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Section A

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True

Section B
1.Miscommunication has to do with one not understanding how
others communicate, a misunderstanding in the way
information is conveyed between people, this happens mostly
due to the difference in communication patterns.

2. An employee who recognizes communication patterns

makes communication adjustments in consideration of the
communication pattern of the receiver therefore improving
client relationships, team effectiveness, and employee

3. Employees who are trained to communicate More effectively

easily understands the needs of clients making them feel
understood, enabling mitigation and resolution of conflicts, also
to present new information in a way in which client will be more

4. Overall advantages of an effectively communicating team

includes a more accurate and concise presentation of
information and ideas, mitigation of conflict, creation of a more
positive team environment, improved sales, client relationships
development and innovative thinking.
According to Bosworth(2016) good communication is the ability
to convey information and ideas effectively by identifying
communication patterns and making adjustments in
consideration of the receiver.
Good communication is an integral element to Business
success just as it’s an important skill in any environment with
human interactions.

Workplace communication has quite a few powerful benefits.

Mitigation of conflicts; with proper communication training the
conflict in the workplace could be resolved. This conflict could
occur due to miscommunication. Miscommunication results
from the difference in communication pattern with good
communication tools to such as identifying communication
pattern and making small communication adjustments new
information can be conveyed and understood easily by
increasing employee engagement and performance.

Good communication increases employee engagement;

Communication Also involves connecting people with a good
connection with employees. One can easily understand their
employees better, discover the talent and understand their
needs also build better relationship with managers.
Good communication creates better client relations, Employees
who are trained to communicate More effectively easily
understands the needs of clients making them feel understood,
enabling mitigation and resolution of conflicts, also to present
new information in a way in which client will be more receptive.
As mentioned earlier, good communication enables managers
discover employees skills and talents which when properly
utilized could result in a productive and talented workspace.

In Conclusion an effectively communicating team includes a

more accurate and concise presentation of information and
ideas, mitigation of conflict, creation of a more positive team
environment, improved sales, client relationships development
and innovative thinking.

Bosworth, P. (2016) The power of good communication in the Workplace, Leadership
Choice. Available at:
workplace/ (Accessed: 02 December 2023).

Short Essay.

The Word “CRAAP” is an acronym for Currency, relevance,

authority, accuracy, purpose, these are necessary criterial used
in the examination of information sources.

Currency, this has to do with the timeliness of your resource is

it recent enough? if it’s research on Covid, you need a most
recent information not information from a long time ago, except
it’s a history related research.
Authority, this question the credibility of your sources with
reference to it’s authority to speak on the topic, it questions the
expertise and credentials of the author.

Audience refers to the receivers of the information, the group of

people the sender wants to reach, understanding the audience
is important in selecting a source, the message in a magazine
for the general public won’t have the same content and
structure as one written for professionals in a field.

Relevance is a crucial factor, considering different perspective

by finding other sources to help understand all sides of an
argument is essential, extremely biased sources could affect
our writing negatively.
Inconclusion the CRAAP test is an essential tool that helps
evaluate the quality and reliability if source, with it One can
determine if a source is trustworthy and for the reference

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