s1 Ict Exams

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Introduction to ICT

1. Name the type of information that can be kept in

a. Hospital
b. Agriculture
2. Differentiate between information and data
3. State three example of information that be kept about
a. A teacher
b. A student
4. Write ICT in full
5. Define the term Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
6. What show that communication has taken place
7. Discuss how ICT can help in teaching and learning activities in your school.
8. What is computer system?
9. Mention and explain the five components of a computer system
10. Classify the following computer components under the categories Hardware, Software,
Information, Procedures and People
Computer technician, flash disk, windows 10, S.1 ICT exam, secretary, DVD drive, Microsoft
word, ICT User, manual, creating and printing a letter, photocopier
11. What is a computer?
12. Explain any three uses of a computer in your school or community
13. Data processing cycle is the cycle from when data is input into computer up to when it is output
as information, explain and illustrate the stages for this cycle.
14. Suggest three safety measures for ICT tools in your school
15. What is a computer LAB?
16. Identify any three tools that you can find in the computer LAB and state their uses.
17. Develop a simple computer laboratory rules and guideline for school
18. Mention any four danger which comes as a result of using the ICT tolls in a way that exposes your
life to a long-term health risk.
19. Identify any two threats against computer system.
20. Explain the risk posed by the following threat to a computer and its content
a. Virus
b. Thieves
21. Suggest possible safe guard your school can put in place against computer threat above.
Chapter 2: Computer Hardware and System startup
1. Define computer hardware
2. Mention the five classification of computer hardware
3. Mention any two examples of each classification mentioned above
4. What are input devices. Mention any three examples
5. Mouse is a device that control the movement of the pointer on the screen. Explain four functions
of a mouse
6. Outline any three types of mice
7. A keyboard has the following major part, identify any two keys that are found on this part
a. Typewriter area
b. Function key
c. Numeric key
d. Special key
e. Cursor control key
8. Mention one function of the following keyboard key
a. Spacebar
b. Enter key
c. Backspace key
d. Delete key
e. Caps lock key
9. A biometric device is the one used to identify a person by the measurement of his/her biological
features. Mention three examples of a biometric devices.
10. What are output devices. Outline any two examples
11. Monitor has two different types mention them and give at least one different between the type
12. Write ROM and RAM full
13. What is the different between ROM and RAM?
14. Mention two examples of processing device
15. What are peripheral devices?
16. Outline any two example of peripheral devices and state their uses
17. What is booting
18. Differentiate between warm booting and cold booting
Chapter 3: File and Folder management
1. How do create a folder
2. How do you rename a file
3. File path is an address guide to the location of a file on a disk or network drive. Study this file
path E:\Critical data
Study the interface for Ms Word 2016 and answer the question that follow

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