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Interview Questions

1. Have you done anything fun in the last few weeks?

Yes, I have played the guitar / Yes, I have danced a lot / No, haven´t done
2. When was the last time you tried something new and exciting?
My last time was I went to the sea.
3. Have you ever been abroad? Where?
Yes, I have been to Canada/USA / No, I haven´t been abroad
4. If you were going to travel the world, would you prefer to do it alone or with
friends? Why?
I prefer to do it with my friends, because I enjoy with them.
5. Would you say that it is essential to get a degree in today´s society?
I wouldn´t say that, It´s not important nowadays
6. Are you the kind of person who spends a long time studying for exams?
Yes, I am I spend lots of time studying/ No, I´m not, I don´t need it
7. What motivates you more, having a challenging job or earning lots of money?
In my case, I prefer/like the challenging job
8. Have you ever worked in a job that you couldn´t stand?
Yes, I have worked in a restaurant / No, I haven´t worked
9. Do you prefer buying things online or in actual shops?
I like buying online / I like to visit the stores
10. Do you feel that you have enough money to do the things you want?
No, I need more money / Yes, I have what I need.
11. What part of your routine do you consider to be a complete waste of time?
None of them. / when I have to take a shower / When I have to take the bus
12. What are your future plans when you finish your studies?
I want to travel the world /I have to get a better job
13. What do you usually do on your birthday?
I usually go to a restaurant
14. What do you do to keep fit and healthy?
I don´t do anything / I do exercise / I ride the bike
15. Which person has had the biggest influence on your life?
My father has been my biggest influence
16. Where do you prefer to hang out with your friends?
We like to go to the bar /
17. Do you prefer to spend time alone or share experiences with other people?
I like sharing with more people / I like to be alone
18. Are you into playing computer games?
No, I don´t like computer games / Yes, I like playing computer games
19. What do you use the internet for?
To look up homework information / To learn important things
20. Is the way you dress important?
Yes, it´s important to look nice/important/fancy

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