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Things that you will need for a successful SE:

Serial Number (Needed)

Photo Of The Serial Number (Needed)
Proof Of Purchase (Needed)
Denial Letter
Video Of Issue With Ticket number (Depends)
Video Of Serial Number With Ticket Number (Depends)
Photo Of Serial Number With Ticket Number (Depends)

1) Head over to fill the boxes with your information(or a fake one), make
sure that you have cleared your cookies and running a VPN!

2) Wait for a live agent to connect, say hi to the agent and BE GENTLE!!!! This is a key in SE-
Now that you are connected, tell the agent that your product is not working, BE CREATIVE,
3) Now the agent should send you some troubleshooting steps, make sure to request some
time and "try" them. Now that you waited some minutes, tell him that nothing helped, and
the problem didn't got solved.

4) After that, the agent should ask you to return your product to your reseller, or either ask
for your information
IF HE ASK YOU TO RETURN IT: Just tell him, that your reseller already redirected you to them,
and sent you an email about it (This will be your denial letter)
IF HE ASKS FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Just fill them with your ones, thats all
5) Now, he should ask for your Proof Of Purchase, just send it to him
6) If you are lucky, you are done with your SE! They will submit your replacement request,
and update you through your email.
7) If you are not that lucky, the agent will ask for some proof: Like a photo of your serial
number, photo of your device with the ticket number, a video showing the issue of the device,
and the hardest one: Showing the S/N, showing the ticket number, then showing the issue in
ONE video .
8)Now if you were asked for a photo of the S/N: U have to photoshop it fast. Ask the agent for
some time, and say that your phone is not that fast, or your internet is slow, and takes time to
upload it. There you go, you have time to photoshop it now. You have to do the same with
ticket number+S/N
9)If you were asked for an issue video: Well, if you have the product you can simply unplug
your device and showing that it doesnt works. If you dont have the product, you have to
contact an ASAP issue video maker, they usually charge 15$ dollars up.
10)And the hardest one: Showing the S/N, showing the ticket number, then showing the issue
in ONE video
For that, you have to have professional video editing skills, unless you can't really do that so
you have to contact an ASAP video maker, sadly i dont know an avarage price for that.
11) Now, if you sent the proof, the agent should say, that they will review your ticket, and
wait for a response in the next 24-48 hours. Gently say goodbye, and wait for your SE to be

Tips for a successful and possibly instant approval:

- Use a fresh account for every SE so that you are not reusing the same email for every email.

- Use is requires like no verification and hardly ever needs a phone number for
all your emails.

- Clear cookies before every SE or use private browser.

- If you are only doing a few SEs I recommend adding the product to your profile and make an
account on logitech.
Choosing an address

There are multiple things you can do to make sure your address stays clean, you can change
your street name to something random for example as logitech probably wont remember
your postal code unless you do 10 a day or something.

If you want a guaranteed fresh address, use #ups this allows you to get a random address
and as many drops as you need.

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