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FORMAT ===================================================

thank you for accepting my friend request

it is my pleasure to meet you here on facebook

you have a wonderful smile ... i wish to know you better

i am ...... from .... and reside in ...... what about you

wow that is a wonderful place , i have heard alot about it ... how is the weather
there today ?

i love to be there someday ... and now that you are my friend ...i know it will be

i hope when i come you will be my tour guide to take me round the beautiful city

i am a civil engineer and a cooperate contractor ... what about you ?

wow ... you have a wonderful job ...i hope it is not too stressful ?

how many days do you work in a week and how many hours a day ?

i must say you are very hardworking .... i hope the pay is commensurate to the work

do you like the job .... i hope it gives you time to rest and do somethings for
yourself ?

do you drink ? do you smoke ?

what you enjoy doing apart from work ... i mean your hobbies ?

For me, i like to travel, swim . cook and go for adventures

do you like to travel ... have you ever been to (my home town) it is a wonderful
place to be and we are very friendly and accommodative ....

now that we are friends ... i hope we can go there some day so i take you round my
home country

Once again thank you for the warm welcome and i am will be happy to chat with you
again when it is convenient , hopefully at lunch ... i have to prepare for work now

lunch time
how was your day ? mine was great ... alot of work to do but it was fine

how was work today ?

i guess you must be tired ... have you had something to eat ... you also need rest
my dear friend

i must say you are very friendly and fun to be with .... are you married ?

i am a widower with no kids ... i understand how it feels to be lonely .... do you
have kids ?

if yes ... is he a boy or a girl ... what is his/her name , how old is he or she

my daughter died many years ago ... she suffered from sickle cell anaemia .... my
wife couldnt bear the shock ... she took ill and suffered stroke as a result of the
shock ... i was left to fate ... since then i have not been my self ... my whole
world crashed before my face ...

thank you for your concern ... so happened to your husband ?

i am so sorry to hear that ... we are both victims whose loved ones have been taken
away by death .. i have come to believe that God knows the best

Thank God for letting us meet ... hope we cherish every moment we have ..... i will
have to retire to bed now ... do have a wonderful night rest ... dont forget to say
hello when you wake up ... goodnight

day 2

goodmorning to you my dear friend ... how was your night ?

i hope you slept well and you are refreshed for the days work ?

have you had breakfast .... you shouldnt be working with an empty stomach you
know ?

how is (the childs name)

i am here preparing for work and i decided to check up on you ....

do have a lovely day at work and sont forget to pay attention to health and
safety ...

lunch time

it is my lunch break and i want to share with you ....

how was work today .... i hope it wasnot too hectic

did you have lunch at work today .... were you busy all through ?
was is your favourite food , how often do you prepare it ... i would love you to
teach me to make it so i can make it for you some day

do you love sports ... what is your favourite sport

i love football and i fan team manchester

do you like gifts ... do you like giving out gifts

what do you like the most as a gift

what is your favourite colour

my favourite colour is blue ... i like it because it gives me hope ... when ever i
am down ... i just look up to the sky and i see blue ....

What kinds of things really make you laugh?

What�s your favorite place in the entire world?

What is your favorite way to spend weekends ?

what kind of music do you like , what kind of movies do you like ?

do you like pets....? if yes do you have any ?

add friendship flower

------------------ day 3

goodmorning to you my dear friend ...i hope you are fine today ... ?

do you always wake up this early to preparefor work everyday ?

i just want you to stay safe and be mindful of your health ... try to have enough

My dear friendship is a connection of mind and

soul..........communication,understanding,trust and honesty,i know i have a great
friend in you

do have a great time at work ... talk to you later

add friendship song


how was work today ... i hope you enjoyed work today ...

my day was stressful but the thought of a friend like you made it worthwhile ...

are you home yet .... have you had your shower ... have you had something to eat ?
wow ...i hope we share dinner someday my darling friend ..

i will like to know ... do you have brothere and sisters ...

are they older or younger ?

what about your parents ....

where are they my dear... how often do you see them ... i wish mine were still
alive ... now i remember how they use to laugh and make me know that life is always
worth the struggle

so what are you doing now ....

how have you been coping since the demise of your husband ?

do you ever wish to re marry and settle down again ....?

would you like to have more kids if it were possible ?

i am always happy to talk to you ... you have become a part of my life ...

i have to get back to work now my dear ... do have a wonderful night rest and know
that i care about you ..

add friendship song and flower

day 4

goodmorning my darling , i want you to know that i feel so relaxed and comfortable
starting my day with you because you worth every moment of my life now....

how was your night ... did you sleep well... did you dream of me ?

i thought of you last night and it was beautiful seeing you in my dreams ...

are you already set for work ..... i want you to be careful at work and know that i
miss you ...

do have a lovely day at work my darling

add goodmorning song


how was work today .... you look very happy .. what is the secret ?

today work is going on fine ... i have been smiling all through because i have you
in my life

i want you to know that i find it very difficult these days to concentrate at work
even can't stop thinking about you when i'm at the platform ... you are always in
my mind
From the very first moment i saw you on i knew that there was something special
about you

i felt something deep down in me that i haven't felt for anyone in a long time

i thank God for creating you and letting us meet the way he did....i thank God i
met you, Right now you have become a part of my daily activity and i wish i can
explain how i feel for you right now

i know we met not quite long but to me is like eternity because you have proven to
me that life is worth living for and also it has much to offer

i donot know what you went through in your past relationship but i promise to
always make you smile my darling

i am here with an open mind full of love, care and all i can ask for is a chance in
your heart, a chance to show to you, how much i love you ...

i need you in my life and i want to show you how much you have completed me these
past days... you have given me reasons to smile again...

My dear i want you to know the word Love has to be nurtured....looked after to make
it strong ...and it takes time to do it... i believe we can do that together my

Love only happens in a nurturing environment where the two individual takes time to
understand each other and accepts each other completely and unconditionally

i want you to know that LOVE is just a and i are the most important
ingredients.. You can't see it yet you feel it and you can give your all for it

And i want you to know A relationship needs nurturing from both sides, total
commitment to make it work, make it a loving, fulfilling, caring and
harmonious ....



Sweetheart, thank you for coming into my life and loving me the way you do and i
promise to always love you and respect you.. i want to always make you smile and

I may not be with you at the moment but my thinking,my Care, my Messages,my Prayers
and my Lovely Wishes are always With you.

My days and especially my nights are so empty without you.....i look forward to
waking up to the softness of your skin against mine, your hair gently brushing my

I want to feel you breathing as if you were a part of my own body.Looking at you as
you dream, gently waking you to the soft caresses of my hands and your body
yielding to me.

You fulfilled my void and make me complete again!! You are the key to my heart, and
i want to remain locked till eternity!!

You are the light of my world, the music in my heart and the first thought of my
day. my heart is yours forever, i'm always with you my pretty and
cherish you forever
Once again good morning my heart desire....have a wonderful day my treasure...


It is my lunch time baby and there is no better way to spend it except with you ...
how are you doing ... somebody misses you so much

I cannot begin to explain how and when it happened, when we fell in love with each
other in such an extraordinary way, except for divine intervention and the grace of
God. God is always in control and He is great. i thank God everyday for creating
you for me. Since i met you, my life has changed completely.

You mean the world to me, i will always be here for you.You and i have shared so
much together, and we have just taken over a special part in each other's lives and
can't let go.....i promise to love and cherish our relationship forever my



Honey, thanks for coming into my life to bring me light, air, water and endless
love sweetheart, you are my source of inspiration, i love everything about you my
queen, you are my true love of inestimable value.

Darling, now that i'm with you, i feel loved, safe and protected in your arms. With
our two hearts become one, there's nothing else i would need to live happily ever

I can't wait to share everything, my heart, body and soul with you for the rest of
my life because, You Are My Everything and i LOVE YOU HONEY!

Honey, thank you for being my rock, my hero, my crying shoulder, my confidant, my
heart, body and soul desire... i LOVE YOU!!


My brain is so occupied with thoughts of you,a sweet and loving feeling.... all
because you hold the key to my heart... honey!! i surrender, pls keep me safely
locked and never set me free..

I am forever devoted to our relationship together, you are in every touch of

everything i have ever wanted, kindly let us carry on with our lives together
sudden to fall in love with each other
I want to fell helplessly in love with you, because my heart and mind long for your
type of woman...loving , caring, understanding, open minded and yet humble

Even from your words i can feel your moods, i want to always make you laugh
regardless of the irritations of daily life, i want to always make the the sound of
your laughter ring through my ears and touch my heart forever

I want us to live the true story of a love without end! the more true meeting of
souls! Love you so much my love

The fact that we have not even met physically, but yet we are so connected that we
can almost touch each other....

Merely looking at it, the length of time we met is totally disproportional to the
depth of our feelings for each other, this couldnt have been if not divinely
approved ... God made you for me my wife and i will forever cherish you and love


My first impression about you is, you are a very trustworthy, loving and passionate
person who's not afraid to show your emotions! i feel very comfortable telling you
my feelings.

I am here for you and always will be honey... in sickness and in health, in richess
or poor... My heart is your home and your heart is my home forever sweetie!! i love
you honey with all my heart and soul!

I cherish every single moment with you my darling... I have never felt this before
ever in my life towards any one... honey, i have totally fallen for you. i almost
feel helpless at the mercy of your love.

I don't have to ask God for any other thing because, as long i have you in my life
i have everything i could ever wish for, you compliment me ... you make me happy
andyou know how to make me feel like a king ... kiss you my wife

All i want to do is spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made
me.... loving you is my happiness

I can feel your presence honey, like the song Endless Love says, ... "two hearts"
two hearts that beat as one, our life have just begun...!"



Sweetheart, you are my strength and happiness.... thank you for being my wife , If
I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to
say, I love you....

I miss you when I am not with you. When I am not with you, all I do is think about
you. When I think about you I just want to be with you. When I am with you it's
like all of my dreams have come true...

I love everything about you my queen, Life without you is like a broken pencil,
pointless....My treasure i feel so blessed that you have become a part of my life,
and i cannot wait for the day, that moment we can join our lives together as
husband and wife ....

I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms to wake up to your
beautiful smile, share in your joys and sorrows... I want to be your everything,
because you are everything to me....

Honey you are a lady blessed with the greatest soul,the noblest nature,the sweetest
and most loving heart i have ever seen, you are a precious gift from
God......Thanks for saving me from loneliness, i owe my life to you my queen..

I promise to love and always hold you in my heart, i will always be there for you
when you need me, and i will love you no matter what life brings to us. You are my
soul mate, and i vow to love you till eternity.

DAY 10

You are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count
on; you are the love of my life, you're my one and only, you are the queen of my
herart and my everything....

Honey i believe God was thinking about me when he created you ... he made you to be
my therapy, my queen you deserve the world, and I know I can't give that to
you....So I gladly give you my world and the chance for us to share our heart and

I love you babe, and every time I see you, I just want to hold you in my arms and
never let go.... You are the light that fills all the dark places in my heart...
you have given me reasons to live again... thank you for bringing joy and happiness
back to my life

Honey can you feel the chemistry between us , this is not is divinely
connected ..we belong to each other you agree honey?

If I died and God asked me what Iwould like to come back as, I wouldnt waste time
to say a tear; so I can be born in your eyes, roll down your cheek, and die on your
lips...i love you endlessly my queen

Honeymy love for you is forever because I fall in love with you over and over again
every time I look into your beautiful are my treasure and i will
forever cherish you... thank you for being there for me

DAY 11

Sometime ago I wished upon a shooting star that one day I would maybe find love,
the woman of my dreams.... Holding you here in my arms makes me realize that wishes
do come true

I never knew how it felt to smile for no reason until i met you my queen ... honey
when you look into my eyes you will find me but when you look into my heart you
will find you... you are the queen of my heart and the air i breath
i cherish every single moment with you my darling... Last night I wanted to send
you a message, but all I could write was, noh ss!w !.... It didn't make much sense
until I read it upside down (I MISS YOU)

I need you my darling..... like the roses need the rain.... Like the poet needs the
pain. I just can not live without you. My body and soul are yours forever, i want
to spend the rest of my life with you my queen ...i want to grow old with you

I can feel your presence honey, whenever you think of me, please know that no
matter how many miles separate us or how much of our lives comes between us, you
are the love of my life and i will never love anyone as much again....

I thank God everyday for letting me meet you and for you falling in love with me
because i know that it would never be as perfect in any other way.... i love you
straight from the heart, you are my endless love .... Love and cherish you so much
the queen of my heart.......


DAY 12

Thank you for coming into my life, No matter how the best of professional
dictionaries advance in their definitions of love, I just know that none of their
words would be qualitative enough to describe my love for you and even yours for
me. We are the best!

You are my heart when it comes to love. You are my merriment when it comes to fun.
You are sure my fulfilment when it comes to talking about the future. I love you so
much my pretty wife

Like a flame which lights up my path, so is your love. Like a galaxy of stars in
the midst of my gross darkness, so is your care. I love you

I just want to be where your love would lead me, until the end of time. It is a
choice that is worth making.... I can not live without you

Love is beautiful, love is cute, love is wonderful and love is glorious. I know all
these through your care. You are indeed an heaven-sent!

I want to go down the aisle with you. I want this so fast and I am feeling like I
can't wait. I take a pause and I can clearly see that it's worth the waiting.
Smiles, I love you

I would not be here today if not for God that gave a caring hand to me from
you..... Thank God I met you.... To talk of dreams, you are the kind that comes
true for me.... To talk about joy, you are a daily dose for me too. I love you so
much and every day i miss you more and more ....

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