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December 2011 - January 2012

Brazil: Mayor Dedicates City to Jesus Day 4 Evangelicals Booming in Ethiopia Day 10 China: A Force for World Evangelism Days 17 & 18 The Chilean Miners Last Supper Day 24

Nurses Refuse to Assist In Abortions

Day 14

Outreaches to non-Christians.

Dearly Beloved Prayer Partners, This day has salvation come to this house... For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:9-10) St Pauls Squatters What would Jesus do? As I write this edition of the Prayer Bulletin, protestors camping outside St Pauls Cathedral in London have been granted until the end of the year to remain, in exchange for a reduction in their numbers and a promise to move in the New Year. The Cathedral authorities seem to have been in some disarray as to how to handle this unexpected situation on their doorstep, but the question many have asked is, What would Jesus do? Others ask, How would St Paul himself have confronted and made use of the situation? Jesus was always able to see beyond the apparent issues and would tackle the far deeper spiritual implications at stake; for certain He would not be inside the Cathedral trying to bolster up its lost tourist revenues. He would be outside speaking both to the protesters and to the bankers. He would be speaking loud and clear to those who make excessive profit from the financial system calling them to repentance (Luke 19:1-10). But He would also speak to the consciences of the protestors. Like them, Jesus sided with the poor and exploited; but, unlike them, He himself became poor that, through His poverty, we might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9). The Gospel is not about pointing a finger at others and highlighting their evil ways; it is about being made aware of the fact that we are all sinners and fall short of the Glory of God. (Romans 3:23). One simple point that the protesters perhaps forget is that in a worldwide context every one of them (even those on Benefits) belongs to the richest 1% of the worlds population! As for Paul, in similar fashion to his approach in Athens, he would no doubt have taken time to understand the situation and then begun to expose the many forms of idolatry that keep people (protesters included) from having a right relationship with the living God through Jesus. As a result, some would have come to faith (Acts 17:34)! This is a world full of inequality. Protests may focus the national conscience but, ultimately, it is only the Gospel message that can change the hearts of both the modern-day Zacchaeuses and all others. I trust you will be encouraged, as you read this Bulletin, to see that God is still very much in the business of changing hearts. With loving greetings from all the Revival team,

Ian Milmine Page 3

A Call to Pray for our Armed Forces

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 127:1-2 Day 1 The deployment of British servicemen and women into Afghanistan will be with us for some time to come. Although it was hoped that the numbers of troops in operational theatres could be reduced, the truth is that more personnel are needed to train and equip local forces, provide security and aid reconstruction work, so troop numbers will remain significant. Many serving Christians are among those deployed, from field medical services to ships' operations rooms. This includes chaplains who carry out an important role in providing spiritual and moral support to the troops. Every Wednesday evening at eight o'clock Afghanistan time (3.30 PM GMT), prayer meetings are held in Camp Bastion and other military bases in the region. Christian troops on operations are asked to add their prayers at that time if they are able. A growing number of Christians in various parts of the world are now 'attending' these prayer meetings as 'virtual' members. Please consider joining this band of supporters. Armed Forces Christian Union; Prayer Alert PRAISE: God for this prayer initiative. Consider joining in prayer from a distance, remembering not only UK troops, but those from other nations, in particular those who proclaim the Name of Jesus.

A Window of Opportunity in N Korea

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 140:1-8 Day 2 The 23 million people living in this atheist State of North Korea are dominated by the Kim family, and today by Kim Jung-Il. The thoughts and writings of his father, Kim Il Sung control all of society. There is widespread abuse of believers, extensive famine in rural areas, a moribund economy and zero toleration of criticism. Christianity stands directly opposed to the foundations of traditional Korean society which depends on ancestral worship to provide legitimacy for the state rulers. After 1945, many Christians headed South as the North Korean government began converting churches for secular use. In the 1950s there were 300,000 believers in the country. Today, an estimated 100,000 believers are in prison camps. Those who do meet together, do so in tiny groups, in secret and in great fear. Opportunities for ministry are hard to find, but the door is open for Chinese Christian businessmen to travel into NK. Radio broadcasts from the South and elsewhere are constant, and there are networks of prayer for NK based in the South and around the world. Many South Korean churches are preparing NK refugees to take the Gospel into North Korea which some believe will soon open up, but possibly just for a short time. They are willing to lay down their lives for Jesus Christ. Asia Link PRAISE: God that there is still a Christian witness in this land of darkness and distress. Pray for Gods people and that windows of opportunity may open. Page 4

Can Egypt Ever Become Democratic?

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 82:1-8 Day 3 As Egypt ponders its future, Coptic Christian Naguib Sawiris wants to be his countrys next leader and hes founded a political party the Free Egyptian Party - to do just that. He is seeking leadership at a time when Copts have experienced a horrific growth in threats and violence from Islamist groups. That Egypt is not entirely ready for democracy is obvious. So why would Sawiris even try? In part because he can: Orascom, a company which Naguib runs, is said by Time magazine to be the largest private employer (in Egypt) Yet Sawiris, 57, insists that his intentions are that he has decided to be more focused on social and political work, aiming to play a role in the transformation of a post-revolution Egypt into a civil democracy. Despite his good intentions, many doubt that the majority of Egyptians have any desire to see a democratic (let alone secular) future, and certainly not one led by a Coptic Christian and his political party. But his voice is out there, and the power of his influence assures that other voices soon will join. Since its foundation on 16 August 2011, the Free Egyptians Party has been an integral component of the Egyptian Bloc, a broad electoral alliance which has taken up the cause of defending Egypt's secularity and civic society. Forbes; Revival Media PRAY: That God will thwart the attempts of extreme Islamists from creating an Islamic dictatorship in Egypt, and that seeds may be sown for the Gospel of Christ to penetrate the nation.

Brazil: Mayor Dedicates City to Jesus

BIBLE STUDY: Judges 3:7-11 Day 4 Diadema is a Brazilian city of 400,000 inhabitants. Until 1999 its joblessness and crime rates were among the highest in Brazil. In 1997 pastor Manoel Alberto moved there. He started a congregation, including a free dental service in the slums, and prayer for the city government, and each city section. Not long after the mayor said in passing to his secretary: Diadema is doing so badly, I may as well do away with the Lady of Diadema (the local occult deity). The secretary, a Christian, responded: But you could turn to Jesus. Pastor Alberto was invited to the mayor. When Alberto explained his understanding to the mayor, he confessed, kneeling and in tears, repeating the words of confession and dedication of the city to King Jesus. Soon after, the mayor accepted Jesus as his Saviour. By the summer of 2004 the socio-economic improvements in the city led the national government to study this phenomenon in order to learn from it; while, last year, under the headline Brazil takes off, The Economist cited the city of Diadema as a good example of what Brazil could become in the near future. Joel News International; Revival Media PRAISE: God that the prayer and presence of His people CAN make a difference to cities and nations. Page 5

JESUS Film into Global Technology

BIBLE STUDY: John 12:32 Day 5 For more than 30 years, The JESUS Film Project (JFP) has focused on carrying out one mission: to engage people with Jesus through films in their native language. The field staff and partners have travelled the world equipped with backpacks containing the JESUS film, projectors, and movie screens, to share the story of Jesus. Now, JFP is developing a new strategy to multiply this global reach through digital distribution. Their media release says that over the years, JFPs library has grown to include more than 40 video products in 1,136 of the worlds languages. The new technology will allow JFP the capacity to make these assets available everywhere, so they can be seamlessly embedded in websites, cell phones and applications of ministry partners around the world. To date, the classic JESUS film has been shown in 220 countries with more than 6 billion viewings. These innovations will allow JFP media to impact the lives of the next 6 billion people in 1/3 of the time it previously took! The digital technology provides JFP with quantifiable information about the use of their products. JFP will be able to see how many times the different films are viewed, downloaded, in what languages and from where. This information will help in the development of new materials.; ASSIST News Service PRAISE: God for this project enabling millions to know and trust Jesus. Pray that this new phase of its development may enable it to be even more effective as an instrument of Gospel proclamation.

Iraq: 3 Minutes to Change a Nation

BIBLE STUDY: Jeremiah 33:1-8 Day 6 Imagine if thousands of churches each pray for 3 minutes a week for a city in Iraq. Imagine those prayers answered: the violence can be ended. spiritual foundations laid for transformation. the nation and church can be rebuilt. Organisers say, This prayer initiative for Iraq comes out of a word from the Lord and out of partnership with prayer leaders from many nations. Our desire is to see the church worldwide agree in prayer to see an end to the violence in Iraq. God loves the people of Iraq! If we can see the nation of Iraq saturated with prayer from around the world, then we can see the forces of violence defeated. Our fight is not against flesh and blood. Through the website churches can sign up to pray for a particular city in Iraq. Individuals can do so also, but organisers would love to see whole churches crying to God for a particular city. Revival Media; Iraq Prayer. PRAISE: God for this initiative. Encourage your church to join, and expect the miraculous! Page 6

A Time of Opportunity for Libya

BIBLE STUDY: Luke 13:23-36 Days 7&8 Will a new Libya respect human rights and religious freedom? How will Christians fare in the country? CBN News had a rare look at the church in Libya. Most Christians in Libya are foreign workers most had come to work in the oil fields and other industries, many being Coptic, Catholic or Orthodox Christians. An Egyptian surgeon CBN News interviewed has worked in Libya for 15 years. He said though he is a Christian, the Muslim majority has treated him well. However, what might the future hold once Libya's new government is in place? Todd Nettleton is with the Voice of the Martyrs. "Ninety-seven percent of the people in Libya are Muslims. So even a government that is elected by the people could be a heavily Islamic government that wouldn't necessarily be friendly to Christians and wouldn't be friendly toward religious freedom," he explained. Gadhafi - for the most part - expressed tolerance for foreign Christians if they remained in their churches. But Christians who shared their faith with Muslims were either jailed or expelled from the country. Nettleton says there is a small indigenous church in Libya, even though few foreigners have met them. "They are meeting together. They are serving Christ. They are spreading their faith. But they obviously have to do that in very cautious and careful ways. CBN News witnessed the recent baptism of a Libyan convert. She wouldn't allow it to be shown on television, but she explained that she had come to Christ after watching a Christian programme on satellite television. Nettleton says that's not surprising: "One of the key factors in the growth of the church in Libya is satellite television. A lot of the evangelism - a lot of the discipleship activities that are happening are happening over satellite TV from outside the country, because it's very difficult for Christians to gather together - particularly Muslim converts within the confines of Libya," he explained. And many of the secret Libyan Christians feel abandoned by the world and, though their numbers are small, maybe only several hundred, they desire recognition and prayer support. Nettleton says Libya's Christians - both indigenous and foreign - will need a lot of prayer in the days ahead. These are also days of opportunity, he says: As there is so much upheaval, there are also people who are asking questions of a spiritual nature, questions about eternity. "This can be a great time of planting the seeds of the Gospel and we need to pray for our brothers and sisters to have opportunities to do that and to have boldness to take advantage of those opportunities," Nettleton added. CBN News Day 7 PRAISE: God for the small Church in Libya, and for the opportunities in times of uncertainty. Day 8 PRAY: That the seeds of the Gospel may be sown and that many Libyans may know the Saviour. Page 7

Ethiopian Street Children Meet Christ

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 21:15-17

Day 9

The Bible is being used to transform the lives of thousands of boys rescued from the streets in Ethiopia. The Lighthouse Boys Home has helped some 6,000 boys since it opened 13 years ago. Bible Society gives the home copies of the Bible as books and in audio. So along with food, shelter and training they also get to listen to, read and study the Bible something the homes Director says has transformed hundreds of lives. Tesfaye, 17, was electrocuted after sleeping in an electricity sub-station to try and stay warm. He was taken to hospital after he was found lying at the side of the road. He had been so badly burnt he was there for six months before he was taken to the Lighthouse Home where he started listening to the Bible. Tesfaye says, My life has been changed totally. God has a plan for me. I'm trusting in him now. I don't know what's going to happen to me, but I believe that God has a plan." The Lighthouse Homes Director says, "The Bible gives these young people hope for the future. The children are able to understand the Word of God and get hope in God." Bible Sunday Project Manager Ben Whitnall says, "We are encouraging people to think about, and celebrate, the continuing power of Scripture to inspire change as we have seen it is doing in Ethiopia." Bible Society; Christian Today PRAISE: God that His Word, proclaimed in love, can transform the most abject human experience. Pray for street children all over the world, that they may experience the love of Christ.

Evangelicals Booming in Ethiopia

BIBLE STUDY: Revelation 21:3-5

Day 10

The speed of evangelical Christianitys growth in Ethiopia is becoming faster than almost anywhere else around the world. In the 1994 census just a little under 10% of the Ethiopian population was evangelical. But only 13 years later, in 2007, almost 19% of Ethiopia was recorded as evangelical in the census. This means, that the proportion of evangelical Christians has almost doubled in Ethiopia in 13 years! Evangelical churches are being built everywhere, in every town and every village. The churches and their media products have also created a growing and flourishing music and video industry. The two main anti-evangelical resistant populations in Ethiopia have always been the Tigre-Ethiopians and the Somali-Ethiopians, but brave missionaries are now going to them too! For centuries the dominant religious forces have been Orthodox Christians and Sunni Islam. But, if evangelicals continue their current growth trends, they could be the majority religion in Ethiopia by 2042! Timma Times, Ethiopia PRAISE: God that Ethiopia is responding to Christ. Pray that it may be a true and faithful Church. Page 8

Proclaiming Christ on UK Streets

BIBLE STUDY: Proverbs 22:6

Day 11

Geoff Beckingham leads teams of outreach on to the streets of Manchester in his role as Training Director for OAC Ministries (Open Air Campaigners). "Whenever we go out into a busy shopping area, we get large numbers of people stopping to listen," he says. "Those who stay to the end are interested and team members are then able to have in-depth conversations, usually about 15-20 conversations every time. "These are all people who would never hear unless we go out and tell them. Our brief messages aim to get them to think about Jesus, who He is and the Good News He has for them." One week several students from Manchester Grammar School stopped. Often these students have an indifferent or even scoffing attitude. Yet this time, a group of five lads remained attentive throughout the Gospel presentation. Afterward, team members spoke with them. The students all took evangelistic leaflets, and two of them also took Gospels of John. Geoff has specialised in training others. His effectiveness in communicating with students has led to his position on two school Boards of Governors. He values the experience of going directly into schools to share with the younger generation. "It is a great privilege to go into schools and tell the wonderful truths of God. It is great to see the children sit before me so attentively - such a responsibility." Revivals evangelist, Glen Scrivener, has similar experiences while taking teams on to the streets of Eastbourne every Saturday morning. Christian today: Revival Media PRAISE: God that there is response to the Gospel. Pray particularly for young people who seem to be most interested and for opportunities in schools.

Ukranian Doctors Pray for Patients

BIBLE STUDY: Numbers 12:13

Day 12

Prayer meetings for doctors and medical staff are taking place in St. Jehoshaphat Church in Lviv, Western Ukraine, reports The Christian Telegraph. Clergy and medics are called to help patients that are in need of healing. The first supporter of the prayer group initiative was urologist Christina Komissar-Zar. Dr. Komissar-Zar believes that the biggest achievement of such meetings will be health workers comprehension that drugs and medicines are not sufficient to help the patients; the soul also needs healing. These doctors understand that they are merely instruments in Gods hands and they need His help to treat their patients with understanding, care, love and respect. Christian Today, India PRAISE: God that these medical workers, from a former Communist nation, are realising the need to seek Gods guidance and help for their patients. Page 9

Christian Hope for Sierra Leone

BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 26:1-4 Day 13 Easily one of the poorest nations in the world with over 70% of the population below the poverty line, Sierra Leone has a mountain to climb to get out of its economic crisis. But Sierra Leone is not alone, and World Hope International (WHI) is bringing them the First Step, a subsidiary programme of WHI with the goal of stimulating their economy and businesses. Sierra Leone has a labour force in desperate need of jobs, resources for products, and businesses with creative ideas. First Step is providing a few of the missing pieces so that businesses can figure out how to fit all the jigsaw pieces together. First Step is building warehouses for manufacturing products; they will also be installing state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment so that products can be processed. Also, when businesses need certain materials to be imported and combined with native raw materials to finish their product, those materials will be imported by First Step. This will provide employment, export earnings and stable income to many fruit farmers. All this is being done in a Special Economic Zone established by First Step near the country's main seaport. The first tenant in the zone with First Step is a pineapple and mango juice concentrate manufacturer called Africa Felix Juice, which has now been in production since April 2011 and is proud to be the first fruit juice manufacturer ever based in Sierra Leone. WHI is a Christian relief organization that brings aid to the poor and suffering. Christ does not forget the poor, and in providing help for their physical welfare, WHI believes it will provide many opportunities to show Christ to the people. World Hope International; Christian Telegraph PRAISE: God for this opportunity for making a real difference to the lives of impoverished people. Pray it will lead to many openings for the Gospel.

Nurses Refuse to Assist in Abortions

BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 19:10 Day 14 Two technicians have advised the management at New Zealands Christchurch Public Hospital that they are no longer prepared to assist in the killing of unborn children. It was their duty to prepare instruments used for terminating the lives of the unborn. This follows the recent example of another technician on grounds of conscience. The technicians have recently learnt of their right to refuse to assist in abortions provided in section 46 of the Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion Act. It is believed that there are many persons employed by District Health Boards throughout New Zealand who are opposed to assisting in or the performing of abortions. Right to Life requests that all District Health Boards ensure that all employees are advised in writing of their statutory right to refuse to perform or assist in abortions. Right to Life New Zealand PRAISE: God that these women have stood up for Godgiven life. Pray many will follow their example. Page 10

Biblical Pattern of Revival: God Blesses Asas Religious Reforms in Judah

Reading: 2 Chronicles 14 & 15 After the death of King Solomon the nation of Israel was split in two. The southern kingdom of Judah, with its capital in Jerusalem, remained loyal to the house of David. Asa was the third king after Solomon. However, idolatry had increasingly crept into the nation, and for many it seemed natural to claim allegiance to the living God whilst simultaneously setting up altars and groves to strange gods, some of which had been set up by Solomon in his later years to please his foreign wives. What idols do Christians publicly, secretly or unwittingly maintain today that keep them from victorious life in Christ? 1. Asa Leads the People Back to the God of their Fathers Asa not only did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God, he also commanded Judah to seek the Lord the God of their fathers, and to do the law and the commandments. (2 Chronicles 14:2 & 4) For a long time Israel had been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without the law. (15:3) So Asas intention was not merely that the people should become moral (obey the law), but that firstly they should seek the living God, for only in Him and through His Spirit would they find the capacity and desire to obey the law. Revival is only possible when we turn to Jesus, the source of living water. 2. Asa Destroys the Idols that Had Led the People Astray There was considerable idolatry in Judah, and some of it appears to have been less immediately obvious, so it took Asa some time to remove, and in several stages. (14:3, 5; 15:8) But he went further than getting rid of what was leading them astray, he renewed the altar of the Lord, (15:8) and he led the people into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and soul. (15:12-15). 3. Israel Enjoys Peace, Prosperity and Victory Over Enemies Chapter 14 highlights the dramatic victory in the face of an overwhelming Ethiopian invasion that God gave Asa. On this occasion he was able to proclaim his total confidence in the Lord before the people by claiming Gods victory over the enemy against all the odds. (14:11). His prayer was a model for many godly kings after him who faced invasion. The Lord greatly blessed Asa, guided him and gave him security, with long periods of peace and prosperity for Judah. Page 11

Examples from History:

THE RISE OF THE SOCIAL REFORMERS IN THE EARLY 19TH CENTURY During the final decades of the eighteenth century, when the Wesleyan revival was touching the lives of the British working and middle classes, a number of rich and influential people, mainly members of the Church of England, were also feeling the hand of God upon their hearts and minds. Among them were Peers, MPs, businessmen, clergy and writers. There were notable women too in their number. Thanks to their power and influence on society, they became instrumental in achieving social reform and major improvements in national moral standards. 1. William Wilberforce and the Abolition of Slavery Wilberforce was born in 1759, and entered politics in 1780. He was influenced by an Oxford theologian called Isaac Milner and changed from being a fun-loving man to being oppressed by a sense of sin and guilt. It was John Newton who advised Wilberforce to serve Christ where he was - in politics. And from Newton, Wilberforce learned a deeper and more personal religion, finding serenity, tranquility and composure in his faith; he came to understand the grace of God in mercy, attacking those who imagined that 'amiable tempers and useful lives' were sufficient without faith for salvation. Influenced by Newton he became heavily involved in the campaign for the abolition of slavery. He fostered missionary societies, fought the Game Laws and attacked the excesses of the penal code, supporting Elizabeth Fry's work in prison reform; he opposed transportation and the exploitation of children as chimney-sweeps and as industrial apprentices. All this was as a result of his understanding that, although salvation is by faith in Christ, Christianity must be played out in practical love for ones neighbour.. 2. The Rise of the Clapham Sect and their Missionary Work The Clapham Sect were a group of influential like-minded social reformers based in Clapham, London (active c.17901830). Wilberforce became a member of the group. They are described by the historian Stephen Tomkins as "a network of friends and families in England, with William Wilberforce as its centre of gravity, who were powerfully bound together by their shared moral and spiritual values, by their religious mission and social activism, by their love for each other, and by marriage. Its members were chiefly prominent and wealthy evangelical Anglicans who shared common political views concerning the liberation of slaves, and social reform.

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The group published a journal, the Christian Observer, edited by Zachary Macaulay and were also credited with the foundation of several missionary and tract societies, including the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Church Missionary Society. They founded Freetown in Sierra Leone, the first major British colony in Africa, whose purpose in Thomas Clarkson's words was "the abolition of the slave trade, the civilisation of Africa, and the introduction of the gospel there". Other societies that they founded or were involved with included: the Anti-Slavery Society, the Abolition Society, the Proclamation Society, the Sunday School Society, the Bettering Society, and the Small Debt Society. The Clapham Sect have been credited with playing a significant part in the development of Victorian morality, through their writings, their societies, their influence in Parliament, and their example in philanthropy and moral campaigns. In the words of Tomkins, "The ethos of Clapham became the spirit of the age". 3. Elizabeth Fry and the Movement for Prison Reform Elizabeth Fry (nee Gurney) was born in Norwich in 1780 into a wealthy bankers family. At the age of 18, Elizabeth was deeply moved by the preaching of William Savery, an American Quaker. Motivated by his words, she took an interest in the poor, the sick, and the prisoners. She collected old clothes for the poor, visited those who were sick in her neighbourhood, and started a Sunday school in the summer house to teach children to read. She married Joseph Fry a banker, and also a Quaker, when she was twenty years old. Fry visited Newgate prison. The conditions she saw there horrified her. The women's section was overcrowded with women and children, some of whom had not even received a trial. Elizabeth Fry actually stayed the nights in some of the prisons and invited nobility to come and stay and see for themselves the conditions prisoners lived in. Her kindness helped her gain the friendship of the prisoners and they began to try to improve their conditions for themselves. Fry founded a prison school for the children who were imprisoned with their parents. She began a system of supervision and required the women to sew and to read the Bible. When her brother-in-law, Thomas Fowell Buxton, was elected to Parliament for Weymouth, he began to promote her work among his fellow MPs. In 1818 Fry gave evidence to a House of Commons committee on the conditions prevalent in British prisons, becoming the first woman to present evidence in Parliament. The process of reform of Britains notoriously cruel prison system was being put in motion. All these phenomenal changes in the nations moral and social conscience was a direct and lasting consequence of the evangelical revivals of the 18th century. Page 13

Prayer Concerning Revival

Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, LORD, there is no-one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. O LORD, you are our God; do not let man prevail against You (2 Chronicles 14:11)

They entered into a covenant to seek the LORD, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul. All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman. They took an oath to the LORD with loud acclamation, with shouting and with trumpets and horns. All Judah rejoiced about the oath because they had sworn it wholeheartedly. They sought God eagerly, and he was found by them. So the LORD gave them rest on every side. (2 Chronicles 15:12-15)

Disturb us, Lord, when We are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true Because we have dreamed too little, When we arrived safely Because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when With the abundance of things we possess We have lost our thirst For the waters of life; Having fallen in love with life, We have ceased to dream of eternity And in our efforts to build a new earth, We have allowed our vision Of the new Heaven to dim... . (Sir Francis Drake)

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We Cannot Ignore the Reality of Hell

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 23:33 Day 15 The publication of the book Love Wins by Rob Bell, former pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church has caused great controversy. His main contention is that a loving God would not sentence his creation to eternal damnation. But, in a stinging reply, during the Baptist General Convention of Texas, pastor Howard Baston of First Baptist Church, Amarillo, maintained that, when it comes to staying true to the Gospel, church leaders cannot neglect the reality of hell. Batson disputed, "The problem is, when you teach and preach false doctrine, it doesn't matter how noble your intentions or how eloquent your words; if your teachings are not based on the words of the Lord Jesus Christ and the writing and preaching of the apostles, they're a very dangerous theology." Although Batson regards Bell as a master communicator he referred to some of the Mars Hill church founder's philosophies as hermeneutical gymnastics used to mislead readers. Baston says, "Bell implies that all people will eventually be saved even if they reject the Lord's plan of salvation in this life. He was joined by the pastor Brent Gentzel, who outlined three points for Texas Baptist leaders to follow when approaching the topic of eternal suffering: a) one should not try to be kinder than Jesus; b) one should not try to be more seeker-sensitive than Paul and c) one should never preach cheap grace. Batson said, "Bell simply rambles trying to make sense of the evangelical faith in which he was raised and the cultural diversity where he finds himself living." The two pastors say that leaving eternal judgment out does no favours to the lost, and they will never understand what a genuine commitment to Jesus Christ looks like. Christian Newswire PRAY: That Christians may know the Truth and be ready to contend for it, even when it is unpopular.

Christ: Only Source of Forgiveness

Day 16 BIBLE STUDY: Philippians 4:6-8 It has taken 30 years for justice to be done but, at the end of the six week trial of serial child murderer Robert Black, the parents of Jennifer Cardy murdered by Black in 1981 when she was just 9 years old said they will not allow her killer to embitter them and steal their lives. Pat Cardy said Jennifer loved life", but had a deeper side to her: "One of the lovely things about Jennifer was how much she wanted to know about Heaven. Although they said Robert Black had "never once" acknowledged their presence in court during the trial, they revealed they had prayed for him. "I've said many times that one of the lovely promises in the Scriptures is that the Lord gives a peace in this world that passes understanding," Andrew Cardy said. BBC News website
PRAISE: God that the whole nation has heard that Jesus heals our deepest wounds and gives peace. Page 15

China: A Force for Word Evangelism

BIBLE STUDY: Mark 13:9-11

Days 17&18

China's meteoric rise to power over the last two decades is likely one of the most significant developments we are witnessing. It has amassed the wealth and power to make or break global markets. China is a force to be reckoned with, and Jonathon Shibley, with Global Advance says: "Today is the day that we need to plant those seeds of thought into the new emerging Christian leaders in China, that they have a global responsibility for the fulfilling of the Great Commission. As resources shift, and as power shifts, we'll see Chinese helping fund the advance of the Gospel around the world. it's a good time to engage the leaders of the Christian Chinese business world. Global Advance recently held a strategic meeting in China to do just that. Business ethics often challenge Christian business leaders in China. The tools utilized by Marketplace Missions meet a growing need. "A lot of them struggle with being in a culture where spiritual capital is lacking in terms of doing business. There's a lot of bribery and things of that nature, so the hunger level is high to learn how to do business from a godly perspective, but also to see themselves as a catalyst to being a light and an influence to other people... Through Marketplace Missions, Global Advance teams worked with Christian business leaders in China to awaken Kingdom vision and increase the expertise of Christian entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals. "People who are managers in multi-national companies and love Jesus are being catalysts for God's purpose through the marketplace. It's just exciting to see what God is doing. The call to Great Commission is for the entire church - for believers in every nation, and not just the West," Shibley notes. He adds that the meetings were a valuable resource for China's Christian business leaders to connect with others who desire to transform their nations. Global Advance provided some resources through their Business Institute (GABI). Special modular teachings focused on areas such as Accounting Finance, Management, Marketing, and Human Resources. Shibley says although there is persecution occurring throughout the country, believers are undeterred. Now that the Christian business leaders have tools, friends, and a growing spiritual acumen, "Pray that they'll have the strength and the biblical encouragement to live out and integrate their faith into their work." That's not the only need. Global perspective is the next challenge. As multi-national business opens up lanes of commerce for the Chinese, they can be a force for godly change, as indeed happens when Christian Chinese businessmen visit closed countries like North Korea. Market Place Missions; Global Advance; Revival Media Day 17 PRAISE: God that Chinese businessmen are realising their responsibility to the world. Day 18 PRAY: That they may learn to serve God in a difficult environment in ways that honour Him. Page 16

A Challenge to Extreme Mission

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 19:28-30 Day 19 The 10th Ibero-American Area Wesleyan Missions Conference and the 2nd Ibero-America Wesleyan Fellowship, took place last October, with representatives from thirteen countries gathering in the heart of Medellin, Colombia, a city of 3.5 million people, to hear the call to Extreme Missions, the theme of the Conference. JIBACAM, the Ibero-American Wesleyan Mission Board, in corporation with Global Partners and the Atlantic District, has been partnering with Cuba since January 2010 and it was especially moving to hear a superintendent from Cuba share about evangelism and growth of The Wesleyan Church in his country. The closing night of the week-long celebration was marked by colourful cultural presentations and music. Rev. Juan de la Cruz Pieros, pastor of the Bogota North Church, the second largest Wesleyan church in the world, called on the 400 people present to make an Extreme Impact on the world by Gods Grace. Hearts were awakened. Many people of all ages went forward to commit themselves to Gods calling on their lives. A young lady from Costa Rica plans to give one year of service in China. The conference went on record to explore opening ministry of The Wesleyan Church in Bolivia in 2012, and help revitalise ministry in Venezuela. God moved in a mighty way to bring missional focus to the movement. Global Partners; Wesleyan Life PRAISE: God that the challenge to mission saw such great response. Pray that the Ibero-American nations may become a mission force to the world.

Lithuanians Flock to Receive Christ

Day 20 BIBLE STUDY: Acts 8:4-9 After working 15 years with Campus Crusade for Christ (Agape) in Lithuania, Renata Ramanauskaite was amazed to see 28,000 people come out to hear the Gospel message in the last weekend of October, and then watch hundreds make commitments in three different services, at Franklin Grahams Vilnius Festival of Hope. "Even for Christians, it's hard to believe that God can work in this way," Renata said. She is part of the microscopic percentage of evangelical Christians in Lithuania, a country of 3 million where only one-tenth of one percent (3,000) are believers. But after seeing nearly half that number come to Christ making first-time decisions, she can only imagine what might be ahead. But there was icing on the cake for her: on the final night, as she was counseling a 32-year-old Russian woman to accept Christ, she discovered she had been invited by her sister whom Ramanauskaite had led to the Lord two years ago and was now impacting her family. "God can change hearts. Miracles can happen," she says. Charisma News
PRAISE: the God of miracles for His salvation. Pray that new converts may be nurtured in Gods Word. Page 17

Syria Desperately Needs Our Prayers

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 115:1-9

Day 21

With some 3000 people losing their lives in Syrias civil unrest, and thousands more arrested during the Assad governments crackdown, Christians in Syria need prayer more than any other group. On top of the repression from Assads military, Syria's general population has already suffered job losses with increased food prices. Now Jerry Dykstra of Open Doors tells OneNewsNow how Christians are also suffering. "More so perhaps than the regular population," he said, "so there's a great need for goods (and) for food we need to uplift the Christian community there, which numbers about ten percent of the country, which is a significant amount: 1.9 million." Although there are few in the international community who defend Assads murderous tactics, according to Dykstra, if al-Assad is overthrown, Shar'ia law could be implemented, which would further threaten Syrian Christians. In particular Dykstra fears for Iraqi Christian refugees in Syria they're fearful that what happened in Iraq will also happen in Syria." Worthy Christian News; Revival Media PRAY: That a way may be found out of the quagmire enabling peace to return to the nation and transition to a government that is respectful of all its people.

S. America: Christian Media Success

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 136:1-5 Day 22 More than in any other part of the world, the use of mass media has been a decisive factor in the growth of evangelical Christianity throughout the Latin American continent. Radio and television has been available to the evangelical community for decades, and there has been no lack of take up by local Christian ministries. It therefore comes as no surprise that over 5,000 delegates came from all over the continent to attend the 12th COICOM (Latin American Christian Media) Congress, held in October in Paraguays capital Asuncion. Demonstrating the huge interest in using media amongst Christians, more than 47,000 people from all over Paraguay attended the seminars and training sessions; among them were 200 indigenous Paraguayans from various tribes and 400 children. COICOM President, Arnold Enns remarked that this exciting development showed that they were fulfilling the objective of passing the baton on to the next generation. This Continent is going through a time of special visitation from God, he said. There are signs of revival in several countries and we need trained labourers. If we train them now we shall see an even greater impact for the Gospel in the future, which is our hearts great desire. Armonia Chile; Revival Media PRAISE: God that the Gospel is making such inroads in Latin America. Pray for a future generation of godly and dedicated leaders. Page 18

Congo: Christ for Future Generations

BIBLE STUDY: Galatians 3:13-14 Day 23 Two years ago Bill Vinton and a team of nine pastors and educators began to concentrate on the evangelisation of the students in the elementary and secondary schools administered by the Grace Churches in Congo; they prayed earnestly for God to bring 1,000 children to faith. The number seemed out of reach though still possible through prayer. Yet last year alone, over 3,000 students received Christ. Vinton says, I've never seen such openness. The door is open now, and we want to make sure we enter in and do as much as possible during this time." Grace Ministries International (GMI) is doing all it can to strengthen these new lives in Christ. "The first response that people make is not really the most important; it's what you do with that response in follow up," notes Vinton. Bill Vinton has created several small follow-up booklets. GMI has printed about 15,000 copies, and teachers are being trained to use these materials as well. Vinton believes this generation is bridging a gap in Congo. "We do have a lot of Christians who are the older generation, and I think there's been a gap," says Vinton. "We're very much interested in making sure we have literature in their hands and actually have mentoring and one-on-one discipleship, because we believe this really is going to be the future way for the church." This ministry is growing and developing in ways GMI never could have imagined. Vinton says the most vital need right now is prayer for the nine leaders who often travel hundreds of miles to reach various schools. Mission Network News PRAISE: God for such openness among these children. Pray that they may grow to maturity as leaders for the future. Pray for their mentors.

The Chilean Miners Last Supper

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Corinthians 15:13-23

Day 24

Miami-based publishing house Editorial Vida has just released a new book - in Spanish and English - written by the Chilean miner, Jose Henriquez, who was one of the 33 miners trapped in the San Jose mine in northern Chile last year. Miracle in the Mine not only tells the gripping story of the 69 fateful days spent under 700,000 tons of rock and the extraordinary rescue - it also tells pastor (as the other miners affectionately called him) Henriquez life story and shows how through the grace of God he was the spiritual mainstay of the young men trapped in the bowels of the earth. He recalls how, on the final day, all that remained was a can of tuna fish. Although it was lunch time, he says, we prepared to eat it together as our Last Supper. Just at that moment the drill bit came through the shaft... I realised God had spared no cost to save us from our predicament! He kept us alive in His refuge. Armonia Chile; Revival Media PRAISE: God for this story of faith, grace and mercy. Pray it may bring many to Jesus. Page 19

The Chinese Hand-Written Bible

BIBLE STUDY: Genesis 39:1-6

Day 25

It took years to finish, but on one day last October ChinaAid presented a portion of a hand-copied Chinese Bible to the George W Bush Institute, as a token of appreciation for President Bush's "dedication to the advancement of religious freedom in China" and his "tireless efforts as an advocate for those Chinese 'in bondage'." The text had been painstakingly hand-copied by house church Christians imprisoned in a labour camp in northwest China In a letter to President Bush explaining the provenance of the hand-written scriptures, ChinaAid president and founder Xiqiu "Bob" Fu said that about a decade ago, a group of some 20 Chinese house church Christians were sent to a labour camp after their 5 a.m. worship meeting was raided by authorities. The labour camp refused to allow them to have a copy of the Bible, but another house church Christian in the same camp managed to get one copy of the Scriptures smuggled in. The prisoners began to copy the Bible by hand, book by book. "These hand-copied Bibles were used by more than two dozen house church Christians in the labour camp for more than a year, sustaining the faith of these prisoners who read them in turn, book by book, in secret in the dark of night," the letter said. "On the eve of the prisoners' release, the text was smuggled out of the labour camp to prevent them from being confiscated when the prisoners left the camp." Christian News Wire PRAISE: God that He sustained His people through His written Word, bringing them daily face to face with the Living Word, Jesus Christ.

Satellites Aid Bible Translation

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 119:89-96

Day 26

Nigeria, with its 150 million inhabitants, is the most populous nation in Africa. Yet its inhabitants speak as many as 500 different languages and dialects, and over half of Nigerians speak no English. Bible translators give their lives to bring them Gods Word. However they work slowly, and often need to travel for days to have their work reviewed. Bruce Smith, CEO of Wycliffe Associates says they have come up with a technology that overcomes the problems. Help comes in the form of kits to connect to the Internet via satellite in each village. This is revolutionising the translation of the Scriptures, Smith says. Pastor John, one of the national translators says; It could take 3 months to have our work checked; now its ready almost in minutes. To date there are 42 Nigerian communities connected through these kits. The drawback to connecting more they cost $3,500 each (2,200)! Christian World; Armonia Chile PRAISE: God that new people groups will have His Word in their language more speedily. Page 20

Algeria: Quiet Advance of the Gospel

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 13:30-34 Days 27&28 Algeria is one of the most unreached nations in the world for the Gospel. The mostly Muslim North African country is comprised of only 0.1% evangelical Christians, according to the Joshua Project. Operation World says Algeria is home to 41 people groups, 85% of whom are unreached. It might seem hopeless upon first glance, but behind the scenes, the Gospel is moving at exponential rates. "What God is doing in Algeria today is totally unique in history," says Operation Mobilization Algeria Field Leader, Youssef. "We have seen the power of God coming in amazing ways." Since Youssef and his wife, Hee Tee, from Malaysia, began the ministry of the House of Hope in Algeria in 1996, they have witnessed God change hundreds of lives. The country has one of the fastest-growing churches in the Muslim World. The church has a great deal of work to do, but Youssef and his team are making significant headway. Youssef himself comes from a conservative Muslim background, as do many of those who work with him, allowing them to relate easily with the demographic they are trying to reach. After 15 years in Algeria, Youssef has been able to gather 40 adults to serve in the House of Hope's 10 ministries. This group seeks to bring the Truth they've found to people around the country through radio and satellite television, sports ministry, church planting, training, and micro-enterprise business, among other things. While Christian witness is limited and literature is not widely available, radio and television reach nearly everyone. Some of the House of Hope teammates came to Christ themselves through TV and radio. Several hundred seekers and new believers contact the team every month, often getting in touch through the phone number given during the radio or television programmes. Though offering a telephone number via satellite TV invites trouble, the team has been able to hear stories of how God is reaching people who might otherwise never have heard the Good News. The media work started in 2001 by filming seminars at the Bible school. Now, the media team produces over 200 radio programmes in local dialects and almost 200 television programmes with testimonies and teaching. Many have heard about Christ for the first time from these programmes, and others have had visions of Jesus confirmed as they watch. "When I look back since 1996, the Lord has done great things," says Youssef. "The team is doing a wonderful job, and God is moving in amazing ways. It is a dangerous mission. Algeria is ranked 22 on the Open Doors World Watch List for the persecuted church. Youssef and Hee Tee have been threatened by terrorists to cease their work. Open Doors; Mission Network News Day 27 PRAISE: God that the Gospel is changing amid such challenging and perilous circumstances. Day 28 PRAY: That Youssef and his team will be upheld and encouraged daily in their vital work. Page 21

Mexican Miracle: Food Multiplies

Day 29 BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 16:32-39 They had only prepared food for 70 people. But once the service in the prison in Pochutla had started, 200 men joined in. During Operation Mobilization Mexico's July outreach in the state of Oaxaca, a group of volunteers realized they hadn't enough food and prayed for God to multiply it. Their prayer was answered. "I could hardly believe it, but it happened. As we were handing the food out to the inmates, it didn't run out. We even had enough plates and spoons for 200 men!" Operation Mobilisation International
PRAISE: God that He does indeed provide bountifully when we reach out in faith and service.

Danger of Middle East Conflagration

Day 30 BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 24:5-7 Sky News recently reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to rally support in his cabinet for an attack on Iran. The country's defence minister Ehud Barak and the foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman are said to be among those backing a pre-emptive strike to neutralise Iran's nuclear ambitions. Western intelligence officials estimate that Iran is still at least two to three years away from obtaining a nuclear bomb. Israel has long made it clear that it will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear capability that could threaten the Jewish State. Israel's former defence minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer told Haraatez newspaper that he feared a "horror scenario" if Israel attacked Iran. Washington is also strongly opposed to Israel taking unilateral action. Any strike on Iran could trigger retaliation from Iran and across the region. Syria, a close ally of Tehran, could also launch attacks, along with the Iranian-backed Hizbollah militia in Lebanon. Sky News; Revival Media
PRAY: That God will control this volatile situation and that He will neutralise Irans threat in ways that will bring glory to His name.

Girl Convert Recovers from Brutality

Day 31 BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 10:22 For months little Susan was kept alive by her brother secretly giving her water in the room to which her Muslim father had confined her when she received Christ. Weighing only 3 stone and suffering from abuse to her whole body, after 11 months in hospital, doctors believe she will eventually make a full recovery. Members of the Full Gospel Church in Bwera, Uganda are now caring for her. It is a testimony to Gods grace that she underwent such treatment and retained her new-found faith in the Saviour. Open Doors; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for little Susans faith and for the support of local Christians. Pray for the many Muslim converts in similar predicaments. Page 22

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