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1. From: AIR EXPRESS <airexpress1934@gmail.

Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Air Express Courier Service

VIA ASIA 1220,08144
This is to notify you that your shipment has just arrived from the Indian Ocean
to our security company here in (TURKEY) deposited by your husband or father
"Charles Nicholas" During the rescue operation, we have been instructed here to
deliver this shipment to you within 24 hours of the arrival in our security

Please Confirm the shipping address to ensure proper.

Name....Jacqueline C Hughes
Tell Number.... 828-765-8785
House Address.... 212 Hanging Rock Rd Spruce Pine, No 28777
County..... United State

All the same, teaching Following the delivery of the shipment, said deliver ability
shipment to you within 24 hours to avoid demur-rage charges after 2 days of
storage. We tried to contact your number, but not reachable then we need to enter
as soon as possible in contact via e-mail. For your reference, local tax bills to
be paid before we execute delivery to you in your country (212 Hanging Rock Rd
Spruce Pine, No 28777) of residence, amount is $ 950 Dollar (Nine hundred fifty

You are therefore advice to quickly make the payment though Western Union and get
back to us with the evidence of payment. (WESTERN UNION).

FIRST NAME.....Onyekachi Daniel

TEL NO...... +905378491238

Once payment is made, you must submit to us a copy of the bank transfer slip to
enable our official statement confirming the payment and start processing delivery
of the shipment to you urgently. Thanks for choosing Air Express Delivery Service,
We look forward in pairs to hear from you soon.

Mr Aminah
Air Express Delivery Service
Tell Number: +905378491238


2.From: AIR EXPRESS <>

Date: September 19, 2019 at 1:57:46 PM EDT
To: Mila Bokern <>
Subject: Re:


ATTENTION....... Mila Bokern

We write to inform you that this company is not happy with the present situation
regards the delivery of your shipment.You almost put this company and yourself into
a serious problem if not because of the quick intervention of the General manager
and beside you would have lost your shipment we still thank God for quick
intervention.We only deliver goods and services.You should have told us the content
of your shipment is money otherwise we know how to escape the custom. We have done
it for our customers when they reveal the content to us and the company will
declare it as company funds for investment.
Our delivery officers were highly embarrassed at Airport. A scanning was carried
out by the customs and immigration and it was discovered that what you have in your
shipment is a lot of money. We tried calling you but we can't get across your
number, an urgent response is immediately needed from you via phone or email us
I have a personal relationship with you and beside I am a mother and at least you
would have put me in confidence otherwise they would have charge you for money
laundering and other related offenses like sponsoring Terrorism and you know fully
well what is happening around the United State now.

However,after much negotiation with the top Custom officials and the company
management,they told us that before they can release your shipment to us that we
should give them your personal information but we refuse because we know the
implication and given them your information means you will be in serious problem
and our customer is our first priority.
After much deliberation,they told us we must produce or obtain International
monetary transfer certificate and Anti-Drug / terrorist certificate before they
could release the shipment to us for delivery to you with in 12 hours, you have to
make the payment available as soon as possible to obtain the certificate and
deliver your shipment faster

We have contacted the relevant authority here in United State to issue us the
certificates because we do not want any further problem and was told it will cost
you 12,600 dollar ( Twelve thousand six hundred dollar) We are still there now at
the airport and please get back to us as soon as possible

You are therefore advice to quickly make the payment and get back to us with the
evidence of payment.We are still at the airport waiting for your response now

Account Number..... 586038433037
Routing Number....026009593
BANK ADDRESS......11025 Farm to Market 1960 Rd W, Houston, TX 77065

Yours Faithfully.
Mr Aminah
Air Express Delivery Service
Regional Co-Ordinator.Eqs

3.From: AIR EXPRESS <>

Date: September 25, 2019 at 3:26:49 PM EDT
To: Mila Bokern <>
Subject: Re: Receipt

Good day.....Mrs Mila Bokern, Please we are still working on the

case. After the meeting we had this morning with the Anti
Terrorism/Money Laundering Department regards the release of your
package, they are demanding for the Certification Insurance of the
money inside the box.

We have contacted all protocols and agencies related to the above

mentioned body to ascertain the truth about the Certification
Insurance of the money, they stated that the money must be insured to
avoid court case against the sender and the receiver.

We had inquired from the Anti Terrorism/Money Laundering Department

how much will be the cost of the Certification Insurance, they said it
would cost you the total amount of 18,550 dollars

Failure to pay for the above stated charges, means the Sender "Raymond
George" and the receiver "Mila Bokern" will be detained and meant to
face court criminal charges and you could be jailed for 25 years.

Below are their bank details to make the payment:

Account Number..... 586038433037
Routing Number....026009593
BANK ADDRESS......11025 Farm to Market 1960 Rd W, Houston, TX 77065

Mr Johnson.
Regional Co-Ordinator.Eqs

On 9/25/19, Mila Bokern <> wrote:

I just want to know if you received the receipt I send yesterday.Thanks,

4.From: AIR EXPRESS <>

Date: October 7, 2019 at 4:27:19 PM EDT
To: Mila Bokern <>

Dear: Mrs Mila Bokern.

Due to the meeting had this morning with the State Government
officials your Shipment can not be deliver on 9th because there is a
little problem with the Airport authority top official and the Florida
Government. The airport top officials reported the case to the State
Government that they want to follow the due process before the
shipment can be deliver to your house address provided.

Declaration claim that it is a new security measure put in place by

the Government of Florida, since the funds is not been Invested in
this State that 4% ( 34.000 dollars) must be made to Florida State
treasury before the shipment can be released and the payment have to
be made urgently to enable the State Government issue a certificate
that will secure the shipment till its deliver to your house address
(925 Gulfport rd se Palm Bay Florida 32909).

They further explained that if the payment is not made per their
request, they will immediately sue you and the sender to court of
Law, because the State Government have all your details and they will
come to arrest you and face the court law.

This is to bring to your notice Should you in any way default, you and
the sender will be sue by the State Government.please try and make the
payment as soonest so that we can deliver to your doorstep.

Failure to pay for the above stated charges, means the Sender "Mr
Raymond George " and the Receiver" Mrs Mila Bokern" will be detained
and meant to face court criminal charges and you could be jailed for

Below are their bank details to make the payment:

Account Number..... 586038433037
Routing Number....026009593
BANK ADDRESS......11025 Farm to Market 1960 Rd W, Houston, TX 77065

Mr Johnson.
Regional Co-Ordinator. Eqs

5.a} From: AIR EXPRESS <>

Date: October 28, 2019 at 5:07:18 PM EDT
To: Mila Bokern <>

Attention: Mila Bokern

I write to inform you that our delivery officer just alerted us from the Airport
that your shipment is being hold by the customs. They are demanding for custom
clearance document, and we have sent our company lawyer to find out how to secure
the clearance document. Never the less you will be updated soon when he is back.

Best regards.

Next day......

5.b} From: AIR EXPRESS <>

Date: October 29, 2019 at 6:08:36 PM EDT
To: Mila Bokern <>

Air Express Courier Service

VIA ASIA 1220,08144
Hello Mrs Mila Bokern. We are here to notify to you that a scanning was carried out
by the customs and immigration and it was discovered that what your husband Mr
Raymond George have is a lot of Money and Documents in the shipment, now we were
advise to transfer the money to you through Bank to Bank for security reason, this
reasons came up with the custom officers and our barrister that will should
transfer to you via Bank and no deduction will be made, the bank will transfer the
total Sum of 850,000.00 You are therefore advised to quickly provide your bank
account information we are going to send to you below this message. The above
measured 850,000.00 Will be transferred to your bank account. We are going to
handle the box to the bank manager to make sure the money transfer to your bank
account with in 24 hours.
Quickly forward your bank account details to this email (
transfer your fund to you now:

Account Name: ...........

Account Number:.........
Bank Name:.................
Bank Address:..............
Swift Code............
Snap Photo of your ID.....

Thank you for choosing Air Express Delivery Service, do we look forward to your
urgent response.
Best Regards.


5..c ]


Date: October 30, 2019 at 5:33:49 PM EDT
To: Mila Bokern <>
Subject: Re:


Vale Europa 175 00144 ISTAN.

ATTENTION,Mrs Mila Bokern

I am Yusuf Osman,the chief account officer department in Banco posta Bank I write
to inform you that we have received and confirmed of your bank details to transfer
the sum of 850,000 USD(Eight Hundred fifty Thousand USD) into your bank
account,Never the less you will be updated soon how you can make the transfer with
online banking.

Our Bank promise to Satisfy you with Our quality bank Services.
Thank you for banking with us.
Tell..... +905347775437
Account Officer:Yusuf Osma




Date: October 31, 2019 at 3:02:42 PM EDT
To: Mila Bokern <>

We are writing in respect of your pending transfer .A hold was placed on your
transfer by European E-Convert Department due to non payment of your C.O.T fee for
the transfer of $850,000 DOLLARS to your local Bank account,i want you to
understand that your required (C.O.T) is a CODE from the World Bank Of European
Department to all Huge Funds going out of the Country to regulate Money Laundry,
Bribery and Theft . And Your 24hrs online account require C.O.T code from the World
Bank of Turkey and immediately you Pay for your C.O.T Code, i will process it for
you here then the World Bank Of European Department will send your C.O.T code to us
to enable us release your transfer and confirm it in your local bank account.

Details are below on your COST OF TRANSFER CODE (C.O.T)The COST of transferring the
sum of $850,000 DOLLARS From Turkey to your country will cost you the sum of
$48,500 and please note that there is no deduction because the British Government
have instructed that all funds should be transferred to Beneficiary without any
deduction. You are to make your payment for your C.O.T CODE which will cost you the
sum of $48,500 as soon as your payment is confirmed and verified your C.O.T will be
sent to you to enable you complete your transfer.For payment you are requested to
write me for account details as soon as possible .
And as your Account Officer here i will help you when i receive the above charge i
will proceed with your Account Activation Processing with the World Bank Of

So i advise you go ahead with your Payment because you need to make payment for
your cost of transfer fee to enable us get the confirmation code from the World
Bank Of European and you have to respond to their terms and Condition backing your
transfer because your Fund is huge leaving to your country and you need your C.O.T
code for easy transfer of your FUNDS. But if you can not Pay today then your
account will be pending for 7 working days and if no payment within 7 days your
transfer will be terminated by Bank Of European E-Convert Department.

Failure to pay for the above stated charges, means the Sender "Mr Raymond George "
and the receiver" Mrs Mila Bokern " will be detained and meant to face court
criminal charges and you could be jailed for 25 years.

I look forward to hear from and Our Bank promise to Satisfy you with Our quality
bank Services.

Glad you Chose BANCO POSTA EUROPEAN and we promise to Satisfy you with Our quality
bank Services. Thank you for banking with us.
Maria Val
(Account Officer)

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