force.
d. Philippines technology lags behind that of the U.S.
5. How does immigration now into the United States as a fraction of the Philippine
population is compared to the beginning of the 20th century?
a. Much greater (more than ten times as large)
b. Somewhat greater (between twice as large and ten times as large)
c. About the same 25
Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the following
questions below.
1. Which country from the option below has the biggest proportion of migrants is deployed
within Asia?
a. Middle East
b. East Asia
c. Europe
d. South East Asia
2. Which of the following reasons of migration from one country to another is
considered the most important in today’s world?
a. Better living conditions
b. Higher wages
c. To escape persecution
d. For a better climate
3. How many percent do overseas Filipino workers constitute to the total Filipino
a. 10 percent
b. 20 percent
c. 30 percent
d. 40 percent
4. Which of the following will not contribute to hourly wages being lowered in
Philippines than in the United States?
a. Philippines lacks much of the infrastructure of the U.S.
b. Philippines has less capital per worker than the U.S. does.
c. Philippines labor force is less educated than the U.S. labor force.
d. Philippines technology lags behind that of the U.S.
5. How does immigration now into the United States as a fraction of the Philippine
population is compared to the beginning of the 20th century?
a. Much greater (more than ten times as large)
b. Somewhat greater (between twice as large and ten times as large)
c. About the same
d. Somewhat smaller (between one tenth as large and half as large)
6. How can a compensation systems influence?
a. by motivating the workers
b. by the quality of workers who work at the firm
c. by the workers who quit and who stay on the job
d. all of the above
7. What do you call a person who searches for a job sequentially?
a. searches while employed
b. accepts the first job offers
c. accepts the best job offer after applying for a pre-specified number of jobs
d. accepts or rejects job offer as they arrive
8. Mass migration takes place in the Philippines primarily because of what reason?
a. the government is lazy to help the poor
b. the government is rich enough to employ the jobless
c. failure of government to provide decent jobs and decent wages to its people.
d. failure of the government to equally distribute its wealth.
9. How common is it for people to migrate from one developing country to another ?
a. More common than migration from developing countries to developed countries.
b. Less common than migration from developing countries to developed countries,
but more common than migration between developed countries.
c. Less common than migration between developed countries, but more common
than migration from developed countries to developing countries.
d. Less common than migration from developed countries to developing countries,
but more than migration from developing countries to developed countries.
10. What is the world's third biggest source of migrant workers in the world?
a. China
b. India
c. Philippines
d. Indonesia
11. What is the natural rate of unemployment in the Philippines?
a. zero
b. below 50 percent of the population
c. above 50 percent of the population
d. about 80 percent of the recent population
12. Which country has the biggest proportion of migrants deployed?
a. Asia and United States
b.China and India
c.Australia and New Zealand
d.Saudi Arabia and Dubai
13. How many countries and destinations do this overseas Filipino workers found?
a.100 countries
b.200 countries
c.300 countries
d.400 countries
14. What are the effects of the labor migration in the country?
a. skilled workers will be insufficient.
b. decrease in the remittances
c. increase in the remittances
d. both a and c
15. Why are migrant Filipinos called new economic heroes?
a. because they contribute a lot in the economy.
b. because they are exploited and abused.
c. because they are the product of extreme poverty in the country
d. because they died in other country.
16. What are some freedoms that come with a democratic government?
a. Freedom of speech c. Right to take part in the government
b. The right to vote d. All of the above
17. Democratic governments are typically run by______________
a. Dictator c. King
b. President d. Military personnel
18. What is the most important right for Filipino citizen?
a. Freedom of speech c. Right to take part in the government
b. The right to vote d. All of the above
19. Which of the following are the four key elements of democracy except
a. A political system for choosing and replacing the government through fair
b. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic
c. Protection of the human rights of all citizens,
d. Economic social system in which all property and resources are
collectively owned by classes society and not by individual citizens.
20. Which of the following are the characteristic of democracy except
a. Legal equality c. Classless society
b. Political freedom d. Rule of law
21. The eligible citizens have active participation in the political decision making
a. Direct c. Presidential
b. Representative d. Parliamentary
22.. A system where the public elects the president through free and fair elections.
a. Direct c. Presidential
b. Representative d. Parliamentary
23. It involves the election of government officials by the people being represented.
a. Direct c. Presidential
b. Representative d. Parliamentary
24. Which of the following countries are NOT considered to be a democratic type
of government?
a. USA c. South Korea
b. Canada d. Vietnam
25. Are ways of the people collectively engage, interact and work together in
creating a better society in which citizens can work together to address
shared problems.
a. Democratic practices c. Democratic institutions
b. Democratic laws d. Democratic

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