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Table of Contents.

>Market Potential.
>Problem TWC solves.
>Market Analysis.
>The Offer.

Ever wonder how banks make money? Well it’s simple “The forex market” this
is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily volume of $6.6 trillion,
according to the 2019 Triennial Central Bank Survey of FX and OTC derivatives
It’s Interesting the Market is open to everyone not just the Banks,
although according to recent research 77% to 90% of Independent forex traders are
not profitable.
At TradewithChun, with our professional team of Traders and profitable
Trading strategies profitability is certain. We reduce the risks and put our
clients in charge of their finances, enabling them to save, invest and Trade the
financial market through Our services.

Market Potential.
>According to our latest research, the global FinTech market is expected to reach a
value of USD 16,652,680 million by 2028, with a remarkable compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 13.9% during the forecast period.

>Nigeria has assumed a market-leading

position when it comes to activity it has
long held in the area of fintech investment.
Of the about $3.64 billion in funding
secured by African fintech ventures in the
last 8.5 years, about $1.51 billion or 41.6 per
cent went into Nigeria-based companies.

>Nigeria retains market dominance as fintechs raise over $2.7bn in 2 years.

(LinkedIn, 2023)

>The fintech market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 20.5% between 2022 and 2027.
The size of the market is forecast to increase by USD 277.22 billion.
(Technavio, 2022)

>The FinTech market presents numerous growth opportunities for both established
players and emerging startups.
(LinkedIn, 2023)

Problem TWC solves.

>Loss of value Liquid investments/Asset;
With the constant devaluation of the Nigerian Naira NGN, The Value of
investments & Assets in Naira is constantly reducing as well, Tradewithchun enables
our clients save in Strong Foreign Currencies. For example in Nigeria There’s
Currently a high demand to save & invest in the US Dollar.

>Low interest Rates;

Traditional banks gives very little interest rates, which is mostly not enough
to meet the needs of the vast majority, we aim to generate higher returns by
employing our specialized investment strategies and taking advantage of market

>Investment Risks;
The forex market comes with a-lot of Volatility and Risks, Tradewithchun aim
to reduce risks involved with trading the market greatly by a team of experienced
traders, tight risk management strategies and utilization of the opportunities the
proprietary firms industry offers.

Market Analysis.

>The graph above shows that the total revenue

of FinTech market of Digital Assets and Digital Investment in Nigeria is expected
to be £69.47m in 2023 and is foreseen to only be increasing in the coming years.

>In the digital payments market in Nigeria, the number of users is expected to
amount to 146.10m users by 2027.(Statista, 2023)

>The digital assets market in Nigeria is expected to show a revenue growth of 54.0%
in 2024.(Statista, 2023)

>The largest market will be digital investment

with the assets under management (AUM) of
US$58.37m in 2023.(Statista, 2023)

>The average assets under management (AUM)

per user in the digital investment market is
projected to amount to US$15.78m in 2023.
(Statista, 2023)

>The total average assets under management

(AUM) in the digital investment market is projected to US$58.37m in 2023.
(Statista, 2023).

The offer;
Tradewithchun started operations 2years ago, We’ve Paid out over 210,000,000Naira
to 1,000+ Investors at an interest rate of over 50% quarterly.
With no website, nor Huge marketing.

Now we are about launching our website with 20% Quarterly ROI, with our website and
proper Marketing we are Looking to manage 3billion+ in the first two quarters of
2024 and greater in the last two quarters.
We’re Offering to split Our revenue Bi-annually with investors willing to partner
with us for the next two years.
40Units of Shares are Available.
Each Unit holder will get and equal amount of the profit Split, One person a can
hold Multiple Units.
Each Unit is up for 500k
Minimum amount of unit one can buy is 0.5Unit which is 250k.
Profit Estimation goes from 5X Up to 40X.

Offer Ends January 30th.

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