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Now I Know

Date: __________________________
Unit Four
Ex1: Find and write solutions to the problems:
1- Problem: a minor injury in a road accident.
Solution: __________________________________________
2- Problem: a major injury in a road accident.
Solution: __________________________________________
3- Problem: many injured in a big emergency.
Solution: __________________________________________

Ex2: Write these words next to their definitions:

Ambulance - ankle - burn - elbow - fall over - follow -
happen - injury - lie down - paramedic - severe

1- Two parts of the body ____________, ________________.

2- Something that contains items to treat minor injuries.
3- A verb that means to come after a person or thing. _____________
4- An adjective that means very bad. ______________
5- A verb when fire hurts you. ______________
6- A verb that means to take place. ______________
7- A person who travels in an ambulance and treats you when you’re
injured or sick. _____________
8- A verb that means to drop to the ground. _____________
9- A verb that means to be in a position in which your body is flat on a
surface, such as a bed. ________________
10- An emergency vehicle. ________________
11- Damage to the body. _________________
Date: __________________________
Ex3: Give one word:
1- a special vehicle for taking sick or injured people to the hospital.
2- the joint between your foot and your leg. _____________
3- to destroy or damage something with fire. _______________
4- the joint where your arms bend. _________________
5- to accidentally drop down onto the ground. ___________________
6- a box containing equipment needed to give immediate medical help in
an emergency. _______________
7- to move along behind someone else. ________________
8- when something happens, there is an event that no one planned or
expected. ______________
9- physical damage to someone's body. __________________
10- to be or move into a position in which your body is flat on
something. ______________
11- someone whose job is to help sick or Injured people until they get
to a hospital. _________________
12- very bad or serious. ____________________

Ex4: Complete the sentences below with a suitable reflexive pronoun:

1- Jade’s mom burned ___________ with hot water.
2- Tom didn’t make ___________ a cup of coffee.
3- My mom and dad taught ______________ how to speak Spanish.
4- Have you ever hurt ____________ while you were at school?

Ex5: write sentences. Use the correct reflexive pronoun:

1- Emily/ looks at/ in the mirror before she leaves home.
2- I/ hurt/ while I was playing soccer.
3- My dad/ taught/ to play the drums.
4- Watch out!/ you’re going to spill some coffee/ and burn.
Date: __________________________
5- We dress/ every morning before school.
6- They/ always enjoy/ when they go to the movies.
Ex6: Give one word:
1- ideas that other people tell you, that help you decide what you should
do. ________________
2- to say that you are annoyed about something or not happy with
something. _________________
3- a very serious and dangerous situation that you must deal with
immediately. __________________
4- a piece of equipment that makes a loud sound noise to warn people of
a fire in a building. _________________
5- a large vehicle that carries people and equipment to stop fires.
6- to get bigger in size or amount. __________________
7- very determined or brave. ___________________
8- to do something or go somewhere quickly. _________________
9- something that you say which you know is not true.
10- an official car used by the police. _________________
11- a joke in which you play a trick on someone in order to make him
or her look silly. ________________
12- if something happens suddenly, it happens quickly, when you are
not expecting it. ________________________
Ex7: Choose from the list:
Avalanche - kit -moderate - slopes - trapped

1- The first job of the day is to set the ____________ warning level.
2- The ______________ are already packed.
3- On a scale of to five, two is ______________.
4- It’s essential that every skier in your party has the right _________
and knows how to use it.
5- Your chances of survival drop rapidly after 15 minutes ___________
under the snow.
Date: __________________________
Ex8: Complete the following sentences:
1- He was rushed to the hospital in an ______________.
2- I broke my leg when I was five, that’s the worst ___________ of my
3- We have a ______________ at home to treat minor injuries.
4- He’s good at _____________ instructions.
Ex9: Choose from the list:
Ambulance - ankle - burned – down – elbow- fell over – injuries –
paramedics- severe
1- Dani fell and twisted his ______________.
2- Ayumi ____________ her hand on the campfire.
3- A snake bit Ewan, he was lying __________ with a fever.
4- I had to call an ______________.
5- I was looking at my phone and I tripped and _____________ on my
6- The ambulance with the ______________ arrived very quickly.
7- Ewan’s condition was most ____________.
8- Then, they looked after our minor ______________.
Ex10: Complete the sentences:
1- The ____________ is the part of your leg above the knee.
2- The ____________ is the narrower part in the middle of the body.
3- The ____________ joint connects your legs to your body.
4- The ____________ is between your hand and elbow.
5- The ____________ is the back part of your leg below the knee.
Ex11:Read and complete. Use reflexive pronouns:
1- I told you not to blame ___________ - it’s not your fault.
2- We want you to go to the park by _____________.
3- I really hurt _____________ when I hit my elbow.
4- Tell Pablo to get out of the pool and dry ____________.
5- They always come in for lunch and help ____________ to a cup of
6- She’s so vain- she’s always looking at pictures of __________ on her
Date: __________________________
7- My brothers burned ____________ when they were making hot
8- My mom and I really enjoyed ______________ at the concert.
9- Take a look at _______________ in the mirror. You look fantastic!
10- She taught ______________ to speak Portuguese before she
went to Brazil.
11- I found it hard to dress _____________ after I broke my arm.
Ex12:Complete the following sentences:
1 - Don’t ---------------------, I know you didn’t do your homework.
2- Come on! We must ----------------------- or we’ll be late for school.
3- Don’t sound the --------------------------- unless there’s a fire.
4- Sophia thinks firefighters are really -----------------.
5- My plants don't -------------- well because I often forget to water
6- -----------------, I heard someone knocking on the door. It made me
7- My chicken wasn’t cooked properly, so I had to -----------------------
---- to the waiter.
8- I can hear police car and ambulance sirens – there must be an ------
9- My grandma is very wise; I always go to her when I need -----------
10- You shouldn't ------------------ call emergency services. Someone
else might really need help at that time.

Ex13: Phrasal verbs with put:

1- _________________: delay something to a later date.
2- _________________:extinguish a fire or turn off light.
3- _________________:put something in the place where you normally
keep it.
4- _________________:dress yourself in clothes.
5- _________________:tolerate.
Date: __________________________
Ex14: Read and complete. Use the -ing form or Past Simple.:
1- Before _______________ (fall) and ______________ (break) her leg,
Amira _______________ (climb) to the top of the tree.
2- The dentist __________________ (make) me a new appointment
after _________________ (find) a rotten tooth.
3- I ______________________ (know) what (happen) in the book after
________________ (watch) the movie.
4- Abi ______________ (not know) she ______________ (be) allergic to
cats before _______________ (adopt) the kitten.
5- After ___________ (eat) his lunch, David______________ (be) still
Date: __________________________
Unit Six
Ex1: Give one word:
1- Someone who writes a book. _______________
2- a person in a book, play, film, etc. ___________________
3- the things that are written in a letter or book. _________________
4- books or stories about imaginary people and events.
5- new and better than in the past. ______________
6- a way of describing something by comparing it to something else that
it has similar qualities to, without using the words "like" or "as".
7- pieces of thin paper that have news printed on them, that you can buy
and read every day or every week
8- a book in which the story, characters, and events are not real.
9- the story that is told in a book, movie, or play.
10- poems in general. __________________
11- liked by a lot of people. _____________________
12- to print a book, magazine, or newspaper and make it available for
people to read and buy. ______________________

Ex2: Give one word:

1- a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine. _______________
2- a prize given to someone or something. ________________
3- a webpage in which you write about your opinions and what you
have been doing. _______________
4- someone who writes a blog.____________________
5- to think very carefully about what you are doing.
6- someone whose job is writing about music, movies, books, etc. and
saying whether they are good or bad. __________________
7- interesting and enjoyable. _______________________
8- if something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you
laugh a lot. ____________________
Date: __________________________
9- to make you feel that you want to do or achieve something.
10- a big thin publication with a paper cover that you can buy every
week or month. ___________________________
11- a piece of writing on a blog. ______________________
12- someone who writes. _____________________
Ex3: Choose from the list:
Cliffhangers - create - designer - feedback - manuscripts
1- You can _____________ entirely different worlds.
2- She reads about 100 books and ______________ every year.
3- There’s still work to do on your books and I hope I can give you some
4- You need just a few _______________, just something to really hook
in the reader.
5- When you sit down with the _____________to look at the blurb, the
keywords will really help them with the design.

Ex4: Complete the following sentences:

1- This author has written three ---------------------------------. They all
have great characters.
2- Her ideas were really interesting, ---------------------------------- and
so original.
3- “I was so surprised that I Jumped out of my skin!” is an example of a -
4- The typical -------------------------- of newspapers is news articles,
interviews, and pictures.
5- Megan was so happy when she found a publisher to --------------------
-------- her book.
6- Harry Potter is my favorite fictional ----------------------------.
7- I’m not a huge fan of ---------------------------. I prefer short stories.
Date: __________________________
Ex5: Read and complete. Use the correct form of “feel like” and the words
in parentheses:
1- We ____________________ lunch early today. We’re hungry! (have)
2- I ___________________ a movie and _____________ popcorn.
(watch/ eat)
3- Mary ________________ a dress today. She prefers a t-shirt and
jeans. (wear)
4- What ___________________ today? (you/do)
5- I _______________________ to my favorite song. (listen)

Ex6: Complete the following sentences:

1- Jun wrote a great --------------------------------, you can read it in
today’s newspaper.
2- I have to -------------------------------- very hard when I’m thinking of
a story to write.
3- My mom has her own ------------------------------. She posts
something every day.
4- This book is ---------------------------------. You should read it!
5- Allie has won many ------------------------------- for her short stories.
You can read one of them in this --------------------------------.
6- I always wanted to be a -------------------------------- and write novels
and short stories.
7- My English teacher has recently won a/an -----------------------------
for a book she wrote.
8- We laughed so hard because the magazine ------------------------------
-- was hilarious.
9- It’s hard to ------------------------------- on homework in my house
because we’re all so noisy.
10- This novel is very ----------------------------------. It’s number
one on the best seller list!
11- The main ---------------------------- in this book is very inspiring.
He overcomes all obstacles.
Date: __________________________

Ex7: Read and complete:

A person who writes…..
1- Dictionaries: _____________________
2- Poetry: _____________________
3- About another person’s life: _________________
4- Novels: __________________
5- For the named author: ____________________
6- Plays:___________________
7- Scripts for movies and TV: _________
8- News stories and articles: _______________

Ex8:Read and complete. Use the words from Exercise 7:

1- Everyone thought the famous actor had written the novel but really,
she got a _________________ to do it for her.
2- Lee started out as a __________________, writing for the theater,
and now he's a _____________and writes movie scripts.
3- __________________________ have to write new editions of
dictionaries every few years as ne words are added to the English
language all the time.
4- My dad is a _____________ and has had collections of poems
published. But I really want to be a ___________________- I have
loads of ideas for novels.
5- Lou works as a sports ______________ for the New York Times.
6- Adam’s the _____________ a lot of famous people - they trust him
with their life stories.
Date: __________________________

Ex9: Complete the following sentences. Use a few, a little, or a bit of :

1- To make this dish, I should first mix __________________milk,
________________ flour, and ________________ eggs.
2- Nadia is making a birthday card. She's putting_____________ stickers
and ______________ glitter on it.
3- There’s still _________________ water left in my drinking bottle and
I still have ______________ apples.
4- My brother got _________________ money, so he bought himself
________________ fruit bars.

Ex10: Choose from the box:

Article- award- character- concentrate- fiction- popular

1- My English teacher has recently won an ____________for a book she

2- We laughed so hard because the magazine ______________ was
3- It’s hard to _______________ on homework in my house because
we’re all so noisy.
4- This novel is very _____________. It’s number one in the bestseller
5- The main ______________ in this book is very inspiring. He
overcomes all obstacles.
Date: __________________________
Unit Seven
Ex1: Give one word:
1- To talk to someone and tell them something.
2- To make someone believe something. _______________________
3- To tell or show people what you think or feel.
4- If you come face to face with someone, you meet them and can talk
to them or look at them directly. ________________________
5- A movement of your hand, arms, or head that shows what you
mean or how you feel. ________________________
6- To copy the way a person or animal speaks or moves.
7- To send a communication to another person.
8- To not understand a question, situation, or instructions correctly.
9- It consists of things, such as the expression on your face, your arm
movements, or your tone of voice, which show how you feel about
something without using words. ____________________________
10- To make someone decide to do something by giving him or her good
reasons. _____________________________
11- A language that uses hand movements and not words, used by
some people who cannot hear. _________________________
12- Recorded in writing. _____________________
Ex2: Give one word:
1- A set of reasons that show that something is true or untrue, right or
wrong … etc. __________________
2- A talk between two or more people. ____________________
3- Unable to speak because you are too surprised.
4- The quality of not being honest. ____________________
5- The way that a person or animal behaves. ____________________
6- Embarrassing or difficult. _________________
Date: __________________________
7- When one person or group collaborates with another, they work
together. _____________________
8- Showing strong feelings to other people, especially by crying.
9- To ask politely or formally. ___________________
10- An opportunity to be heard. ____________________
11- Not kind or friendly. _____________________
12- To speak for yourself or someone else in a trial or court of law.
13- Precedes a word or phrase to give topic headings.
14- Used in email addresses and social media user names.
15- Separates a website’s name from its domain.______________
16- A little picture that shows an emotion or illustrates a topic of
conversation. __________________

Ex3: Read and complete. Use already or yet:

1- Have we finished the experiment _______________?
2- I’ve _______________ finished all my homework for today.
3- We haven’t started the exam _____________.
4- My brother hasn’t come back from school _______________.
5- Have you been to the new skate park ______________?
6- Arthur has _____________eaten his lunch.

Ex4: Choose from the list.

Furrowed brow- lip curled- mouth open – nodding – squinting eyes

1- When you move your head up and down. _________________

2- When you bring your eyebrows downwards. __________________
3- When you half-close your eyes. _______________
4- When you raise your top lip. __________________
5- When both your lips are widely parted. _________________
Date: __________________________
Ex5: Complete the following sentences:
1- It was a bit embarrassing when I ------------------------------ her
message. I thought she was sad, but it was crying with laughter emoji!
2- I only use my phone to send text ----------------------------- to my
3- Deaf people use ----------------------------- to communicate.
4- I don’t like texting; it’s far easier to --------------------------------- face-
5- I can’t ------------------------------ my mom to get me a smartphone!
Ex6: Choose from the box:
communicate- convince- express- gesture- non-verbal- written
1- _________________: convey a thought in words or by gestures and
2- _________________: not involving spoken words or speech.
3- Movement of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an
4- _________________:Share or exchange information, news or ideas.
5- _________________: expressed in writing.
6- _________________: cause someone to believe something.

Ex7: Read and complete. Use the phrasal verbs with turn:
1- Quick!__________________ the pancake before it burns.
2- My dad’s always telling me to _______________ my music- he says
it’s too loud.
3- We’re going the wrong way. Can you find somewhere to
4- Please make sure to _____________ your phone before the movie
5- Quick! ________________the TV! My teacher is on talking about a
book he wrote.
6- I love this song- ______________ it ______________.
Date: __________________________
Ex8: Complete the following sentences:
1- You should take an umbrella. It _____________ definitely rain tonight.
2- This weekend I ___________ go to the movies with my friends. I am
not sure yet.
3- We __________ go on vacation in July, but we haven’t decided yet.
4- Martin ___________ play basketball with us tomorrow. He’s broken his
5- I _______________be able to help you today. Let me check with my
mom first.
Ex9: Read and complete:
1- The court ____________ started at noon. The accused had a lawyer to
______________ him. The lawyer made a valid ___________. In the
end, he ___________ that his client be released.
2- Gabi thought it was a costume party and came dressed as a rabbit.
She felt really ________________. She got ___________ and wanted
to cry, but everyone was very friendly. She had a long _____________
with two girls from her school. It was a fun party.
Ex10: Read and complete with a suitable idiom:
1- I did all I could, now _____________________.
2- If you need any help just ___________me a ______________.
3- The police investigated the lead but soon they realized they were
4- Susan couldn’t _______________ her mother. She was never home
when Susan called.
5- Why can’t you just _____________? I want your honest opinion.
Ex11: Complete the following sentences:
1- His ____________ has really changed since he started his new school.
2- Don’t tell me over the phone. I need to have it ___________ down.
3- It’s really important to ___________ during group activities.
4- I tried to ____________ her to change her mind but she didn’t even
5- I’ve left a ___________ for my parents so that they know where I am.
6- Steve the parrot got famous because he can _____________ many
Date: __________________________
Ex12: Choose from the list:
Misunderstand – represent – dishonest – emotional – speechless- hearing
1- Federica felt very ____________ when she found out she would
_____________ her country.
2- Don’t _______________ me. That’s not what I meant.
3- The court ____________ might be broadcast by national television.
4- Ryan’s so _____________. He always tells lies.
5- We were ______________. We’d never seen something so beautiful.
Date: __________________________
Unit Eight
Ex1: Give one word:
1- A small ball of plastic, wood, or glass with a hole in the middle, used
for making jewelry. __________________
2- The skill or of a carpenter, someone who makes wooden objects.
3- A metal tool with a sharp flat end that you use to cut wood or stone.
4- Patterns or pictures that you sew on cloth as a decoration.
5- In a skilful way. _____________________
6- a piece of clothing. _____________________
7- - A small shiny flat circle that is sewn on clothes for decoration.
8- Doing very well. _________________
9- - A thin pointed piece of metal with a hole at one end for thread.
10- A gentle wind. _____________________
11- To sew two pieces of cloth together. __________________
12- An object made out of stone, wood, clay … etc. by an artist.
Ex2: Read and complete. Use of, from or by:
1- Paper is made ________ wood.
2- Glass is made _________ sand.
3- Garments are made ____________tailors.
4- My shoes are made ___________ leather.
5- My aunt’s antique desk is made ____________ oak.
6- Alicia’s dress was made ___________ her mom.
Ex3: Give one word:
1- To try to do something. _______________
2- A skilled activity in which you make something using your hands.
3- A tool or machine used for making holes in something hard.
Date: __________________________
4- The part of something that is farthest from the center.
5- To use a metal or wooden tool to rub something in order to make it
smooth. ________________
6- To make something flat. _________________
7- To bend a piece of paper or cloth so that one part covers another part.
8- To hit something with a hammer. _______________________
9- Made at home rather than bought from the store.
10- A tool that you use for cutting wood, with a flat blade and a row
of sharp points. _________________
11- To attach one thing to another with a screw. ________________
12- With the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top.
Ex4: Write the tools next to their uses:
1- It smooths rough surfaces. _______________
2- It cuts pieces of wood or metal. _____________
3- It drives nails into wood. _______________
4- It makes holes in wood or metal. ______________
5- It joins pieces of wood together. ________________
Ex5: Read and write :
1- It’s a gentle wind. ___________________
2- You use this to chip away bits of wood or stone. ________________
3- This is when you do something very well. _____________________
4- This is another word for clothes. ____________________
5- It’s when you sew two pieces of cloth together. _________________
6- It’s the skill of making things out of wood. ____________________
Ex6: Complete the following sentences:
1- Look at the ----------------------------- on this dress. It’s so delicate.
2- My cousin is interested in -------------------------------. She loves working
with stone.
3- I need to sew the button on. Where’s the --------------------------------
and thread?
Date: __________________________
4- Kate loves shiny things, like ------------------------------ and glitter.
5- Shanti’s very good at painting, she does it so ------------------------------.
Ex 7: Which fasteners do you have on these items:
1- Sneakers: _____________
2- Pencil case: ______________
3- Boots: ________________
4- Jacket: ________________
5- Jeans: ______________
6- Belt: _____________
7- Shoes: _____________
8- Backpack: _______________
Ex8: Complete the following sentences:
1- To make a birthday card, first -------------------- a piece of paper in half.
2- I love my grandma’s ------------------------------------- strawberry jelly.
3- Don’t stop if you fail at the first ---------------------------- - keep trying!
4- cut the cardboard with a sharp knife to make a straight ------------------.
5- Bats hang --------------------------------- in caves.
6- I love art and ----------------------------- - I’m always making things!
7- Before you start, try to --------------------- the clay a bit with your palm.
Ex9: choose from the list:
Misbehave- mishear- misread- misplace- misspell- misunderstand
1- Sorry! I thought you said the class was finished- I ______________
2- Our class always _____________ when we have a substitute teacher-
we’re a bit naughty!
3- I have __________ my keys. I can’t find them anywhere.
4- You’re doing it wrong. I think you _________ the instructions.
5- Yes, you’re right – I _______________ the instructions. I’ll read them
again more carefully.
6- English spelling is very tricky. It’s easy to ______________ words.
Date: __________________________
Ex10: Complete the following sentences:
1- The pencil was on the floor. It must have rolled off the ____________
of my desk.
2- I’m interested in ____________, last week I made this chair.
3- There’s plenty of _______________ jelly in the kitchen. We had a lot
of strawberries.
4- This book will teach you to __________ paper skillfully and become an
origami master.
5- Put a big plate over the cake pan and turn it ______________ to take
out the cake.

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